3.4 America's Nazi Secret
(click pic for covert action story; cartoon source: global times)
"Brutal attacks on [Romany] people, LGBTQ people, and LGBTQ rights activists have been on the rise in recent months in Ukraine," Tanya Cooper, Ukraine researcher at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement published alongside an open letter, which the organization signed with Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International on June 14. 2018. — "The [Ukrainian] government has taken little action in response, which cannot but embolden and encourage the attackers. ... Ignoring attacks by radical groups not only abdicates the authorities’ responsibility to protect people but encourages further violence against ethnic minorities or LGBTQ people,” Cooper said. “Ukrainian authorities need to start upholding the rule of law, protecting free speech and assembly, and taking steps against those who use violence and threats to make their points.”
(click pic for covert action story; cartoon source: global times)
Theatre of the Absurd
Come out for biological urges but back in the closet for peace? ...theatre of the absurd white middle class liberal progressive bedroom antics ignoring genocidal war in Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Yemen & banana republic slaughters our parents, grandparents & great grandparents allowed by not knowing & not knowing better.
"If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North America during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." ~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'
"Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers. This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world. By dividing voters through the political party system, we get them to expend energies fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and successfully accomplished." ~Aug. 25, 1924 USA Banker's Magazine
not to be confused with the sovereign knights of the military order of malta who are the military intelligence politically correct death squads composed of the military intelligence heads running the western world who were/are the death squads of the inquisition & bodyguards of the vatican bank & the pope & bohemian grove where (schroder's subsidiary bechtel shares the biggest tent with pg&e &) the fate of the world is augured then cast, yearly. |
...for alphabet soup
usa republican party national heritage committee of nazis & fascists funding globalist lgbtq+ torture, murder, crucifixion & extermination
not to be confused with skull & bones german society of the order of death at yale university (& parent organization in germany ...the fehme ...male kids of the german super rich & famous nobles) ...who like biker gangs & portland oregon gangs earn admitance into nwo globalist ganghood by murering someone, to earn membership ...as their dynastic ancestors did leading german death squads of the 1,000 year reich eliminating jews, gypsies & alphabet soup people |
(below) historical & ongoing wall-street-run state dept & justice dept importing nazis & ultra-right murdering maniacs onto mainstreet for eventual use against our former most powerful wwii ally ...you guessed it, Soviet Russia ...state & justice using imported nazi rocket scientists, nazi & ultra-right fascist eastern european campaign contributions (like today) |
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THE BELARUS SECRET: THE NAZI CONNECTION IN AMERICA is the first full account of an extraordinary clandestine operation carried out in direct defiance of presidential orders. The book reveals how after World War II the United States government illegally permitted entry into America of Nazis from Eastern Europe. Unknown to Congress, the American public, and even President Truman, these war criminals were recruited for guerrilla warfare inside the Soviet bloc and, in return, were granted immunity. When those operations collapsed the collaborationists were brought into the United States and allowed to settle here. This extraordinary story made the headlines across the nation in 1982 when it was featured on 60 Minutes. In THE BELARUS SECRET, John Loftus brings to light the bloodstained careers of, among others - Radislaw Ostrowsky, the highest ranking Nazi ever to receive American citizenship; Franz Kushel, police commander of Byelorussia. His recruits transported over 40,000 men to an execution ground in 1941; and Emanuel Jasluk, wartime mayor of Kletsk, who supervised the killing of more than 5,000 Jews in a single day. All of these men, Loftus reports, lived out their latter days as American citizens. THE BELARUS SECRET reveals how, as recently as 1978, government departments were lying to Congress about the incrimination files, how intelligence agencies refused to share vital information about emigrant Nazis; how the FBA recruited Nazis to spy on the CIA. Loftus also warns that similar smuggling networks exist today which permit war criminals from all over the world to find sanctuary in America. |
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(below) Note Charts No. 2 & No. 4 |
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"I had a conversation with u.s. vice president joe biden, who told me that the issue of the imf loan has almost been resolved, but i told him that if the conditions remained ... we did not need such loans." — ukraine president viktor yanukovych (this refusal to accept imf terms preceeded the 2014 maiden coup that took ukraine out of the russian sphere of influence & forced ukraine under u.s. — city of london central bank domination, making ukraine a banana republic of the u.s ...a puppet government.)
(documentation, here) 2014 - Sen. John McCain also showed up, standing on stage with right-wing extremists from the Svoboda Party and telling the crowd that the United States was with them in their challenge to the Ukrainian government. U.S. diplomats and the mainstream U.S. press immediately blamed Yanukovych for the sniper attack, though the circumstances remain murky to this day and some investigations have suggested that the lethal sniper fire came from buildings controlled by Right Sektor extremists. To tamp down the worsening violence, a shaken Yanukovych signed a European-brokered deal Feb. 21, in which he accepted reduced powers and an early election so he could be voted out of office. He agreed to requests from Vice President Joe Biden to pull back the police. — The precipitous police withdrawal opened the path for neo-Nazis and other (ultra right) street fighters to seize presidential offices and force Yanukovych’s people to flee for their lives. Yanukovych traveled to eastern Ukraine and the new coup regime that took power – and was immediately declared 'legitimate' by U.S. State Department – sought Yanukovych’s arrest for murder.

(click pic for youtube) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars.
U.S. marine major general smedley butler: "i helped make mexico, especially tampico, safe for american oil interests in 1914. i helped make haiti and cuba a decent place for the national city bank boys to collect revenues in. i helped the raping of half a dozen central american republics for the benefits of wall street. the record of racketeering is long. i helped purify nicaragua for the international banking house of brown brothers in 1909-1912. i brought light to the dominician repubilc for american sugar interests in 1916. in china i helped to see to it standard oil went its way unmolested." |


Jimmy Dore show scores with documentation you should witness; "Killing is fun. The west hires us cause no one else will do it."

Soros: Jewish Nazi-informer – stages protests, regime change, finances chaos - crashes stock & gold mkts; sells long, buys short etc.

Insider traders; Braindead? – Pelosi greets Zelensky: Nazi slogans – Slava Ukraini! – Glory to Ukraine – Svaboda Ukraine! chain of fools
(above) Click pic for video & again for sound oligarch-owned Ukraine24-TV ... like our media is oligarch-owned.

Ukraine: Pelosi, 3rd in line to U.S. presidency – Pelosi crime family walks in Obama/Biden crime family footprints in Ukraine.
Hunter Biden & The Nazis of Desire
