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 Documentation Medical & Science 

Earnest Sternglass, Hero

Earnest Sternglass

Effects of low level radiation on pregnancy: Children twice as likely to get cancer before age 7


Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass

Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass: Nuclear Contamination & Cancer, part 1

Dr. Ernest Sternglass

Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass: Pregnant, Kids, Nuclear Radiation & Cancer, part 3

Dr. Ernest Sternglass

Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass: Health Effects of Nuclear Radiation


For more Scientific & Medical Documentation (here)

Evidentiary Reading & Exhibits

Sherman,, Janet ( breast cancer) -

Sternglass, Mangano, Sherman - (see reading room; also, Journals, and Radiation and Public Health).  Below: Articles, Scientific Papers, Books, Letters, and Selected Testimony Relating to the Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Ernest J. Sternglass, Ph. D.

Infant Death & Childhood Cancer Reductions after Nuclear Plant Closings in the United States , E.J. Sternglass,  J.M. Gould, J.J. Mangano, W. McDonnell, J. D. Sherman and J. Brown , Archives of Environmental Health, 57, 23 - 31, 2002.  <> 

Strontium-90 Baby Teeth Study & Childhood Cancer, Sternglass, Gould, Mangano, McDonnell, Sherman & Brown, European Journal of Oncology, Vol. 5, Suppl. 2, 119-125, 2000. <> 

Strontium-90 in Newborn & Childhood Disease, Sternglass, Mangano, Gould, Sherman, Brown, McDonnell, Archives of Environmental Health, 55, 240-244, 2000. <>   

Strontium-90 in Baby Teeth as a Factor in Early Childhood Cancer, Sternglass, Gould, Sherman, Brown, Mangano & McDonnell, International Journal of Health Services, 30, 515-539, 2000. <>   

U.S.A. Newborn Deterioration in the Nuclear Age, 1945-1996, Sternglass, Gould, Mangano. International Congress on Effects of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation, Muenster, Germany, Mar 18-21, 1998. <> 

Health Effects of Low Dose Exposure to Fission Products from Chernobyl & the Fermi Nuclear Reactor in the Population of Detroit Metropolitan Area, Sternglass, Gould & Mangano. Proceedings of International Congress on Effects of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation, Muenster, Germany, March 18-21, 1998. <>

  Interview with Dr. Sternglass concerning Cassini ~  "Sternglass went on to discuss how NASA estimates danger from radiation: They make risk estimates at 10,000 to 50,000 mrad, instead of at 5 mrad.' At those high doses, the effect flattens out - that's why they choose to try to extrapolate from that level of radiation poisoning, rather than look at the actual effects low-level radiation poisoning has been shown to have!

Post-Chernobyl Thyroid Disease in the United States of America, Sternglass, Gould & Mangano. Presented to International Medical Commission Conference: Chernobyl:Environmental Health and Human Rights Implications, Vienna, April 12-15, 1996. <> 

The Enemy Within: The High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors; Breast Cancer, AIDS, Low Birthweight & other Immune Deficiency Effects , Sternglass, Gould, Mangano & McDonnell, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, NY 10011, 1996. <> 

Breast Cancer: Evidence for a Relation to Fission Products in the Diet,  Sterngalss & Gould, International Journal of Health Services 25, 481-488, 1995. <> 

Nuclear Fallout, Low Birth Weight, and Immune Deficiency, Sternglass & Gould, International Conference on Children and Radiation, Trondheim, Norway June 1993, published in International Journal of Health Services 24, 311-335, 1994 <> 

Breast Cancer: Evidence for a Relation to Fission Products in the Diet , with Jay M. Gould, International Journal of Health Services, 23, 783-804, 1993. <> 

Radioactive Releases into the Environment & their Relation to Breast Cancer , Subcommittee on Human Resources & Intergovernmental Relations of the Committee on Government Operations, U. S. House of Representatives, October 30, 1993. <> 

Low Birth Weight: Evidence for an Association with Fission Products in the Diet, with Jay M. Gould and William L. McDonnell, Presented at the International meeting on Children and Radiation, Trondheim, Norway, June 1993. <>  Interview with Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass: The interview discusses events since 1981 in the history of nuclear technology Keywords: nuclear industry's true health costs are fastidiously suppressedRead the interview. <> 

Initial Evidence for Health Effects from Chernobyl in the United States, with J. M. Gould, First Global Radiation Victims Conference," September 26, 1987. <> 

Birth Weight and Infant Mortality Changes in Massachusetts, Following Releases from Pilgrim Nuclear Plant, Report for the Township of Plymouth, Massachusetts, June 10, 1986. <> 

Die Kinder Des Atomaren Fallouts , Sterngalss & Bell, Psychologie. <> 

The Implications of Chernobyl for Human Health, International Journal of Biosocial Research, 8, 7-36, 1986. <> 

Radiation Exposure of Bone Marrow Cells to Strontium-90 during Early Development as a Possible Co-Factor in the Etiology of AIDS, Sternglass & Scheer, Annual Meeting - American Association for Advancement of Science, Phil.a, PA, May 29, 1986. <> 

Fallout & SAT Scores: Evidence for Cognitive Damage During Early Infancy, Sternglass & Bell, Phi Delta Kappan 64, 541-545, 1983. <> 

Secret Fallout: Low-Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island  McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, N.Y., 1981. <> 

Shut-Down: Nuclear Power on Trial; Radiation is Causing Cancer and Birth Defects , with John W. Gofman, The Book Publishing Company, Summertown, Tennessee 38483, 1979. <> 

Petition for Emergency and Remedial Action to suspend licenses for the nuclear industry , testimony in preliminary evidentiary hearing in Nashville, TN, Federal District Court on a filed by Jeannine Honicker, October 2, 1978. <> 

Infant Mortality Changes Following the Three Mile Island Accident,  Fifth World Congress of Engineers & Architects, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Dec 1979. <> 

Cancer Mortality Changes Around Nuclear Facilities in Connecticut, in Radiation Standards and Human Health, pp. 174-212, Proceedings of a Congressional Seminar Feb. 10, 1978, Environmental Policy Institute, Washington D.C., 20003, 1978. <> 

Radioaktive 'Niedrig' Strahlung: Strahlenschaden bei Kindern und Ungeborenen,  Sternglass, foreword by Klaus Bajter & discussion by Klaus Batjer & Per Carbonell. Oberbaum Verlag, Berlin 21, Germany, 1977. <> 

Nuclear Fission: The Biological Peril, letter to New York Times explaining the effects of very low annual doses from reactor releases and fallout, May 23, 1974. <> 

Epidemiological Studies of Fallout & Patterns of Cancer Mortality, Proceedings - 12th Annual Hanford Biology Symposium, May 10-12, 1972, Edited - Sanders, Bush, Ballou & Mahlum, pp.254-277, U.S. AEC, Info Services (CONF-720505) 1973. <> 

R adioactive Waste Discharges from the Shippingport Nuclear Power Station and Changes in Cancer Mortality , May 8, 1973 report submitted to Governor Milton Shapp's Hearing Board at the Aliquippa Hearings <>

Possible Health Effects of Shippingport Nuclear Plant, July 31, 1973 <> 

Significance of Radiation Monitoring Results for the Shippingport Nuclear Reactor, January 21, 1973 Report submitted to Governor Milton Shapp's Hearing Board at the Aliquippa Hearings on Possible Health Effects of the Shippingport Nuclear Plant, July 31, 1973. <> 

Infant Mortality Changes Near the Peach Bottom Nuclear Power Station in York County, Pennsylvania, Dept. of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Feb 7, 1971. <>   

Infant Mortality Changes Near a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant, Testimony: Illinois Pollution Control Board, Nov 30, 1970. <> 

Infant Mortality & Nuclear Power Generation, Hearings of Penn. Senate Select Committee on Reactor Siting, Oct 21, 1970. 

Infant Mortality & Nuclear Testing - Reply, Quarterly Bulletin of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine 4: 115-119, Sept 1970. <> 

Effect of Low Level Radioisotope Contamination on Infant Mortality, Symposium - Environmental Pollution from Nuclear Reactors, Mid-West Chapters,American Association of Physicists in Medicine & Health Physics Society, Waukegan, IL, May 16-17, 1970. <> 

Nuclear Air Pollution, Infant Mortality & Lung Disease, Mid-West Clinical Conf., Chicago Medical Society, Mar 4, 1970. <>

The Death of all Children,  Esquire, pp.1a-1d, September 1969. <> 

Has Nuclear Testing Caused Infant Deaths? New Scientist, 43:178-181, 1969. <> 

Infant Mortality: The Nuclear Culprit ,  Medical Tribune, July 21, 1969. <> 

Can the Infants Survive? Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 43: 178-181, Jul 1969. <>   

Infant Mortality & Nuclear Tests,  Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 25:26-28, 1969. <> 

Evidence for Low-Level Radiation Effects on the Human Embryo & Fetus, in Radiation Biology of the Fetal & Juvenile Mammal, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hanford Biology Symposium, May 5-8, 1969, pp. 681-692, AEC Symposium Vol. 16, Ed. by Sikov & Mahlum, Division of Technical Information U.S.AEC, 1969 (CONF-690501). <> 

Infant & Fetal Mortality Increases in the U.S.  ...Evidence for a Correlation with Nuclear Weapons Tests, meeting of  Pittsburgh Chapter of Federation of Atomic Scientists, Oct 1968. 

Leukemia: Evidence for Induction of the Diseases in Childhood by Fallout Radiation at Low Dose-Rates, 13th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Denver, Colorado, June 1968. <> 

Nuclear Fallout & Childhood Leukemia, testimony presented at hearings of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Special Subcommittee on Radiation, U.S. Congress, August 1963, U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Wash., DC. <> 

Cancer: Relation of Prenatal Radiation to Development of the Disease in Childhood,  Science 140:1102-1104, June 1963.

(more scientific & medical reports,here)

Nuclear: 41,000 New Cancers A Day From Nuclear Industry

Rosalie Bertell (very extensive findings, here)

41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry every day

Rosalie Bertell (1929–2012), an american scientist, author, environmental activist, epidemiologist and Catholic nun. Bertell was a sister of the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart, best known for her work in the field of ionizing radiation, weather warfare, electro-magnetic pulse weapons and weaponizing the Earth (making the Earth a weapon) ...and correcting then revising the harm count and death tool of the number of people getting fatal and nonfatal cancer from ionizing radiation — from 1 million according to the nuclear establishment and nuclear apologists ...to 1.2 billion. 

Depleted Uranian in the human body

Nuclear: 41,000 New Cancers A Day From Nuclear Industry 

Victims of the Nuclear Age — True Number of Nuclear Industry Victims 

Statistics are people, with tears wiped away

abstract: When Chernobyl blew up, it was women & pregnant women in the next country across the border from Ukraine, Belarus, whose ovum & embryos were bathed in high yield nuclear reactor fallout ...but, women do not know that everyday business-as-usual low level fallout from 'normal' nuclear reactors adds up to create similar damage to soft & rapidly growing living tissue & chromosomes that becomes your baby ... it's high time to dismantle the Fed interest rate bankers stranglehold & their merciless military industrial nuclear reactor / nuclear bomb phallic deity.

(Exciting conclusion of Sister Rosalie's story (that begins in the column to your right) ...with letter of explanation, (follows below) – including the truth and true figures of Chernobyl casualties ...thousands of times higher than numbers falsified by nuclear industry regulatory apologists.)

Abstract: A minimum of 1,300 million people have been killed, maimed or diseased by nuclear power since it's inception. The industry's figures massively underestimate the real cost of nuclear power with restrictive rules, in an attempt to hide its victims from the world. Here, the author calculates the real number of victims of the nuclear age.  Additionally, Rosalie cites figures on the true amount of deaths and casualties from Chernobyl ...thousands of times higher than nuclear industry regulatory apologists claim.

Following article from The Ecologist, Nov 1999, pp. 408-411

Victims Of The Nuclear Age —by Dr. Rosalie Bertell


On the tenth anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, I was standing at a public meeting in Kiev, Ukraine, listening to the story of one of the firemen employed to clean up the site after the explosion. These workers took huge doses of radiation during this task, and their story is a terrifying one.


About 600,000 men were conscripted as Chernobyl `liquidators' [also called bio-robots']:  farmers, factory workers, miners, and soldiers -- as well as professionals like the firemen -- from all across Russia. Some of  these men lifted pieces of radioactive metal with their bare hands. They had to fight more than 300 fires created by the chunks  of burning material spewed off by the inferno. They buried trucks, fire engines, cars and all sorts of personal belongings. They  felled a forest and completely buried it, removed topsoil, bulldozed houses and filled all available clay-lined trenches with  radioactive debris. The minimum conscription time was 180 days, but many stayed for a year. Some were threatened with severe  punishment to their families if they failed to stay and do their duty.

These `liquidators' are now discarded and forgotten, many vainly trying to establish that the ill health most have suffered ever  since 1986 is a result of their massive exposure to radiation. At  the Centre for Radiation Research outside Kiev, there is an  organization of former liquidators. This group reports that by 1995, 13,000 of their members had died- almost 20 percent of which  deaths were suicides. About 70,000 members were estimated to be  permanently disabled. But the members of this organization are the lucky ones. Because many former liquidators are now scattered  throughout Russia, they neither have the benefit of the  organization's special hospital, nor of membership of a survivor organization. They are known as the `living dead.'

The fireman whose story I was listening to seemed to be an exception to this grim litany of illness and death. He was telling  the meeting how pleased and excited he was that, for the first time in ten years, his blood test findings were in the normal  range. I was standing next to a delegate from the International  Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] -- the organisation charged with  promoting the use of atomic energy. On hearing the fireman's story, he leaned over to me and said: "You see! We said these were  only transient disorders." A rough translation might read:  Chernobyl? What's the problem?


The IAEA man's attitude was perfectly in keeping with that of hisrorganization which, along with the International Commission onr Radiation Protection [ICRP] exists in practice largely to played down the effects of radiation on human health, and to shield ther nuclear industry from compensation claims from the public. The
IAEA was set up in the late 1950s by he UN, to prevent the spread  of nuclear weapons and to promote the peaceful use of atomic energy -- ironically, two contradictory objectives. The ICRP which  was revlved from the 1928 International Committee on X-Ray and Radium  Protection, was set up in the fifties to explore the health effects of radiation and [theoretically] to protect the public  from it. In fact, both organizations have come to serve the  industry rather than the public.

The Chernobyl case is a classic example of the IAEA's inadequacy and questionable science. Despite massive evidence to the  contrary, not least from the many thousands of victims themselves, the IAEA insists that only 32 people have so far died as a result  of Chernobyl -- those who died in the radiation ward of Hospital six in Moscow. All other deaths related to the disaster and its  aftermath [and there have been many more than 10,000 in Ukraine alone according to the Minister of Health there] are ignored.  Belarus had the highest fallout, and yet there is an international blackout among the IAEA and the rest of the "radiation protection  community" on the suffering of its people.

The essential problem is that both the IAEA and the ICRP are dealing not with science but with politics and administration; not  with public health but with maintaining an increasingly dubious industry. It is their interests, and those of the nuclear industry  to play down the health effects of radiation.


The main way in which the "radiation protection industry" has succeeded in hugely underrating the ill-health caused by nuclear  power is by insisting on a group of extremely restrictive definitions as to what qualifies as a radiation-caused illness  statistic. For example, under IAEA's criteria:

* If a radiation-caused cancer is not fatal, it is not countedin the IAEA's figures

* If a cancer is initiated by another carcenogen, but accelerated or promoted by exposure to radiation, it is not  counted.

* If an auto-immune disease or any non-cancer is caused by radiation, it is not counted.

* Radiation-damaged embryos or foetuses which result in miscarriage or stillbirth do not count.

* A congenitally blind, deaf or malformed child whose illnesses are radiation-related are not included in the figures  because this is not genetic damage, but rather is teratogenic, and will not be passed on later to the child's  offspring.

* Causing the genetic predisposition to breast cancer or heart disease does not count since it is not a "serious genetic  disease" in the Mendelian sense.

* Even if radiation causes a fatal cancer or serious genetic disease in a live born infant, it is discounted if the  estimated radiation dose is below 100 mSv [mSv= millisievert, a measurement of radiation exposure. One hundred millsievert  is the equivalent in radiation of about 100 X-Rays].

* Even if radiation causes a lung cancer, it does not count if the person smokes -- in fact whenever there is a possibility  of another cause, radiation cannot be blamed.

If all else fails, it is possible to claim that radiation below some designated dose does not cause cancer, and then  average over the whole body the radiation dose which has
actually been received by one part of the body or even organ as for instance when radio-iodine concentrates in the thyroid. This arbitrary dilution of the dose will ensure the 100 mSv cut-off point is nowhere near reached. It is a  technique to dismiss the sickness of Gulf War veterans who inhaled small particles of ceramic uranium which stayed  in their lungs for more than two years, and in their bodies  for more than eight years, irradiating and damaging cells in a particular part of the body.

Survivors of the Three Mile Island accident


Despite the authorities' attempt at concealment, we can still begin to enumerate the real victims of the nuclear age. Although  the calculations and statistics which I have brought to bear below do not include all of the human suffering that has been caused by  the nuclear age, a closer look will show that the methodology is  adequate for a first estimate of major damage. The magnitude of the harm already caused is startling, and even more so when we  realise many types of damage have been omitted from this first  estimate.

In my estimate cancer, whether fatal or non-fatal [excluding non-fatal skin cancer], genetic damage and serious congenital  malformations and diseases will be included in the figures. Other damage is acknowledged but not estimated. Ultimately, whether or  not one cares about the damage caused by radiation exposure is  ultimately a human, not a scientific question. Damage is damage, and causing an unwanted attack on someone's person or reproductive  capacity is a violation of human rights. Such damage can be rated  for importance, but it should not be arbitrarily ignored. "Statistics are the people with the tears wiped away" stated one  of the Rongelap people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands,  who `hosted' the United States Bikini nuclear testing in the 1950s. This is the story of many tears, and of a hard hearted  mindset that laid down the degree of suffering and ill-health that  would be the `acceptable' price to pay for the world `benefitting'  from nuclear technology.


In order to estimate the real victims of the nuclear industry [as oppossed to those figures enumerated by the ICRP, IAEA and other  nuclear apologists] I will take the customary risk estimates, indicate their probable range of error, and then extend the
definition to cover related events not recognized as 'detriments'  by the regulators. For example, while the nuclear regulators only  take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments' by the regulators, others, especially those who endure a non-fatal  cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration.  And limiting genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous  miscarriage or stillbirth.


In 1991, the ICRP concluded that the projected lifetime risk of fatal cancer for members of the population exposed Sievert  whole-body radiation at a low dose rate, was between seven and 11 excess fatal cancers, and seven to eight excess fatalities for in the nuclear industry aged 25 to 64 years. We extend these  estimates to non-fatal cancers by estimating the total number of cancers which were used by the ICRP in order to obtain the number  of fatalities. We therefore estimate 16 fatal and non-fatal cancers if we exclude non-fatal skin cancers] or 36 if we count them. If the estimate of fatal cancers was off by a factor of two  then we can double all those numbers.

The estimate I use for cancer 16 per 100 Person Sieverts, but the reader can adjust this estimate to suit other inclusions,  exclusions or uncertainties.


According to the BEIR Committee [Bilogical Effects of Ionizing Radiation] 1990 report, a dose of 150 mSv to human male testes  will cause temporary sterility, and a single dose of 3.5 Sv will cause permanent sterility. According to the ICRP in 1991, just 5  mSv to the testes will cause damage to offspring -- YET THIS DOSE WAS PERMITTED YEARLY TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, AND TEN TIMES MORE TO NUCLEAR WORKERS, IN ALL COUNTRIES PRIOR TO 1990. It continues today to be permitted yearly for nuclear workers in most countries.

Women carry with them all of the ova from birth which they will ever have. The threshold for permanent female sterilisation  decreases with age, but in general about 650 mSv is considered to be the threshold for temporary sterility in women. After the Bravo event -- the detonation of a hydrogen bomb at the Bikini Atoll in  the Pacific in March 1954 -- the women of Rongelap Atoll experienced about five years of sterility. As they regained their sterility, they experienced faulty pregnancies, miscarrigies,  stillbirths and damage to their offspring. Since some radionucleides can be retained in bone or fatty tissues, they are able to cross the placenta barrier and disrupt the developing embryo or foetus. Radionucleides in the mother's body can also be transferred in her breast milk.

The official nuclear industry definition of `detriment' includes only serious genetic disease not judged to be serious, and  teratogenic diseases [those which are not passed on to offspring] are not counted. Recently the 1990 BEIR committee made one small concession in recognizing mental retardation in children exposed  to radiation during the fifth to 15th weeks of their mother's pregnancy. Radiation kills brain cells, causing both an underdeveloped brain [microcephaly] and mental retardation. For  the individual child, BEIR estimates that a dose in utero of 100 to 500 mSv can cause a range of problems from poor school performance to severe mental retardation.


The U.N. Scientific Committee on the effects of Atomic Radiation [UNSCEAR] and BEIR both agree that a population of one million  live births exposed to 100 Person Sieverts will result in one to three genetic damage effects to offspring, and so to the human gene pool. The doubling dose for genetic effects [the dose that  will cause twice as many genetic effects] is more contentious, with some geneticists claiming that it is 2.5 Sv, and others claiming much greater sensitivity with a 0.12 Sv doubling dose. If  the latter is true, then the increase in genetic effects will be 8.3 per cent for every 10mSv and therefore 83 such effects per million live births when the total averaged dose is 100 Person  Sieverts rather than the 4 such effects in the first instance. On the conservative side, we have taken 10 genetic effects to be the number for exposed offspring.


The damage to an embryo from ionizing radiation when in the womb is not considered to be genetic. Such irradiation can lead to some  30 different congenital anomolies including permanent damage to the brain, mental deficiency, skull deformities, cleft palate, spina bifida, club-feet, genital deformities, growth retardation  and childhood cancer. A total of all those effects, including mortality, amount to 46, of which 25 are live born.

When we summarise those risk estimates, we get 16 cancers, 10 genetic effects and 25 congenital effects for one million exposed  to 100 Person Sieverts. The task now is to apply those numbers for the global population from industrial nuclear activities,  including weapons testing in the fifties, sixties and early  seventies and electricity production from nuclear power over the past half century. When we do this we find that weapons testing has lead to nearly 376 million cancers, 235 million genetic  effects and 587 million teratogenic effects to give A TOTAL OF APPROXIMATELY 1,200 MILLION. Meanwhile, electricity production from nuclear plants between 1943 and 2000 may have lead to another  million victims, of which as many one-fifth will have been premature cancer deaths. Although not officially accounted for, about 500 million foetuses would have also been lost as  stillbirths during that period from radiation exposure while in the womb.

Another century of nuclear power, and this carnage would continue with more than 10 million victims a year. An industry which has  the potential to kill, injure and maim that number of innocent people -- and all in the name of `benefitting' society -- is surely wholly unacceptable.

Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GNSH, is President of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health and Editor in Chief of  International Perspectives in Public Health and Editor in Chief of International Perspectives in Public Health [IICPH]

From: Rosalie Bertell — Date: 03/11/99 2:58 PM

RE: November Issue

Dear Zac,

Congratulations on a generally excellent issue! I have always felt that newspaper articles are too fleeting, and books are too  ponderous to reach the public on this important issue, however, you have found a very good imtermediate carrier for the  information. Please keep me informed of reactions (which may get  nasty).

I was concerned about my article, and perhaps there were some attempts to reach me for comments when I was overseas (13 Oct to 2  Nov). It was too bad that important references were omitted, as was the fact that I used only UNSCEAR data on population doses of  radiation due to weapons or civilian nuclear enterprises. The text  does not mention the source of the population dose estimates, which are fundamental to the credibility. I can also be faulted  for the comment (added by someone) that 100 mSv is the equivalent  in radiation to about 100 medical Xrays. Nuclear doses are always whole body doses, while medical Xray delivers a partial body dose  to the target organ (teeth, chest, kidney, etc.). Speaking about  "100 medical Xrays" is pretty vague and useless.

I tried to present the results in table form so that you could aggregate them as you needed, but I cannot match the numbers used  in the article with my original estimates. The editor exaggerated somewhat the weapon testing contribution and very much slighted  the nuclear power contribution. Both calculations were made using  the same methodology and both used the official UNSCEAR data.

However, the text says: "we find that weapon testing has led to ... approximately 1,200 million. Meanwhile, electricity  production from nuclear plants between 1943 and 2000 may have led to another million victims ..."

My estimates are:

Nuclear weapon testing: 1,138 million
Nuclear weapon production: 3.2 million (84% local or regional)
Nuclear power production: 21 million (76% local or regional)
Medical production and use: 4 million

Military 16 million
Civilian 15 million

Total Military: 1,156 million
Total civilian electricity
related: 36 million
Total medical: 4 million
GRAND TOTAL: 1,200 million

Of these amounts, about 31.4% are radiation induced cancers; 19.6% are genetic effects and 49% are teratogenetic effects in live born  offspring.

I used official risk factors except for not introducing the dose rate effect which the nuclear people do to reduce the number of  cancers. My own research would say that the cancer estimates should be doubled, not divided by two. In the paper I maintained a  neutral position be not doing either.

Best wishes,
Rosalie Bertell

 Rosalie's Figures on Nuclear Lethal& Non-lethal Cancer Causes

Rosalie Bertell's math


 Feature Story Intro by our Website Editor

Suffering Intentionally Caused Women by Nuclear Military Industrial Central Bankers

 Women suffer miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, deformed, handicapped & retarded kids, immune deficiencies, breast-, uterine- & thyroid cancers – here's the evidence & authority you need to win-over a friend or jury

Nuclear Industry cancer jumps from 1 million to 2 billion; include animals & double or triple that. Cancer rates edge from 1-in-2, to 1-in-1. Will you fight for justice? Deaths from high yield atmospheric testing when low yield is included jump from 1 million to 60 million deaths & 100 million cancers. When all nuclear industry deaths, fatal & non-fatal cancers are included, jump is to 1.2-to-2.4 billion victims. If you include animals, the toll doubles or triples. Since fallout radiation is accumulative in the body, and women carry all their eggs from birth, the chances of ingested everyday fallout harming your unborn child increase as your injestion of each radionuclude atom, increases. Yes, each atom.


True Number Of Nuclear Industry Victims —  by Sister Rosalie Bertell


Epidemiologist counts 1.2 billion fatal & non-fatal nuclear cancer victims: real victims of nuclear industry go untold as a Chernobyl count and as a world count.

Despite the authorities attempt at concealment, we can still begin to enumerate the real victims of the nuclear age –  Although the calculations and statistics which I have brought to bear below do not include all of the human suffering that has been caused by the nuclear age, a closer look will show that the methodology is adequate for a first estimate of major damage. The magnitude of the harm already caused is startling, and even more so when we realise many types of damage have been omitted from this first estimate. In my estimate, cancer, whether fatal or non-fatal (excluding non-fatal skin cancer), genetic damage and serious congenital malformations and diseases ... will be included in the figures. Other damage is acknowledged but not estimated. Ultimately, whether or not one cares about the damage caused by radiation exposure is ultimately a human, not a scientific question.

Whether or not one cares about damage caused by radiation exposure ...is ultimately a human, not a scientific question

An unwanted attack on someone's person or reproductive capacity is a violation of human rights —  Damage is damage, and causing an unwanted attack on someone's person or reproductive capacity is a violation of human rights. Such damage can be rated for importance, but it should not be arbitrarily ignored. "Statistics are the people with the tears wiped away," stated one of the Rongelap people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, who 'hosted' the United States Bikini nuclear testing in the 1950s.

Hard-hearted mindset laid down the degree of suffering & ill-health as the 'acceptable' price to pay for the world 'benefitting' from nuclear technology

Story of many tears — This is the story of many tears, and of a hard-hearted mindset that laid down the degree of suffering and ill-health that would be the 'acceptable' price to pay for the world 'benefitting' from nuclear technology.

Risk estimates used in this analysis —  In order to estimate the real victims of the nuclear industry [as oppossed to those figures enumerated by the ICRP, IAEA and other nuclear apologists], I will take the customary risk estimates, indicate their probable range of error, and then extend the definition to cover related events not recognized as 'detriments' by the nuclear regulators. For example, while the nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration. And, limiting genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth.

Nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration. And, limiting genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth

Estimating fatal & non-fatal cancer risks —  In 1991, ICRP concluded the projected lifetime risk of fatal cancer for members of the population exposed to Sievert whole-body radiation at a low dose rate, was between seven and 11 excess fatal cancers ...and, seven to eight excess fatalities for those in the nuclear industry aged 25 to 64 years. We extend these estimates to non-fatal cancers by estimating the total number of cancers which were used by the ICRP in order to obtain the number of fatalities. We, therefore, estimate 16 fatal and non-fatal cancers if we exclude non-fatal skin cancers, or 36 if we count them. If the estimate of fatal cancers was off by a factor of two then we can double all those numbers. The estimate I use for cancer is 16 per 100 Person Sieverts ...but, the reader can adjust this estimate to suit other inclusions, exclusions or uncertainties.

A dose of 150 mSv to human male testes causes temporary sterility, a single dose of 3.5 Sv causes permanent sterility

Estimating damage to an embryo or fetus —  According to the BEIR Committee [Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation] 1990 report, a dose of 150 mSv to human male testes will cause temporary sterility, and a single dose of 3.5 Sv will cause permanent sterility. According to the ICRP in 1991, just 5 mSv to the testes will cause damage to offspring – yet this dose was permitted yearly to members of the public, and ten times more to nuclear workers, in all countries prior to 1990. It continues today to be permitted yearly for nuclear workers in most countries.

650 mSv is considered to be the threshold for temporary sterility in women – since radionuclides can be retained in bone or fatty tissues, they are able to cross the placenta barrier and disrupt the developing embryo or fetus – radionuclides in the mother's body are transferred in her breast milk

Women carry with them all of the ova from birth which they will ever have —  Women carry with them all of the ova from birth which they will ever have. The threshold for permanent female sterilization decreases with age, but in general about 650 mSv is considered to be the threshold for temporary sterility in women. After the Bravo event -- the detonation of a hydrogen bomb at the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific in March 1954 -- the women of Rongelap Atoll experienced about five years of sterility. As they regained their fertility, they experienced faulty pregnancies, miscarrigies, stillbirths and damage to their offspring Since some radionuclides can be retained in bone or fatty tissues, they are able to cross the placenta barrier and disrupt the developing embryo or fetus. Radionuclides in the mother's body can also be transferred in her breast milk. The official nuclear industry definition of 'detriment' includes only serious genetic disease. Teratogenic diseases (those not passed on to offspring) are not judged by the nuclear industy to be serious, and, therefore, not counted as a 'detriment'.

Women regained their fertility but had faulty pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth & offspring

Recently, the 1990 BEIR committee made one small concession in recognizing mental retardation — in children exposed to radiation during the fifth to 15th weeks of their mother's pregnancy Radiation kills brain cells, causing both an underdeveloped brain (microcephaly) and mental retardation. For the individual child, BEIR estimates that a dose in utero of 100 to 500 mSv can cause a range of problems from poor school performance to severe mental retardation.

A dose in utero of 100 to 500 mSv can cause problems from poor school performance to severe mental retardationA dose in utero of 100 to 500 mSv can cause problems from poor school performance to severe mental retardation

Genetic damage —  The U.N. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation [UNSCEAR] and BEIR both agree that a population of one million live births exposed to 100 Person Sieverts will result in one to three genetic damage effects to offspring,  and so to the human gene pool. The doubling dose for genetic effects [the dose that will cause twice as many genetic effects] is more contentious, with some geneticists claiming that it is 2.5 Sv, and others claiming much greater sensitivity with a 0.12 Sv doubling dose. If the latter is true, then the increase in genetic effects will be 8.3 per cent for every 10mSv and therefore 83 such effects per million live births when the total averaged dose is 100 Person Sieverts rather than the 4 such effects. in the first instanceOn the conservative side, we have taken 10 genetic effects to be the number for exposed offspring.

The 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl stunned the world, releasing thousands of tons of radioactivity over an innocent population. Magnum photographer Paul Fusco revisits the affected region, searching for the accident's enduring effects. See the project at Mediastorm


Estimate of 'Teratogenic Effects' — Damage to an embryo from ionizing radiation when in the womb is not considered to be genetic. Such irradiation can lead to 30 different congenital anomolies, including permanent damage to the brain, mental deficiency, skull deformities, cleft palate, spina bifida, club-feet, genital deformities, growth retardation and childhood cancer. A total of all those effects, including mortality, amount to 46, of which 25 are live born.  When we summarise those risk estimates, we get 16 cancers, 10 genetic effects and 25 congenital effects for one million exposed to 100 Person Sieverts.

Damage to an embryo from ionizing radiation when in the womb is not considered to be genetic. Such irradiation can lead to some 30 different congenital anomolies; including: permanent brain damage, mental deficiency, skull deformity, cleft palate, spina bifida, club-feet, genital deformity, growth retardation & childhood cancer

The task now is to apply those numbers for the global population from industrial nuclear activities, including weapons testing in the fifties, sixties and early seventies and electricity production from nuclear power over the past half century. When we do this we find that weapons testing has lead to nearly 376 million cancers, 235 million genetic effects and 587 million teratogenic effects to give a total of approximately 1,200 million. Meanwhile, electricity production from nuclear plants between 1943 and 2000 may have lead to another million victims, of which as many one-fifth will have been premature cancer deaths.

Although not officially accounted for, about 500 million fetuses will have also been lost as stillbirths during that period from radiation exposure while in the womb

"Another century of nuclear power, and this carnage would continue with more than 10 million victims a year. An industry which has the potential to kill, injure and maim that number of innocent people – and all in the name of 'benefitting' society – is surely, wholly unacceptable."  – Sister Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GNSH, is President of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, and Editor in Chief of International Perspectives in Public Health (IICPH).

"In order to estimate the real victims of the nuclear industry (as oppossed to those figures enumerated by the ICRP, IAEA and other nuclear apologists), I will take the customary risk estimates, indicate their probable range of error, and then extend the definition to cover related events not recognized as 'detriments' by nuclear regulators.

"While nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration.  And, limiting genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth."  – Sister Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GNSH, is President of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, and Editor in Chief of International Perspectives in Public Health (IICPH)

(For the exciting conclusion to Rosalie's story, go to the top of the column to your left.)

[Editor's note: Breathing or eating radionuclides, or food with radionuclides in it, smoking cigarette tobacco or pot exposed to fallout, (or having skin contact with tritium as released or vented daily from every nuclear reactor into the air and water and soil), creates ingested (internalized) sources of ionizing radiation. Even if it is considered low level ionizing radiation, once it is ingested, it is no longer a one-time external exposure ...it as a 24x7x365 life-long exposure ...such as getting shot once with a bullet, compared to getting shot hundreds or thousands or millions of times a day, for the rest of your life. Some ingested low level exposures take 30-40 years to produce non-fatal or fatal cancer ...but you may experience mild-to-severe immune deficiency diseases along the way. Some will kill you immediately, or in a short time.]

Instruments Don't Eat, People Do

12:32 PM Mar 22, 2011 -0103- Comparisons with X-rays and CT scans meaningless - inhaling particles increases radiation exposure by a factor of a trillion

(following excerpted from: The Pacific Ocean Is Dying And You Don't Even Know)



Helen CaldicottBeyond Nuclear — Physicians for Social Responsibility — Fact Sheets — Risks to women & children from nuclear reactors & Palm card —Nuclear power & children — Tritium: a universal health threat from every nuclear reactorRoutine releases: Tritium & noble gases 

 More info on tritium, see Maggie Gundersen & Fairewinds, (here)

Also, see: Tritium Toxicity, Effects of Prenatal Irradiation (here)

add ed

(l) Executive Director & health researcher of Radiation & Public Health Project (radiation.org), Joe Mangano explains how citizens can monitor radiation in the air. (r) Post Fukushima Increases in Newborn Hypothyroidism on the West Coast of USA. Christie Brinkley, model, actress, anti-nuclear activist ...is vice president. With a nuclear power site 17 miles from her home, model, Christie (also, a launch partner of Beyond Nuclear with Helen Caldicott) warns the public of nuclear reactor dangers. "From the shores of Long Island, it's only 11 miles. Eleven miles across the Sound," she says. "Because it sits in Connecticut, a lot of Long Islanders don't realize the proximity, don't realize the danger. And certainly people in Manhattan don't realize that even Millstone has the potential to affect Manhattan." During the past few years, Brinkley has become a nuclear activist. She and her husband, Peter Cook, an architect whose family roots in the Hamptons date back to the 1600s, have joined the East Hampton-based Standing for Truth About Radiation (STAR). Cook is chairman of the nonprofit group that formed in 1997 and helped to permanently close Brookhaven National Laboratory's High Flux Beam Reactor.

10:15 AM Feb 21, 2017 -8847- Scientists fear Fukushima radiation hitting U.S. to worsen - A lot of people are very concerned - Billions being exposed - Reactors will continue to pour water into Pacific for the rest of time (VIDEO)

Feb 2, 2017 Arnie Gundersen, former nuclear engineer (emphasis added): “When I went to school, the saying was ‘dilution is the solution to pollution,’ and that’s what the Japanese believe. If they dump [radioactive water from Fukushima Daiichi] on their side and it floats over to the West Coast of the U.S. — the Pacific’s a big place — it’ll dilute out. I don’t think that’s appropriate… people are going to die. Regardless of how low the radiation is, it does cause cellular damage and cancer. So if you spread it out in a big body of water, the concentration goes down, but on the other hand, you’ve got a couple billion people exposed to it because they’re on the edge of that big body of water. So the concentration is down but the population is up and you’re still going to get cancer; it’s inevitable.”

Feb 13, 2017 Dr. Helen Caldicott: As water flows beneath the damaged reactors, it immerses three molten cores and becomes extremely radioactive and its journey into the adjacent Pacific Ocean. Every day since the accident began, 300 to 400 tons of water has poured into the Pacific where numerous isotopes including cesium 137, 134, strontium 90, tritium, plutonium, americium and up to 100 more, enter the ocean and bio-concentrate by orders of magnitude at each step of the food chain… tuna, salmon and other species found on the American west coast now contain some of these radioactive elements… [Fukushima Daiichi] will continue to pour water into the Pacific for the rest of time.


Short film by Julie Gautier


Part of Catholic Nun & Epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell's tabulation using nuclear industry statistics ...41,000 people get fatal or non-fatal cancer every day from nuclear industry waste & fallout ... conservatively 1.2 billion since 1940, (click pic)

Conservatively, 1.2 billion people have gotten fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry since the '40s; 41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry every day. The use of depleted uranium by the globalists is a war crime & they should be pay the ultimate price.    https://www.nuclearweatherforecast.com/Rosalie-Bertell-41k-cancers-from-nuclear-each-day.html 

Rosalie Bertell

The effects of depleted uranium in the human body   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgQ79-oDX2o 

Rosalie Bertell (extensive biography, here)

41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry every day

Rosalie Bertell (1929–2012), an american scientist, author, environmental activist, epidemiologist and Catholic nun. Bertell was a sister of the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart, best known for her work in the field of ionizing radiation, weather warfare, electro-magnetic pulse weapons and weaponizing the Earth (making the Earth a weapon).

Gulf War Syndrome, Depleted Uranium & Dangers of Low-Level Radiation

Desert Storm veterans along with the people of iraq and kuwait were victims of one of the latest military experiments on human beings; i believe that the ignorance was culpable and criminal.

by dr. rosalie bertell [biographical notes]

Introduction — I first heard about the military using depleted uranium for bullets from the Native Americans for a Clean Environment (NACE) in Gore, Oklahoma. Kerr Magee was operating a factory there, and in a liquid waste spill a young man, about twenty-one years old, was sprayed with the mixture and died. Many members of the public were also exposed, and were taken to the University in Oklahoma City for medical examination and feces analysis. It seems that the liquid waste contained primarily uranium and other heavy metals.

Local people had found this factory to be very polluting. When I visited the town to see what was happening and to decide whether or not I could help, they showed me rust marks scattered over the surface of their automobiles where the toxic corrosive spray released from the factory routinely had impacted on the paint. People complained of burning throats and eyes, some with even more serious complaints, but little systematic information which would show that the factory was the source of their problem.

I met a young boy who showed me a frog he had caught--the frog had nine legs. It was in a bottle of formaldehyde. I wanted to take it for some tissue and bone analysis but it was his prize possession and he would not part with it.

I learned that the Kerr Magee plant had been disposing of its waste by deep-well injection in this rural, primarily farming area. The people, becoming alarmed at this practice which threatened the water table, got a court injunction to stop it. In an action, which seemed to the local farmers to be a retaliation, Kerr Magee had applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to call their waste an "experimental fertilizer" and just spread it over the top of the land. The stories were quite strong evidence that this so-called fertilizer was sometimes just released into the local river, or released in one place on the factory property, with no pretense even to spread it.

The young boy had found his nine-legged frog on the hill which served as the "experimental plot." Hunters had found a rabbit with two hearts, and the local taxidermist told me that he had tried to mount two deer heads and the fur came off in his hands in clumps. He had never seen anything like it in his whole career.

As local people became sick and started to complain, Kerr Magee bought them out, and took over their land. The Native people, who were determined to preserve their land, formed a Coalition of White and Natives Concerned, and began the long legal fight with the company. They learned about environmental assessment hearings, licensing hearings, etc. and began to seriously participate. They also undertook a human health survey of all families -- there were about four hundred of them -- living within four miles of the factory. Every family was included in the survey, which was very comprehensive and carefully administered.

The International Institute of Concern for Public Health agreed to analyze this data for the citizens. The outstanding illnesses in the area were respiratory and kidney problems. There were significantly more persons with respiratory illnesses down wind of the plant, and significantly more with kidney problems down stream of the plant.

We intended to do a clinical follow-up of this survey, and designed the study with the cooperation of the Occupational Health and Respiratory Units at the University Medical School of New Jersey. We were not able to obtain funding for this study. Nevertheless, with the health survey and a great deal of local perseverance, Kerr Magee moved out. A second multinational tried to take over the factory--I think it was General Dynamics--but it failed.

Uranium bullets

I learned many things about the uranium bullets in the process of this research:

They are incendiary, that is after piercing the object they can burst into flame.

They are fragmentary, they disintigrate into small fragments inside the body, and cannot be removed. 

They are more dense than lead, and can pierce a bullet-proof vest, or a light armored car or tank. 

Because the "enemy" might also use them, the military made uranium armor as a protection.

They were cheap, because the depleted uranium was a waste product of the nuclear-bomb program. 

They were radioactive, which meant that even handling them was risky, but no one seemed to be worrying about this!

Research into gulf war syndrome

Six years after the Gulf War there is still deep controversy over the causes of the severe health problems observed in the veterans. Reluctantly, the U.S. government has been slowly releasing data on possible Iraqi chemical exposures of the veterans, but many physicians, some of whom have reported that their jobs are being threatened, have said that this information does not explain the variety of symptoms observed.

Shortly after the Gulf War, at the request of Staff Sargeant Carol Picou, San Antonio, Texas, who was herself a victim, Patricia Axelrod undertook research into the possible causes of this illness.

The research was jointly sponsored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, Office of Women's Health. It was submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services on May 10, 1993, and was labeled: for internal distribution only. The research was intended to be a guide to further research into the problem, so its limitation to internal distribution did not make sense.

Our journal, International Perspectives in Public Health, published the document in full in 1994.

At the time, the U.S. Department of Defence was treating this illness as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and advising military doctors to treat it with muscle relaxants and sleeping pills, while ordering a mental illness assessment. Most of the information in Ms. Axelrod's Guide to Gulf War Sickness comes from interviews with Dr. Thomas Callender, a toxicologist; Dr. Barry Wilson, of Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories; and Commissioner Rudy Arredondo, Maryland's Commission on Black and Minority Health. Ms. Axelrod also interviewed many veterans and reviewed the journal articles and reports available in the public press. Information on leishmaniases was provided by the World Health Organization.

Potential causes of gulf war syndrome

In this complex situation, any or all of the following factors may have interacted to bring about specific symptoms in veterans. Obviously, the combinations of factors differ with individuals, hence it is likely that there is not one single explanation of the whole spectrum of symptoms. However, the following main categories are candidates for causal relationships with illnesses reported by veterans:

Administration of three vaccines intended as protection against nerve and biological warfare agents. These were: 

Pyridostigmine, normally prescribed for myasthenia gravis and known to have serious side effects, especially when the person taking it is exposed to heat. It is also known that exposure to pesticides and insecticides (Baygon, Diazinon and Sevin) should be avoided when taking pyridostigmine because they can accentuate its toxicity. Some women who took this drug during pregnancy and have breast-fed infants have seen side effects in their child. 

Botulinum Pentavalent, an unproven vaccine intended to counteract botulism. It is unlicensed in the United States. 

Anthrax, to protect against the disease anthrax. This was apparently selectively administered to troops during the war, and women receiving it were warned not to have children for three or four years.

Depleted uranium was used for the first time in this war. It was incorporated into tank armor, missile and aircraft counterweights and navigational devices, and in tank, anti-aircraft and anti-personnel artillery. The scientific information on this deadly chemical has been reported in "Radium Osteitis With Osteogenic Sarcoma: The Chronology and Natural History of Fatal Cases" by Dr. William D. Sharpe, Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 47, No. 9 (September 1971). There was no excuse for this human experimentation because the effects of this exposure were known. 

Smoke and chemical pollutants released by the continuous oil- well fires. Levels of soot, carbon monoxide and ozone have been studied by an Environmental Protection Agency Task Force. The National Toxics Campaign, Boston, Massachusetts, found five different toxic hydrocarbon products in the smoke (1,4-dichlorobenzine, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, diethyl phthalate, dimethyl phthalate and naphthalene), any one of which could induce serious health effects. 

Old World leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease transmitted by the bite of many species of sand fly indigenous to the region. Non-indigenous people who enter an infected area are known to be more seriously affected by this parasite than the inhabitants. If left undiagnosed, and therefore untreated, it can be fatal. Diagnosis requires bone and spleen biopsy, and the disease can have a three-year incubation period without causing symptoms. It can be transmitted by blood transfusion, and transmitted by a woman to her unborn child. Leishmaniasis was reported as widespread in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This disease is thought to be responsible for the Pentagon ban, November 1991, against blood donations from Gulf War veterans. This ban was lifted, for unknown reasons, on January 11, 1993. 

Pesticides and insecticides were used extensively throughout the war to protect against pestilence. It is known that large quantities of DDT, malathion, fenitrorthion, propuxur, deltamethrin and permethrin were used. They are all toxic nerve agents, and many are suspected carcinogens and mutagens. 

Destruction by allies of Iraqi chemical, nerve and biological warfare weapons resulting in widespread distribution of these toxins in the environment. This problem has now been, at least in part, documented by the U.S. Department of Defense. They are focusing on this potential cause as if it were the only candidate cause. 

The electromagnetic environment which permeated the battlefield during the war. Veterans were exposed to a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation created by electricity generated to support the high-tech instruments, thousands of radios and radar devices in use. This intense electromagnetic field causes both thermal and non-thermal effects, and potentially interacts with the other hazardous exposures and stresses of the battlefield. Electromagnetic radiation can alter the production of hormones (neurotransmitters), interact with cell membranes, increase calcium ion flow, stimulate protein kinase in lymphocytes, suppress the immune system, affect melatonin production required to control the "body clock," and cause changes in the blood-brain barrier.

Hazards of low level radiation

In the past few years the information available on the health effects of exposure to low levels of radiation has increased. We are no longer dependent on the commercial or military nuclear researchers who since 1950 have claimed that studies of the effects of low-level radiation are impossible to undertake. The new information is unsettling because it proves the critics of the industry to have been correct as to its serious potential to damage living tissue.

There have also been significant new releases of findings from the atomic bomb research in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the self-acclaimed "classical research" of radiation health effects. I will list these findings toward the end of this article, along with studies from the nuclear industry.

In reviewing these research papers one is struck by the high-dose response when the radiation is delivered slowly, with low total dose. The conventional wisdom has claimed that at low dose/slow-dose rate the body is well able to repair most of the harm caused by the radiation. Some nuclear apologists go so far as to claim such exposures are "beneficial."

Because the nuclear industry has always maintained that the effects of low-dose radiation exposure are so small that it is impossible to study them, they proposed extrapolating the effects from those observed at high dose, using a straight line to zero (zero dose, zero effect), together with "correction factors" for low dose/slow-dose rate.

The effect of this "correction" is to reduce the fatal cancer estimates calculated by D.L. Preston, then Director of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation at Hiroshima, using the new dosimetry, from seventeen fatalities per million people per rad exposure, to five fatalities per million people per rad exposure. The corresponding estimates based on actually observed rates for nuclear workers is between ten and thirty fatalities per million per rad. Obviously, for the adult healthy male, the dose-response estimate should be about twenty for fatal cancers per million per rad.

However, although we can make a strong case for increasing the "official" estimates of harm by a factor of four, this fails to deal with non-fatal cancers, depressed immune systems, localized tissue damage (especially the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts), damage to skin, and reproductive problems. Radiation can cause brain lesions, damage to the stem cells which produce the blood and, when the radiactive material is carried in a heavy metal (uranium) it can be stored in bone, irradiating body organs and nerves within its radius.

A Book by Dr. E. B. Burlakova

Detailed studies of dose-response at the low-dose/slow-dose rate level

Dr. E. B. Burlakova has provided me with a copy of the book, of which she is editor: Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Human Health. In one Chapter of this book, Dr. Burlakova and fourteen other scientists publish their findings on animal and human studies of the health effects of low dose/slow- dose rate, exposure to ionizing radiation. They examined carefully the following biological phenomena under ionizing radiation exposure situations:

— alkaline elution of DNA of lymphocytes and liver 
— neutral elution and adsorption of spleen DNA on nitrocellulose filters 
— restriction of spleen DNA by EcoRI endonuclease 
structural characteristics (using the ESR spin probe technique) of nuclear, mitochondrial, synaptical, erythrocyte and leukocyte membranes 
activity and isoforms of aldolase and lactate hydrogenase enzymes 
activity of acetycholine esterase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase 
the rate of formation of superoxide anion radicals 
the composition and antioxidizing activity of lipids of the above mentioned membranes 
the sensitivity of cells, membranes, DNA, and organisms to the action of additional damaging factors.
"For all of the parameters a bimodal dose-effect dependence was discovered, i.e. the effect increased at low doses, reached its [low-dose] maximum, and then decreased (in some cases, the sign of the effect changed to the opposite, or "benefit" effect) and increased again as the dose was increased" (Burlakova, page 118). Dr. Burlakova has speculated that at the lowest experimental doses used in this research, the repair mechanism of the cells was not triggered. It became activated at the point of the low- dose maximum, providing a "benefit" until it was overwhelmed and the damage began again to increase with dose. This may well be the case.

However, the unexpected effects of low dose/slow-dose rate exposure to ionizing radiation can also be attributed to biological mechanisms, other than the direct DNA damage hypothesis usually used by radiation physicists. These secondary mechanisms are specific to the low-/slow-dose conditions. Three such secondary mechanism have been observed by scientists: the Petkau effect, monocyte depletion, and deformed red blood cells.


The Petkau effect: discovered by Abram Petkau at the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, Manitoba, Canada in 1972 (Ref.1). Dr. Petkau discovered that at 26 rads per minute (fast-dose rate) it required a total dose of 3,500 rads to destroy a cell membrane. However, at 0.001 rad per minute (slow dose rate), it required only 0.7 rad to destroy the cell membrane. The mechanism at the slow-dose rate is the production of free radicals of oxygen (O2 with a negative electrical charge) by the ionizing effect of the radiation.The sparsely distributed free radicals generated at the slow-dose rate have a better probability of reaching and reacting with the cell wall than do the densely crowded free radicals produced by fast-dose rates. These latter recombine quickly. Moreover, the slight electrical charge of the cell membrane attracts the free radicals in the early stages of the reaction (low total dose). Computer calculations have shown that the attraction weakens with greater concentrations of free radicals. The traditional radiation biologist has tested only high-dose reactions, and looked for direct damage to the membrane by the radiation.

Monocyte depletion: Nuclear fission produces radionuclides which tend to be stored by humans and animals in the bone tissue. In particular, strontium-90, plutonium and the transuranics have this property. Stored in bone, near the stem cells which produce the white blood cells, these radionuclides deliver a chronic low/slow dose of radiation which can interfere with normal blood- cell production. A few less neutrophils or lymphocytes (the white blood cells which are most numerous, and are usually "counted" by the radiophysicist) are not noticeable. In the normal adult, there are about 7,780 white cells per microlitre of blood. Of these, about 4,300 are neutrophils and 2,710 are lymphocytes. Only 500 are monocytes.If, for example, stem cells in the bone marrow are destroyed so as to reduce total white blood count by 400 cells per microlitre due to the slow irradiation by radionuclides stored in the bone, this would represent a depletion of only five percent in total white cells, an insignificant amount. If all of the depletion was of neutrophils, this would mean a reduction of only 9.3 percent, still leaving the blood count well in the normal range. The lymphocytes would also be still in the normal range, even though they were depleted by 400 cells per microlitre, or 14.8 percent. However, there would be a dramatic depletion of the monocytes by 80 percent. Therefore, at low doses of radiation, it is more important to observe the monocytes, than to wait for an effect on the lymphocytes or neutrophils (as is now usually done). The effects of serious reduction in monocytes are:

Iron deficient anemia, since it is the monocytes which recycle about 37-40 percent of the iron in the red blood cells when they die; 
Depressed cellular immune system, since the monocyte secretes the substance which activates the lymphocyte immune system. [2]
Deformed red-blood cells: Dr. Les Simpson, of New Zealand, has identified deformed red-blood cells, as observed under an electron microscope, as causing symptoms ranging from severe fatigue to brain dysfunction leading to short-term memory loss. He has identified such cells in elevated number in chronic fatigue patients, and speculated that because of their bloated or swollen shape, they are obstructed from easily passing into the tiny capillaries, thus depriving muscles and the brain of adequate oxygen and nutrients. The chronic fatigue syndrome has been observed both at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, called bura bura disease, and at Chernobyl. [3]
In the official approach to radiobiology, only direct damage to DNA has been recognized as "of concern," and only high dose/fast-dose rate experiments or observations have been accepted for use in estimating the dose-response rate. As was noted, it is the "common wisdom" that effects of low doses/slow- dose rates cannot be studied, but must be extrapolated from the officially accepted high dose/fast-dose rate studies. This approach is rejected by the work of Dr. Burlakova, and the other research noted below.

Basing one's theory on claims that is impossible to study the phenomenon is certainly a peculiar way to do science! This myth has now been clearly shown to have been rash and criminally negligent.

Unfortunately, the Desert Storm veterans were victims of one of the latest military experiments on human beings. The people of Iraq and Kuwait were also the victims of this misguided experiment. I believe that the ignorance was culpable and criminal.

Recent Reports on Low-Level Radiation

I would like to bring your attention to the following significant new reports on the effects of low-level radiation:

Health Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, Results of the IPHECA Pilot Projects and Related National Programs, Scientific Report, World Health Organization, Geneva 1996.

Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Human Health, E.B. Burlakova, ed. Co-published by the Center for Russian Environmental Policy and the Scientific Council on Radiobiology Russian Academy of Science, ISBN 5-88587-019-5, Moscow 1996. 

Volume 137, Supplement, Radiation Research 1994, which published for the first time the dose-response data on cancer incidence rate observed in the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Prior to this publication, only cancer death data was reported. 

Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation V (BEIR V), U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Washington 1990. This provides new radiation risk estimates based on the newly assigned doses of radiation in this atomic bomb survivor study.
Also available now are the long term follow-up of workers in the nuclear industry. This industry has now been operating more than fifty years in the United States and about fifty years in the United Kingdom. These include:


"Inconsistencies and Open Questions Regarding Low-Dose Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation", by R. Nussbaum and W. Kohnlein. Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 102, No. 8, August 1994. 
RERF Technical Report TR9-87, by D.L. Preston and D.A. Pierce, Hiroshima 1987.

"The Effects of Changes in Dosimetry on Cancer Mortality Risk Estimates in Atomic Bomb Survivors" Radiation Research, Vol. 114, 1988. 

"Mortality and Occupational Exposure to Irradiation: First Analysis of the National Registry for Radiation Workers" by G.M. Kendall. British Medical Journal, Vol. 304, 1992. 

"Mortality Among Workers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory" by S. Wing. Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 265, 1991. 

"Reanalysis of the Hanford Data, 1944-1986 Deaths" by G.W. Kneale and A. Stewart. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 23, 1993.


The Petkau Effect, Revised Edition, 1990, by Ralph Graeub, Translated from German by Phil Hill, and Published by Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, 1994. ISBN: 1-56858-019-3. 

Bertell, R. "Internal Bone Seeking Radionuclides and Monocyte Counts", International Perspectives in Public Health, Vol. 9, pp 21-26, 1993 

Les Simpson has published several papers in the New Zealand Medical Journal, and wrote a Chapter in the Medical Textbook on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (MI), edited by Dr. Byron Hyde.

Sister Rosalie Bertell presents: Weather Wars, HAARP & Chemtrails (Parts 1-4)

EMP Director Sounds Alarm: ‘90% Will Die – If We’re Not Prepared, There Will Be No Coming Back'



Sister Rosalie Bertell

American scientist, author, environmental activist, epidemiologist, and Catholic nun

April 4, 1929 - June 14, 2012. Rosalie Bertell, American scientist, author, environmental activist, epidemiologist, and Catholic nun. Bertell was a Sister of the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart, best known for her work in the field of ionizing radiation, chemtrails, weather warfare and climate engineering ... and correcting then revising the harm count and death toll of the number of people getting fatal and non-fatal cancer from ionizing radiation — from 1 million according to the establishment, to 1.2 billion.

"While nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration. And, limiting [the counting of] genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth."Sister Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GNSH, Pres., International Institute of Concern for Public Health; Editor, International Perspectives in Public Health, Epidemiologist, ENMOD Expert

Alexei Yablokov and Janet Sherman

Alexei Yablokov: Science is when one finds a constant correlation.

Nuclear Controversies: Video includes presentation by Alexei Yablokov, rebuking IAEA & UN nuclear apologists

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

 Alexei yablokov 

russian environmental anti-nuclear activist – greenpeace in russia co-founder 

Photo: Nils Bøhmer

(above) Folks can return to the nuclear reactor stricken area in only 20,000 years: Amusement park electric bumper-cars attraction abandoned after Chernobyl nuclear disaster & evacuation of Pripyat, Ukraine on April 27, 1986.  Today, over 200 tons of uranium remains inside Chernobyl’s No 4 reactor, which exploded at 1:23 a.m. On the hush-hush, 48,000 residents were evacualted from of the city of Pripyat Ukraine, 3 kilometers from the site of the Chernobyl explosion. It wasn’t until two weeks later that Sweden, noticing mysterious and growing spikes in their own radiation monitors, sounded an alarm – the beginning of a long tradition of Scandinavia alerting the world to Russian nuclear calamity. Communist Party Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev, only two years on the job, finally went live and admitted to the disaster on May 14, two weeks and four days after it happened, something many of the shadowy figures behind him opposed. With the new shelter dome over the site, the surrounding exclusion zone of around 2,600 square kilometers will remain uninhabitable – and it will take another 20,000 years before people can live near the plant again.

Fukushima is rated at 100's or even 1,000's of times worse that Chernobyl, but pregnant women and others are forced to return to dangerously contaminated areas in order to get government recovery help ...and farmers are forced to grow radioactive crops like rice & vegetables & feed in contaminated farmlands covered with 30 million 1-ton rotting plastic bags of radioactive waste. 

(above) Marin Sheen – Hollywood actor & activist

Alexei Yablokov 

—(original article, here)—

Jan 10, 2017 by Charles Digges

Alexei Yablokov, the towering grandfather of Russian ecology who worked with Bellona to unmask Cold War nuclear dumping practices in the Arctic, has died in Moscow after a long illness. He was 83.

...a person on whom the authorities had no influence

Nuclear environmental pollution issues, Nuclear Russia Environmental Pollution at Sea & the Artic

Cold War nuclear dumping practices in the Arctic

Arctic: Dumped military reactors, scuttled nuclear subs

The Russian Northern Fleet: Source of Radioactive Contamination (document, here)

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment   (pdf, here)

Dumped Russian nuclear sub shows no radioactive leaks, but still presents chain reaction dangers (here)

Russia announces decades of Russian nuclear reactors & radioactive waste & nuclear reactors dumped into Kara Sea in Arctic ocean north of Siberia  (here)

Russia to resume subcritical nuclear bomb tests in Arctic? – Beefs up military security at old Arctic nuclear test archipelago of Novaya Zemlya for so-called subcritical nuclear tests of old nuclear weapons (here)

Russia’s aging Kola Nuclear Power Plant - 2 reactors past engineered life spans - negotiates with Gazprom to build 2 more reactors for underwater Arctic Shtokman oil & gas reserves (here)

Floating nuclear power plants attracting interest of the oil industry in Russia and abroad: Kaliningrad – The extremely hazardous use of floating and underwater atomic energy stations to supply power to tap remote oil and gas reserves is gaining currency among not only Russian gas giants but their Norwegian counterparts as well, despite vociferous environmental criticism (here)

Alexei Yablokov speaking at a Bellona conference. Credit: Bellona

As a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he was also the lead author of the seminal 2007 book, “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment.”

The book presented the conclusion that the 1986 Chernobyl disaster was responsible for 985,000 premature deaths – the boldest mortality tally to date – by analyzing 6,000 source materials on the accident.

Bellona President Frederic Hauge Tuesday remembered Yablokov as a friend of three decades standing.  “He was an inspiration, a great friend and a great scientist, one of the world’s most significant environmental heroes,” said Hauge. “To know him and to work with him, someone of such cool and keen intellect is a memory we should all take care of and treasure.”

Alexei Yablokov in Oslo. (Photo: Viktor Teryoshkin/Bellona)

Yablokov commanded a broad environmental and political mandate in Russia, and published over 500 papers on biology, ecology, natural conservation and numerous textbooks on each of these subjects. He founded Russia’s branch of Greenpeace and was the leader of the Green Russia faction of the Yabloko opposition party.

While serving as environmental advisor to President Boris Yeltsin’s from 1989 to 1992, Yablokov published a searing white paper that detailed the gravity of the radiological threat posed by dumped military reactors and scuttled nuclear submarines in the Arctic.  The catalogue of waste dumped at sea by the Soviets, includes some 17,000 containers of radioactive waste, 19 ships containing radioactive waste, 14 nuclear reactors, including five that still contain spent nuclear fuel; 735 other pieces of radioactively contaminated heavy machinery, and the K-27 nuclear submarine with its two reactors loaded with nuclear fuel.

U.S. is probably #1: Catalogue of nuclear waste dumped at sea by the Soviets: 17,000 containers of radioactive waste, 19 ships containing radioactive waste, 14 nuclear reactors, including five that still contain spent nuclear fuel; 735 other pieces of radioactively contaminated heavy machinery, and the K-27 nuclear submarine with its two reactors loaded with nuclear fuel.

Yablokov’s white paper spearheaded an epoch of environmental openness that led to more than $3 billion in international aid to Russia to clean up 200 decommissioned submarines and to secure decades of military nuclear waste. 

The paper’s findings dovetailed an early Bellona report in 1992 on radioactive waste dumped by the Russian Navy in the Kara Sea.

Hauge said that Yablokov was “the first person in a position of power in Russia who was brave enough to step forward and support our conclusions.”

“He helped open serious discussion about what was a Chernobyl in slow motion,” said Hauge.

The partnership became critical. In 1995, Bellona’s Alexander Nikitin was charged with treason for his contribution to a report expanding on Bellona’s conclusions about nuclear dangers in the Arctic. The report was called “The Russian Northern Fleet: Source of Radioactive Contamination (pdf download, here).”

Throughout the endless hearings leading up to Nikitin’s eventual acquittal, Hauge said Yablokov’s “calm, collected” knowledge of the Russian constitution helped guide the defense.

“His coolness during the Nikitin case was remarkable,” said Hauge on Tuesday. “He really emphasized that the constitution was the way to Nikitin’s acquittal.”

A nuclear submarine being dismantled.

In 2000, Russia’s Supreme Court agreed, and acquitted Nikitin on all counts, making him the first person to ever fight a treason charge in Russia and win.

Yablokov was a constant luminary at Bellona presentations in Russia, the European Union, the United States and Norway, most recently presenting his 2007 book in Oslo on the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.

He was also a tireless defender of environmental activists in Russia, suggesting at a 2014 Bellona conference in St. Petersburgthat ecological groups should publish a list of those government officials who harass them.

“We must constantly support our comrades who have been forced to leave the country or who have ended up in jail on account of their environmental activism,” he told the conference.

That same year, Yablokov championed the presentation of a report on environmental violations that took place at Russia’s showcase Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Yablokov arranged for activists from the Environmental Watch on the Northern Caucasus – many of whom were jailed, exiled or otherwise harassed into silence – to present their shocking report on Olympic environmental corruption in Moscow when every other venue had turned them away.

“He was a friend and advisor to us from the beginning and in a large part we owe the success of our Russian work to his steady advice and guidance,” said Hauge.

Yablokov’s death was mourned across the spectrum in Moscow. Igor Chestin, head of the WWF called Yablokov Russia’s “environmental knight.”

Valery Borschsev, Yablokov’s colleague in the human rights faction of the Yabloko party said of him that “he was a person on whom the authorities had no influence.”

Charles Digges

 Janet sherman

Janette Sherman, M.D. specializes in internal medicine & toxicology with an emphasis on chemicals & nuclear radiation that cause illness, including cancer & birth defects. she graduated from western michigan university with majors in biology & chemistry & from wayne state university college of medicine. prior to medical school, she worked for atomic energy commission (forerunner of nuclear regulatory commission) at university of california in berkeley, &  u.s. navy radiation defense laboratory in san francisco.thus began her long-time involvement with the subject of nuclear radiation. from 1976–1982 dr. sherman served on the advisory board for the environmental protection agency (epa) toxic substances control act. she has been an advisor to the national cancer institute on breast cancer and to the epa on pesticide.

Life's Delicate Balance: Causes & Prevention of Breast Cancer here

Books here

Chernobyl research documents that radionuclides mutate germs, viruses and bacteria to create new and mysterious diseases.

Chernobyl:  Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature here & here -see chapter 2, part 11: Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota - re: 'radionuclides mutate viruses and bacteria to form new and mysterious diseases'  (free PDF) NOTE: Read the abstracts of each chapter that interests you ...abstracts summarize  chapters ... otherwise, it is very technical and tough going.

Elevated Childhood Cancer Incidence Proximate to U.S. Nuclear Power Plants

by Joseph J. Mangano , Janette Sherman , Carolyn Chang , Amie Dave , Elyssa Feinberg & Marina Frimer

Abstract: Numerous reports document elevated cancer rates among children living near nuclear facilities in various nations. Little research has examined U.S. rates near the nation's 103 operating reactors. This study determined that cancer incidence for children <10 yr of age who live within 30 mi (48 km) of each of 14 nuclear plants in the eastern United States (49 counties with a population >16.8 million) exceeds the national average. The excess 12.4% risk suggests that 1 in 9 cancers among children who reside near nuclear reactors is linked to radioactive emissions. If cancer incidence in 5 western states is used as a baseline, the ratio is closer to 1 in 5. Incidence is particularly elevated for leukemia. Childhood cancer mortality exceeds the national average in 7 of the 14 study areas.  (more, here) (here) (here)

Keywords: childhood cancer, ionizing radiation, leukemia, nuclear power plants, radioactive emissions

Women & pregnant women, babies-to-be, infants & girls within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away

“A 2012 study of all nuclear plants in France found elevated levels of child leukemia in the vicinity of the plants. A 2008 study in Germany came to a similar conclusion regarding child leukemia and Germany’s nuclear generating facilities. A study in, Archives of Environmental Health, in 2003 found cancer rates in children were 12.4 percent higher (than nationwide occurrences) in 49 counties surrounding 14 nuclear plants in the eastern United States.” - Excerpted from, Washington Spectator, (project of Public Concern Foundation), Watching the Nuclear Watchdog, February 1, 2015, by Janet Sherman.

08:44 AM Jan 12, 2012 -2242- Child leukemia doubles near French nuclear plants

09:57 AM Jun 2, 2011 -0642- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says no such thing as safe levels of radiation – standard based on ‘cost-benefit’, not safety – 06/02/11, National Academy of Science: 1 in 5 workers get cancer from IAEA safety standard

09:56 AM Apr 25, 2012 -3163- Epidemiology Scientist: Slower you spread radiation dose, more effectively it produces cancer and inherited defects – Japan is going the very best way in the world for destroying the human race (1993 VIDEO)

08:31 AM Apr 25, 2012 -3162- Mom speaks out about brain cancers around San Onofre nuclear plant

03:53 PM Feb 27, 2013 -5443- We have seen how it’s affecting children already, and no one knows exactly what’s going on – can only rely on nuclear experts in Germany, France, U.S.

03:32 PM Aug 8, 2012 -3975- Global public sentiment vehemently anti-nuclear – Extreme public resistance in Japan, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland

08:48 AM May 31, 2012 -3468- Germany produces 50% of energy from solar during mid-day – ‘Equivalent to 20 nuclear power stations at full capacity – without any radioactive waste

05:21 PM Mar 18, 2012 -2875- U.S. to burn 100s of tons of radioactive waste from Germany in Tennessee (also see, Human & Uranium Trafficking)

06:40 AM May 13, 2012 -3310.a- Japanese not allowed to get on bus in Germany because people from Tokyo are contaminated

02:36 PM Feb 15, 2012 -2612- Evidence links nuclear plants to ill health – UK blames unidentified virus for childhood leukemia rise

03:53 PM Aug 26, 2015 -8702- California Coast: Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder- 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center (CHART)

-8702.1- also see: Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine (Springer), Jun 29, 2013: Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans, accounting for one in five mortalities from radio-carcinogenesis. Risk of leukemia varies with age, younger persons more prone to radio-carcinogenesis - Leukemia appears as early as 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period of 5 to 10 years.

-8702.2- also see: California sea lions dying from organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of pus inside bodies (PHOTO)

Normal nuclear reactors spew fallout every day same as nuclear bombs

Sustained low levels of everyday nuclear emission-fallout add up in you – can be more harmful than a nuclear bomb

Every day, low yield nuclear reactor fallout from cancer-causing releases from 'normal' reactors, mishaps, facility-obsolescence leaks, nuclear dump leakage and mishaps, uranium mining, tailing operations, shipping nuclear materials and waste by plane, ship, train, truck and container mishaps …produces the same fallout that detonating a nuclear bomb produces – and is considered by the nuclear indus try as 'business-as-usual'. The (pink pregnant woman) chart link tells how normal reactors contaminate our food, water, earth, sky ...and you. 

09:10 AM Apr 12, 2013 -5738- U.S. Experiments: Hundreds of pregnant women fed nuclear material – infants & children fed radioactive lemonade, here

Women & girls, especially pregnant women, infants & unborn within 20-25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men, boys or those farther away, —(cell phone pdf) - or - (MS Word w/ search engine & pop-ups)

Chernobyl - Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment

nuclear radiation: new & mysterious diseases

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People & the Environment

Written by Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko & Alexey V. Nesterenko

Edited by Janette Sherman-Nevinger

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences – Vol 1181

Free PDF Download of Chernobyl Book  

Russians at it again

(Webmaster's note: I read published abstracts of scientific research studies, written by Chernobyl scientists, and learned exposure to radionuclides causes bacteria and viruses to mutate, causing new and mysterious diseases. It took you less than ten seconds to read the previous sentence …now, you know more than all the apologist bad science perps will  admit .)


Published by New York Academy of Sciences

Chernobyl: Consequences of the catastrophe for people and the environment

written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman

excerpt: Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment

chapter 11

Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota

by Alexey V. Yablokov

Abstract: Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.

One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, micro-fungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and micro-fungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation … … …

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.

All but a few microorganisms that have been studied in Chernobyl-affected territories underwent rapid changes in heavily contaminated areas.

Our contemporary knowledge is too limited to understand even the main consequences of the inevitable radioactive-induced genetic changes among the myriad of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that inhabit the intestines, lungs, blood, organs, and cells of human beings.

The strong association between carcinogenesis and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein-Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another reason why the cancer rate increased in areas contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003).

Not only cancer, but also many other illnesses are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans can increase susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin (influenza, chronic intestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, endocolitis, asthma, dermatitis, and ischemia), and various pathologies of pregnancy. The long-term consequences for microbial biota may be worse than what we understand today.

Mussels, barnacles, limpet, rock shell, sea anemones mass die-off

-8773- Fukushima: Intertidal biota by power plant - mass die off and reproductive failure of sessile species; sessile refers to organisms anchored, for example to rocks and piers, mussels, barnacles, limpet, rock shell, sponges, sea anemones, fan worms, chitons, gastropods, bivalves, crustaceans, echinoderms – 11:24 AM Feb 10, 2016 | 668

 Seals & sea lions at risk

-8758- West Coast - 200,000 sea lions at risk; sick animals eating themselves from the inside - cancer includes liver, pancreas; intestines shut down; infested with parasites & immune to antibiotics; numbers of dead or starving seals wash ashore (VIDEO) – 11:19 AM Jan 7, 2016 | 342

 Dead animals litter California beaches

-8809- Dead animals litter California beaches - graveyard of washed-up sea life - malnourished sea creatures - starving to death - Covered in sores - stunted growth - Weak immune systems (PHOTO-[1] & VIDEOS) - 07:26 AM Apr 25, 2016 | 98

This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in virtually all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.

[Editor's note:] Mainstream science, the nuclear energy industry and their apologists remain dumbfounded and swear on the bible there is more danger from natural radiation in eating bananas or potato chips or taking a walk in the park than eating or breathing in manmade ionizing fallout …from Fukushima or daily nuclear energy industry legal discharges, or accidents like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Pacific Ocean: Chunks missing from bodies of salmon from Pacific — lesions in over 50% of fish —  04:18 PM Aug 31, 2014  -8399- Pacific Ocean: Chunks missing from bodies of salmon from Pacific - lesions in over 50% of fish being reported ... followed by bacterial invasions (PHOTO)

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, here

Book - Published by New York Academy of Sciences, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment was written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman.

Chapter 11 — Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota  — by  Alexey V. Yablokov

[Abstract] Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.

One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, microfungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and microfungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation.

1.-Soon after the catastrophe studies observed activation of retroviruses (Kavsan et al., 1992).

2.-There is evidence of increased susceptibility to Pneumocystis carinii and cytomegalovirus in children whose immune systems were suppressed in the contaminated territories of Novozybkov District, Bryansk Province (Lysenko et al., 1996).

3.-Tuberculosis became more virulent in the more contaminated areas of Belarus (Chernetsky and Osynovsky, 1993; Belookaya, 1993; Borschevsky et al., 1996). Address for correspondence: (Editor’s note: omitted.)

4.-In some heavily contaminated areas of Belarus and Russia there was a markedly higher level of cryptosporidium infestation (Lavdovskaya et al., 1996).

5.-From 1993 to 1997 the hepatitis viruses B, C, D, and G became noticeably activated in the heavily contaminated areas of Belarus (Zhavoronok et al., 1998 a, b).

6.-Herpes viruses were activated in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus 6 to 7 years after the catastrophe (Matveev, 1993; Matveev et al., 1995; Voropaev et al., 1996).

7.-Activation of cytomegalovirus was found in the heavily contaminated districts of Gomel and Mogilev provinces, Belarus (Matveev, 1993).

8.-Prevalence of Pneumocystis was noticeably higher in the heavily contaminated territories of Bryansk Province (Lavdovskaya et al., 1996).

9.-The prevalence and severity of Gruby’s disease (ringworm), caused by the fungus microsporia Microsporum sp., was significantly higher in the heavily contaminated areas of Bryansk Province (Rudnitsky et al., 2003).

10.-The number of saprophytic bacteria in Belarussian sod-podzolic soils is at maximum with radioactivity levels of 15 Ci/km2 or less and minimal in areas 281 282 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences with up to 40 Ci/km2 (Zymenko et al., 1995).

11.-There is a wide range of radionuclide bioaccumulations in soil micromycetes. The accumulation factor of Cs-137 in Stemphylium (family Dematiaceae) is 348 and in Verticillium (family Muctdinaceae) 28 (Zymenko et al., 1995).

12.-Since the catastrophe, the prevalence of black microfungi has dramatically increased in contaminated soil surrounding Chernobyl (Zhdanova et al., 1991, 1994).

13.-Among soil bacteria that most actively accumulate Cs-137 are Agrobacterium sp. (accumulation factor 587), Enterobacter sp. (60–288), and Klebsiella sp. (256; Zymenko et al., 1995).

14.-In all soil samples from the 10-km Chernobyl zone the abundance of soil bacteria (nitrifying, sulfate-reducing, nitrogen-fixing, and cellulose-fermenting bacteria, and heterotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria) was reduced by up to two orders of magnitude as compared to control areas (Romanovskaya et al., 1998).

15.-In contaminated areas several new variants of tobacco mosaic virus appeared that affect plants other than Solanaceous species, and their virulence is most likely correlated with the level of radioactive contamination in the areas. Infection of tobacco plants with tobacco mosaic virus and oilseed rape mosaic virus was shown to induce a threefold increase in homologous DNA recombination in non-infected tissues (Boyko et al., 2007; Kovalchuk et al., 2003).

16.-All the strains of microfungi species that were studied (Alternaria alternata, Mucorhiemalis, and Paecilomyces lilacinus) from the heavily contaminated Chernobyl areas have aggregated growth of threadlike hyphae, whereas the same species from soil with low radionuclide contamination show normal growth. Only slowly growing Cladosporium cladosporioides has aggregated growth both in contaminated and TABLE 11.1. Characteristics of Oocysts of Coccidia (Eimeria cerna) in Voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) from Two Differently Contaminated Sites, Bryansk Province (Pel’gunov, 1996) Level of contamination 20μ R/h 180–220 ΜR/h Normal 94.5 76.6 Anomalous 06.3 Nonsporulated 5.2 12.2 lightly contaminated soils (Ivanova et al., 2006).

17.-Sharp reduction in the abundance of bifidus bacteria and the prevalence of microbes of the class Escherichia; in particular, a sharp increase in E. coli has been noted in the intestines of evacuee children living in Ukraine (Luk’yanova et al., 1995).

18.-In a long-term study (1954 to 1994—before and after the catastrophe) in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia it was revealed that in areas with a high level of radioactive contamination (740–1,480 kBq/m2 and higher) in Bryansk, Mogilev, Gomel, Chernygov, Sumy, Kaluga, Oryol, Smolensk, and Kursk provinces, practically no cases of rabies in wild animals have been reported since the catastrophe (Adamovich, 1998). This suggests that the rabies virus has either disappeared or become inactivate.

19.-Rodents in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus have been extensively invaded by coccids (obligate intracellular protozoan parasites from the phylum Apicomplexa; Sutchenya et al., 1995).

20.-There are fewer than normal, more anomalous, and no sporulated oocysts of coccidian Eimeria cerna in voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) in Bryansk Province (Table 11.1).

21.-Six years after the catastrophe a population of Eimeria cernae From Clethrionomys Glareolus living in heavily contaminated soil (up to 7.3 k Bq/kg of Cs-134, Cs-137, Sr-90, and Pu-106) in Kiev Province Yablokov: Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota 283 had anomalous oocysts (Soshkin and Pel’gunov, 1994).

22. -There was a significant decline in the Shannon diversity index of infusoria species and a concomitant increase in their abundance in the Pripyat River mouth from 1986 to 1988 (Nebrat, 1992).

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria. All but a few microorganisms that have been studied in Chernobyl-affected territories underwent rapid changes in heavily contaminated areas.

Our contemporary knowledge is too limited to understand even the main consequences of the inevitable radioactive-induced genetic changes among the myriad of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that inhabit the intestines, lungs, blood, organs, and cells of human beings.

The strong association between carcinogenesis and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein–Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another reason why the cancer rate increased in areas contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003).

Not only cancer, but also many other illnesses are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans can increase susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin (influenza, chronic intestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, endocolitis, asthma, dermatitis, and ischemia), and various pathologies of pregnancy. The long-term consequences for microbial biota may be worse than what we understand today.

Published by New York Academy of Sciences, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment was written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman

The Truth about Chernobyl

Chapter I. Chernobyl Contamination: An Overview —1. Chernobyl Contamination through Time and Space — Chapter II. Consequences for Public Health — 2. Public Health Consequences: Methodological Problems — 3. General Morbidity, Impairment, and Disability — 4. Accelerated Aging — 5. Nonmalignant Diseases — 6. Oncological Diseases — 7. Mortality  — Chapter III. Consequences for the Environment — 8. Atmospheric, Water & Soil Contamination — 9. Flora — 10. Fauna — 11. Microbial Biota — Chapter IV. Radiation Protection after the Catastrophe — 12. Radioactive Contamination of Food and People — 13. Decorporation of Radionuclides — 14. Protective Measures for Activities in Radioactively Contaminated Territories —15. Consequences for Public Health & the Environment, 23 Years Later 

Special Feature: Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts 

—(see Fairewinds Energy Education site for their original interviews, here)—

LEGAL DISCLAIMER [Fairewinds interviews below were edited from originals on the Fairewinds website by editors of, The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know; & subheads were added by the editors of, The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know, & are excerpted from, The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know — NOTE: exhibits, & links to (the original ENEnews that mysteriously disappeared in 2018) summaries when they appear are NOT part of original Fairewinds interviews, but added by our editors.]

cell phone: use pdf - computer: use ms word w/find-search engine

| Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide, pgs 1-21  (cell phone: pdf computer: ms word)  

| Welcome to my World, pgs 22-35 (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| Extreme Nuclear Dangers (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| Tritium Expose, pgs 7-17, Fairewinds interview begins several paragraphs under the heading: 'Let the Games Begin: We Almost Lost Detroit' (cell phone: pdfcomputer: ms word)

[Editor's note: Also, see [pdf here: Tritium Toxicity: Effects of Prenatal Irradiation]

| Smokescreen

| Hottest Hot Particle (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| Hot Particles in Seattle & Boston (cell phone: pdf  computer: ms word)  

| Nuclear Power Makes Global Warming Worse (cell phone: pdf computer: ms word)

| EPA Wrecks Protective Action Guidelines (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word) 

Arnie Gundersen

Nuclear reactor engineer, expert witness, educator, whistle blower, folk hero

Cell phone: pdf | Computer; msword w/pop-ups & search engine

Arnie on CNN answer questions about the Fukushima meltdowns.

Arnie on CNN: 5 or 6 Cores of Spent Fuel at Fukushima nuclear reactor sites, Fairewinds Energy Education; https://vimeo.com/247838807

Arnie on Three Mile Island (TMI), Chernobyl & Fukushima.

Arnie Gundersen & Ben Shulman-Reed; Fairewinds Energy Education; Arnie discusses Three Mile Island (TMI), Chernobyl & Fukshima meltdowns; https://vimeo.com/213779678

[Editor's note:] His nerdship Bill Gates wants to finish you off by spreading the cancer of sodium reactors killing you with (while robbing you of) your own taxdollars - (when did we ask Bill to rule Earth & run our lives?)

open letter from Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education (original text) ... to Bill Gates, (here)

Note: Excerpts - an an open letter from Arnie Gundersen — Fairewinds Energy Education (original text) ... to Bill Gates:  Mr. Gates, during fifty years of developing nuclear power expertise, I learned that sooner or later, in any foolproof system, the fools are going to exceed the proofs …it’s time for you to face the music (and the facts): marketing hype associated with your latest “brainchild” ignores 70-years of fails using liquid-sodium- based reactor coolant. 

Mycle Schneider, Politico E.U. “All they have are PowerPoint reactors ...far from an operating pilot plant.” 

Union of Concerned Scientists , Advanced Isn’t Always Better: Is different better? The short answer is, no.” 

Forbes Magazine:  “Wyoming To Lead Coal-To-Nuclear Transition: Interest for nuclear plants growing beyond Wyoming as Montana, Nebraska, Utah, Idaho and North Dakota [explore] advanced nuclear reactors …brainchild of Bill Gates …has developed a 345 MW sodium-cooled fast reactor with a molten salt-based energy storage system.” — Scientific Americanliquid sodium “dangerous as it is captivating … On contact with air, it burns; plunged into water, it explodes." 

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: “Private industry tried in the 1960s to operate its own commercial-sized  fast-breeder, Fermi I; benefits were negative. Barely three years after Fermi 1 came online, a partial fuel meltdown in 1966 brought it down.” — In the book. We Almost Lost Detroit, other sodium-cooled reactor fails in U.S. and worldwide.

American Nuclear Society, Admiral Rickover, founder of the nuclear Navy, testified to Congress in 1957: “We went to full power on the Seawolf ... on August 20 of last year.  Shortly thereafter, she developed a small leak. It took 3 months, 24 hours a day, to locate and correct the leak." Rickover killed Navy’s sodium-powered reactor due to leaks, volatility, repairs and radiation exposure. — After failed attempts to use liquid sodium on the Seawolf and Fermi 1, nuclear zealots convinced U.S. Congress to subsidize a sodium- cooled reactor at Clinch River in Tennessee.

Rise and Demise of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor  in Scientific American: “In 1982 …Energy Department videotape safety tests how molten sodium can react in contact with a reactor’s concrete containment. Concrete contains water crystals. Molten sodium reacts explosively with oxygen, including oxygen contained in water. The test demonstrated and video showed concrete exploding in contact with liquid sodium."

Monju sodium reactor ... After cancelation of the Clinch River fiasco, those nuclear zealots continued to pursue the fantasy of a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor at the Monju site in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. After 4-months, plagued by inevitable sodium leaks and sodium fires , Monju reactor had an emergency shutdown! The Monju sodium reactor took ten years to construct, ran intermittently for one year, and failed to operate for twenty years. Japan government's subsidized costs, exceeded $11 Billion.

Reuters: “With Monju’s shutdown, Japan’s taxpayers are left with at least 375 billion yen ($3.2 billion) to decommission its reactor, on top of 1 trillion yen ($8.5 billion) spent.” — Reuters, France has decided to cancel its sodium-cooled reactor designs for at least half a century!

Mr. Gates, during my fifty years of developing nuclear power expertise, I have learned that sooner or later, in any foolproof system, the fools are going to exceed the proofs … it’s time for you to face the music (and the facts): the marketing hype associated with your latest “brainchild” ignores 70-years of fails using liquid-sodium-based atomic reactor coolant. — Arnold "Arnie" Gundersen, Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Energy Education

Kim Kardashian told her 58 million twitter followers she's "shocked and furious" to learn that smoke from the Woolsey Fire started at Santa Susana and is potentially radioactive. Kourtney Kardashian tweeted "our family lives only 20 miles from Santa Susana." Santa Susana Sodium Reactor near Los Angeles CA, in Simi Valley; 3-4 nuclear facility reactor meltdowns were completely covered up, 400x worse than Three Mile Island – radioactive Plutonium, Cesium, Strontium released over L.A. for over 20 years, to date,  (here) & (here)

KARDASHIAN SISTERS - Three Kardashian sisters are alerting the twitter-verse about the Santa Susana Field Lab where the Woolsey Fire was started by PG&E equipment failures; PG&E subsequently went into bankruptcy to avoid paying damages. Santa Susana is the site of the biggest nuclear meltdown in the U.S., kept hidden for two decades, affecting millions of people & animals, and responsible for thousands of ill health affects including breast & prostate cancer, brain & lung cancer, leukemia, heart attacks, miscarriages, fetal & childhood deformities & hundreds of immune-deficiency disease-caused illnesses. It is a nuclear waste dump hidden from the public until recently. The biggest fears around Hanford and Chernobyl, WIPP nuclear dump & all reactors (which are also nuclear dumps) s that wildfires will make tons of radionuclides airborne like nuclear bombs going off to sicken people, pets & wildlife, cattle, farmlands, crops, gardens & water supplies & do great harm to people & all living things.

Kim Kardashian told her 58 million twitter followers she's "shocked and furious" to learn that smoke from the Woolsey Fire started at Santa Susana and is potentially radioactive. Kourtney Kardashian tweeted "our family lives only 20 miles from Santa Susana." Santa Susana Sodium Reactor near Los Angeles CA, in Simi Valley; 3-4 nuclear facility reactor meltdowns were completely covered up, 400x worse than Three Mile Island – radioactive Plutonium, Cesium, Strontium released over L.A. for over 20 years, to date,  (here) & (here)

Maggie Gundersen

Fairewinds Energy Education (here)

Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide (pdf, here –or– msword w/pop-ups & search engine)

 Extreme nuclear dangers | Tritium expose | Smokescreen | Hottest hot particle | Hot particles in seattle & boston | Nuclear power makes global warming worse |EPA guts protective action guidelines 

[Editor's note: Original transcript by Fairewinds; scroll down, (here). Edited oral history transcript by Nuclear Weather Forecast, (cellphone PDF, here) —or— (computer with MS Word search engine, pop-ups, footnotes, endnotes, charts & supplementary information, here)]

Contaminated waste from damaged nuclear plant in Fukushima swept away by Typhoon Hagibis … the city of Tamura in Fukushima Prefecture said Sunday that an unknown number of bags containing contaminated waste from the plant were lost.

Officials say heavy rains carried the bags to the nearby Furumichi River. That river connects to another river and flows into the Pacific Ocean. The city retrieved ten bags from the river but they haven't been able to confirm how many went missing out of the more than 2,600 bags kept in a storage area.

Radiation Alert: Super typhoon hagibis hits japan, redistributes radioactive soil & waste (story, here)

Fukushima Daiichi’s radioactive waste is on the move again as Hagibis, the worst typhoon to hit Japan since 1958, dropped 30” of rain in 24 hours and millions of people were forced to evacuate due to flooding

by Maggie Gundersen, October 14, 2019

From the minute we learned of this Super Typhoon threat, we were gravely concerned for the people of Japan and the tons of highly radioactive debris sitting on the edge of the volatile Pacific Ocean on the former site of the six Fukushima Daiichi atomic power reactors. Three of those nuclear power plants had meltdowns in March 2011 leaving more highly toxic radioactivity than anyone ever anticipated having in one spot. Some of that poisonous debris has been raked up and confined to thousands of giant 1-ton jumbo plastic bags that were right in the path of Hagibis.  As we watched the news of the approaching Pacific super typhoon (tropical cyclone) with its 150 mile per hour (mph) winds, we worried for the people of Japan who have already faced the worst nuclear disaster on the planet. Since these events are just beginning to unfold, the amount of radioactive material released into the Pacific Ocean and surrounding environment is unknown as of Monday morning, October 14.

Maggie Gundersen, Chiho Kaneko and Caroline Phillips of Fairewinds Energy Education discuss the nuclear risk concerns for children not only near the nuclear disaster sites of Fukushima-Dai-ichiin Japan and Chernobyl in Ukraine, formerly the Soviet Union, but globally where areas near all nuclear power plants are contaminated with radiation. Since mothers in Japan especially bear the responsibility to protect children, they experience greater hardships in an environment where just expressing one’s concern about radiation is seen as a treasonous act. Even 30 years later, the Belarus government recognizes the merits of relocating children away from radiation contaminated areas but the children of Japan are socially forced to stay put in highly contaminated areas.

Children suffer nuclear impact worldwide, (here)

Maggie Gundersen, Chiho Kaneko & Caroline Phillips of Fairewinds.org interviewed by Margaret Harrington of CCTV Channel 17 in Burlington, Vermont, June 20, 2016: (here) .

Do children suffer worldwide from atomic power? Absolutely. CCTV host Margaret Harrington anchored a panel with Maggie Gundersen, Caroline Phillips, and Chiho Kaneko from Fairewinds Energy Education to discuss the health risks to children around the world from operating nuclear power reactors and their burgeoning waste. In the aftermath of the nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi, mothers in Japan especially bear the responsibility to protect their children. As a result, they experience greater hardships in an environment where just expressing one’s legitimate concerns about radiation contamination is seen as a treasonous act. Meanwhile in Ukraine, 30-years following the atomic disaster at Chernobyl, the repercussions of massive radioactive contamination and government zoning continue to severely impact children living within 50 miles of Chernobyl’s epicenter. The United States is not immune to these worries and contentions as Tritium, Strontium-90, and Cesium 137 are radioactive releases that threaten the health of children living nearby leaky atomic power reactors and nuclear waste dumps. Learn more by watching this episode of Nuclear Free Future as the women of Fairewinds lend their voices to protect the children.

News Panel


(click pic)

Gee, once my kids are dead, does that mean I don't have to support them anymore?

Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts

Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide

Contrary to cartoon superheroes: Kids don't get superpowers from routine-everyday nuclear industry reactor fallout, waste & accidents – instead: immune deficiency diseases, cancer & leukemia

Maggie Gundersen, Chiho Kaneko & Caroline Phillips of Fairewinds.org interviewed by Margaret Harrington of CCTV Channel 17 in Burlington, Vermont, June 20, 2016: (here).  Original transcript by Fairewinds; scroll down, (here). Formatted & edited oral history transcript by Nuclear Weather Forecast, (PDF, here) - or - (with MS Word search engine, footnotes, endnotes, charts & supplementary information, here)

| Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide | Extreme Nuclear Dangers | Tritium Expose | Smokescreen | Hottest Hot Particle | Hot Particles in Seattle & Boston | Nuclear Power Makes Global Warming Worse | Sabotage: EPA Guts Protective Action Guidelines |

Special Feature: Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts 

—(see Fairewinds site for their original interviews, here)—


(Fairewinds interviews below were edited from originals on the Fairewinds website by editors of, The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know; & subheads were added by the editors of, The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know, & are excerpted from, The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know — NOTE: exhibits, & links to ENEnews summaries when they appear are NOT part of original Fairewinds interviews, but added by our editors.)

cell phone: pdf — computer: use ms word w/find-search engine

| Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide, pgs 1-21  (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)  

| Welcome to my World, pgs 22-35 (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| Extreme Nuclear Dangers (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| Tritium Expose, pgs 7-17, Fairewinds interview begins several paragraphs under the heading: 'Let the Games Begin: We Almost Lost Detroit' (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

[Editor's note: Also, see [pdf here: Tritium Toxicity: Effects of Prenatal Irradiation]

| Smokescreen

| Hottest Hot Particle (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| Hot Particles in Seattle & Boston (cell phone: pdf  – computer: ms word)  

| Nuclear Power Makes Global Warming Worse (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| EPA Wrecks Protective Action Guidelines (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word) 

 Christina RadChick Consolo

Fukushima triggers jump in airline pilot & passenger heart attacks, cancers, rad symptoms

Flight emergencies — we analyze daily ...doors fall off, pipes break, babies have heart attacks — by Christina Consolo (RadChick)


When I did this interview with Alfred in Feb of 2014 I thought I was done with the plane stuff for awhile, and would continue to collect data and maybe revisit this topic in a year or so – and see how flight crews were faring flying another year through fallout. A close friend I have known since childhood (who is a nuclear decommissioning specialist) reviewed my data and told me he would be much more concerned with the planes "falling apart" from Wigner, than the pilots passing out - as that is 'recoverable' in most cases. Shortly after this meeting, MH370 happened.

Then another crash, then MH17...then another crash...and on and on...I recently told my daughter, I feel like I have been cramming for finals since February. I never expected there to be so many crashes, missing planes, planes shot down, ALL the flight emergencies we now analyze on a daily basis, doors falling off, pipes breaking, babies having heart attacks, passengers being out-of-control...but this...THIS newest one... AirAsia flight QZ8501... has my head spinning.

This was very unexpected, and I am very very disturbed by it. Already there is weirdness happening over and above the event itself. I have already been asked "When will you do an interview about AirAsia" and it hasn't been even 24 hours yet. One of the most important things we can do right now is collect every single story, tweet, and post about this, to save for perusal later. Early into events like these there is a LOT of disinfo but there is also a lot of truth, that may be scrubbed later (as in the case of MH370 & MH17). I hope to see Alfred cover this with Leuren Moret, because the work they have done with MH370 & MH17 is some of the most mind-blowing yet sensical stuff ever covered as far as aviation accidents, and the politics behind some of these events. In the meantime, let's hope they find this latest missing plane. I can not even begin to imagine how hard this is for the families of the passengers, and those who are STILL waiting to hear about their loved ones and MH370.

Fukushima triggers jump in airline pilot & passenger heart attacks, cancers, rad symptoms

The affects of airborne radionuclide fallout on pilots & passengers on airliners

by Christina Consolo (RadChick)

—(cell phone: pdf - computer: ms word w/find-search engine)—

Status of Fukushima and the Pacific Ocean

Leuren Moret & Christina Consolo (aka RadChick) with Host James Fetzer of The Real Deal & Veteran's Today | October 24, 2013

(For index & links, while watching video, click YouTube logo in bottom right)

Cat; Embryonic effects of Fallout

NUKED PACIFIC 1: Embryonic effects of Fallout

Evidence of mutations & fallout.

NUKED PACIFIC 2: Mutations & evidence of Fallout

NUKED PACIFIC 3: Warning signs in species

NUKED PACIFIC 4: Governments hiding Nuclear Crimes

NUKED PACIFIC 5: 28 Signs the West Coast is being FRIED

NUKED PACIFIC 6: Fukushima fires create NEW Nanoparticles


RadChick Christina Consolo


Joseph Mangano

Joseph Mangano & Citizen Radiation Monitoring — Health researcher explains how citizens can monitor radiation in the air

Joseph Mangano & Citizen Radiation Monitoring — Health researcher explains how citizens can monitor radiation in the air

Joseph Mangano & Citizen Radiation Monitoring — Health researcher explains how citizens can monitor radiation in the air

Post Fukushima increases in newborn hypothyroidism on the west coast of usa

Joseph Mangano: Post Fukushima increases in newborn hypothyroidism on the west coast of USA

Post Fukushima increases in newborn hypothyroidism on the west coast of usa

Marco Kaltofen

12 A.M. Nov 1, 2011 7024 Scientist Marco Kaltofen found areas with considerably higher radiocesium deposition than 500 Bq/m² — University Researcher: Portland-area topsoil with up to 8,000 pCi/kg of cesium from Fukushima -- 10,000% higher than highest levels found by UC Berkeley




 fairewinds video interviews & transcripts

marco kaltofen: hottest hot particle

If Fairewinds Energy Education was a Japanese website, the State Secrets Law of Japan would likely prevent us from issuing this video

Fairewinds was one of the first organizations to talk about 'hot particles' scattered all over Japan and North America’s west coast. Hot particles are dangerous and difficult to detect. In this video, Mr. Kaltofen discusses the hottest hot particle he has ever found ...and, it was discovered more than 300 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi site. Arnie Gundersen provides a brief introduction and summary to the video, (here).

Radiation exposure to Japan after Fukushima earthquake

...presentation to American Public Health Association. Video, (here) scroll down at destination for Fairewinds transcript

(Formatted & edited oral history transcript by Nuclear Weather Forecast – included in unpublished manuscript along with additional several pages of introduction; Marco Kaltofen interview begins on page 3, (PDF, here) - or - (Marco Kaltofen interview begins on page 3, w/MS Word search engine, footnotes, endnotes, charts & supplementary information, here).

Beyond Nuclear here

Fact sheets here

Risks to women & children from nuclear reactors here

...& Palm card here

Nuclear power & children here

Tritium: A universal health threat from every nuclear reactor here

Routine releases: Tritium & noble gases here

For more info on tritium, see Maggie Gundersen & Fairewinds, (here)

Also, see: Tritium Toxicity, Effects of Prenatal Irradiation (here)

Helen Caldicott

Helen Caldicott, the world's foremost anti-nuclear expert, interviewed by Libbe HaLevy

Beyond Nuclear & Physicians for Social Responsibility


Ian Fairlee 

Tritium — Effects & Affects

| Tritium Expose, pgs 7-17, Fairewinds interview begins several paragraphs under the heading: 'Let the Games Begin: We Almost Lost Detroit' (cell phone: pdfcomputer: ms word)

[Editor's note: Also, see [pdf here: Tritium Toxicity: Effects of Prenatal Irradiation]

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview by Alfred Lambremont Webre released May 9, 2011, independent scientist Leuren Moret has stated that the Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was done by an international racketeering war crimes network within the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Energy (DOE), and BP (British Petroleum) on behalf of City of London bankers.

website:  http://www.leurenmoret.info/      https://www.youtube.com/@leurenmoretglobalnuclearco704     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MicEpnniCaw&t=14s  

Lauren Moret

Fukushima haarp tectonic & nuclear attack

Behind March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns stand the same war crimes racketeering organization behind September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina (2005), Haiti earthquake (2010) & more HAARP-triggered covert ops to destabilize North America

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview by Alfred Lambremont Webre released May 9, 2011, independent scientist Leuren Moret has stated that the Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was done by an international racketeering war crimes network within the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Energy (DOE), and BP (British Petroleum) on behalf of City of London bankers.

(r) Leuren Moret — Fukushima HAARP nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London banks

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview by Alfred Lambremont Webre released May 9, 2011, independent scientist Leuren Moret has stated that the Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was done by an international racketeering war crimes network within the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Energy (DOE), and BP (British Petroleum) on behalf of City of London bankers.

Ms. Moret states that the group behind the March 11, 2011 events at the Fukushima nuclear plant is the same war crimes racketeering organization behind the false flag operations of September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina (2005), the Haiti earthquake (2010) and other HAARP-triggered false flag operations.

The Fukushima tectonic nuclear attack is an intentional genocidal depopulation of the northern and southern hemispheres, Ms. Moret states. The west coasts of the United States and Canada, Mexico, and Hawaii are being intentionally targeted by dangerous radiation from the March 11, 2011 tectonic warfare earthquake and nuclear meltdown events at Fukushima, Japan.

These areas of the United States and Canada, and Mexico, Ms. Moret indicates, are the major food producing areas for North America. Radiation from the Japan quake/nuclear meltdown events at Fukushima is intentionally being steered into these areas in order to dose the land and the food with radiation.

Fukushima polar vortex radiation in USA exceeds 2-3 times for evacuation. Leuren Moret: Fukushima radiation is intentional extermination and ecocide ...that HAARP technology can reverse.

Fukushima polar vortex radiation in USA exceeds 2-3 times for evacuation. Leuren Moret: Fukushima radiation is intentional extermination & ecocide ...that HAARP technology can reverse.

Danger of radiation in the rain

Ms. Moret warns that the U.S. government is covering up the radiation danger in North America, and stated that individuals should venture out in the rain with their bodies fully covered, including gloves.

During WWII, it was discovered that the most effective method of nuclear warfare was to detonate an atomic bomb in a raincloud, and let the radiation rain down on the target population.

The weather warfare capabilities of HAARP and the GWEN towers systems are being used to create weather patterns (such as tornadoes) and rain that bring radiation as high as in the Fukushima area of Japan on the southeast, midwest, southwest and west coasts of the United States. 

Nuclear attack on donestsk in ukraine


Top 10 largest uranium mining companies in 2020




Violence in Kazakhstan threatens uranium prices

State forces in Kazakhstan have used violence to suppress protests against the government in the capital city, Almaty. While protestors originally campaigned against rising liquefied petroleum gas prices in the country, protests have since widened into criticism of the government as a whole.

Kazakhstan’s interior ministry says that at least 40 people have died across both sides of the conflict. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has labelled the protestors as “terrorists” and welcomed Russian forces into the country to suppress protests.

U.S. Directed Rebellion in Kazakhstan May Strengthen Russia
Feb 2, 2022 The CIA offshoot National Endowment for Democracy is financing some 20 'civil society' regime change programs in Kazakhstan with about $50,000 per annum each. The involved organizations currently seem to be mostly quiet but are a sure sign that the U.S. is playing a role behind the scenes.

Mary Olson: Gender and Radiation Impact Project


Women & girls get more cancer than men & boys, from nuclear ionizing radiation

Gender and Radiation Impact Project — documentation

Disproportionate affects to women & girls ...& the need to define a Reference Girl

May 2015 Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women get more cancer than men from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emmissions.)

May 2015 - Mary Olson: Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women & girls get more cancer than men & boys, from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emissions.)


December 2014, Gender & Radiation Impact Project at The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons, Mary Olson spoke on the medical impact of using nuclear weapons, including disproportionate harm to women & children particularly girls. 


Apr 6, 2021 Mary Olson: Reference Girl Basics — Gender and Radiation Impact Project shares slides on adverse health affects of ionizing radiation, emphasizing disproportionate affects to women & girls — & the need to define a Reference Girl as nuclear industry affects on girls are underestimatd & overlooked & affects on the female reproductive process.




Editor's subjective foreword to: Medical & Scientific Documentation

We, The Living

Nuclear contaminated Chernobyl …consequences affecting all living things

A nuclear contaminated Chernobyl …changes: consequences affecting all living things. Radiation mutates viruses and bacteria to create new and mysterious viral and bacterial forms. These, in turn, create diseases never before seen.

Perverted Science blames not the oppressor, but the oppressed

Perverted science masturbates with global warming and manmade womanmade extreme climate change, in delusion blaming not the oppressors of science, civilization and humanity but we, the living. And rewards the evil ones with horrific weapons of mass human destruction, license to traffic in hellish weapons, drugs, health, women and children and their very body organs.

Changes in health, immune deficiency diseases, cancers in children, adults, animals & plants ...infuriation nation

Changes in health, immune deficiency diseases, cancers in children and adults, animals and plants, life seen under the microscope and in those looking thru it. The consequences to micro-organisms, microbial biota leading to genetic mutations in plants and mammals (including people) and thru-out the Animal Kingdom are staggering and heart-breaking. Those who get away with it, are infuriating.

Health, given us by our Creator …is under siege by billionaires, especially geek billionaires

Health, given us by our Creator …in under siege by billionaires, especially geek billionaires, monarchs, oligarchs once secure in their hide-aways …will be hunted down by Martians and exterminated. There can be no other way. Do not judge. Self-defense, the instinct to survive outweighs all morality and ethics. And we the living are not proud of that. We do not exalt in emulating our oppressors bestiality which even the beasts do not exhibit. This October 31, of Halloween: Not costumes of cloth but glimpses of spirits manifest within of our oppressors. (continued in column to right)

Consequences of the Catastrophe

The consequences of the catastrophe in Chernobyl, and again in Fukushima and ongoing every moment with every breath you take are manifest in our oppressors removing our freedoms to worship our Creator freely and openly …for those who dare to do that, become targets of artificial intelligence machinations projected by our oppressors to terrify and dehumanize and depopulate us from Earth which God gifted us to care for.

Earth, that God blessed us with & Gifted to us to care for

We were given Paradise on Earth ...not to abuse, but to cherish. Those most rotten among us, most diseased in spirit, most rebellious against God in vanity and doomed self-importance must be eliminated right now. As you read this documentation of nuclear tyranny, as those pro-nuclear tyrants who contaminate us with their genocides to blot us from the face of the Earth …we must adopt their most fatal sayings: “It’s them or us. Survival of the strongest. Kill or be killed." We must kill our central bankers as a trial balloon to be free in paradise for the next 1,000 years and that will defeat the 1,000 year Nazi Reich...

Central bankers kill us, demonic billionaire hoards kill us ...we are Hillary & the deep state's ...deplorables: kill or be killed — the sword that cuts both ways

...our central bankers kill us, our demonic billionaire hoards kill us. We must kill or be killed. They are terrified of us killing them for their evil; in fortuitous murder …not planned wars like they wage on us; not plandemics and epidemics … but natural spontaneous self-defense. They are terrified of Nature and must destroy her.

Our oppressors ...central bankers & billionaires... are terrified of the oppressed peoples of the world rising against them to kill them

Our oppressors ...central bankers & billionaires... are terrified of the oppressed peoples of the world rising against them to kill them. 

They are terrified of Divine Order.  And, as money changers, they should be. 

Documentation, Medical & Science

Here's Enough Scientific Documentation to Shut Down the Nuclear Industry in the U.S. & Around the World

The following scientific studies additionally document:

Women & pregnant women, babies-to-be, infants & girls within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away

 MD & Scientific Documentation

Nuclear is not safe & clean: Public scientific & medical documentation

08:21 PM Oct 14, 2013 -6547- It’s Madness: Doctors in Japan helping perpetuate Fukushima cover-up - Patients not being told their illnesses are from exposure to radioactive contamination - Scientific reports showing radiation health damage to humans are forbidden to be published (AUDIO)

Unborn deformed children in Fallujah from depleted uranium bombs here

Making America great genocidal again

Young women in Fallujah in Iraq are terrified of having children because of the increasing number of babies born grotesquely deformed, with no heads, two heads, a single eye in their foreheads, scaly bodies or missing limbs. In addition, young children in Fallujah are now experiencing hideous cancers and leukemia. These deformities are now well documented, for example in television documentaries on SKY UK on September 1, 2009, and on SKY UK June 2008.

Our direct contact with doctors in Fallujah report that: in September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 new born babies, 24% of whom were dead within the first seven days, a staggering 75% of the dead babies were classified as deformed. This can be compared with data from the month of August in 2002 where there were 530 new born babies of whom six were dead within the first seven days and only one birth defect was reported. A significant number of babies that do survive begin to develop severe disabilities at a later stage. One grave digger of a single cemetery is burying four to five babies a day, most of which he says are deformed.

My first trip to Chernobyl

{see footnote at 3624.1} Hope Burwell wrote, On my first trip to Chernobyl in November 2000, I spent three days touring schools in Cherikov and the even more contaminated areas of the Mogilev district. Then we traveled to children’s hospitals in Minsk. What I saw there still shows up in nightmares: children with eyes in the sides of their heads, and children with no eyes at all, children with fingers that look like toes and children whose genitals are so poorly formed one can’t determine their sex. Those nightmares are audible with infant wails like the cries of wounded wild animals.

Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts

—(see Fairewinds site for their original interviews, here)—

LEGAL DISCLAIMER [Fairewinds interviews below were edited from originals on the Fairewinds website by editors of, The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know; & subheads were added by the editors of, The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know, & are excerpted from, The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know — NOTE: exhibits, & links to (the original ENEnews that mysteriously disappeared in 2018) summaries when they appear are NOT part of original Fairewinds interviews, but added by our editors.]

cell phone: use pdf - computer: use ms word w/find-search engine

| Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide, pgs 1-21  (cell phone: pdf computer: ms word)  

| Welcome to my World, pgs 22-35 (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| Extreme Nuclear Dangers (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| Tritium Expose, pgs 7-17, Fairewinds interview begins several paragraphs under the heading: 'Let the Games Begin: We Almost Lost Detroit' (cell phone: pdfcomputer: ms word)

[Editor's note: Also, see [pdf here: Tritium Toxicity: Effects of Prenatal Irradiation]

| Smokescreen

| Hottest Hot Particle (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word)

| Hot Particles in Seattle & Boston (cell phone: pdf  computer: ms word)  

| Nuclear Power Makes Global Warming Worse (cell phone: pdf computer: ms word)

| EPA Wrecks Protective Action Guidelines (cell phone: pdf – computer: ms word) 

Elevated Childhood Cancer Incidence Proximate to U.S. Nuclear Power Plants

(In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury ...(two types of causation in law: cause-in-fact & proximate cause) –Wikipedia

by Joseph J. Mangano, Janette Sherman, Carolyn Chang, Amie Dave, Elyssa Feinberg & Marina Frimer

Numerous reports document elevated cancer rates among children living near nuclear facilities in various nations. Little research has examined U.S. rates near the nation's 103 operating reactors. This study determined that cancer incidence for children <10 yr of age who live within 30 mi (48 km) of each of 14 nuclear plants in the eastern United States (49 counties with a population >16.8 million) exceeds the national average. The excess 12.4% risk suggests that... 

...1 in 9 cancers among children who reside near nuclear reactors is linked to radioactive emissions . If cancer incidence in 5 western states is used as a baseline, the ratio is closer to 1 in 5. Incidence is particularly elevated for leukemia. Childhood cancer mortality exceeds the national average in 7 of the 14 study areas.  (more, here)

Elevated Childhood Cancer Incidence Proximate to U.S. Nuclear Power Plants

(In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury ...(two types of causation in law: cause-in-fact & proximate cause) –Wikipedia

by Joseph J. Mangano, Janette Sherman, Carolyn Chang, Amie Dave, Elyssa Feinberg & Marina Frimer

Numerous reports document elevated cancer rates among children living near nuclear facilities in various nations. Little research has examined U.S. rates near the nation's 103 operating reactors. This study determined that cancer incidence for children <10 yr of age who live within 30 mi (48 km) of each of 14 nuclear plants in the eastern United States (49 counties with a population >16.8 million) exceeds the national average. The excess 12.4% risk suggests that... 

...1 in 9 cancers among children who reside near nuclear reactors is linked to radioactive emissions . If cancer incidence in 5 western states is used as a baseline, the ratio is closer to 1 in 5. Incidence is particularly elevated for leukemia. Childhood cancer mortality exceeds the national average in 7 of the 14 study areas.  (more, here)

Nuclear Energy is Not Safe and Clean — Stop Nuclear Reactors before They Stop You

Women & Girls Living within 25 Miles of a Nuclear Reactor get More Cancer than Men or Boys

...or those living farther away

—(feature story, here) & (add'l documentation: pdf, here | ms word w/pop-ups/search engine, here) & (immune deficiency & add'l diseases from living by reactors, here)  (fallout secrets of supermarket food, here)—

Gundersen: Terrifying cancer data for Fukushima — “Statistics are astounding, especially for young girls” — “Growing concern around cancer risk” (here)

For every year a young girl is the in the radiation zone 1 in 100 girls is going to get cancer due to their exposure from Fukushima. As each year passes it compounds, so if a young girl is there for 10 years, 10 out of 100 will get cancer. 

The statistics are terrifying and the Japanese government has allowed families with young children to return to Fukushima prefecture. [Editor's note: First, saying their government benefits will be cut off if they don't go back; and, second, removing their government benefits after they did move back.]

The following info is from Nuclear News 

Fetal Harm from Fukushima Fallout in Western U.S. States, (story, here)

Mangano, J. and Sherman, J.D. (2015) Changes in Congenital Anomaly Incidence in West Coast and Pacific States (USA) after Arrival of Fukushima Fallout. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 5, 76-89. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojped.2015.51013 —(pdf, here)—.

abstract: The 2010-2011 rate change of these five anomalies increased more sharply in the five Pacific/West Coast states than the rest of the U.S., based on the presence of elevated levels of fallout from the Fukushima meltdown in the period following March 2011, and the well-documented pattern of risk to humans irradiated in utero:

(1) anencephaly is a type of neural tube defect in which the baby is missing major portions of the brain and skull, resulting in stillbirths or death within the perinatal period;

(2) Down syndrome, also Trisomy-21, features growth delays, similar facial and hand features and substantial intellectual deficits. The majority of cases detected during pregnancy in the developed world result in abortion;

(3) Gastroschisis occurs when the muscles of the abdomen do not close along the mid-ventral line and the intestines and liver remain outside the abdomen;

(4) Omphalocele, a related condition in which the intestines and liver remain outside the body at birth, is a defect much larger than gastroschisis. It occurs when the viscera occupy a  thin sac of peritoneum located at the base of the umbilical cord. Gastroschisis risk has been found to be elevated after maternal irradiation, even at relatively low doses;

(5) Spina Bifida/meningocele is a prenatal failure of the embryonic neural tube to close over the spinal cord, leaving the cord unprotected by the bony cover and open to trauma and infection. When only the membrane  covering the spinal cord encloses the protruding fluid-filled sac, the condition is known as menigocele. Surgical repair is sometimes successful, but many with the disorder suffer mental, neurological, and other physical disabilities. Radiation exposure has been linked with risk of this disorder.

Our hypothesis is that the 2010-2011 rate change of these five anomalies increased more sharply in the five Pacific/West Coast states than the rest of the U.S., based on the presence of elevated levels of fallout from the Fukushima meltdown in the period following March 2011, and the well-documented pattern of risk to humans irradiated in utero.

High levels of uranium in Navajo women & infants near old uranium mining sites —(orig here & here)—

Changes in the Cardiovascular System of Children Living in Territories Contaminated with Radionuclides

 —>(pdf download, here) <—   —>(also, see 'Kids', here)<—

Preface by Steven Starr, March 2013 – Dr. Bandazhevsky’s groundbreaking research on the effects of radioactive cesium upon the children and people of Belarus is not well known in the United States. This is in large part because the government of Belarus chose to persecute him and suppress his work, which threatened to disrupt their plans to repopulate lands grossly contaminated with radioactive cesium.

Bandazhevsky was forced to write this study while under house arrest, awaiting many years of subsequent imprisonment and torture. Government agents had already destroyed many of the archived samples, slides and materials that he and his colleagues and students had accumulated during the nine years he was Rector of the Gomel State Medical Institute of Belarus.

However, Bandazhevsky had already published much of the statistical data he had obtained in 4 books: Clinical and experimental aspects of the effects of incorporated radionuclides in the body [Russian and English]. Gomel 1995; Pathophysiology of incorporated radioactivity. Gomel, 1997; Structural and functional effects of radionuclides incorporated into the body, Gomel, 1997. Pathology of incorporated radioactivity, Minsk, 1999, as well as numerous articles in the collection of scientific works of the Gomel State Medical Institute. He used much of this previously published information in conjunction with the slides that he had preserved at his residence, in order to write this study.

Among radioactive agents in the human environment, the long-lived elements most widespread are 137Cs (cesium-137), 90Sr (strontium-90), 239Pu (plutonium-239), and 241Am (americium-241). This is due to the testing of nuclear weapons and catastrophic accidents which have occurred at nuclear power plants.

[Editor's note: Current research indicates that prolonged exposure to or ingested low levels of radionuclides emitted daily from nuclear power plants are just as deadly as those from catastrophic accidents.]

Among radioactive agents that are in human environment, the long-lived elements which are most widespread are 137Cs (cesium-137), 90Sr (strontium-90), 239Pu (plutonium-239), and 241Am (americium-241). This is due both to the testing of nuclear weapons and catastrophic accidents which have occurred at nuclear power plants, the largest [Editor’s note: as of 2001, the time of the writing of this article] being the accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986.

In this regard, we should note the exposure of the population of Europe and the former Soviet Union to these radionuclides, and to a greater extent with 137Cs, for nearly four decades, as evidenced by relevant literature. Exposure to these agents occurs not only externally, but also internally, as these radionuclides enter into the human body and its individual organs (and as such become more dangerous than via external exposure).

The natural question is: how does this affect people's health?

Video features Alexi Yablokov rebuking IAEA & UN nuclear apologists


Abstract: Women & pregnant women, babies-to-be, infants & girls within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away

Evidentiary Reading & Exhibits

Sherman, Janet ( breast cancer) -
Sternglass, Mangano, Sherman
- (see reading room; also, Journals, and  Radiation and Public Health).  Below: Articles, Scientific Papers, Books, Letters, and Selected Testimony Relating to the Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Ernest J. Sternglass, Ph. D.

Infant Death & Childhood Cancer Reductions after Nuclear Plant Closings in the United States, E.J. Sternglass,  J.M. Gould, J.J. Mangano, W. McDonnell, J. D. Sherman and J. Brown , Archives of Environmental Health, 57, 23 - 31, 2002.  <> 

Strontium-90 Baby Teeth Study & Childhood Cancer, Sternglass, Gould, Mangano, McDonnell, Sherman & Brown, European Journal of Oncology, Vol. 5, Suppl. 2, 119-125, 2000. <> 

Strontium-90 in Newborn & Childhood Disease, Sternglass, Mangano, Gould, Sherman, Brown, McDonnell, Archives of Environmental Health, 55, 240-244, 2000. <>   

Strontium-90 in Baby Teeth as a Factor in Early Childhood Cancer, Sternglass, Gould, Sherman, Brown, Mangano & McDonnell, International Journal of Health Services, 30, 515-539, 2000. <>   

U.S.A. Newborn Deterioration in the Nuclear Age, 1945-1996, Sternglass, Gould, Mangano. International Congress on Effects of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation, Muenster, Germany, Mar 18-21, 1998. <> 

Health Effects of Low Dose Exposure to Fission Products from Chernobyl & the Fermi Nuclear Reactor in the Population of Detroit Metropolitan Area, Sternglass, Gould & Mangano. Proceedings of International Congress on Effects of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation, Muenster, Germany, March 18-21, 1998. <>

  Interview with Dr. Sternglass concerning Cassini ~  "Sternglass went on to discuss how NASA estimates danger from radiation: They make risk estimates at 10,000 to 50,000 mrad, instead of at 5 mrad.' At those high doses, the effect flattens out - that's why they choose to try to extrapolate from that level of radiation poisoning, rather than look at the actual effects low-level radiation poisoning has been shown to have!

Post-Chernobyl Thyroid Disease in the United States of America, Sternglass, Gould & Mangano. Presented to International Medical Commission Conference: Chernobyl:Environmental Health and Human Rights Implications, Vienna, April 12-15, 1996. <> 

The Enemy Within: The High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors; Breast Cancer, AIDS, Low Birthweight & other Immune Deficiency Effects , Sternglass, Gould, Mangano & McDonnell, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, NY 10011, 1996. <> 

Breast Cancer: Evidence for a Relation to Fission Products in the Diet,  Sterngalss & Gould, International Journal of Health Services 25, 481-488, 1995. <> 

Nuclear Fallout, Low Birth Weight, and Immune Deficiency, Sternglass & Gould, International Conference on Children and Radiation, Trondheim, Norway June 1993, published in International Journal of Health Services 24, 311-335, 1994 <> 

Breast Cancer: Evidence for a Relation to Fission Products in the Diet , with Jay M. Gould, International Journal of Health Services, 23, 783-804, 1993. <> 

Radioactive Releases into the Environment & their Relation to Breast Cancer , Subcommittee on Human Resources & Intergovernmental Relations of the Committee on Government Operations, U. S. House of Representatives, October 30, 1993. <> 

Low Birth Weight: Evidence for an Association with Fission Products in the Diet, with Jay M. Gould and William L. McDonnell, Presented at the International meeting on Children and Radiation, Trondheim, Norway, June 1993. <>  Interview with Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass: The interview discusses events since 1981 in the history of nuclear technology Keywords: nuclear industry's true health costs are fastidiously suppressedRead the interview. <> 

Initial Evidence for Health Effects from Chernobyl in the United States, with J. M. Gould, First Global Radiation Victims Conference," September 26, 1987. <> 

Birth Weight and Infant Mortality Changes in Massachusetts, Following Releases from Pilgrim Nuclear Plant , Report for the Township of Plymouth, Massachusetts, June 10, 1986. <> 

Die Kinder Des Atomaren Fallouts , Sterngalss & Bell, Psychologie. <> 

The Implications of Chernobyl for Human Health, International Journal of Biosocial Research, 8, 7-36, 1986. <> 

Radiation Exposure of Bone Marrow Cells to Strontium-90 during Early Development as a Possible Co-Factor in the Etiology of AIDS, Sternglass & Scheer, Annual Meeting - American Association for Advancement of Science, Phil.a, PA, May 29, 1986. <> 

Fallout & SAT Scores: Evidence for Cognitive Damage During Early Infancy, Sternglass & Bell, Phi Delta Kappan 64, 541-545, 1983. <> 

Secret Fallout: Low-Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island , McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, N.Y., 1981. <> 

Shut-Down: Nuclear Power on Trial; Radiation is Causing Cancer and Birth Defects , with John W. Gofman, The Book Publishing Company, Summertown, Tennessee 38483, 1979. <> 

Petition for Emergency and Remedial Action to suspend licenses for the nuclear industry , testimony in preliminary evidentiary hearing in Nashville, TN, Federal District Court on a filed by Jeannine Honicker, October 2, 1978. <> 

Infant Mortality Changes Following the Three Mile Island Accident,  Fifth World Congress of Engineers & Architects, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Dec 1979. <> 

Cancer Mortality Changes Around Nuclear Facilities in Connecticut, in Radiation Standards and Human Health, pp. 174-212, Proceedings of a Congressional Seminar Feb. 10, 1978, Environmental Policy Institute, Washington D.C., 20003, 1978. <> 

Radioaktive 'Niedrig' Strahlung: Strahlenschaden bei Kindern und Ungeborenen. Sternglass, foreword by Klaus Bajter & discussion by Klaus Batjer & Per Carbonell. Oberbaum Verlag, Berlin 21, Germany, 1977. <> 

Nuclear Fission: The Biological Peril, letter to New York Times explaining the effects of very low annual doses from reactor releases and fallout, May 23, 1974. <> 

Epidemiological Studies of Fallout & Patterns of Cancer Mortality, Proceedings - 12th Annual Hanford Biology Symposium, May 10-12, 1972, Edited -  Sanders, Bush, Ballou & Mahlum, pp.254-277, U.S. AEC, Info Services (CONF-720505) 1973. <> 

Radioactive Waste Discharges from the Shippingport Nuclear Power Station and Changes in Cancer Mortality, May 8, 1973 report submitted to Governor Milton Shapp's Hearing Board at the Aliquippa Hearings <>

Possible Health Effects of the Shippingport Nuclear Plant, July 31, 1973. <> 

Significance of Radiation Monitoring Results for the Shippingport Nuclear Reactor, January 21, 1973 Report submitted to Governor Milton Shapp's Hearing Board at the Aliquippa Hearings on Possible Health Effects of the Shippingport Nuclear Plant, July 31, 1973. <> 

Infant Mortality Changes Near the Big Rock Nuclear Power Station, Charlevoix, Michigan Testimony presented at the Licensing Hearings, Besse-Davis Nuclear Plant, Ohio, January 1971. <> 

Infant Mortality Changes Near the Peach Bottom Nuclear Power Station in York County, Pennsylvania, Dept. of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Feb 7, 1971. <>   

Infant Mortality Changes Near a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant, Testimony: Illinois Pollution Control Board, Nov 30, 1970. <> 

Infant Mortality & Nuclear Power Generation, Hearings of Penn. Senate Select Committee on Reactor Siting, Oct 21, 1970. 

Infant Mortality & Nuclear Testing - Reply, Quarterly Bulletin of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine 4: 115-119, Sept 1970. <> 

Effect of Low Level Radioisotope Contamination on Infant Mortality, Symposium - Environmental Pollution from Nuclear Reactors, Mid-West Chapters,American Association of Physicists in Medicine & Health Physics Society, Waukegan, IL, May 16-17, 1970. <> 

Nuclear Air Pollution, Infant Mortality & Lung Disease, Mid-West Clinical Conf., Chicago Medical Society, Mar 4, 1970. <>

The Death of all ChildrenEsquire, pp.1a-1d, September 1969. <> 

Has Nuclear Testing Caused Infant Deaths? New Scientist, 43:178-181, 1969. <> 

Infant Mortality: The Nuclear Culprit ,  Medical Tribune, July 21, 1969. <> 

Can the Infants Survive? Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 43: 178-181, Jul 1969. <>   

Infant Mortality & Nuclear Tests,  Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 25:26-28, 1969. <> 

Evidence for Low-Level Radiation Effects on the Human Embryo & Fetus, in Radiation Biology of the Fetal & Juvenile Mammal, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hanford Biology Symposium, May 5-8, 1969, pp. 681-692, AEC Symposium Vol. 16, Ed. by Sikov & Mahlum, Division of Technical Information U.S.AEC, 1969 (CONF-690501). <> 

Infant & Fetal Mortality Increases in the U.S.  ...Evidence for a Correlation with Nuclear Weapons Tests, meeting of  Pittsburgh Chapter of Federation of Atomic Scientists, Oct 1968. 

Leukemia: Evidence for Induction of the Diseases in Childhood by Fallout Radiation at Low Dose-Rates, 13th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Denver, Colorado, June 1968. <> 

Nuclear Fallout & Childhood Leukemia, testimony presented at hearings of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Special Subcommittee on Radiation, U.S. Congress, August 1963, U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Wash., DC. <> 

Cancer: Relation of Prenatal Radiation to Development of the Disease in Childhood,  Science 140:1102-1104, June 1963.

Secret Fallout

Low-Level Radiation From Hiroshima to three Mile Island

Ernest J. Sternglass

Nuclear Fallout, Low Birthweight & Immune Deficiency

Jay M. Gould, Ernest J. Sternglass


Tritium Toxicity - Effects of Prenatal Irradiation

Arland L. Carsten, Medical Dept., Brookhaven National Laboratory

Abstract: Use of nuclear reactors for power generation introduces tritium into the environment.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Alledgedly Favors Corporate Profits Over Human, Animal & Environmental Safety

Davis-Bessie in Ohio

Joseph R. Demare, Ohio Green Party

Abstract: Davis-Bessie Nuclear Facility is an example that although the central purpose of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is "to protect health and safety and minimize danger to life and property", it allegedly and repeatedly puts corporate profits over human safety.

cell phone pdf     Davis-Bessie closing

Contribution of Maternal Radionuclides Burdens to Prenatal Radiation Doses

Fetal & Placental Information

M.R. Sikov, T.E. Hui, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory / Battelle Memorial Institute
Abstract: International concern about the irradiation of embryos and fetuses has led to ongoing efforts to develop recommendations and draft regulations to limit the exposure of the embryo/fetus to radioactive materials ...a convenient approach is to use measured or extrapolated ratios of concentrations (doses) in the embryo/fetus to those in the pregnant animal or woman.

Evidence for Low-Level Radiation Effects on the Human Embryo & Fetus, in Radiation Biology of the Fetal & Juvenile Mammal

Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hanford Biology Symposium

May 5-8, 1969, pp. 681-692, AEC Symposium Vol. 16, Ed. by Sikov & Mahlum, Division of Technical Information U.S.AEC, 1969 (CONF-690501)

here - coming soon!  

Of Note: 

Sherman, Janet —(here)—

Life's Delicate Balance: Causes & Prevention of Breast Cancer, —(here)—  

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature

—(here) & (here)—

(free PDF) NOTE: Read the abstracts of each chapter that interests you ...abstracts summarize  chapters ... otherwise, it is very technical and tough going

Also of Note:

Evidence for Low-Level Radiation Effects on the Human Embryo & Fetus, in Radiation Biology of the Fetal & Juvenile Mammal —(here-tbd)—

Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hanford Biology Symposium, May 5-8, 1969, pp. 681-692, AEC Symposium Vol. 16, Ed. by Sikov & Mahlum, Division of Technical Information U.S.AEC, 1969 (CONF-690501)

The Evidence of Radiation Effects in Embryos and Fetuses Exposed
to Chernobyl Fallout and the Question of Dose Response, —(here)— & —(download, here)—

Keywords: radiation-induced malformations; perinatal mortality;
Down’s syndrome; Chernobyl effects in children; dosimetry

Following article from The Ecologist, Nov 1999, pp. 408-411

Victims Of The Nuclear Age, —(here)—

by Dr. Rosalie Bertell

Abstract: A minimum of 1,200 million people have been killed, maimed or diseased by nuclear power since it's inception. The industry's figures massively underestimate the real cost of nuclear power with restrictive rules, in an attempt to hide its victims from the world. Here, the author calculates the real number of victims of the nuclear age. Additionally, Rosalie cites figures on the true amount of deaths and casualties from Chernobyl ...thousands of times higher than nuclear industry regulatory apologists claim.

Chernobyl Message
Nuclear Weather Forecast Search Result

Kids Exposure Slide 

(above) Related studies, here

New & Mysterious Diseases

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People & the Environment

Written by Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko & Alexey V. Nesterenko

Edited by Janette Sherman-Nevinger

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences – Vol 1181

Free PDF Download of Chernobyl Book  

Russians at it again

{Webmaster's note: I read published abstracts of scientific research studies, written by Chernobyl scientists, and learned exposure to radionuclides causes bacteria and viruses to mutate, causing new and mysterious diseases.[i] It took you less than ten seconds to read the previous sentence …now, you know more than all the apologist bad science perps will ever admit.


Published by New York Academy of Sciences, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman.[ii]

Here is an excerpt from Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment:

Chapter 11.

Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota , by Alexey V. Yablokov

Abstract Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.

One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, micro-fungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and micro-fungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation. … … …

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.

All but a few microorganisms that have been studied in Chernobyl-affected territories underwent rapid changes in heavily contaminated areas.

Our contemporary knowledge is too limited to understand even the main consequences of the inevitable radioactive-induced genetic changes among the myriad of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that inhabit the intestines, lungs, blood, organs, and cells of human beings.

The strong association between carcinogenesis and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein-Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another reason why the cancer rate increased in areas contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003).

Not only cancer, but also many other illnesses are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans can increase susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin (influenza, chronic intestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, endocolitis, asthma, dermatitis, and ischemia), and various pathologies of pregnancy. The long-term consequences for microbial biota may be worse than what we understand today.

Mussels, barnacles, limpet, rock shell, sea anemones mass die-off

-8773- Fukushima: Intertidal biota[1] by power plant - mass die off and reproductive failure of sessile species; sessile refers to organisms anchored, for example to rocks and piers, mussels, barnacles, limpet, rock shell, sponges, sea anemones, fan worms, chitons, gastropods, bivalves, crustaceans, echinoderms – 11:24 AM Feb 10, 2016 | 668

 Seals & sea lions at risk

-8758- West Coast - 200,000 sea lions at risk; sick animals eating themselves from the inside - cancer includes liver, pancreas; intestines shut down; infested with parasites & immune to antibiotics; numbers of dead or starving seals wash ashore (VIDEO) – 11:19 AM Jan 7, 2016 | 342

 Dead animals litter California beaches

-8809- Dead animals litter California beaches - graveyard of washed-up sea life - malnourished sea creatures - starving to death - Covered in sores - stunted growth - Weak immune systems (PHOTO-[1] & VIDEOS) - 07:26 AM Apr 25, 2016 | 98

(cont) This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in virtually all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.

[Editor's note:} Mainstream science, the nuclear energy industry and their apologists remain dumbfounded and swear on the bible there is more danger from natural radiation in eating bananas or potato chips or taking a walk in the park than eating or breathing in manmade ionizing fallout …from Fukushima or daily nuclear energy industry legal discharges, or accidents like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.

04:18 PM Aug 31, 2014 | 170

Pacific Ocean: Chunks missing from bodies of salmon from Pacific - lesions in over 50% of fish

-8399- Pacific Ocean: Chunks missing from bodies of salmon from Pacific - lesions in over 50% of fish being reported - followed by bacterial invasions (PHOTO)

[i] Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, here

Book - Published by New York Academy of Sciences, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment was written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman.

Chapter 11 – Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota

Alexey V. Yablokov

[Abstract] Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.

One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, microfungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and microfungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation.

1.-Soon after the catastrophe studies observed activation of retroviruses (Kavsan et al., 1992).

2.-There is evidence of increased susceptibility to Pneumocystis carinii and cytomegalovirus in children whose immune systems were suppressed in the contaminated territories of Novozybkov District, Bryansk Province (Lysenko et al., 1996).

3.-Tuberculosis became more virulent in the more contaminated areas of Belarus (Chernetsky and Osynovsky, 1993; Belookaya, 1993; Borschevsky et al., 1996). Address for correspondence: (Editor’s note: omitted.)

4.-In some heavily contaminated areas of Belarus and Russia there was a markedly higher level of cryptosporidium infestation (Lavdovskaya et al., 1996).

5.-From 1993 to 1997 the hepatitis viruses B, C, D, and G became noticeably activated in the heavily contaminated areas of Belarus (Zhavoronok et al., 1998 a, b).

6.-Herpes viruses were activated in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus 6 to 7 years after the catastrophe (Matveev, 1993; Matveev et al., 1995; Voropaev et al., 1996).

7.-Activation of cytomegalovirus was found in the heavily contaminated districts of Gomel and Mogilev provinces, Belarus (Matveev, 1993).

8.-Prevalence of Pneumocystis was noticeably higher in the heavily contaminated territories of Bryansk Province (Lavdovskaya et al., 1996).

9.-The prevalence and severity of Gruby’s disease (ringworm), caused by the fungus microsporia Microsporum sp., was significantly higher in the heavily contaminated areas of Bryansk Province (Rudnitsky et al., 2003).

10.-The number of saprophytic bacteria in Belarussian sod-podzolic soils is at maximum with radioactivity levels of 15 Ci/km2 or less and minimal in areas 281 282 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences with up to 40 Ci/km2 (Zymenko et al., 1995).

11.-There is a wide range of radionuclide bioaccumulations in soil micromycetes. The accumulation factor of Cs-137 in Stemphylium (family Dematiaceae) is 348 and in Verticillium (family Muctdinaceae) 28 (Zymenko et al., 1995).

12.-Since the catastrophe, the prevalence of black microfungi has dramatically increased in contaminated soil surrounding Chernobyl (Zhdanova et al., 1991, 1994).

13.-Among soil bacteria that most actively accumulate Cs-137 are Agrobacterium sp. (accumulation factor 587), Enterobacter sp. (60–288), and Klebsiella sp. (256; Zymenko et al., 1995).

14.-In all soil samples from the 10-km Chernobyl zone the abundance of soil bacteria (nitrifying, sulfate-reducing, nitrogen-fixing, and cellulose-fermenting bacteria, and heterotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria) was reduced by up to two orders of magnitude as compared to control areas (Romanovskaya et al., 1998).

15.-In contaminated areas several new variants of tobacco mosaic virus appeared that affect plants other than Solanaceous species, and their virulence is most likely correlated with the level of radioactive contamination in the areas. Infection of tobacco plants with tobacco mosaic virus and oilseed rape mosaic virus was shown to induce a threefold increase in homologous DNA recombination in non-infected tissues (Boyko et al., 2007; Kovalchuk et al., 2003).

16.-All the strains of microfungi species that were studied (Alternaria alternata, Mucorhiemalis, and Paecilomyces lilacinus) from the heavily contaminated Chernobyl areas have aggregated growth of threadlike hyphae, whereas the same species from soil with low radionuclide contamination show normal growth. Only slowly growing Cladosporium cladosporioides has aggregated growth both in contaminated and TABLE 11.1. Characteristics of Oocysts of Coccidia (Eimeria cerna) in Voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) from Two Differently Contaminated Sites, Bryansk Province (Pel’gunov, 1996) Level of contamination 20μ R/h 180–220 ΜR/h Normal 94.5 76.6 Anomalous 06.3 Nonsporulated 5.2 12.2 lightly contaminated soils (Ivanova et al., 2006).

17.-Sharp reduction in the abundance of bifidus bacteria and the prevalence of microbes of the class Escherichia; in particular, a sharp increase in E. coli has been noted in the intestines of evacuee children living in Ukraine (Luk’yanova et al., 1995).

18.-In a long-term study (1954 to 1994—before and after the catastrophe) in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia it was revealed that in areas with a high level of radioactive contamination (740–1,480 kBq/m2 and higher) in Bryansk, Mogilev, Gomel, Chernygov, Sumy, Kaluga, Oryol, Smolensk, and Kursk provinces, practically no cases of rabies in wild animals have been reported since the catastrophe (Adamovich, 1998). This suggests that the rabies virus has either disappeared or become inactivate.

19.-Rodents in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus have been extensively invaded by coccids (obligate intracellular protozoan parasites from the phylum Apicomplexa; Sutchenya et al., 1995).

20.-There are fewer than normal, more anomalous, and no sporulated oocysts of coccidian Eimeria cerna in voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) in Bryansk Province (Table 11.1).

21.-Six years after the catastrophe a population of Eimeria cernae From Clethrionomys Glareolus living in heavily contaminated soil (up to 7.3 k Bq/kg of Cs-134, Cs-137, Sr-90, and Pu-106) in Kiev Province Yablokov: Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota 283 had anomalous oocysts (Soshkin and Pel’gunov, 1994).

22. -There was a significant decline in the Shannon diversity index of infusoria species and a concomitant increase in their abundance in the Pripyat River mouth from 1986 to 1988 (Nebrat, 1992).

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria. All but a few microorganisms that have been studied in Chernobyl-affected territories underwent rapid changes in heavily contaminated areas.

Our contemporary knowledge is too limited to understand even the main consequences of the inevitable radioactive-induced genetic changes among the myriad of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that inhabit the intestines, lungs, blood, organs, and cells of human beings.

The strong association between carcinogenesis and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein–Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another reason why the cancer rate increased in areas contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003).

Not only cancer, but also many other illnesses are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans can increase susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin (influenza, chronic intestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, endocolitis, asthma, dermatitis, and ischemia), and various pathologies of pregnancy. The long-term consequences for microbial biota may be worse than what we understand today.

[ii] Published by New York Academy of Sciences, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment was written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman.

The Truth about Chernobyl

Chapter I. Chernobyl Contamination: An Overview

1. Chernobyl Contamination through Time and Space

Chapter II. Consequences for Public Health

2. Public Health Consequences: Methodological Problems

3. General Morbidity, Impairment, and Disability 

4. Accelerated Aging 

5. Nonmalignant Diseases 

6. Oncological Diseases 

7. Mortality  

Chapter III. Consequences for the Environment

8. Atmospheric, Water & Soil Contamination 

9. Flora

10. Fauna

11. Microbial Biota

Chapter IV. Radiation Protection after the Catastrophe

12. Radioactive Contamination of Food and People

13. De-corporation of Radionuclides

14. Protective Measures for Activities in Radioactively Contaminated Territories

15. Consequences for Public Health & the Environment, 23 Years Later 

Would You ... or Would You Not ...Expect New & Mysterious Viruses & Bacteria to Create New & Mysterious Diseases?

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment

Here are some excerpts from, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment: Chapter 11. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota, by Alexey V. Yablokov; edited by Janet Sherman:

Extract: All but a few microorganisms that have been studied in Chernobyl-affected territories underwent rapid changes in heavily contaminated areas. Our contemporary knowledge is too limited to understand even the main consequences of the inevitable radioactive-induced genetic changes among the myriad of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that inhabit the intestines, lungs, blood, organs, and cells of human beings. The strong association between carcinogenesis and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein-Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another reason why the cancer rate increased in areas contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003). Not only cancer, but also many other illnesses are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans can increase susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin (influenza, chronic intestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, endocolitis, asthma, dermatitis, and ischemia), and various pathologies of pregnancy. The long-term consequences for microbial biota may be worse than what we understand today.

Abstract: All but a few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.

[Article] One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, micro-fungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and micro-fungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation. 

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.

1.-Soon after the catastrophe studies observed activation of retroviruses (Kavsan et al., 1992).

2.-There is evidence of increased susceptibility to Pneumocystis carinii and cytomegalovirus in children whose immune systems were suppressed in the contaminated territories of Novozybkov District, Bryansk Province (Lysenko et al., 1996).

3.-Tuberculosis became more virulent in the more contaminated areas of Belarus (Chernetsky and Osynovsky, 1993; Belookaya, 1993; Borschevsky et al., 1996). Address for correspondence: (Editor’s note: omitted.)

4.-In some heavily contaminated areas of Belarus and Russia there was a markedly higher level of cryptosporidium infestation (Lavdovskaya et al., 1996).

5.-From 1993 to 1997 the hepatitis viruses B, C, D, and G became noticeably activated in the heavily contaminated areas of Belarus (Zhavoronok et al., 1998 a, b).

6.-Herpes viruses were activated in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus 6 to 7 years after the catastrophe(Matveev, 1993; Matveev et al., 1995; Voropaev et al., 1996).

7.-Activation of cytomegalovirus was found in the heavily contaminated districts of Gomel and Mogilev provinces, Belarus (Matveev, 1993).

8.-Prevalence of Pneumocystis was noticeably higher in the heavily contaminated territories of Bryansk Province(Lavdovskaya et al., 1996).

9.-The prevalence and severity of Gruby’s disease (ringworm), caused by the fungus microsporia Microsporum sp., was significantly higher in the heavily contaminated areas of Bryansk Province (Rudnitsky et al., 2003).

10.-The number of saprophytic bacteria in Belarussian sod-podzolic soils is at maximum with radioactivity levels of 15 Ci/km2 or less and minimal in areas 281 282 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences with up to 40 Ci/km2 (Zymenko et al., 1995).

11.-There is a wide range of radionuclide bioaccumulations in soil micromycetes. The accumulation factor of Cs-137 in Stemphylium (family Dematiaceae) is 348 and in Verticillium (family Muctdinaceae) 28 (Zymenko et al., 1995).

12.-Since the catastrophe, the prevalence of black microfungi has dramatically increased in contaminated soil surrounding Chernobyl (Zhdanova et al., 1991, 1994).

13.-Among soil bacteria that most actively accumulate Cs-137 are Agrobacterium sp. (accumulation factor 587), Enterobacter sp. (60–288), and Klebsiella sp. (256; Zymenko et al., 1995).

14.-In all soil samples from the 10-km Chernobyl zone the abundance of soil bacteria (nitrifying, sulfate-reducing, nitrogen-fixing, and cellulose-fermenting bacteria, and heterotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria) was reduced by up to two orders of magnitude as compared to control areas (Romanovskaya et al., 1998).

15.-In contaminated areas several new variants of tobacco mosaic virus appeared that affect plants other than Solanaceous species, and their virulence is most likely correlated with the level of radioactive contamination in the areas. Infection of tobacco plants with tobacco mosaic virus and oilseed rape mosaic virus was shown to induce a threefold increase in homologous DNA recombination in non-infected tissues (Boyko et al., 2007; Kovalchuk et al., 2003).

16.-All the strains of microfungi species that were studied (Alternaria alternata, Mucorhiemalis, and Paecilomyces lilacinus) from the heavily contaminated Chernobyl areas have aggregated growth of threadlike hyphae, whereas the same species from soil with low radionuclide contamination show normal growth. Only slowly growing Cladosporium cladosporioides has aggregated growth both in contaminated and TABLE 11.1. Characteristics of Oocysts of Coccidia (Eimeria cerna) in Voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) from Two Differently Contaminated Sites, Bryansk Province (Pel’gunov, 1996) Level of contamination 20μ R/h 180–220 ΜR/h Normal 94.5 76.6 Anomalous 06.3 Nonsporulated 5.2 12.2 lightly contaminated soils (Ivanova et al., 2006).

17.-Sharp reduction in the abundance of bifidus bacteria and the prevalence of microbes of the class Escherichia; in particular, a sharp increase in E. coli has been noted in the intestines of evacuee children living in Ukraine (Luk’yanova et al., 1995).

18.-In a long-term study (1954 to 1994—before and after the catastrophe) in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia it was revealed that in areas with a high level of radioactive contamination (740–1,480 kBq/m2 and higher) in Bryansk, Mogilev, Gomel, Chernygov, Sumy, Kaluga, Oryol, Smolensk, and Kursk provinces, practically no cases of rabies in wild animals have been reported since the catastrophe (Adamovich, 1998). This suggests that the rabies virus has either disappeared or become inactivate.

19.-Rodents in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus have been extensively invaded by coccids (obligate intracellular protozoan parasites from the phylum Apicomplexa; Sutchenya et al., 1995).

20.-There are fewer than normal, more anomalous, and no sporulated oocysts of coccidian Eimeria cerna in voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) in Bryansk Province (Table 11.1).

21.-Six years after the catastrophe a population of Eimeria cernae From Clethrionomys Glareolus living in heavily contaminated soil (up to 7.3 k Bq/kg of Cs-134, Cs-137, Sr-90, and Pu-106) in Kiev Province Yablokov: Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota 283 had anomalous oocysts (Soshkin and Pel’gunov, 1994).

22. -There was a significant decline in the Shannon diversity index of infusoria species and a concomitant increase in their abundance in the Pripyat River mouth from 1986 to 1988 (Nebrat, 1992).

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria. All but a few microorganisms that have been studied in Chernobyl-affected territories underwent rapid changes in heavily contaminated areas.

Our contemporary knowledge is too limited to understand even the main consequences of the inevitable radioactive-induced genetic changes among the myriad of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that inhabit the intestines, lungs, blood, organs, and cells of human beings.

The strong association between carcinogenesis and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein–Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another reason why the cancer rate increased in areas contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003).

Not only cancer, but also many other illnesses are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans can increase susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin (influenza, chronic intestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, endocolitis, asthma, dermatitis, and ischemia), and various pathologies of pregnancy. The long-term consequences for microbial biota may be worse than what we understand today.

(More complete info & entire book pdf download, here)

(MsMilkytheclown1,  9/213. Start viewing at 10:10  first time you watch)

For the Science-minded

Steven Starr, Dir., Clinical Laboratory Science Program, University of Missouri

Steven Starr, Director, Clinical Laboratory Science Program, University of Missouri and Associate member of Nuclear Age Peace Foundation; has been published by Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Writings on websites of PSR, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation,Moscow Institute of Physics, Technology Center for Arms Control, Energy and Environmental Studies, Scientists for Global Responsibility, and International Network of Scientists Against Proliferation. Since 2007, has worked with governments of Switzerland, Chile, and New Zealand, in support of their efforts at the United Nations to eliminate thousands of high-alert, launch-ready nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Hotseat #225: Fukushima Mind Blowing

A fascinating interview: Marine Pollution Consultant Tim Deere-Jones

—(Nuclear Hotseat website, with Libbe HaLevy, here)—

Nuclear mutation can affect all living things with DNA.

Guess What? ...Residual & New Nuclear Airborne & Seaborne Fallout

...Residual & New Nuclear Airborne & Seaborne Fallout ...& Microwave Weather Warfare – Affects Pregnancies of all Mammals (including People) the Same Way! 

—(pdf: pics) & (ms word: pics w/pop-ups & search engine)—

Nuclear Industry fallout & hot particles in your State & body & mind

Nuclear Weather Forecast Search Result


Join Us On a Roller Coaster Ride to Save the Life Force

Women are now an endangered species

Your Life Force is suffering as never before ...can you feel it? Are you tired, grouchy, get sick easy? When radiation mutates DNA, it doesn't care if it is plant, animal or human DNA. It destroys your Life Force and the Divine Order of every living creature or plant to faithfully reproduce itself after its own kind. Radiation creates immune deficiency- and several hundred other diseases along the way to giving you non-terminal or terminal cancer and destroying you. You, your children, pets, gardens and children-to-be, need to be safe and sound. You can stay in denial and ignorance and cause millions of others and billions of animals and life forms to suffer and live with your guilt and cowardice, or simply sell out like all pro-nukers do. Or, you can realize your Angelic calling and Divine nature and respect Life and protect Life. This website and the two free e-books are our gift to you to fulfill your Angelic calling, in hopes of you becoming self-realized, and fulfilled.

Redwood Trees

Survival Today – The Survival of Women and All Life Depends on Taking Care of the Earth & exiting the Families that Own the Fed to the Gallows  — those families are attacking Natural & Divine Order with nuclear, depleted uranium, sonar, weather, earthquakes, electro-magnetic pulse & chemtrail warfare ...bet your life on it


 —  Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean — 

Nichols on Nuclear

Join Us On a Roller Coaster Ride to Save the Life Force

Women are now an endangered species

Your Life Force is suffering as never before ...can you feel it? Are you tired, grouchy, get sick easy? When radiation mutates DNA, it doesn't care if it is plant, animal or human DNA. It destroys your Life Force and the Divine Order of every living creature or plant to faithfully reproduce itself after its own kind. Radiation creates immune deficiency- and several hundred other diseases along the way to giving you non-terminal or terminal cancer and destroying you. You, your children, pets, gardens and children-to-be, need to be safe and sound. You can stay in denial and ignorance and cause millions of others and billions of animals and life forms to suffer and live with your guilt and cowardice, or simply sell out like all pro-nukers do. Or, you can realize your Angelic calling and Divine nature and respect Life and protect Life. This website and the two free e-books are our gift to you to fulfill your Angelic calling, in hopes of you becoming self-realized, and fulfilled.

Redwood Trees

Survival Today – The Survival of Women and All Life Depends on Taking Care of the Earth & Marching the Families that Own the Fed to the Gallows  — those families are attacking Natural & Divine Order with nuclear, depleted uranium, sonar, weather, earthquakes, electro-magnetic pulse & chemtrail warfare ...bet your life on it

-----------        HEALTH CARE FOR OUR PLANE      ---------- 

 —  Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean    — 

Nichols on Nuclear

Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends & share this info. 

Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.