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Fukushima makes the Pacific Ocean so Radioactive Oceanic life mutates, gets cancer & billions of animals suffer excruciating deaths

Exposure to Fukushima nuclear waste & fallout radiation makes the Pacific Ocean radioactive & destructive to sea mammals & other sea animals, plants & plankton, the foundation of the ocean food chain.

When the plankton die, so do the whales that feed on them, and all the other sea animals that eat plankton, too. The fish die, tide pool life dies, seals, walrus, octopi, squid, clams ...all get immune deficiency diseases, cancers of the organs, lesions, tumors and die.

As if that's not enough to make cry, look in the mirror and say, "I am responsible for the deaths of whales, dolphins, seas, sea turtles, salmon, tuna, lobster, tide pool life ...it is my fault because I am too stupid to know that nuclear waste and fallout can not be allowed to be dumped into the ocean. And I am a coward, because I do not put the central bankers who created nuclear energy and poison Mother Nature and gang-rape Mother Earth in prison then have them executed.

Why? ...in Heaven's Name

Why in Heaven's Name are the scumbag rulers of Japan and Corp. United States and their lackeys like Henry Kissinger and Hillary Clinton, who sucks his dead d*ck not on death row for poisoning oceanic life and life on land with nuclear waste and fallout? Henry and Hillary refused to let Japan be nuclear-free by 2030. Then, the whole world could be nuclear free by then, too.

Why? ...a thousand times, why?

It's your fault because your Congress will not make laws to stop them; so, you will not charge them, try them, find them guilty, and treat them to the death penalty like the trash and worthless human scumbags they are.

Who dun it?

Fukushima did not kill the Pacific Ocean with radiation ...you did. Why? You did not protest against nuclear industry, you self-entitleed lump of clay. You do not have the breath of God in you, only the forked tongue and forked tail of the Devil.

Animals kill to eat. You kill by staying in denial. Men in the Corp. United States are naturally soul suckers draining out lives of the innocent like finishing off a Slurpee.

I will not waste words trying to talk sense to you.

You won't get it.

You're way past common sense.

You live in a mirror and that is politically correct; you won't rock the boat ...much less stop this needless slaughter ...much less save your Angelic Soul to complete your purpose on Earth.



How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations & Legitimate News

Hello life Goodbye

    How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations & Legitimate News – From the Snowden archive

09:50 AM Feb 26, 2014 -8036.1-  Snowden docs reveal Gov’t agents manipulate, control online discourse with deception: reputation-destruction – spreading lies on internet – false flag operations & emails to people’s families, friends (GRAPHICS)

CIA - The Mighty Wurlitzer, Lou Wolf's Covert Action Quarterly c. early-1990s  

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations & Legitimate News

The dark forces of corporation-caused global warming & of nuclear fallout & gov't military eXtreme climate change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare).

NPR propaganda supports nuclear power and you must obey.

Can you find NPR in the list  of all the deep state propaganda, misinformation & disinformation organizations that support nuclear power & war?? ...what about the City & Fed who own & finance it all? Dem Dere?

Species loss



Self-preservation and Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (and website) to document that prior and ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste and fallout and prior atmospheric testing and waste and fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...and is a feminist issue because women and girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...and 41,000 men, women and children a day get fatal and non-fatal cancer from accumulated and new nuclear industry radioactive waste and fallout  ...and that central bankers own the major corporations (including nuclear industry) polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature and with Environmental Personhood corporations and the central bankers that direct them are liable.

Self-preservation and Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (and website) to document that prior and ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste and fallout and prior atmospheric testing and waste and fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...and is a feminist issue because women and girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...and 41,000 men, women and children a day get fatal and non-fatal cancer from accumulated and new nuclear industry radioactive waste and fallout  ...and that central bankers own the major corporations (including nuclear industry) polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature and with Environmental Personhood corporations and the central bankers that direct them are liable.


The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know 

Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia and Divine Order


Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database


...and you know something's happening, but you don't know what it is ...do you, Mr. Jones? (here)

10:52 pm June 28, 2015  -8667- Nonprofit Group: Every single person we hosted from Japan has had health problems – Blood stains found in almost all of their beds – Japanese Mom: Most mothers I’ve met from Tokyo and Fukushima are suffering thyroid problems, eye problems, nose bleeds – very surprising (VIDEO)

02:21 PM Jun 26, 2015 -8666- NASA Experts: Southeast U.S. hit by anomalously high levels of polonium from Fukushima – Never seen before, except during volcanic events – Fallout also detected in Mississippi river – Polonium releases kept secret in past nuclear disasters; Death estimates would skyrocket if included

04:29 PM Jun 25, 2015 -8665- Eerie new phenomenon attacking sea creatures on West Coast - Marine life disappearing from tide pools – Fish, octopus, mussels, urchins, limpets, sea hares seem to be leaving… There’s something going on – Experts have no idea what to expect next (VIDEO)

08:17 PM Jun 24, 2015 -8664- Fukushima plume model shows 1 Million Bq/m2 over West Coast after reactor explosions – emails reveal highest levels of Gov’t worried about U.S. health impact – Nuclear industry tries to bury truth – Ignorance &/or propaganda: UC Berkeley experts tells public there is no plume  (VIDEO)

03:08 PM Jun 23, 2015 -8663- Fukushima: Three nuclear cores melt down, burn through buildings into groundwater; Chernobyl core stayed in building; kept dry (VIDEO 21:15 in)

03:51 PM Jun 22, 2015 -8662- West Coast marine life affected in ways never seen before - unusual increase in dolphin, sea lion, and seabird deaths (VIDEO)

08:43 PM Jun 20, 2015 -8661- Pacific Rim/West Coast: Ten giant whales dead off U.S. coast - mass die-off of walruses and seabirds nearby (AUDIO)

06:24 PM Jun 19, 2015 -8660- NBC  – West Coast, San Francisco-to-San Diego: Sea creatures swarm ashore – millions dead blanket coastline for miles, 12-16 inches high (PICS & VIDEO)

01:12 PM Jun 18, 2015 -8659- TV: Canadian Gov’t detects airborne radioactive elements from Fukushima – Radioactive materials are still gushing from plant – Unexpected difficulties preventing escape of airborne radioactive contaminants (VIDEO)

05:03 PM Jun 16, 2015 -8658- Study: Fukushima radiation will cause long-term harm to Pacific salmon population – Efforts needed to protect species from extinction – Radiation monitoring is critical to avoid human health problems – U.S. inland areas also at risk of exposure

10:11 PM May 31, 2012 -3475- Former head of Japan’s #1 newspaper worked with CIA to promote nuclear power

05:46 PM Jun 13, 2015 -8656- CIA Agent: Gov’t covering up effects of radiation; I hope public becomes more aware of threat to their health – Study: Actual radiation risks are orders of magnitude greater than official estimates; Completely changes the picture… a serious public health hazard (VIDEO)

06:01 PM Oct 11, 2013 -6534- Olympic athletes & tourists warned they will be in danger from Tokyo radiation – Cesium at almost every venue tested

12:10 PM Aug 22, 2016 -8827- TV: Astronomical radiation in downtown Tokyo – directly outside gov’t building – ‘Horrific’ readings where kids play in Fukushima, ‘extreme’ levels where food grown for school lunches – nuclear expert shocked, upset by discovery, Gundersen found Tokyo remains contaminated – measured dust and found high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Current residents inhale it every day  (VIDEO-CCTV Channel 17 interview )  

05:20 AM Dec 3, 2013  -6769- Sea star die-off worse than thought; Now over entire West Coast; Going from one species to others – Gov’t tests ‘rule out’ Fukushima - melting all at once (VIDEO)

12:47 AM Dec 3, 2013  -6768- 70% of Japan polluted by Fukushima radioactive material; Tokyo contaminated with highly toxic radiation – Experts worry about catastrophic impacts on health

07:06 PM Dec 2, 2013  -6767- Study: [Many people] expected Fukushima plume to disperse before hitting West Coast – In reality sharp features were detected even after several days travel (GRAPHIC)

05:56 PM Dec 2, 2013 -6766- Gundersen: They want to dump all Fukushima’s radioactive water in Pacific – TEPCO: It will be diluted, then released –Professor suggests pumping it out in deep ocean (VIDEOS)

04:59 PM Dec 2, 2013 -6765- High risk of nuclear holocaust at Fukushima – Plant to keep emitting radioactive materials for a thousand years (AUDIO)

09:14 PM Dec 1, 2013 -6764- Study finds giant strontium-90 release into body of water begins around 1,000 days after reactor meltdown – 1,000 days after 3/11 = December 2013 – Graphic shows very high levels discharged for tens of thousands of days

02:29 PM Dec 1, 2013 -6763- People on West Coast concerned about Fukushima plume - could get much worse – radioactivity flowing into ocean – Gov’t not testing water or fish (AUDIO)

04:05 AM Dec 1, 2013 -6762- NBC Nightly News: Another highly troubling report about what’s going on in the Pacific – Millions of starfish ‘melt away’ from Alaska to California – Expert: Fukushima radiation ‘not ruled out’ as factor in epidemic – different than anything seen before (VIDEO)

11:14 PM Nov 30, 2013 -6761- Whale Expert near Vancouver: In 30 years I’ve never ever seen this kind of behavior, they must sense this is a safe place to be – Captain: I’ve never seen anything like it in 50 years on Pacific – one even placed its head on the boat (VIDEO)

07:45 PM Nov 30, 2013 -6760- Massive amount of debris off Hawaii, You had to be there – just kept going & going – so odd it was in straight line – accumulated off islands, warns of fish contamination – Rare dolphin washes up with heart problems & stomach lumps, last examined in 1980s

04:22 PM Nov 30, 2013 -6759- CBS News: 100s of whales in bay on California coast; just aren’t sure what’s going on (VIDEO)

11:19 PM Nov 29, 2013  -6758- Leading edge of Fukushima plume now on West Coast – Fish Market Owner: My customers have a lot of concerns about the nuclear contamination (AUDIO) KPFA, Nov. 29, 2013 Paul Johnson, owner of Monterey Fish Market: People are very concerned about it. I think that anytime that you have an issue like this coming out of the cold war and everything; people have brought a lot of concerns about nuclear waste along with that. Particularly here in Berkeley California people are all very smart, educated. People really want to know exactly what is going on. I didn’t expect quite as much concern from the retail customers.

02:32 PM Dec 7, 2013 -6786- Gundersen: When the radioactive plume hits West Coast in a few months it’s not going to end - Fukushima still pumping contamination into Pacific Ocean 1,000 days after disaster began (AUDIO)

11:02 AM Dec 7, 2013 -6785- Highest radiation levels detected outside reactor buildings at Fukushima - People exposed to it would die in 20 minutes (VIDEO)

05:49 PM Dec 6, 2013 -6783- Japan new state secrets law - criminalizes investigative journalism? - terrorism defined as imposing one’s opinions on others

05:32 PM Dec 5, 2013 -6780- Japan Official: This is the way the reign of terror begins! - Lawmaker is physically restrained; Outrage as secrets bill rammed through - Final passage expected within hours (PHOTOS) 

10:11 AM Dec 4, 2013 -6774-  Protesting secrecy law is act of terrorism – Japan gov’t promotes idea you’re like a racist if you avoid Fukushima produce – Bloomberg: Process echoes George Orwell – Nuclear activists to be constantly spied on?

06:28 PM Nov 29, 2013 -6757-  -6774.1- State secrets bill meant to suppress Fukushima news - Japan public stunned as citizens could face years in prison - Man’s mouth stuffed with cloth after voicing opposition - Toxic leaks into ocean seem unstoppable, gov’t must plug the information instead (PHOTO)

06:24 PM Nov 26, 2013 -6746- Japan’s secrecy law passes lower house – Prison for ‘inappropriate reporting’ – on path to fascist state – fear Fukushima cover-ups to worsen

03:08 PM Oct 8, 2013 -6514- Fukushima leaks are catastrophically large, if gov’t admits help is needed – Tokyo Olympics may be impossible – So unprecedented, there is no solution

04:22 AM Oct 8, 2013 -6511- Asahi: High radiation levels found at possible Olympic sites – Japan Professor: Radioactive materials have spread throughout greater Tokyo; Region remains in emergency situation?

03:01 PM Sep 14, 2013 -6369- Japan Olympics speech ‘backfires’ – credibility of prime minister message erodes; actually, no contaminated water ‘control’

01:12 PM Sep 12, 2013 -6357- Talk of Olympics being taken away from Tokyo if problems at Fukushima worsen over next couple of years

01:46 PM Sep 10, 2013 -6340- AFP: Fears that Fukushima melted reactor cores have eaten through concrete of containment vessels - Tepco plan claims fuel to be removed at same time as 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

04:05 PM Sep 9, 2013 -6337- Reports: New site with high levels of radiation at Fukushima – urgent problem at plant says IAEA; experts to examine massive water build-up – found ‘immediately after’ Olympic speech claiming it’s under control – Can’t dump groundwater in sea?

05:46 PM Jan 11, 2013 -5124- Nuclear song to be performed during Super Bowl half-time show (AUDIO)

CCTV (CHANNEL 17 IN BURLINGTON, VERMONT), published Jun 20, 2016

—(excerpt, below ...more Olympic-related studies & info, here)—

– Margaret Harrington, host: I know you mentioned Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer at Fairewinds, and he said that he measured the radiation there, too. Mr. Gundersen pointed out that human lungs are heavily affected by internal exposures to radiation.

– Arnie Gundersen: At this visit, I wore a radiation proof mask that can filter out 99.98% of radiation for six hours. I sent my filter to the lab, and they found a high dose of Cesium. But, unfortunately, the Japanese government only cares about the number on a Geiger counter and does not consider the internal exposure. This has resulted in a hazardous downplay of this kind of data and human lungs are affected by the serious internal exposure. [T]he radiation from the mountains is coming back to the city by way of wind and rain.

– Mr. Gundersen found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. The current residents are inhaling it every day.

—(More Maggie & Arnie Gundersen, of Fairewinds.org, here)—

03:49 PM Feb 25, 2015 -8577- Nuclear waste on roof of Fukushima reactor flows directly in ocean – Officials keep secret for past year & do nothing to stop it – comes from highly radioactive debris on top of Unit 2; reactor pressures got so high it blew top off – leakage amounts unknown – Fallout far from over… international fury rising (VIDEO)

04:02 PM Dec 22, 2013 -6841- Experts: Really an off year – Pelicans starving in Pacific Northwest since 2011, killing baby birds for food – Breeding poor since 2011 – I believe pelicans are responding to large scale changes – Sardine crash persists in Pacific since decline in 2011

04:49 PM Apr 20, 2014 -8182- CBS San Francisco: Record number of sick seals & sea lions – large pockets of green and yellow puss all over their body – whether it’s in their lungs, in their liver – looks like they got sick systemically. (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

11:42 AM May 24, 2014 -8249- Horror show at Los Angeles-area beach – marine animals get sick and die – hobble, fall over  (VIDEO)

  (your bonus secret pics, here)—

google search engine searches this site, type in tritium  

(Item #'s 0001-to-9012 are from the e-book, Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean)

11:23 AM Apr 7, 2014 -8150- Deformities high in Fukushima insects – Lower body split in half, two tail-like appendages – 1,000% higher death rate in young  (PHOTOS)

10:46 PM Apr 6, 2014 -8149- Marine Chemist: Highly contaminated waste flowing in aquifer below Fukushima – Mag: Groundwater can erupt from seafloor offshore – Gov’t expert warned about radioactive substances springing up in Pacific (PHOTOS)

01:12 PM Apr 7, 2016 -0000-   Nuclear Engineer: Fukushima fallout to continue to flow across Pacific to West Coast for more than a century – contaminating biggest source of water on planet  (VIDEO) (See story, below - here)

09:55 AM Jun 10, 2014 -8275- Fukushima, world’s permanent headache – will be bleeding into Pacific for 100 years – ABC: Biggest contamination of ocean in history  (AUDIO)

02:17 PM Jun 16, 2014 -8284- Pacific Rim, West Coast: Largest disease outbreak ever in oceans – catastrophic mortality – 20 species – potential for global extinction – wildlife die-offs (VIDEO)

04:49 PM Apr 20, 2014 -8182- CBS San Francisco: Record number of sick seals & sea lions – large pockets of green and yellow puss all over their body – whether it’s in their lungs, in their liver – looks like they got sick systemically. (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

11:42 AM May 24, 2014 -8249- Horror show at Los Angeles-area beach – marine animals get sick and die – hobble, fall over   (VIDEO)

07:06 PM Aug 1, 2014 -8345- Millions of fish dead at Oregon coast (VIDEO)

09:39 AM Aug 1, 2014 -8344- Millions of fish found dead on California coast – three major fish kills in 2 weeks (VIDEO)

06:42 PM Jul 31, 2014 -8343- Airborne Fukushima radioactive plume releases: 25,000x normal  (VIDEO)

10:22 AM Jul 31, 2014 -8342- Alaska fishermen: Fukushima responsible – salmon not showing up – have lesions, worms, parasites – crabs easily damaged – a lot of dead catch – herring, cod, halibut, pollock catch drops off

07:34 PM Jul 30, 2014 -8341- Fukushima nuclear waste flows out to sea in underground tunnels – 950 billion Bq/m³ cesium in Unit 2 shaft by ocean – 11,000 tons in tunnels (VIDEO)

08:55 PM Jul 29, 2014 -8340- Canada island: Fukushima debris waist-high; 15-mile stretches

11:09 AM Jul 29, 2014 -8339- Millions of jellyfish-like creatures wash up on Pacific beaches across multiple states – line entire Oregon Coast (VIDEO & PICS)

01:11 AM Jul 29, 2014 -8338- Sea stars disappear from Orange County coast in 2-week period – largest epidemic ever in ocean – something changed marine environment  (VIDEO)

04:09 PM Jul 28, 2014 -8337-  California: Radioactive materials offshore, levels spike 4x normal – crew discovers island of tsunami debris – islands of plastic 1,000 miles from coast – 7 tons and 80 ft. long, can walk on it  (VIDEO & PHOTOS)

10:05 AM Jul 28, 2014 -8336- AP: Marine birds disappear in Pacific Northwest – crashes in many species – herring problem worsens; Mexico bans Bluefin tuna fishing

04:13 PM Jul 27, 2014 -8335- Guardian: Abnormal blood in monkeys Fukushima-linked – epidemic infectious disease could occur – concern for strontium-90 & other radioactive materials besides cesium – relevance to humans

06:00 PM Jul 23, 2014 -8333- Alaska: Caribou mortality high after Fukushima releases; low calf survival rate 2011 & 2012 (AUDIO)

07:59 PM Jun 2, 2014 -8262- Drastic plunge in baby California pelicans – from 1,000s to 10 or less – zero born in study areas

05:00 AM May 28, 2014 -8253- 1% of usual number of baby California pelicans; failure to breed; only 20 newborns in area where 10,000 expected (AUDIO)

11:44 PM May 3, 2014 -8212- Acute hemorrhaging found in dead owls along west coast – mortality event began 8 months after Fukushima explosions – emaciated when arriving in Pacific Northwest from Arctic

01:17 PM May 3, 2014 -8211- California: Toxic outbreak threatens marine life – birds fall from sky, sea lions convulse – heart lesions, severe shrinking in part of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO)

Butterflies of Fukushima augur poorly for 2020 Japan Olympic athletes, coaches & spectators ...since Olympic sites are contaminated & re-contaminated by plutonium blowing down from the mountains & forests, practically, for Eternity      Mutated nuclear industry kids in Japan from Fukushima meltdowns suffer extra fingers, toes, arms & legs

(above, click pics)

08:36 PM May 29, 2014 -8258- Japan Scientist: We gave butterflies food from Fukushima – then, they died; deformities get worse with each generation – TV: Truly horrifying – doesn’t look like a butterfly anymore (PHOTOS & VIDEO) 

09:03 AM May 29, 2014 -8256- Official: Breach at Fukushima reactor blamed on saltwater corrosion – 75 tons of highly radioactive liquid flows out every day (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

11:02 AM Jul 22, 2014 -8331- Pacific Ocean: Mutations in Pacific – red crabs white, bright blue, yellow legs (VIDEO)

12:34 PM Jul 21, 2014 -8330- Radiation in tuna at California coast – bio-accumulation – Fukushima reactors' leaking radionuclides may gather as a lump and drift offshore (VIDEO)

10:34 AM Jul 20, 2014 -8328- Japan: Leaks plague Fukushima No. 5 reactor – water used to cool spent fuel 3,000 Bq/liter of Cobalt-60 (PHOTOS)

07:23 AM Jul 19, 2014 -8327- Fukushima radioactive material still found in U.S. soil – Japan Gov’t: Disaster poses radiation threat to human world society …in 4 days detectable across northern hemisphere – Denmark: Fukushima consequences not limited to borders (VIDEOS)

10:13 AM Apr 17, 2014 -8173- L.A. News Outlet: Fukushima plume to sink fishing industry? …Los Angeles newspapers warn readers to avoid eating locally-caught fish 

02:45 PM Apr 19, 2014 -8181- Officials consider ban on Japan food – Nuclear scientists told Gov’t to halt all imports after finding high radiation levels – never implemented due to fear of hurting bilateral relationship. (Also, see – Secrets of Supermarket Meat & Fish: Hillary Caught Poisoning U.S. Food Supply – Trump Covers It Up? ...here )

03:30 PM Jul 12, 2014 -8318.1- Nuclear expert: Fukushima radioactive releases into ocean for millenniums – Japan tracking radioactive waste in Pacific – it will return to Fukushima from U.S. West Coast in decades (VIDEO)  

Study: High concentrations of Fukushima radioactive material will reach west coast of North America -- "Entire coast" to be affected from Alaska to Mexico -- "Can negatively affect human life for decades... should raise concern" (MODEL)

UPI: Fukushima plume to reach U.S. West Coast in months; Measurable increase in radioactive material -- Study: Prolonged exposure for California lasting 10 years; Hits Hawaii early 2014... may already be surrounded  (PHOTO)

Also see, 12 U.S. States report milk too contaminated by Fukushima fallout to be safe, exceeds EPA safety limits. [Editor's note: Well kids, if the cows eat contaminated hay from contaminated pastures, what about our farmlands,  drinking water, crops, gardens and home property values?]

04:29 PM Apr 21, 2011 -0362- Fairewinds: U.S. news outlets say there’s no threat to health from Fukushima – opposite of what all studies prove about radiation and cancer (VIDEO) .

09:50 PM Apr 5, 2016 -0000-   Nuclear Expert: “Huge spike in death rates in Fukushima for young children”…Officials cover up data – Gov’t committing inhuman acts on citizens – Doctor’s who treat patients suffering from radiation illness put out of business (AUDIO)

08:28 PM Aug 3, 2014 -8348- California coast: Huge increase in dead and sick sea mammals – starving, drooling, brain damaged, suffering seizures – sea lions vanishing (VIDEO) 

01:12 PM Apr 7, 2016 -0000-   Nuclear Engineer: Fukushima fallout will continue to flow across Pacific to West Coast for more than a century – contaminating biggest source of water on planet  (VIDEO) 

Excerpted from -0000- (nuclear engineer: above): "It used to be that scientists believed dilution is the solution to pollution. But I think we’re finding with the biggest body of water on the planet, that you can’t dilute this stuff. And we’re going to begin to see this bio-accumulation, which is all the fish that are in the ocean are going to uptake the cesium and the strontium and become more and more and more radioactive. Off of California, there's radiation at significant levels …in a cubic meter of ocean water, they’re finding 10 radioactive decays every second …So a cubic meter of water, if you’re in a dark room, would have 10 flashes of light every second, and that’s going to go on for 300 years. We have contaminated the biggest source of water on the planet, and there’s no way to stop it."

[Editor's note: Let's say you are a dolphin, or a person ...and you ingest (touch or eat or drink or breathe) a radionuclide and it lodges in your bones, lungs, organs, brain, stomach for example, then it will flash inside you, for example, from one time a second to 18,000 times or more a second. This electrical flash or mini lightning bolts, can decimate your immune system, cause miscarriages or sterility, destroy your DNA and your cell tissue and give you a host of immune deficiency diseases and an unending list of breast-, prostate-, brain-, eye-, thyroid- and other cancers and melanoma ...but after all, if you are a dolphin, whale, salmon, tuna ...or a person ... you don't have to worry about rotting from ingesting nuclear fallout and radionuclides, because according to your enemies (the Fed-owned military industrial nuclear establishment) the good news is: nuclear power is safe and clean ...it will save the world ...stop global warming ...and stop you.

The Forgotten Victims of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

10:15 PM Mar 1, 2017 -8851 -  Professor links die-offs on U.S. West Coast to Fukushima radiation – “Nobody has any idea what to do about the continuing contamination” – River flowing under plant with “molten fuel on the bottom” and it’s going into ocean

Charles Perrow, Yale University professor emeritus & Stanford University visiting professor, published Apr 2016

Could I just make an observation that’s been missing from this interesting discussion? Fukushima accident is not over – not by any means… The cancer rate in Japan is going to rise steadily. It’s going to be denied by the government because there’s no transparency on this issue in Japan. There’s a particular example of the problem that intrigues me is when they put the plant in, they not only dug it out so it’d be closer to the water source – the sea – but they put it where there was a river flowing underneath that area. They went up the hill and they diverted the river so that it flowed down on the sides of the large area there and that was no problem. They never anticipated an earthquake could wreck their diversion. So know we have a strong underground river flowing directly under the plant where three huge globs of molten fuel are sitting on the bottom, giving off radiation, and sending that radiation into the water through the river that’s underneath the plant. And it’s going out into the ocean and we’re seeing damage in the marine life in the West Coast of the U.S. and British Columbia. There’s no way that’s going to be stopped, until they get the molten cores out of there, and they have no way – that they know of – of doing that. Nobody has any idea what to do about the continuing Fukushima contamination.

Watch Perrow’s comments on Fukushima here (at 1:34:30 in)

10:15 PM Mar 1, 2017  -8852- “Mysterious cancer” killing sea lions along U.S. West Coast – Bones turning to “mush” – “Inside there’s just masses of yellow, cancerous tissue” – Animals dying at “alarming rates” (VIDEO)

KTVU, Aug 12, 2016 (emphasis added): Sea lions are contracting and dying from cancer, at alarming rates in their uro/genital tracts, most often among the females. “We are concerned that it is such a high incidence. It’s 19 or so percent in this particular population of California sea lions which is very unusual for any mammal,” says Dr. Padraig Duignan, Chief Pathologist at the Marine Mammal Center… “So, usually when you see a severe disease outbreak like this, in wildlife, there’s some big underlying problem,” adds Dr. Cara Field, a rehabilitation veterinarian…  “Certainly understanding why they get it and what the contributing factors are and ‘do these contributing factors represent a risk to us?’ is critically important for us in understanding what other risks there may be for us as well as other animals,” says Dr. Field.

California Academy of Sciences (bioGraphic), Aug 29, 2016: Scientists Investigate a Mysterious Cancer Plaguing California Sea Lions… The disease starts in the reproductive organs… By the time they die, tumors have sometimes infiltrated their backbones and turned vertebrae to “mush,” [Tenaya Norris, a scientist at The Marine Mammal Center] says. She describes examining one dead animal whose spine she could simply slice through. More than a quarter of the adult California sea lions that die at the Marine Mammal Center suffer from cancer, says director of veterinary science Shawn Johnson. That’s one of the highest cancer rates seen in any wild animal… There’s been a surge of sick animals, especially California sea lions… “Off the California coast, the ecosystem is really under stress,” says Johnson. That stress is hitting California sea lions particularly hard… Over the past three years, Johnson says, 80 to 90 percent of all California sea lion pups have died… And whether or not the disease is becoming more common or simply holding steady, Johnson says he knows one thing for certain: “It’s not declining.” The disease rates researchers are seeing among sea lions are far from normal, and they want to know why. “Wild populations shouldn’t have cancers like this,” Johnson says… Tumors first form in the cervix or penis, then spread, often metastasizing to the lymph nodes and spine… Inside a stricken animal, “there’s just masses of yellow, cancerous tissue,” says Frances Gulland, senior scientist at the Marine Mammal Center… [C]ancer-stricken sea lions have more pollutants in their blubber… “That’s really important for the human health perspective as well,” Gulland says. “These are contaminants the sea lions are acquiring from their prey. And the fish they eat are the same fish that we eat”…

  (0000) Also, see report from 2014: CBS: Record number of sick seals & sea lions — Doctor: A lot with “large pockets of green and yellow puss all over their body” (VIDEOS)

—(Note: refer to Chernobyl studies that fallout mutates viruses and bacteria to form 'new and mysterious diseases' here & here)—

Different radionuclides attack mammals (including people) in specific places.

Radiation Expert: "Terrifying Pacific ecosystem is collapsed since Fukushima" 

09:15 AM Jan 8, 2014 -6896- Radiation Expert: Pacific ecosystem collapsed since Fukushima - Plutonium and uranium spread thru food chain? (VIDEO)

Interview with Dr. Christopher Busby, Jan. 7, 2014

Dr. Busby obtained First Class Honours BSc (Special) in Chemistry from the University of London and researched spectro-electrochemistry at the University of Kent, gaining a PhD.. He was a member of the UK Ministry of Defence Oversight Committee on Depleted Uranium and was elected a Fellow of the University of Liverpool in the Faculty of Medicine. (Source: CERRIE)

Related Posts
09:45 PM Sep 14, 2014 -8420- Expert: Plutonium contamination of Pacific Ocean food chain from Fukushima now suspected; “Real source of potential long term problems for humans” — Newspaper: “Leakage of highly contaminated water into sea must be dealt with immediately” — Gov’t: Effect on health of US public not ‘significant’ (VIDEO)

11:45 AM Jan 10, 2017 -8830-  Fukushima radiation contaminates West Coast fish — “Fears the country’s food chain is polluted… a terrifying discovery” — Scientist: “It appears plume has spread throughout vast area from Alaska to California” — CBS: Bulk of radiation has yet to make it’s way across Pacific (VIDEO) January 10, 2017

--> Marine Expert on MSNBC: Months of uncontrolled radioactive releases from Fukushima a problem for Pacific, radionuclides building up in food chain — Health threat to Americans not likely if leaks ended soon after 3/11 (VIDEO) February 4, 2014

--> Radiation Expert: Fukushima plant “out of control” — Nuclear fuel “is now in the ground… no way they can get at it” — “Will just wash uranium out to sea” — Pollution of Pacific Ocean to continue more or less forever (AUDIO & VIDEO) January 12, 2014

08:17 PM Dec 6, 2014 -8520- France: Plutonium pumped into ocean through miles of underwater pipes – Nuclear waste left lying on beach – kids play on sand where machines scoop up plutonium each day – 1,000% legal limit (VIDEO & PHOTOS)

Nuclear Waste: Disposal, Dumping, Littering, Trafficking, etc.  —(here)—

01:26 PM May 06, 2015 -8627- U.S. university tests animals in Pacific for Fukushima fallout  – tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions, missing testicles, eyeballs – Skin disintegrates, peels off, turns yellow – Diseases never seen in species (Photos)

09:04 AM May 03, 2015 -8623- TV: Billions of creatures dead along West Coast – covers Oregon coast – washing up from California to Alaska – death totals staggering (VIDEO)

08:36 PM Apr 29, 2015 -8621- Whale deaths in California under investigation – whales wash ashore – animals sick, starving, emaciated, too weak to swim, hemorrhaging (VIDEO)

10:34 AM Apr 22, 2015 -8616- Professors: 100s of millions of animals die recently along West Coast – Worst mortality event ever known – wipes out 20 different species – marine life also disappears from Fukushima coast (VIDEO)

09:02 AM Apr 16, 2015 -8612- Emergency closure of fishery on entire West Coast – almost no babies survive since 2011 – catastrophic crash – population decimated – mass reproductive failures – strange diseases – Official: Weird things out there

insert Chernobyl scientific studies, here – radionuclide fallout mutates bacteria & viruses to form new & mysterious disease s

03:59 PM Apr 13, 2015 -8608- Top U.S. Nuclear Physicist: "Iodine-131 lethal after ingestion of 30 billionths of a gram" – Alvin M. Weinberg, nuclear physicist (Director of Oak Ridge National Lab and pioneered the pressurized water reactors and boiling water reactors used in nuclear power plants, worked on the Manhattan Project, appointed to President’s Science Advisory Committee during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations), 1973: Plutonium-239 lethal to man in doses of 16 thousandths of a gram if ingested in lungs; Strontium-90, half-life 30 years, lethal if 70 millionths of gram ingested; Iodine-131, half-life eight days, lethal after ingestion of 30 billionths of a gram.

11:02 AM May 19, 2016 -8817- Billions of pieces of Fukushima nuclear fuel everywhere – where there’s cesium, there’s plutonium – Atom bomb had one (1) pound of uranium; Fukushima had hundreds of tons – great quantities of plutonium found (VIDEO)

09:36 AM Apr 10, 2015 -8607a- Officials: Off California coast – seeing multiple aborted fetuses every day – 100,000s of seabirds that nest in area missing – Huge, unprecedented die-off – many baby seals die after mothers lead them to a cliff edge, brutal to watch (AUDIO)

09:40 AM Apr 09, 2015  -8606- Gov’t Experts: Astounding nuclear fallout measured in U.S. from Fukushima – 500,000 times normal – never seen anything close to that, concentrations go up every  day 7,000 km away – a matter of life & death (VIDEO)

Chernobyl Message

10:27 AM Oct 22, 2011 -1586- German Study: Children living by nuclear plants – double leukemia rates, high incidence of solid cancersReactors cannot prevent radiation escape (VIDEO)

08:44 AM Jan 12, 2012 -2242- Child leukemia doubles near French reactors (Scientific documentation pdf, here) - see summary article, immediately below)

02:36 PM Feb 15, 2012 -2612- Evidence links nuclear plants to ill health – UK blames unidentified virus for childhood leukemia rise

01:48 PM Jan 30, 2012 -2420- 23% higher incidence of childhood leukemia within 16 km of nuclear facilities

07:57 PM Dec 29, 2011 -2132- Gov’t projections: 1 becquerel/hr leak from Fukushima - Actual rate: 10 quadrillion times higher

Child Leukemia By Nuclear Power Plants
Nuclear Monitor Issue: #741 Number 6223 03/02/2012 WISE Amsterdam

The International Journal on Cancer, published in its January 2012 magazine a new study from France, establishing a very clear correlation between the frequency of acute childhood leukemia and proximity to nuclear power stations. It confirms the study conducted in Germany by the Cancer Registry in Mainz in 2008, which reached the same conclusion.

This rigorous epidemiological study is called "Childhood leukemia around French nuclear power plants – the Geocap study, 2002-2007", and conducted by a team from INSERM (Institut national de la sante et de la recherche medicale),  IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire) and the national child cancer registry of the hospital of Villejuif, demonstrates for the period 2002-2007 in France the doubling  of occurrence of childhood leukemia: the increase is up to 2.2 among children under 5 years.

This study again confirms an earlier German study (KiKK-Study Dec 2007) that the incidence of child leukemia more than doubles near nuclear power plants for children below the age 5 living within a 5 kilometer radius of nuclear power plants, compared to children living further then 20 kilometers from a nuclear power plant.

The nation wide study includes 2753 child leukemia cases diagnosed between 2002 and 2007 and a control group of 30,000. The addresses were geocoded around 19 nuclear power plants.

This is in line with a USA study by the National Academy Press, U.S., which argues that women and children are at significantly greater risk of suffering and dying from radiation-induced cancer than a man exposed to the same dose of ionizing radiation.

Current regulation of radiation and nuclear activity ignores the disproportionately greater harm to both women and children. Radiation harm includes not only cancer and leukemia, but reduced immunity and also reduced fertility, increases in other diseases including heart disease, birth defects including heart defects, other mutations.

Sascha Gabizon, international director of the Women's environment and health network (WECF), says, "Studies in Russia have shown that radioactive contamination of pregnant women in Chelyabinsk, Russia, lead to mutations of chromosomes, being transmitted into the 3rd and 4th generation of children". Gabizon: "victims of nuclear energy will never be compensated for, as the nuclear industry pays artificially low insurance costs, which means the tax-payer and future generations pay both economically as with their health. Nuclear energy is highly subsidized, the price of nuclear energy does not include the irreversible and long-term damage caused throughout the nuclear fuel cycle". In the light of these finding Gabizon calls for immediate measure for the protection of the population, especially small children, including legislation and support for resettlement of all families currently living in the vicinity of nuclear power plants.

WECF is a unique network of over 100 grassroots women and environment organizations worldwide, working in multi-sector partnerships demonstrating sustainable development alternatives at the local level, and sharing lessons learned and promoting sustainable policies at the global level.

For years, "Sortir du nucleaire" has seen the IRSN discrediting work in all epidemiological studies showing an impact of nuclear facilities on health. Sortir du nucleaire would therefore on this all too rare occasion like to congratulate the IRSN for participating in this epidemiological study. "Even in non-accidental situation, the proof is in the pudding -nuclear technology does not belong in a civilized world."

The study is available, here — and an immediate PDF download, here 

Sources: Press release Reseau Sortir du nucleaire, 11 January 2012 / WECF press release, 17 January 2012 

12:00 PM Feb 03, 2015 -8556- West Coast: Hit by radioactive nuclear fallout plumes from massive melt-downs & explosions Fukushima Units 1 & 3 –  More nuclear fallout on way

09:37 AM Feb 02, 2015 -8555- CBS: Marine mammals wash up in California – entire coast affected – animals of all ages sick  (VIDEO)

 (your secret pics, here)—

—(Voice of America /U.S. intelligence community/ here  |VOA transcript, here| Huffington Post article, here)—

05:49 PM Feb 01, 2015 -8554- West Coast: Animals die on beaches – walking skeletons; so hungry they gnaw on rocks; skin hangs off (VIDEOS)

06:58 AM Mar 14, 2015 -8588- Expert: Disease outbreak on U.S. West Coast largest ever in any population of animals – tens of millions dead – Scientists: Nuclear fallout from Fukushima to blame (VIDEO)

11:45 AM Apr 28, 2016 -8810- Seals suddenly die on Vancouver BC coast after 2011 Fukushima disaster – Cesium up 5x times in seaweed and fish. 

01:39 PM Feb 28, 2017  -8851- Professor links West Coast die-offs to Fukushima nuclear fallout  (VIDEO) – damage to U.S. west coast marine life and British Columbia

10:08 AM Apr 15, 2015 -8611- Japan Scientist: White lungs in dolphins that died during mass stranding by Fukushima – disease links to nuclear fallout radiation exposure

03:08 PM Apr 11, 2015 -8607- Japan Times: 150 dolphins wash ashore many locations – 50 miles from Fukushima – Largest mass stranding in Japan history  (VIDEO)

09:32 AM Mar 6, 2015 -8583- UCLA: Fukushima nuclear fallout affects local area and worldwide – Gov’t: Iodine-131 plume moves east to U.S. Coast, covers northern hemisphere  (VIDEO)

04:21 PM Mar 4, 2015 -8582- Gov’t: Worse on West Coast – Experts: 35,000 baby sea lions dead? ( AUDIO)

10:26 AM Apr 06, 2015 -8604- Scientists: Fukushima nuclear fallout radiation on North America shores – 7 Bq/m3 cesium at dock in Pacific Northwest  (VIDEO)

09:25 AM Apr 03, 2015 -8603- 13 baby gray whales, 55 dolphins dead on West Coast - Oregon: dead humpback whales – corpses of sea lions, birds, sea turtles decomposing - Fear for whales swimming thru nuclear hot spots (VIDEO)

01:10 PM Apr 11, 2016  -8802-  Fukushima: Radiation so high people’s feet blacken  – "Every time I turn around there's someone with nuclear fallout radiation damage – hair falls out, coughs up blood, bodies covered with boils"  (VIDEO)  2020 Olympics?] Also see,  -8752-   -8827-  -8823-   -8598-   (200 year wait before humanity figures out how to decommission Fukushima reactors – molten cores still melting down) 

Deadly Deep State Propaganda

06:14 AM Nov 14, 2017 -9006- Fuku shima Cover-Up: “Keep cancers a secret” say doctors – “leukemia, cataracts, sudden deaths” –  “Students: sudden heart attacks” – officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death

09:33 AM Jun 19, 2011 -779- Seattle: 35% infant mortality spike post-Fukushima —(& here) (here) (here)— 

08:08 AM Jan 25, 2012 -2376-  Increased infant mortality in U.S. after Fukushima (VIDEO)  —(& here)  (here) (here) (here)   Current infant death spike from Fukushima fallout? —(here)— (VIDEO) 

04:07 PM Jan 29, 2012 -2410- Three Mile Island: Cancer death increase – infant mortality doubles – birds disappear – mutations (VIDEO)  —(& here)—

04:59 PM Jun 15, 2011 -742- Spike in U.S. infant mortality 4 mths after Chernobyl  —(also, here)—

10:12 AM Feb 10, 2015 -8562- FOX San Diego: Sardines, crayfish disappear from Pacific – marine mammals starve, struggle to survive on West Coast    (VIDEOS)

12:59 PM Feb 08, 2015 -8560- West Coast shellfish disappear – finding Pacific shellfish impossible – no local scallops, supply gone – Chef: Began a few months ago, oyster farms flourished for years, sudden shut down (VIDEOS)

07:26 AM Apr 25, 2016 -8809- Dead animals litter California beaches – graveyard of washed-up sea life – malnourished sea creatures – starving to death – covered in sores – stunted growth – weak immune systems  (PHOTO & VIDEOS)

05:06 PM Jan 07, 2014 -6894- Dead: Conjoined Baby Gray Whales found on West Coast of N. America – first ever recorded? - 2 heads – 2 tails, joined in middle (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

08:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806- Surge: Japanese babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima – abortion avoids ‘inconvenient’ babies – many stillbirths  —(also see, Women, here)—

[insert 150,000 antelopes bleed, die near Russian nuclear site]

02:24 PM Jan 29, 2017 -8834- Gov’t declares disaster: Diseased and dying fish on U.S. West Coast – sudden and unexpected large decreases in population – Scientists dumb, stumped –  (VIDEO) (eratta pics)   – Tribal Elders, Yurok Tribe (California) 

06:42 AM Jan 23, 2017 -8833-  Experts: U.S. hit with sudden spikes of rare radioactive material from Fukushima – 15.7 Million year half-life – West Coast – higher amounts than near Fukushima plant just after 3/11

01:49 PM Jan 12, 2017 -8831- Massive die-off of sea creatures California to Alaska – animals starve – food chains collapse – mass starvation on West Coast – I was doing nothing but counting dead animals (VIDEO)

11:45 AM Jan 10, 2017 -8830- Fukushima fallout contaminates West Coast fish – food chain polluted – Scientist: Plume spread from Alaska to California — CBS: Bulk of radiation coming (VIDEO)

Nuclear Energy is Not Safe and Clean

Women & Girls Living within 25 Miles of a Nuclear Reactor get More Cancer than Men or Boys

...or those living farther away

—(feature story, here) & (add'l documentation: pdf, here | ms word w/pop-ups & search engine, here) & (add'l diseases from living by reactors, here) & (fallout secrets of supermarket food, here)—

Gundersen: Terrifying cancer data for Fukushima — “Statistics are astounding especially for young girls” — “Growing concern around cancer risk” —(here)—

For every year a young girl is the in the radiation zone 1 in 100 girls is going to get cancer due to their exposure from Fukushima. As each year passes it compounds, so if a young girl is there for 10 years, 10 out of 100 will get cancer. 

The statistics are terrifying and the Japanese government has allowed families with young children to return to Fukushima prefecture. [Editor's note: First, saying their government benefits will be cut off if they don't go back; and, second, removing their government benefits after they did move back.]

Elevated Childhood Cancer Incidence Proximate to U.S. Nuclear Power Plants

(In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury ...(two types of causation in law: cause-in-fact & proximate cause) –Wikipedia

by Joseph J. Mangano, Janette Sherman, Carolyn Chang, Amie Dave, Elyssa Feinberg & Marina Frimer

Numerous reports document elevated cancer rates among children living near nuclear facilities in various nations. Little research has examined U.S. rates near the nation's 103 operating reactors. This study determined that cancer incidence for children < 10 yr of age who live within 30 mi (48 km) of each of 14 nuclear plants in the eastern United States (49 counties with a population > 16.8 million) exceeds the national average. The excess 12.4% risk suggests that 1 in 9 cancers among children who reside near nuclear reactors is linked to radioactive emissions. If cancer incidence in 5 western states is used as a baseline, the ratio is closer to 1 in 5. Incidence is particularly elevated for leukemia. Childhood cancer mortality exceeds the national average in 7 of the 14 study areas. —(more, here)—

102:13 PM Jul 07, 2016  -8824- Along Canada’s Pacific coast, mussels die – bodies swollen by cancerous tumors – unprecedented mutations let cancer spread from one species to another like a virus (VIDEO)

11:44 AM May 16, 2016 -8816- Largest amount of Fukushima fallout falls on U.S. West Coast & Pacific – no complaints from Obama or U.S. – more fallout on way

09:43 PM Aug 30, 2014 -8398- U.S. West Coast: Surge in marine mammal strandings – whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds wash up – thousands dead – violent seizures – pelicans die in flight & fall from sky  (VIDEO)

10:30 PM Aug 08, 2015  -8693-  Die-off of birds over Alaska beaches, floating in Pacific –  starving – deformed and abnormal animals  (PHOTOS & AUDIO)

11:38 AM Feb 21, 2015 -8572- California coast: Epidemic; mass die-off; lesions prevent birds from eating, breathing (PHOTOS)

[insert bald eagles having seisures in Utah & dropping dead]

01:57 AM Aug 07, 2015  -8692- U.S. Gov’t: What’s going on in Pacific? – many ill baby seals abandoned; dozens of walruses found dead; dying whales, birds, fish (AUDIO) 

08:34 PM Aug 03, 2015  -8690- San Francisco: Whale deaths baffle scientists – dolphins wash up dead on beach, heartbreaking to hear dying baby calling out (VIDEO) 

Baby dolphin killed by toxic event—(8884, here)—

(1) on your computer, download ms word version of free e-book, Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean here | (2) open ms word document | (3) when prompted, enable editing |  (4) press control-f in word document to manifest search & find box; (5) when search engine appears, type –8884– into search engine & press carriage return; (6) when –8884– headline appears click only on –8884–, not on text, –8884– is a link to the original documentation

05:43 PM Aug 01, 2015 -8689- USA Today: Millions of fish dead in Pacific Northwest – salmon covered in fungus, red lesions and gaping sores – extinction?  (PHOTOS & AUDIO)

10:23 AM Jul 28, 2015  -8686- AP: Unprecedented deaths along Pacific coast – mass die-offs: mammals, birds, fish (PHOTOS & AUDIO)

09:16 PM Jul 21, 2015 -8682- Gov’t Official: Silence on the seas, no fish - Professor: Fukushima nuclear fallout reproductive risk to marine life, bio-accumulation of radioactive material (VIDEOS)

12:59 AM Jul 20, 2015 -8680- Fukushima – Plutonium flows into Pacific for years to come – Strontium record levels (VIDEO)

02:26 PM Jul 17, 2015 -8679- Pacific Northwest: fishing closures – mass die-offs linked to disease – 100% infection rate in some areas – rotting gills, distended bellies (VIDEOS)

07:54 PM Jul 16, 2015 -8678- Fukushima: Nuclear waste flows into Pacific – can’t be stopped

—(8398, here)— we need to return this pain to, and legally seize those who are causing agony to mammals (including people) & to all life forms

11:17 PM Jul 12, 2015 -8675- Scientists test for radiation in dead whales, mysterious die-off in Pacific continues – 14 carcasses reported – death toll could rise (VIDEO)

03:50 PM Jul 10, 2015 -8674- Fukushima: Plutonium levels 10,000,000x normal in water below reactors – Plutonium record high off coast in 2014 – transports long distances – every sample from rivers flowing into Pacific has Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, Pu-242

12:37 PM Mar 27, 2015 -8597-  [SEABORNE]  Gov’t Report: Plutonium at 1,000,000 Bq/m3 was detected in ocean off Fukushima – Scientists: Not just cesium ...

Whatever the detailed current direction at the time of the accident is, water mass fluxes are governed by the generally strong Kuroshio and Oyashio currents that are stable at this scale – Contaminated waters are being transported rapidly to the east – Contamination of the marine environment following the accident represents the most important direct liquid release of manmade radioactivity into the sea, ever known:

09:49 AM Mar 25, 2015 -8596-   [AIRBORNE] Expert: Plutonium-241 fallout & contamination from Fukushima 70,000x more than atomic bomb fallout in Japan – ccean contaminated from events such as Fukushima; build-up in biosphere expected; hazard to humans - Molten fuel particle-like, contains special nuclear materials.  Presentation by Taeko Shinonaga, head of Helmholtz radioanalytical lab (pdf), Nov 2014:  Comparison of activity between [nuclear bomb testing] fallout Pu particle & Fukushima origin Pu particle

Global Fallout Pu in Japan [GF]
> Pu240: 1,360 Bq
> Pu241: 645 Bq
> Total: 208,005 Bq

Fukushima Pu found in our study
> Pu240: 197,000 Bq [145 times GF]
> Pu241: 43,700,000 Bq [67,752 times GF]
> Total: 44,061,000 Bq [212 times GF]

09:34 AM Mar 23, 2015 -8595- Dead sea creatures cover sand with sea of red on California beach; Bazillions of crab-like things wash ashore – glow in dark organisms (VIDEO)

12:54 PM Jul 07, 2015 -8673- Large marine mammals dead around California, public warned to expect more – FOX: I kept finding more – ABC: Many dead animals  (VIDEO)

04:20 PM Jul 06, 2015  -8672- NOAA: Young herring suddenly disappear from Pacific – millions of salmon gone - fishermen catch only jellyfish (VIDEO)

11:03 AM Jun 30, 2015 -8669- Mutant fish with giant tumor on head caught near Three Mile Island – Officials: Unrecognizable pathogen in species – lesions found at alarming rate – 70% of males have female eggs in testicles  (VIDEO)

06:56 PM Jun 29, 2015 -8668- Officials: Pacific Ocean threatened by Fukushima releases, 1/3 of globe – U.S.: States in region concerned for safety – urgent need to assess impact on food, water – IAEA (who claim nuclear is safe and clean) begins testing around Pacific

04:29 PM Jun 25, 2015 -8665- Marine life disappears from tide pools – hish, octopus, mussels, urchins, limpets, sea hares leaving – experts have no idea  (VIDEO)

08:17 PM Jun 24, 2015 -8664- Fukushima plume model: 1 Million Bq/m2 over West Coast after Fukushima nuclear reactor explosions & meltdowns 

06:24 PM Jun 19, 2015 -8660- NBC – West Coast, San Francisco-to-San Diego: Sea creatures swarm ashore – millions dead blanket coastline for miles, 12-16 inches high (PICS & VIDEO)

10:36 PM Jun 11, 2015 -8655- Scientist: Birds in bad condition off West Coast – no baby birds survive on islands, usually 15,000 – Poor breeding success …didn’t even try  (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

10:24 PM Jun 10, 2015 -8654-  West Coast unprecedented die-off of nearly endangered marine mammals – More washed up in last few months than all of recorded history combined – Experts scrambled  (VIDEO)

09:48 PM Jun 07, 2015 -8650- Gov’t: West Coast to be hit by 800 Trillion Bq of Fukushima  Cesium-137 fallout – equal to amount of fallout deposited on Japan – levels in Pacific higher than expected – surface plume reaches off coast of U.S. – never slowed down while crossing ocean, contrary to prediction

11:45 AM May 21, 2015 -8637- Pacific Northwest: Deadly black fungus on fish – Gov’t: Concern Fukushima fallout involved – biologists investigate land-based mold in ocean – unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer (PHOTOS)

02:04 PM May 18, 2015 -8635-  Spike in neurological diseases after Fukushima – 600% rise in disorders among evacuees – similar abnormalities reported post-Chernobyl – Heart disease, brain infarction up – Physicians: Public health hazards

07:41 PM May 17, 2015 -8634- Guardian: Entire generation of baby sea lions dying – carts filled with emaciated dead bodies (PHOTOS)

03:13 PM May 14, 2015 -8633-  Seattle: Communities of jellyfish 10 blocks long; herring disappear; spike in salmon deaths (PHOTOS) 

01:04 PM May 12, 2015 -8631-  Mutations begin; birds blind, unable to fly 4 years after Fukushima initial & ongoing nuclear fallout in contaminated areas (VIDEO)

09:51 AM Sep 4, 2013 -6303- Tokyo Professor: ‘Huge’ potential for harm - Fukushima contaminated water in ocean - severe consequences

07:59 AM Sep 4, 2013 -6302-  Fukushima contamination gets more concentrated as it crosses Pacific Ocean, rather than dispersing - makes beeline for West Coast - Scientists cause panic

03:11 AM Sep 4, 2013 -6301- Reuters: International alarm - Fukushima radiation leaks spike to record levels

09:38 PM Sep 3, 2013 -6300- Japan Expert: Contamination from Fukushima travels under seabed - spreads further out in Pacific Ocean

01:29 PM Sep 3, 2013 -6297- Fukushima plume heads to Southern Hemisphere: enters South Pacific and Indian Ocean in 2 decades - to contain 25% of total cesium-137 release

11:59 AM Sep 3, 2013 -6296- Nuclear Expert - CNN: Organized denial at Fukushima - TEPCO not in control at all (VIDEO)

10:55 AM Sep 3, 2013 -6295- Professor: Fukushima Unit No. 4 an immediate problem - Building is sinking, over 30 inches in places - Risk of fission accident in fuel pool (AUDIO)

09:58 AM Sep 3, 2013 -6294- Fukushima No. 4 fuel pool is perhaps the greatest threat humanity has ever faced

08:48 AM Sep 3, 2013 -6293- Nuclear Engineer: Large death toll from Fukushima - Damages to be seen over the next century - disaster unprecedented in magnitude (AUDIO)

07:15 AM Sep 3, 2013 -6292- ABC: Authorities on U.S. West Coast concerned with news from Fukushima - radioactive water pouring out every day & headed our way (VIDEO)

12:32 AM Sep 3, 2013 -6291- TV: Fukushima could be out of control for 100 years - Facing a huge problem - serious threat from M6 quake (VIDEO)

07:30 PM Sep 2, 2013 -6290- Melted fuel is exiting Fukushima site - Very effective way of it being dispersed to humans far away from plant -

02:44 PM Sep 2, 2013 -6289- NBC: 30 Bq/m3 of Fukushima cesium to hit U.S. and Canada - Contamination transported to coast for next 6 years - Concern for impact of strontium-90 (VIDEO)

06:13 PM Sep 1, 2013 -6288- Governor: Who instructed TEPCO to lie for months and say Fukushima didn’t melt down? - explain reasons why lies had to be told (VIDEO)

...and you know something's happening, but you don't know what it is ...do you, Mr. Jones?


03:48 PM Sep 2, 2014 -8403- TV: Starfish on Pacific coast – babies die so quickly – just disappear – change in seawater could have activated deadly pathogen – ecosystem changes now appearing (VIDEO)

Highest levels of Fukushima fallout worldwide ...coast of N. America thru 2026

12:18 PM Sep 2, 2014 -8402- Fukushima forecast used by Gov’t shows nuclear waste crossing ocean in single massive cluster – maximum concentration propagates eastward in Pacific toward U.S. – Highest levels worldwide remain along coast of N. America thru 2026 (VIDEO)

05:20 PM Sep 1, 2014 -8400- Deceased Fukushima Chief: I thought we’re really dead – fears nuclear doom for eastern Japan – total failure in which the fuel melts and breaches containment vessel

04:18 PM Aug 31, 2014 -8399- Pacific Ocean: Chunks missing from bodies of salmon from Pacific – lesions in over 50% of fish being reported – followed by bacterial invasions (PHOTO)

Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds - stranded, seizures, washing up dead

09:43 PM Aug 30, 2014 -8398- Surge in marine mammal strandings on U.S. West Coast –biggest fear is if this is everywhere along coast – whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds washing up in large numbers – thousands likely dead – violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO)

Whales, dolphins - no food - swim in radiation

12:39 PM Aug 30, 2014 -8397- California – no food along Pacific but in isolated areas – Fukushima stresses sea life – dolphins, whales swim in radiation (VIDEO)

09:55 AM Aug 29, 2014 -8395- Officials reveal about 2 Trillion becquerels of Fukushima radioactive material flowed into ocean every month during 2013 – deadly strontium releases double cesium – Strontium gets into your bones… it changes the equation (VIDEO)

07:56 AM Aug 28, 2014 -8394- Strontium-90 from Fukushima found along west coast of N. America – Plutonium – might be in plume – needs to be more monitoring – no sign radioactive releases from plant are going to stop

08:15 PM Aug 27, 2014 -8393- Major science meeting on Fukushima link to wildlife problems on West Coast – looking closely at radiation coming into affected areas, and how to assess impact – Human health experts re-evaluating radiation limits in seafood –  FDA levels not protective (VIDEO)

01:48 PM Aug 27, 2014 -8392- Japan Models show North America hit with very high levels from Fukushima plume – Radioactive material in ocean off West Coast 500x more than expected (VIDEO)

08:25 PM Aug 26, 2014 -8391- Fukushima: 104 children diagnosed with cancer of thyroid – 5-fold increase in rate of suspected / confirmed cancers

01:44 PM Aug 26, 2014 -8390- Fukushima: Multiple reactors melt down on first day, hours after quake – blast at Unit No. 3 not from hydrogen – nuclear explosion? – plutonium in MOX fuel; TEPCO employees stay 50 km away (VIDEO)

Sockeye & Chinook salmon

06:21 PM Aug 25, 2014 -8389- 1% normal sockeye salmon run to U.S. waters from Pacific, normally 50 times higher – lowest rate ever recorded – had expected best numbers ever – Chinook salmon numbers low

01:20 PM Aug 25, 2014 -8388- Official wept at prime minister’s office: I’m sorry, we’ve tried… but we are in a situation beyond our control at Fukushima – Hours Later: Peoples blood ran cold… Huge hole suspected to have opened up in No. 2 Reactor

10:13 AM Aug 25, 2014 -8387- Nuclear Engineer: Studies show multiple fuel cores ejected from Fukushima reactors… I thought so too, it was one of my big concerns – Radiation Expert: Hot particles of uranium and plutonium fuels detected nearly 300 miles away (VIDEO)

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) – NM

10:52 PM Aug 24, 2014 -8386- L.A. Times: Horrific Comedy at U.S. Nuclear Site – Mounds of radioactive white foam laced with plutonium spewed out – Gov’t failed to do radiation tests when releases peaked – Experts: Risk of additional eruptions is real (VIDEO) Watch video footage of the breached containers

May 23, 2014 -8386.1- also see: AP: Ticking time bombs of nuclear waste at multiple U.S. sites? Lab checking for smoking drums – CNN: Imminent threat from radiation – Gundersen: Serious public health effects if one blows; Very, very volatile… like nitroglycerin (VIDEO) 

May 20, 2014 -8386.2- also see: CBS News: Potential ‘imminent’ threat from New Mexico nuclear waste – Official: Risk of substantial endangerment to public health – 57 barrels of nuclear waste could rupture, came from multiple gov’t labs – ‘Unclear’ how many are now at WIPP – Being monitored for rise in temperature (VIDEO) 

11:02 PM Aug 7, 2014 -8357- Fukushima: Trenches filled with thousands of tons of plutonium contaminated liquid constant flow into ocean (PHOTO)

02:36 AM Aug 7, 2014 -8356- Fukushima fuel exposed – reactors leak into ocean; radionuclide seaborne plume crosses Pacific (VIDEO)

02:54 PM Aug 6, 2014 -8355- Pacific Northwest: Die off of young salmon; healthy then die heading out to sea; far less plankton than normal; testing for Fukushima radionuclides (VIDEO)

01:12 AM Aug 6, 2014 -8353- Alaska: New mystery disease much worse – could wreak havoc from Alaska to Mexico (VIDEO)

02:13 PM Aug 5, 2014 -8352- 278 trillion Bq of plutonium released from Fukushima reactors – 200x higher than amount TEPCO reported – highly radiotoxic as it decays in human body

12:24 AM Aug 5, 2014 -8351 - Physician: U.N. whitewashes Fukushima catastrophe; reports 9,000 will die of cancers (VIDEO)

03:44 PM Aug 4, 2014 -8350- Experts: Fukushima globally increased cesium-137 levels in air by 2-3 orders of magnitude – radionuclide plume reaching Europe contaminates land and food chain

12:51 PM Aug 4, 2014 -8349- Plutonium from Fukushima went further than Chernobyl – Researchers surprised their most plutonium-contaminated sample was from site farthest from Fukushima plant – concern material is flowing into Pacific Ocean from land

08:28 PM Aug 3, 2014 -8348- California coast: Huge increase in dead and sick sea mammals – starving, drooling, brain damaged, suffering seizures – sea lions vanishing (VIDEO)


12:05 PM Aug 3, 2014 -8347- Gov’t Report: Over 1,750 navy sailors suffer from ill-defined conditions after exposure to Fukushima radiation while aboard USS Reagan – Significant increases in male infertility, child birth complications – Dozens have thyroid disorders, many spontaneous abortions - Extreme measures used to cover this up (AUDIO)

Major fish kills

07:06 PM Aug 1, 2014 -8345- Millions of fish dead at Oregon coast (VIDEO)

09:39 AM Aug 1, 2014 -8344- Millions of fish found dead on California coast – three major fish kills in 2 weeks (VIDEO)

06:42 PM Jul 31, 2014 -8343- Airborne Fukushima radioactive plume releases: for years; 25,000x normal level (VIDEO)

Fish with lesions, worms, parasites

10:22 AM Jul 31, 2014 -8342- Alaska boat captain, fishermen convinced Fukushima has something to do with it – salmon not showing up – many have lesions, worms and parasites – crabs easily damaged – a lot of dead catch – herring, cod, halibut, pollock catches drop off

07:34 PM Jul 30, 2014 -8341- Nuclear waste flows out to sea from underground tunnels at Fukushima – 950 billion Bq/m³ of cesium in Unit 2 shaft by ocean – 11,000 tons in tunnels (VIDEO)

-8315-  California: Health effects in U.S. from Fukushima radiation? Stanford Professor: Am I concerned? Yes I am, that’s because I know radiation … There’s increased risk … avoid radiation as much as you can; UC Berkeley Nuclear Prof  spews propaganda: Everyone is really scared of it … that’s what the big problem is

10:05 PM Jul 11, 2014 -8317- More quakes hit Fukushima - Official: We ordered workers to evacuate areas after M6.8 hit by nuclear plant – Expert: Typhoon causing increased radioactive runoff into ocean? Storm passed over epicenter of quakes – Another typhoon developing

10:25 AM Jul 13, 2014 -8319-  Fukushima Press Conference: To the people of the world… dangerous developments… we need your help – I vomited blood, skin inside mouth peeled out – no limit to radiation damage… contamination is all over Japan – Speaker nearly cries when revealing babies in rain waiting for food after explosion, Gov’t didn’t issue any warnings (VIDEO)

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) – NM

10:52 PM Aug 24, 2014 -8386- L.A. Times: Horrific Comedy at U.S. Nuclear Site – Mounds of radioactive white foam laced with plutonium spewed out – Gov’t failed to do radiation tests when releases peaked – Experts: Risk of additional eruptions is real (VIDEO) Watch video footage of the breached containers

May 23, 2014 -8386.1- also see: AP: Ticking time bombs of nuclear waste at multiple U.S. sites? Lab checking for smoking drums – CNN: Imminent threat from radiation – Gundersen: Serious public health effects if one blows; Very, very volatile… like nitroglycerin (VIDEO) 

May 20, 2014 -8386.2- also see: CBS News: Potential ‘imminent’ threat from New Mexico nuclear waste – Official: Risk of substantial endangerment to public health – 57 barrels of nuclear waste could rupture, came from multiple gov’t labs – ‘Unclear’ how many are now at WIPP – Being monitored for rise in temperature (VIDEO) 

May 21, 2014 -8386.3- also see: Officials now admit over 500 barrels of nuclear waste at risk of bursting open – AP: 368 already at WIPP dump – New Mexico sees ‘imminent’ danger – State orders WIPP to prevent health or environmental threat; Must ‘permanently seal’ underground storage areas 

November 17, 2014 -8386.4- also see: Patented explosives reported inside plutonium waste drums at US nuclear facility – TV: So volatile, experts comparing it to ‘bomb’ – Official: I’m appalled we weren’t told about real and present danger – Over 5,000 drums a threat – Invisible reactions may have already occurred (VIDEO) 

May 9, 2014 -8386.5- also see Video: WIPP nuclear site may close for several years – Explosion in multiple drums suspected – Very much a cause for concern – Top official gives ‘fiery speech’ calling for public to be told what has happened – DOE refuses to name source of nuclear waste 

01:55 AM Jul 13, 2014 -8318- WIPP: Nuclear waste was up to 1,600°F during plutonium release – 50 drums at risk (VIDEO)

02:59 PM Jul 24, 2014  -8334- WIPP: Green burst and criticality event – plutonium release at U.S. nuclear site – Underground fire may have initiated reaction in ruptured waste drum (VIDEO)

09:38 PM Aug 2, 2014 -8346- Radiation spikes coming from U.S. nuclear facility – Gov’t pays for more air monitors to see impact on populated areas – DOE warns of ignitability of 368 containers at site; Significant fire risk – Top Official: Material at WIPP just disintegrated… got hot quickly (VIDEO)

01:55 AM Jul 13, 2014 -8318- WIPP: Nuclear waste was up to 1,600°F during plutonium release – 50 drums at risk (VIDEO)

02:59 PM Jul 24, 2014 -8334- WIPP: Green burst and criticality event – plutonium release at U.S. nuclear site – Underground fire may have initiated reaction in ruptured waste drum (VIDEO)


05:12 PM Aug 24, 2014 -8385- U.S. Official: Orders to not get within 230 miles of Fukushima Daiichi – Potassium iodide given to all defense personnel and families within 200 miles of plant – 1,100 kinds of radioactive material detected

-8385.1- also see: Defense Threat Reduction Agency: at-sea crew: major contributors to inhalation doses were the following 10 isotopes: I-131, I-132, I-133, Cs-134, Cs-136, Cs-137, Te-129, Te-129m, Te-131m and Te-132

-8385.2- also see: Asahi Shimbun: about 1,000 kinds of radioactive materials [are in the] water at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, sources said.


05:12 PM Aug 24, 2014 -8385- U.S. Official: Orders to not get within 230 miles of Fukushima Daiichi – Potassium iodide given to all defense personnel and families within 200 miles of plant – 1,100 kinds of radioactive material detected

-8385.1- also see: Defense Threat Reduction Agency: at-sea crew: major contributors to inhalation doses were the following 10 isotopes: I-131, I-132, I-133, Cs-134, Cs-136, Cs-137, Te-129, Te-129m, Te-131m and Te-132

-8385.2- also see: Asahi Shimbun: about 1,000 kinds of radioactive materials [are in the] water at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, sources said.

Jul 17, 2014 -8385.3 -also see: Surge of radioactive substances far from Fukushima Daiichi -10,000x usual levels at plant- CBS: Many miles away… spike in cesium

Mar 4, 2013 -8385.4 -also see: 69% of people surveyed in Japan expressed concern about the impact of radioactive material on health of families 

Feb 22, 2015 -8385.5- also see: Alarms Set Off at Fukushima Plant: New leak of radioactive material detected – Strontium-90 levels spike – Emergency inspections underway (VIDEO)

 Mar 15, 2011 -8385.6- also see: Advisory: Radiation too high for TEPCO personnel to stay in Fukushima nuke plant control rooms

Dec 7, 2011 -8385.7- also see: Japan Times: OK for babies to drink radioactive milk – because adults have natural potassium-40 in body 

08:55 PM Jul 29, 2014 -8340- Canadian island: Fukushima debris waist-high; 15-mile stretches

11:09 AM Jul 29, 2014 -8339- Millions of jellyfish-like creatures wash up on Pacific beaches across multiple states – line entire Oregon Coast – seen for first time in a great many years – cover the sea surface… as far as we could see – thought to mix with ones from Japan (VIDEO & PICS)

Sea stars die by millions on west coast

01:11 AM Jul 29, 2014 -8338- Sea stars disappear from Orange County coast over 2-week period – largest epidemic ever in ocean – something changed in marine environment to lead to this (VIDEO)

04:09 PM Jul 28, 2014 -8337- Radioactive materials detected off California, levels spike to 4x normal - Crew then discovers island of tsunami debris – Never seen so much garbage in ocean before – TV: Disturbing new images from Pacific… looks like islands of plastic 1,000 miles from coast – 7 tons and 80 ft. long, can walk on it as if land (VIDEO & PHOTOS)

Marine birds disappearing in Pacific Northwest – herring – Bluefin tuna

10:05 AM Jul 28, 2014 -8336- AP: Marine birds disappearing in Pacific Northwest – ecological shift, crashes in many species – herring problem worse than revealed; Mexico bans Bluefin tuna fishing

Abnormal blood in monkeys

04:13 PM Jul 27, 2014 -8335- Guardian: Abnormal blood in monkeys linked to Fukushima – Epidemic infectious disease could occur – cannot find other reasons except radiation – Concern for strontium-90 & other radioactive materials besides cesium – relevance to humans

b06:00 PM Jul 23, 2014 -8333- Alaska: Caribou mortality high after Fukushima releases; low calf survival rate 2011 & 2012 (AUDIO)

02:06 PM Jul 23, 2014 -8332- Call for urgent health exams outside Fukushima

11:02 AM Jul 22, 2014 -8331- Pacific Ocean: Mutations in Pacific – red crabs white, bright blue, yellow legs (VIDEO)

12:34 PM Jul 21, 2014 -8330- Radiation detectable in tuna at California coast – bio-accumulation – Fukushima reactor leaks may gather as a lump and drift offshore (VIDEO)

10:25 AM Jul 13, 2014 -8319-  Fukushima Press Conference: To the people of the world… dangerous developments… we need your help – I vomited blood, skin inside mouth peeled out – no limit to radiation damage… contamination is all over Japan – Speaker nearly cries when revealing babies in rain waiting for food after explosion, Gov’t didn’t issue any warnings (VIDEO)

03:30 PM Jul 12, 2014 -8318.1- Fukushima radioactive releases into ocean for millenniums, says nuclear expert – Japan tracking radioactive waste in Pacific as it returns to Fukushima from U.S. West Coast in decades (VIDEO)

10:05 PM Jul 11, 2014 -8317- More quakes hit Fukushima - Official: We ordered workers to evacuate areas after M6.8 hit by nuclear plant – Expert: Typhoon causing increased radioactive runoff into ocean? Storm passed over epicenter of quakes – Another typhoon developing

03:30 PM Jul 12, 2014 -8318.1- Fukushima radioactive releases into ocean for millenniums, says nuclear expert – Japan tracking radioactive waste in Pacific as it returns to Fukushima from U.S. West Coast in decades (VIDEO)

10:11 AM Feb 24, 2015 -8576- Malibu: Dead sea lions on beaches, babies eaten by birds; calls about dying animals bog down 911 system (VIDEO)

Jul 17, 2014 -8385.3 -also see: Surge of radioactive substances far from Fukushima Daiichi -10,000x usual levels at plant- CBS: Many miles away… spike in cesium

Mar 4, 2013 -8385.4 -also see: 69% of people surveyed in Japan expressed concern about the impact of radioactive material on health of families 

Feb 22, 2015 -8385.5- also see: Alarms Set Off at Fukushima Plant: New leak of radioactive material detected – Strontium-90 levels spike – Emergency inspections underway (VIDEO)

 Mar 15, 2011 -8385.6- also see: Advisory: Radiation too high for TEPCO personnel to stay in Fukushima nuke plant control rooms

Dec 7, 2011 -8385.7- also see: Japan Times: OK for babies to drink radioactive milk – because adults have natural potassium-40 in body 

09:21 PM Aug 23, 2014 -8384- Scientist: Massive spikes in radioactivity hidden from public – Radiation doses around nuclear reactors increase exponentially (VIDEO)

10:25 AM Aug 23, 2014 -8383- Japan Newspaper: The seriousness of the current situation at Fukushima can’t be understated – Report: Unmitigated radiation is pouring into Pacific Ocean – Video: They don’t know how to stop the radioactive leaks… we’ll never know how to stop this

08:10 PM Aug 22, 2014 -8382- Scientist press conference in Tokyo: Urgent need to share new developments from Fukushima – Very, very striking results show radiation injury to whole ecosystems – implications for Japan (VIDEO)

02:05 PM Aug 22, 2014 -8381- Time Magazine: Doctor links recent outbreaks of mysterious rashes to Fukushima – Cancer Specialist: There’s so much societal pressure to not even mention the word radiation – Video: Huge number of cancers already… Gov’t engaged in propaganda (VIDEO)

01:57 AM Aug 22, 2014 -8380- U.S. Nuclear Officials Visit Fukushima: The pain they’ve inflicted… innocent lives impacted forever… children (VIDEO)

05:00 PM Aug 21, 2014 -8379- NHK: Scientists to use detectors deep underground to look for Fukushima fuel; it’s believed to have cooled down, but no one can check – Officials: We don’t know if water is covering fuel – Expert: Water must be circulating around fuel or it will melt again (VIDEO)

02:22 PM Aug 21, 2014 -8378- Radiation dose – U.S. West Coast from Fukushima 5x recent Gov’t estimate – Release from Japan disaster could exceed Chernobyl (MAP)

11:24 AM Aug 21, 2014 -8377- No one wants you to know how bad Fukushima might still be… gaining traction as the worst case of nuclear pollution in history – Physician: This is a global contamination of wide swaths of the biosphere (VIDEO)


10:20 AM Aug 20, 2014 -8376- Children of U.S. Navy sailors suffer from cancers after Fukushima exposure – I couldn’t move… so much pain… I have leukemia – More kids with thyroid cancer – Father: We couldn’t figure it out… his body was changing – Sailor: Right side of my body is shriveling up, one arm now almost 5 inches smaller (VIDEO)

05:02 PM Aug 19, 2014 -8375- Tokyo: Gov’t committing crimes against humanity; Fukushima children live in war zone and can’t leave – Childhood cancer develops faster than Chernobyl; rate 14x higher (VIDEO)

02:59 AM Aug 19, 2014 -8374- Plutonium and uranium flow into ocean from Fukushima - contaminated water leaks out of plant – melted fuel releases hundreds of different radioactive materials – officials refuse to investigate 90% (VIDEO)

09:21 PM Aug 23, 2014 -8384- Scientist: Massive spikes in radioactivity hidden from public – Radiation doses around nuclear reactors increase exponentially (VIDEO)

10:25 AM Aug 23, 2014 -8383- Japan Newspaper: The seriousness of the current situation at Fukushima can’t be understated – Report: Unmitigated radiation is pouring into Pacific Ocean – Video: They don’t know how to stop the radioactive leaks… we’ll never know how to stop this

08:10 PM Aug 22, 2014 -8382- Scientist press conference in Tokyo: Urgent need to share new developments from Fukushima – Very, very striking results show radiation injury to whole ecosystems – implications for Japan (VIDEO)

02:05 PM Aug 22, 2014 -8381- Time Magazine: Doctor links recent outbreaks of mysterious rashes to Fukushima – Cancer Specialist: There’s so much societal pressure to not even mention the word radiation – Video: Huge number of cancers already… Gov’t engaged in propaganda (VIDEO)

01:57 AM Aug 22, 2014 -8380- U.S. Nuclear Officials Visit Fukushima: The pain they’ve inflicted… innocent lives impacted forever… children (VIDEO)

05:00 PM Aug 21, 2014 -8379- NHK: Scientists to use detectors deep underground to look for Fukushima fuel; it’s believed to have cooled down, but no one can check – Officials: We don’t know if water is covering fuel – Expert: Water must be circulating around fuel or it will melt again (VIDEO)

02:22 PM Aug 21, 2014 -8378- Radiation dose – U.S. West Coast from Fukushima 5x recent Gov’t estimate – Release from Japan disaster could exceed Chernobyl (MAP)

11:24 AM Aug 21, 2014 -8377- No one wants you to know how bad Fukushima might still be… gaining traction as the worst case of nuclear pollution in history – Physician: This is a global contamination of wide swaths of the biosphere (VIDEO)


10:20 AM Aug 20, 2014 -8376- Children of U.S. Navy sailors suffer from cancers after Fukushima exposure – I couldn’t move… so much pain… I have leukemia – More kids with thyroid cancer – Father: We couldn’t figure it out… his body was changing – Sailor: Right side of my body is shriveling up, one arm now almost 5 inches smaller (VIDEO)

05:02 PM Aug 19, 2014 -8375- Tokyo: Gov’t committing crimes against humanity; Fukushima children live in war zone and can’t leave – Childhood cancer develops faster than Chernobyl; rate 14x higher (VIDEO)

12:10 AM Jul 21, 2014 -8329- Fukushima: Deadly ash everywhere – hot particles attach to clothes; includes plutonium (VIDEO)

10:34 AM Jul 20, 2014 -8328- Japan: Leaks plague Fukushima No. 5 reactor – deterioration in the system – water used to cool spent fuel at 3,000 Bq/liter of Cobalt-60 (PHOTOS)

07:23 AM Jul 19, 2014 -8327-  Fukushima radioactive material still found in U.S. soil – Japan Gov’t: The disaster posed radiation threat to human society… In 4 days detectable all across northern hemisphere – Denmark: Fukushima clearly had widespread consequences, not limited to borders (videos)

06:32 PM Jul 17, 2014 -8326- Surge of radioactive substances detected far from Fukushima Daiichi – over 10,000x usual levels found at plant – Mayor: Gov’t knew but never told, can’t be trusted – spike in cesium detected this week

11:11 AM Jul 17, 2014 -8325- Tokyo should no longer be inhabited - Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima – People suffering – bleed under skin, urinary hemorrhaging – children’s blood tests started changing last year – Time running short… up to physicians to save our citizens and future generations

05:55 PM Jul 16, 2014 -8324- Japan: Officials brainwash public about Fukushima - human impact becoming clear… serious issue here – no public support for nuclear power (AUDIO)


10:00 PM Jul 15, 2014 -8323- Emotional interview with Navy sailor suffering after Fukushima exposure: Others with same symptoms told to be quiet… nobody’s heard from them – Health is worsening, worried I’m going to die – Can’t really use legs or arms, hands barely functional – Rashes all over body, spasms, shaking – Doctors say it’s all psychological (AUDIO)

04:37 AM Jul 15, 2014 -8322- Japan experts warn of more quakes off Fukushima coast - Gov’t: There’s fear relatively large ones will occur – Recent M6.8 a delayed tectonic reaction to M9.0 on 3/11 – This is just one aftershock of several to come… could occur in next 2 weeks (VIDEO)

04:08 PM Jul 14, 2014 -8321- Airborne plumes: Radioactive material released into air from Fukushima plant, areas (and rice) far away being contaminated – Gov’t tracking plumes use emergency prediction system – Large amount of radioactive substances will soon be released (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

05:48 PM Aug 18, 2014 -8373- Nuclear Expert: Fukushima fuel suspected to be in ground… it’s going to melt right down into the ground when heat isn’t removed, that’s why these are so dangerous – three Fukushima reactors melted through containment – crisis clearly ongoing (VIDEO)

11:48 AM Aug 18, 2014 -8372- Radiation level 60 km from Fukushima – high as most contaminated areas in Chernobyl – risk of destruction of the society; unprecedented in scale and duration (VIDEOS)

06:09 PM Aug 17, 2014 -8371- Fukushima radionuclides will spread across Pacific, fish and sea life will die – releasing radioisotopes into ocean no end in sight (VIDEO)

07:08 AM Aug 17, 2014 -8370- Gov’t: Radiation levels on U.S. West Coast spiked to over 1,000,000x normal after Fukushima explosions (VIDEO)

11:08 AM Aug 16, 2014 -8369- Gov’t Experts: Fukushima fuel rods were melting 75 minutes after tsunami; Reactor core not covered with water 10 minutes after power blackout – Worker: Before explosion, Unit 1 filled with what looked like steam or dust… a series of large bangs… noise never heard before (VIDEO)

Horse's skin falls off 1/3rd of body –  covered in painful lesions – eyes swollen shut – liver damage – fainting

12:29 AM Aug 15, 2014  -8368- TV: Mystery illness hits California horses – nobody will even tell us what it is – skin falls off, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting – Expert: Never seen anything like it in 40-year career (PHOTOS VIDEOS) – also, note similar condition of losing skin in marine mammals, here

-8368.1- also see: Biologist finds pink salmon that are canary yellow on Canada’s Pacific coast – Insides also yellow: Heart parts, gill arches, spines, cartilage in head – Spleens swollen, livers spotted, some with bugged-out eyes (PHOTOS)

Mar 14, 2013 -8368.2- also see: Sickened Alaska animals getting more tests for Fukushima radionuclides – Oozing sores, bleeding, swollen internal organs, hair loss (PHOTOS) 

May 6, 2015 -8368.3- also see: U.S. university testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation – Photos show bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions – Some are missing testicles, eyeballs – Skin disintegrating, peeling off, turning yellow – Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (PHOTOS)

Oct 31, 2011 -8368.4- also see: Eye swelling a symptom of thyroid disorder – children’s eyes become swollen after being in radiation-contaminated sandboxes (VIDEO)

May 3, 2014 -8368.5- also see: ‘Marine Mystery’ in California: Toxic outbreak threatening marine life - Birds falling from sky, sea lions convulsing – Worst they’ve ever seen – Toxin hits record level, almost 1,000% above gov’t limit – Heart lesions, severe shrinking in part of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO)

10:19 AM Aug 14, 2014 -8367- Fukushima radiation causes serious biological effects – irreversible major shifts in ecosystems – abnormality and mortality (PHOTOS)

05:53 PM Aug 13, 2014 -8366- Japan TV: Injecting water into Fukushima reactor accelerated meltdown – nuclear fuel rods had reaction generating large amounts of heat – Restricted Data: Monitoring post measured nearly 1,000,000 microSv/hr; within hours radiation dose spiked 300x far away from Fukushima nuclear facility  (VIDEO)

03:16 AM Aug 13, 2014 -8365- Plutonium underground by Fukushima reactor – not revealed publicly for a year – will pump and dump into ocean (PHOTO)

02:59 AM Aug 19, 2014 -8374- Plutonium and uranium flow into ocean from Fukushima - contaminated water leaks out of plant – melted fuel releases hundreds of different radioactive materials – officials refuse to investigate 90% (VIDEO)

05:48 PM Aug 18, 2014 -8373- Nuclear Expert: Fukushima fuel suspected to be in ground… it’s going to melt right down into the ground when heat isn’t removed, that’s why these are so dangerous – three Fukushima reactors melted through containment – crisis clearly ongoing (VIDEO)

11:48 AM Aug 18, 2014 -8372- Radiation level 60 km from Fukushima – high as most contaminated areas in Chernobyl – risk of destruction of the society; unprecedented in scale and duration (VIDEOS)

06:09 PM Aug 17, 2014 -8371- Fukushima radionuclides will spread across Pacific, fish and sea life will die – releasing radioisotopes into ocean no end in sight (VIDEO)

07:08 AM Aug 17, 2014 -8370- Gov’t: Radiation levels on U.S. West Coast spiked to over 1,000,000x normal after Fukushima explosions (VIDEO)

11:08 AM Aug 16, 2014 -8369- Gov’t Experts: Fukushima fuel rods were melting 75 minutes after tsunami; Reactor core not covered with water 10 minutes after power blackout – Worker: Before explosion, Unit 1 filled with what looked like steam or dust… a series of large bangs… noise never heard before (VIDEO)

Horse's skin falls off 1/3rd of body –  covered in painful lesions – eyes swollen shut – liver damage – fainting

12:29 AM Aug 15, 2014  -8368- TV: Mystery illness hits California horses – nobody will even tell us what it is – skin falls off, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting – Expert: Never seen anything like it in 40-year career (PHOTOS VIDEOS) – also, note similar condition of losing skin in marine mammals, here

-8368.1- also see: Biologist finds pink salmon that are canary yellow on Canada’s Pacific coast – Insides also yellow: Heart parts, gill arches, spines, cartilage in head – Spleens swollen, livers spotted, some with bugged-out eyes (PHOTOS)

Mar 14, 2013 -8368.2- also see: Sickened Alaska animals getting more tests for Fukushima radionuclides – Oozing sores, bleeding, swollen internal organs, hair loss (PHOTOS) 

May 6, 2015 -8368.3- also see: U.S. university testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation – Photos show bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions – Some are missing testicles, eyeballs – Skin disintegrating, peeling off, turning yellow – Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (PHOTOS)

Oct 31, 2011 -8368.4- also see: Eye swelling a symptom of thyroid disorder – children’s eyes become swollen after being in radiation-contaminated sandboxes (VIDEO)

May 3, 2014 -8368.5- also see: ‘Marine Mystery’ in California: Toxic outbreak threatening marine life - Birds falling from sky, sea lions convulsing – Worst they’ve ever seen – Toxin hits record level, almost 1,000% above gov’t limit – Heart lesions, severe shrinking in part of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO)

10:19 AM Aug 14, 2014 -8367- Fukushima radiation causes serious biological effects – irreversible major shifts in ecosystems – abnormality and mortality (PHOTOS)

05:53 PM Aug 13, 2014 -8366- Japan TV: Injecting water into Fukushima reactor accelerated meltdown – nuclear fuel rods had reaction generating large amounts of heat – Restricted Data: Monitoring post measured nearly 1,000,000 microSv/hr; within hours radiation dose spiked 300x far away from Fukushima nuclear facility  (VIDEO)

03:16 AM Aug 13, 2014 -8365- Plutonium underground by Fukushima reactor – not revealed publicly for a year – will pump and dump into ocean (PHOTO)

09:44 AM Aug 12, 2014 -8364- Fukushima: Hot particles can’t be dissolved – fallout bound to organic material (PHOTO)

01:41 PM Aug 11, 2014 -8363- Tokyo: 200,000,000,000,000 becquerels/kg in fuel rod materials; material spread globally – is major part of plume; persists in living organisms (PHOTOS)

10:47 PM Aug 10, 2014 -8362- Nuclear fuel found 15 miles from Tokyo suburbs – Fukushima uranium glassy spheres transported over 170 km – Structural materials from nuclear reactors also present (PHOTOS)

10:58 AM Aug 10, 2014 -8361- Outbreak of cancer in Fukushima children; epidemic – still exposed to radionuclide radiation

08:25 PM Aug 8, 2014 -8360- Water under Fukushima reactors dumped and spilled into ocean (VIDEO)

12:58 PM Aug 8, 2014 -8359- Tens of thousands of gallons of radioactive water spilled into Pacific Ocean each day (VIDEO)

-8315-  California: Health effects in U.S. from Fukushima radiation? Stanford Professor: Am I concerned? Yes I am, that’s because I know radiation … There’s increased risk … avoid radiation as much as you can; UC Berkeley Nuclear Prof  spews propaganda: Everyone is really scared of it … that’s what the big problem is


09:44 AM Aug 12, 2014 -8364- Fukushima: Hot particles can’t be dissolved – fallout bound to organic material (PHOTO)

01:41 PM Aug 11, 2014 -8363- Tokyo: 200,000,000,000,000 becquerels/kg in fuel rod materials; material spread globally – is major part of plume; persists in living organisms (PHOTOS)

10:47 PM Aug 10, 2014 -8362- Nuclear fuel found 15 miles from Tokyo suburbs – Fukushima uranium glassy spheres transported over 170 km – Structural materials from nuclear reactors also present (PHOTOS)

10:58 AM Aug 10, 2014 -8361- Outbreak of cancer in Fukushima children; epidemic – still exposed to radionuclide radiation

08:25 PM Aug 8, 2014 -8360- Water under Fukushima reactors dumped and spilled into ocean (VIDEO)

12:58 PM Aug 8, 2014 -8359- Tens of thousands of gallons of radioactive water spilled into Pacific Ocean each day (VIDEO)

11:02 PM Aug 7, 2014 -8357- Fukushima: Trenches filled with thousands of tons of plutonium contaminated liquid constant flow into ocean (PHOTO)

02:36 AM Aug 7, 2014 -8356- Fukushima fuel exposed – reactors leak into ocean; radionuclide seaborne plume crosses Pacific (VIDEO)

02:54 PM Aug 6, 2014 -8355- Pacific Northwest: Die off of young salmon; healthy then die heading out to sea; far less plankton than normal; testing for Fukushima radionuclides (VIDEO)

01:12 AM Aug 6, 2014 -8353- Alaska: New mystery disease much worse – could wreak havoc from Alaska to Mexico (VIDEO)

02:13 PM Aug 5, 2014 -8352- 278 trillion Bq of plutonium released from Fukushima reactors – 200x higher than amount TEPCO reported – highly radiotoxic as it decays in human body

12:24 AM Aug 5, 2014 -8351 - Physician: U.N. whitewashes Fukushima catastrophe; reports 9,000 will die of cancers (VIDEO)

03:44 PM Aug 4, 2014 -8350- Experts: Fukushima globally increased cesium-137 levels in air by 2-3 orders of magnitude – radionuclide plume reaching Europe contaminates land and food chain

12:51 PM Aug 4, 2014 -8349- Plutonium from Fukushima went further than Chernobyl – Researchers surprised their most plutonium-contaminated sample was from site farthest from Fukushima plant – concern material is flowing into Pacific Ocean from land

08:28 PM Aug 3, 2014 -8348- California coast: Huge increase in dead and sick sea mammals – starving, drooling, brain damaged, suffering seizures – sea lions vanishing (VIDEO)


12:05 PM Aug 3, 2014 -8347- Gov’t Report: Over 1,750 navy sailors suffer from ill-defined conditions after exposure to Fukushima radiation while aboard USS Reagan – Significant increases in male infertility, child birth complications – Dozens have thyroid disorders, many spontaneous abortions - Extreme measures used to cover this up (AUDIO)

Major fish kills

07:06 PM Aug 1, 2014 -8345- Millions of fish dead at Oregon coast (VIDEO)

09:39 AM Aug 1, 2014 -8344- Millions of fish found dead on California coast – three major fish kills in 2 weeks (VIDEO)

06:42 PM Jul 31, 2014 -8343- Airborne Fukushima radioactive plume releases: for years; 25,000x normal level (VIDEO)

Fish with lesions, worms, parasites

10:22 AM Jul 31, 2014 -8342- Alaska boat captain, fishermen convinced Fukushima has something to do with it – salmon not showing up – many have lesions, worms and parasites – crabs easily damaged – a lot of dead catch – herring, cod, halibut, pollock catches drop off

07:34 PM Jul 30, 2014 -8341- Nuclear waste flows out to sea from underground tunnels at Fukushima – 950 billion Bq/m³ of cesium in Unit 2 shaft by ocean – 11,000 tons in tunnels (VIDEO)

08:55 PM Jul 29, 2014 -8340- Canadian island: Fukushima debris waist-high; 15-mile stretches

11:09 AM Jul 29, 2014 -8339- Millions of jellyfish-like creatures wash up on Pacific beaches across multiple states – line entire Oregon Coast – seen for first time in a great many years – cover the sea surface… as far as we could see – thought to mix with ones from Japan (VIDEO & PICS)

Sea stars die by millions on west coast

01:11 AM Jul 29, 2014 -8338- Sea stars disappear from Orange County coast over 2-week period – largest epidemic ever in ocean – something changed in marine environment to lead to this (VIDEO)

04:09 PM Jul 28, 2014 -8337- Radioactive materials detected off California, levels spike to 4x normal - Crew then discovers island of tsunami debris – Never seen so much garbage in ocean before – TV: Disturbing new images from Pacific… looks like islands of plastic 1,000 miles from coast – 7 tons and 80 ft. long, can walk on it as if land (VIDEO & PHOTOS)

Marine birds disappearing in Pacific Northwest – herring – Bluefin tuna

10:05 AM Jul 28, 2014 -8336- AP: Marine birds disappearing in Pacific Northwest – ecological shift, crashes in many species – herring problem worse than revealed; Mexico bans Bluefin tuna fishing

Abnormal blood in monkeys

04:13 PM Jul 27, 2014 -8335- Guardian: Abnormal blood in monkeys linked to Fukushima – Epidemic infectious disease could occur – cannot find other reasons except radiation – Concern for strontium-90 & other radioactive materials besides cesium – relevance to humans

06:00 PM Jul 23, 2014 -8333- Alaska: Caribou mortality high after Fukushima releases; low calf survival rate 2011 & 2012 (AUDIO)

02:06 PM Jul 23, 2014 -8332- Call for urgent health exams outside Fukushima

11:02 AM Jul 22, 2014 -8331- Pacific Ocean: Mutations in Pacific – red crabs white, bright blue, yellow legs (VIDEO)

12:34 PM Jul 21, 2014 -8330- Radiation detectable in tuna at California coast – bio-accumulation – Fukushima reactor leaks may gather as a lump and drift offshore (VIDEO)

12:10 AM Jul 21, 2014 -8329- Fukushima: Deadly ash everywhere – hot particles attach to clothes; includes plutonium (VIDEO)

10:34 AM Jul 20, 2014 -8328- Japan: Leaks plague Fukushima No. 5 reactor – deterioration in the system – water used to cool spent fuel at 3,000 Bq/liter of Cobalt-60 (PHOTOS)

07:23 AM Jul 19, 2014 -8327-  Fukushima radioactive material still found in U.S. soil – Japan Gov’t: The disaster posed radiation threat to human society… In 4 days detectable all across northern hemisphere – Denmark: Fukushima clearly had widespread consequences, not limited to borders (videos)

06:32 PM Jul 17, 2014 -8326- Surge of radioactive substances detected far from Fukushima Daiichi – over 10,000x usual levels found at plant – Mayor: Gov’t knew but never told, can’t be trusted – spike in cesium detected this week

11:11 AM Jul 17, 2014 -8325- Tokyo should no longer be inhabited - Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima – People suffering – bleed under skin, urinary hemorrhaging – children’s blood tests started changing last year – Time running short… up to physicians to save our citizens and future generations

05:55 PM Jul 16, 2014 -8324- Japan: Officials brainwash public about Fukushima - human impact becoming clear… serious issue here – no public support for nuclear power (AUDIO)


10:00 PM Jul 15, 2014 -8323- Emotional interview with Navy sailor suffering after Fukushima exposure: Others with same symptoms told to be quiet… nobody’s heard from them – Health is worsening, worried I’m going to die – Can’t really use legs or arms, hands barely functional – Rashes all over body, spasms, shaking – Doctors say it’s all psychological (AUDIO)

04:37 AM Jul 15, 2014 -8322- Japan experts warn of more quakes off Fukushima coast - Gov’t: There’s fear relatively large ones will occur – Recent M6.8 a delayed tectonic reaction to M9.0 on 3/11 – This is just one aftershock of several to come… could occur in next 2 weeks (VIDEO)

04:08 PM Jul 14, 2014 -8321- Airborne plumes: Radioactive material released into air from Fukushima plant, areas (and rice) far away being contaminated – Gov’t tracking plumes use emergency prediction system – Large amount of radioactive substances will soon be released (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

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