Bill Hates is depopulating people, sunshine, meat and farmland; now this sicko is depopulating trees! ...why not himself? Free us, God of the Jews & Christians & Moslems & Buddhists & Indigenous Peoples ...rid us of this person who hates living things!

Billionaires are bad for the planet — Let’s Keep Trees & Get Rid of Billionaires — Even scientists who have been bought off or indoctrinated with “climate crisis” ideology have had enough of billionaires’ antics. Some call for a shareholder-based carbon tax. The wealthiest 10% in the USA are the source of 40% of U.S. national greenhouse gas emissions, they say. And, the wealthiest 1% of households are responsible for between 15% and 17% of emissions. Increasingly, climate activists are setting their sights on the 1%. Billionaires’ lifestyles are unsustainable, billionaires are bad for the planet, they say. We may agree for different reasons but we agree that billionaires are bad for the planet.
Biden gave $100 billion dollars of our tax money to Ukraine, wants $100 billion for Israel & Ukraine ...that is taxation without representation ...which is what we fought the 1776 American Revolution against! Biden & the same City of London / Fed dynastic central banking families must again be forced out of America! Today! we did 250 years ago, again regain our freedom & sovereignty!