Too big for his britches!
William A. Newsom II, Gavin's grandfather, was a surrogate father to John Paul Getty's [the richest man in America at that time], sons John Paul Jr. and Gordon. William "Bill" Newsom III, Gavin's father, was even the bearer of the ransom money when John Paul II was kidnapped. Newsoms, Harrises, Pelosis and Gettys are godparents to one another's children and make appearances at important family events. —(Adapted excerpt from James Reginato's Growing Up Getty (Gallery Books) offers a window into how it all began.#
Gavin Newsom gov.ca.gov Gavin Christopher Newsom is an American politician and businessman who has been the 40th governor of California since 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the 49th lieutenant governor of California from 2011 to 2019 and the 42nd mayor of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011. Wikipedia Born: Gavin Christopher Newsom, October 10, 1967, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

While Newsom and Harris, Feinstein and Pelosi are basically West Coast Schroder Bank subsidiary, Bechtel (think tower of Babel) creations ...golems (clay figures brought to life by magic) or at best, revenants (artificially animated dead creatures perhaps assembled from different corpses (see chart to right) ... Biden on the other hand appears an East Coast assemblage, (see chart, below).
[Editor's note: Oxford Dictionaries defines golem as: (in Jewish legend) a clay figure brought to life by magic. Oxford Dictionaries explains the origin: Late 19th century: from Yiddish goylem, from Hebrew golem ‘shapeless mass’. Merriam Webster says: an artificial human being in Hebrew folklore endowed with life. In folklore, a revenant is an animated corpse that is believed to have been revived from death to haunt the living. The word revenant is derived from the Old French word, revenant, the "returning, (see also the related French verb revenir, meaning "to come back.")
[Note also the name, Brown, appearing in the top row of the chart below, which also appears as, Lord Mark Mollock-Brown at the beginning of the Doug Emhoff story in a red box, describing Lord Mark Mollock-Brown as a previous Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and former vice president of World Bank.
[The directors of the NY Branch of the Federal Reserve System, when the Fed was created by one of the five brothers who ran the Warburg division of the Rothchild central bank empire in Germany and the Rockerfeller and Harriman robber baron families in the U.S. — created [defined the articles of] the Federal Reserve System such that the directors who own the NY branch were to receive the interest on the national debt (which was about to be created) every year as a personal dividend on their exclusive non-transferable ownershiop of Federal Reserve stock, which may be handed down to family via inheritance.
Consequently when Trump threatened to audit the Fed, he brought the entire wrath of the deep state (being the international interlocking directorate of the City of London and their U.S. affiliate being the Federal Reserve System) ...down upon his neck like a guillitine blade. Meanwhile when one Warburg brother assumed control of the Fed (from 1913-to-1930), he financed the participation of the U.S. in WWI and WWII to fight and die against Germany, while his brothers in Germany financed the participation of Germany in WWI and WWII to fight and die against the U.S.]

Easy as ...A ...B ...C ... Patent for fake voting machines
[A] owned by U.S. Army (here) [originally assigned to a company who's
[B] vice chair consulted to the Carlyle Group] — c/o Sidney Powell's website;
[C] Does Kamala's husband's (former?) law firm interact with a voting machine syndicate, & see here ]
Want to know four reasons why Gruesome Gavin Newsom is too big for his britches? ...(not to mention, 'others')
...he's got a deathsquad hard-on ...he knows he is your eventual President ...he'll remove your freedom (sovereignty) & self-determination & hand it over to UN WHO & WEF under 'WHO Global Pandemic Sovereignty' ...he'll triumph the Pelosi, Feinstein & Biden crime dynasty mafia into office with him, forever young
... and: (1) Schroder Bank [& their alleged historical and ongoing Nazi heritage deathsquad contemporaries (associates), including board directors
(2) Schroder subsidiary, Bechtel (China one of their biggest customers & allies in the CNWO)
(3) JPMorganChase & their ongoing Nazi deathsquad-associated heritage
(4) Bechtel's S.F. & L.A. California & Washington (Wall Street) D.C. herd of braindead woke politicians Pelosi Feinstein Harris Schiff

The following chart shows the interlocking directorship controlling J. Henry Schroder. Several other interlocking directorate charts in sum defining the international interlocking directorship of City of London and its U.S. subsidiary, Federal Reserve System, can be found at, Central Bankers Kill Animals, (here) ...that's useful if you want to know who's pushing your buttons and pulling your strings, doing these wars, raising prices ...are you gettin' it, yet? After all, if you were a director of the NY Fed, and you owned 20% of every company in the Fortune 500 like they do (here), and were getting all the interest on the national debt every year ...you'd be among the richest people in the world, too ...them.
