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 Sinful Fact Checkers

Sinful fact checkers

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues

Alexei Yablokov: Science is when one finds a constant correlation.

Nuclear Controversies: Video includes presentation by Alexei Yablokov, rebuking IAEA & UN nuclear apologists

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.

Alexei Yablokov — Janet Sherman    (press link then when you arrive, scroll down) 


Mary Olson: Gender and Radiation Project

Mary Olson: Gender and Radiation Impact Project

Women & girls get more cancer than men & boys, from nuclear ionizing radiation

Gender and Radiation Impact Project — documentation

Disproportionate affects to women & girls ...& the need to define a Reference Girl

May 2015 Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women get more cancer than men from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emmissions.)

May 2015 - Mary Olson: Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women & girls get more cancer than men & boys, from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emissions.)


December 2014, Gender & Radiation Impact Project at The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons, Mary Olson spoke on the medical impact of using nuclear weapons, including disproportionate harm to women & children particularly girls. 


Apr 6, 2021 Mary Olson: Reference Girl Basics — Gender and Radiation Impact Project shares slides on adverse health affects of ionizing radiation, emphasizing disproportionate affects to women & girls — & the need to define a Reference Girl as nuclear industry affects on girls are underestimatd & overlooked & affects on the female reproductive process.

Nuclear energy destroys the nuclear family and the nucleus of each living cell, and destroys Divine order by preventing living things to reproduce after their own kind …the same way as the Pfizer & Moderna mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, and is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein) …in the same way that mRNA mutates living RNA so that human beings are no longer to reproduce themselves after their own kind..


Ms. Reactor Finder — Live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor?  ...Women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys, or those living further away, (here-tbd). Kids under 5 years old living within 5 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than 50yr-olds living farther away, (here-tbd).

edu.s. national academy of science beir vii phase 2 

Causal proximate genetic mutation from ionizing radiation can occur immediately when dna is sliced or burnt, such as from legal daily airborne & waterborne releases of tritium & other radionuclides vented or poured from nuclear reactors into water or air or falling on or watering crops & gardens or blowing down the streets of manhattan ...or from catastrophic nuclear meltdowns such as fukushima vomiting radionuclides airborne & seaborne. however, many cancers & many immunity deficiency diseases appear 20 years or more after fallout exposure. Accumulate low level exposures add up over time to create many of the same diseases as immediate high level exposure, such as cancers of the eye, brain, heart, breast, prostrate, lung, stomach, skin & other body organs & leukemia & a host of immune deficiency diseases. In utero affects of ionizing radiation exposure either if the dna of either parent, in the sperm of the father or egg of the mother, or in the fetus/

  Time to Smartify & Cryify 

Haarp weather warfare Haarp

Jefferson says in the Declaration of Independence: “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Patent for fake voting machines owned by U.S. Army  — c/o Sidney Powell's website. [newsflash: Kamala's husband's law firm represents voting machine syndicate, here]

Moons & Junes & ferris wheels, the dizzy, dancing way you feel ...when everything you dream comes real; I've looked at life this way. But now it's just another show, you leave 'em laughing when you go, & if you care, don't let them know, don't give yourself away - Joni Mitchell Sec of Defense: Manmade earthquake volcano climate chaos warfare  ...[what you don't know is killing you]

There's credible evidence computerized algorithms have been used to flip votes for more than 20 years

U.S. Army? ...holds patents for fake-able voting machines (originally assigned to a senior advisor for, The Carlyle Group) 

Millennial Millie

Psychological operations (PSYOPS) on social media behind the BLM movement designed for military use in foreign conflicts by cyber-security contractors.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aib8N76uyq0 

They all know how to do it. —Sep 29, 2021: 

The government “has an interest in” patents for the technology with the ability to real-time monitor an election … change votes … insert false voters … and predetermine the outcome of an election by applying a computer algorithm.

This is such a hard fight to get to the truth because the deception and manipulation has been happening a long time.  The corruption has grown exponentially among the entrenched elites, globalists, and communists here and abroad.  It crosses both political parties.

In our prior news blast, we included the video of sworn testimony of a man who  created an algorithm to secretly flip votes for a Republican in 2000 for a Florida election. Jerry Nadler and Maxine Waters, among others, heard the testimony.

He submitted an affidavit to Congress in support of his testimony.  His dog was shot that very day.  His testimony and warnings have been ignored.  They All Know.

This disgusting corruption crosses both political parties and involves key positions in the government itself, including, apparently, the Defense Department and the “Intelligence Community.”

The truth is difficult to face, but we must do so now if we are going to save this Republic.  They’ve been doing much of this massive fraud in plain view, and they have been telling us what they were going to do at the same time.  The proof is in the patents.

At least as early as 2003, perhaps even before the 2000 election, the United States Department of Defense itself funded the patent process for what became in 2005 a:

“... method for dynamically auditing of electronic systems using an electronic registration and voting system.”

The “invention provides false voting data associated with false voters to the voting systems, recovers voting records associated with the false voting data.” (Emphasis added).[1]


Patents for fake-able voting macines

Patents for fake-able voting machines.


Patents for fake-able voting machines.


Patents for fake-able voting machines.

“Nothing in the system identifies” the “test” voter IDs.  “Records identifying these voters are kept manually outside the system in an election officials’ offices.”

This translates to they can be kept anywhere, and they can be inserted at will with no way to identify them in the system.

More details include a “central secure hosting environment accessible through a network, such as the internet, by a user such as an absentee voter, from any computing device anywhere in the world. . . .

The central hosting facility is also accessible by officials of a local election office via a computer, or computers, over the network.” (Emphasis added).

A user is not even required to use the same computer or be in the same place to register or to vote.  It was a one-stop shop.  It would provide “for the authentication of voters and local election office workers; the registration of voters; the creation of ballot definitions; voting and securing a ballot; and ballot tabulation.”  It would “decrypt ballots using the assigned security keys, tabulate the results, and prepare reports. . . “[2]

“Additional features and advantages of the invention . . . may be learned by practice of the invention.” (Emphasis added).


Weaponizing Voting as a Military Weapon — for United States corporation to destroy the Republic of the united states of America

Then in 2006, the U.S. Army funded a project for processing votes by “applying a plurality of vote scoring methods to produce a collective group decision that is resilient to errors.

This is fancy language for an algorithm to alter or “rig” an election, to produce the predetermined outcome.  This is what the math shows happened in the 2020 Presidential election.

The method is protected by U.S. Patent No. 7,377, 431.[3]  The original assignee is the Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology. ­

[Editor's note: Board of Trustees | Stevens Institute of Technology — Thomas A. Corcoran is a Trustee and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology. Dr. Corcoran has been a senior advisor for, The Carlyle Group and is president of Corcoran Enterprises, LLC, a management consulting company. [Note: As you may or may not recall, George Herbert Walker Bush replaced Bin Laden's father on the board of Carlyle Group ...Bin Laden of course being the man GHW Bush's son, namely George Bush aka 'the Lacking', framed (i.e. 'positioned'), as being responsible for the attack on 911/WTC. Also recall that George Bush and Bill Clinton tied for President and it was decided in Florida, that Clinton lost and Bush won. Just can't get enough of those non-existant fake voting ...machines. Carlyle Group was/is? one of the biggest military industrial weapons contractors ... I wonder if Biden the maleficent* used $60,000,000,000 dollars of our tax money to buy weapons from Carlyle Group to send to what's-his-face in Ukraine. It the stuff Cold Warriors' dreams are made of.   *maleficent — m?-l?f′?-s?nt — adjective — Harmful or malicious in intent or effect. — Doing evil to others; harmful; mischievous. — Harmful or evil in intent or effect.]

Confessions of a Jan 6 Rioter, (here, scroll down to bottom of page)

For once and for all, the United States corporation —vs— the Republic of the united states of America

Burisma merry-go-round

EUROMAIDAN COUP successfully deployed to snatch Ukraine central bank away from Ukraine & place it under U.S. / IMF / City of London ownership: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars. 

 People's Voice - NewsPunch: Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’

The People's Voice - NewsPunch: Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers

The Joe Biden dickhead song

.Menu #2 

Klaus Schwab who laid a big shit called World Economic Forum (WEF)

People's Voice – News Punch: WEF Declares People Have No Right To Own Cars: ‘You Can Walk or Share’ ...especially when you're a billionaire &  own your own private jets & limos & ships & harems.

The City of London corporation owns the IMF & 10% (controlling shares) of every Fortune 500 company ... ... ...so, Cit of London owns the U.S. military industrial establishment (as well as the IMF)

Gates, Soros ...strange bedfellowsGates, Soros ...strange bedfellows

Mueller & Comey crime syndicate

Mueller & Comey crime syndicate

The City of London corporation owns the IMF & 10% (controlling shares) of every Fortune 500 company ... ... ...so, Cit of London owns the U.S. military industrial establishment (as well as the IMF)

Happy Valentine's Day ...and keep that cesium fallout away from me, and the vax too ...and, that sword

The total amount of taxpayers’ money going to subsidize corporations and rich individuals has grown from about $448 billion to over $800 billion—and the amount of that tax money that comes from those flush companies and individuals continues to shrink.

Sinful fact checkers

Published 1994, not up to date

Happy Valentine's Day ...and keep that cesium fallout away from me, and the vax too ...and that sword

  Chief Standing Bear          I wanted to turn this speech into a short film. Today seemed to be the day.  Christina Consolo          Nuclear Weather Forcastt promotional video   

Christina 'RadChick' Consolo video: Nuclear Meltdown: We Are Power — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDEszs38vdU&t=123s  Nuclear Weather Forecast promotional video — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDjGR5o9H6A&t=17sf 

True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, and thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization. – Chief Standing Bear, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933    Luther Standing Bear (Ota Kte, "Plenty Kill" or "Mochunozhin") was an Oglala Lakota chief notable in American history as a Native American author, educator, philosopher, and actor of the 20th Century. 

In other countries like Bolivia & India rivers can sue corporations that harm them

Countries let rivers & forests sue corporations that harm them; since City of London central bankers own & direct Fortune 500, start there

In the Light of Reverence follows struggles of several Indian tribes trying to protect their spiritual sites. which exist as landmarks in our country's landscape. Filmmakers Christopher McLeod & Malinda Maynor discuss religious freedom & how it pertains to Native American spiritual practices under the law.

Indian tribes spiritual sites & spiritual practices denied

Sacred Land Film Project — Satish Kumar brings Hindu, Buddhist and Jain perspectives to the understanding of a sacred place.

Satish Kumar — Hindu, Buddhist & Jain perspectives of a sacred place

(Earth Personhood  Elders  Earth Environmental Personhood  Activists United)

 —(not to mention breast cancer & prostate cancer ...& more likelihood of getting & dying from Covid genetically targeted biological warfare diseases)

In just 70 years, every living thing on Earth has become contaminated with deadly man-made radiation tht keeps adding up to create birth defects, immune-deficiency diseases leading to cancer and leukemia, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, bone cancer, heart attacks, organ cancers and lung diseases  
... & 'they' know it!

Rule No. 1  

Rainforests are responsible for roughly one-third (28%) of the Earth’s oxygen but most (70%) of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by marine plants .

The remaining 2 percent of Earth’s oxygen comes from other sources. The ocean produces oxygen through the plants (phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton) that live in it . These plants produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugars the organism can use for energy.

One type of phytoplankton, Prochlorococcus, releases countless tons of oxygen into the atmosphere. It is so small that millions can fit in a drop of water. Prochlorococcus has achieved fame as perhaps the most abundant photosynthetic organism on the planet. Dr. Sylvia A. Earl estimated Prochlorococcus provides the oxygen for one in every five breaths we take . 

The ozone layer, also called the stratosphere, is composed of the ozone gas (90% of the total ozone in the atmosphere). The ozone has three oxygen atoms, and it is the result of the action of Ultra Violet (UV) radiation on oxygen molecules, composed of two oxygen atoms .

Destroying the plankton with nuclear industry, and destroying the stratosphere with electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weather warfare and earthquake warfare is causing global nuclear warming 

According to the U.S. House of Representatives, the private bankers who own the Fed own most all of the successful businesses in the United States, including nuclear, military-industrial, automotive, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, agribusiness & they also co-own & control all the Fortune 500 companies, (here—tbd). 

Therefore, the families to hold responsible for killing the Pacific Ocean and for global warming are the dynastic central banking families that own the Fed and that own the companies that are polluting the Earth and the stratosphere, destroying the Pacific Ocean and consequently giving us immune deficiency diseases and cancer and mutating or stillborning our pregnancies.

Bill Gates doing pretty good with his depopulation agenda.

The Bill Gates nuclear depopulatoin agennda

https://www.nuclearweatherforecast.com/twelve-racist-great-reset-weapons-used-against-us.html  —  https://www.nuclearweatherforecast.com/Rosalie-Bertell-41k-cancers-from-nuclear-each-day.html 

 Because Gates & Schroder Bank (Bechtel subsidiary) & IMF are too busy building nuclear reactors in the U.S. & China to give a shit 

(Who owns nuclear & the media? here)



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