Chutkin Schumer Podesta Emhoff |
Schumer and his DNC are clones who only operate in group-think ...there is no individualism, nor ethics. Trump stands in their way. America is the only country in the history of the world that is founded on the principle that we own our own bodies and are by nature sovereigns and by God born free.

Irish Occupy IMF |
Schumer & Soros Betray the Democratic Party
The Stink of Rotten Souls that Betray the Kingdom of God
The Palestinians are Semites, but unlike the Jews, Muslims recognize Christ as one of their prophets ...his name is 'Eisa, son of Mary'.
Schumer & Soros are Jews that are Nazi collaborators ...they funded and support Nazi Azov Battalion & the Nazi regime that Obama, McCain, and Biden empowered to do the 2014 Nazi coup in Ukraine that put the Nazis in power in Ukraine ...(under orders from NY Federal Reserve under orders from IMF under orders of City of London bankers, i.e. the 'City').
Schumer is a Soros lackey and the DNC are clones who only operate in group-think ...there is no individualism, nor ethics. America is the only country in the history of the world that is founded on the principle that we own our own bodies and are by nature sovereigns and by God made free. Trump stands in their way.
But Schumer & Soros are anti-Semitic Jews and betray humanity, the Israelites and Palestinians and betray God and Christ and Mohammed and Buddha ...and betray you as an aspect of Divinity on Earth ... and betray Indigenous peoples ...(descendants of the original inhabitants of a region or country, before European colonization or other western groups took over).
Congress knows this and is complicit. Trump knows this, J.D. Vance knows this, Kennedy knows this
...but only J.F. Kennedy Jr. has the courage to be politically incorrect and speak of it...
| did his father and uncle, JFK (who fired 500 Dulles CIA agents, wanted to withdraw from the VietNam opium wars, wanted the NY Fed to register as foreign agents and coined the two dollar bill which was American money not United States money) ...for which they were assassinated ...just like Lincoln spoke of it, and Jackson (two derringers misfired at point blank range), Garfield, and McKinley (all rallied against 'the Rothschild City' who ordered them assassinated ...(now they're after Trump and have put out open contracts on his life).
Can you pick out the real Nazis from those who hire them?
Obama & Biden fortified and supplied their Nazi regime that was empowered under Reagan & Bush to destabilize the Soviet Union & Eastern Europe with weapons & death squads ...just as Bush had done in Central & South America.
Before and since the 2014 Obama Nazi coup in Ukraine, Azov genocided 14,000 Russians that lived in eastern Dombass Ukraine to provoke Russia into war, Dick & LIz Cheney style, promoting the deep state's NWO New American Century Kamala-style lies for constant war across the planet to strip Mother Earth of resources and gang rape Mother Nature, which they continue to do, and rally against the Kingdom of God to descecrate Divine Order on Earth.
Both recent assassins in 1st & 2nd attempts were in Blackrock-related videos
...the American denizen - in contrast to the United States citizen - is characterised by effective dispossession from rights, among which are protection from crime, social welfare, political rights and the representation of interests. However, both the denizen and the citizen are deprived of ownership of currency and instead pay taxes and interest for the use of their own currency ... in the form of interest and in the form of IRS dispossesion — to the owners of the NY Federal Reserve, City of London ...and to the IMF, which owns the United States and disowns America.
Get rid of Schumer, Soros, Harris and their blue and red Congressional ghouls and food prices will drop in America
All the blue States should seceed and become Communist countries and be stripped of all military-industrial-war companies ...or better yet, be sent to Ukraine where all their money and property can be confiscated from them ...and defund the City of London western central bank war machine. Clean the Pacific Ocean of nuclear fallout and rid the Earth of nuclear industry, electromagnetic ionospheric militarized broadcasts, pharmeceutical waste and sonars; chemtrail droppings causing childhood diseases and adult immune deficiencies ... feed Bill Gates to the fish and occupy Earth as our maker intended for us to be, protectors of Mother Earth and Mother Nature. And remove George Soros ...asap and cast JPMorganChase, MorganStanley and Schroder Bank (Bechtel) and their Californication politicians into the sea unless there's an active volcano available.

The People Are Too Big To Fail

Occupy City of London

Occupy City of London

Occupy Global Unity

Irish Occupy IMF
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Ireland Occupy IMF

Ireland Occupy IMF & City of London

Occupy Prague

Occupy Moneylenders

Kill A Banker, Win A Prize: Financial Warfare For Dummies

mans laughter ...or... manslaughter
— when nothing matters but central bankers getting off —