Nuclear energy is a crime against horses, pregnant horses & colts
Skin falls off 1/3rd of body, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting
Heartbreaking illness that hits coastside California horses is new mysterious disease
Fukushima airborne radiation makes pastures radioactive which makes cow's milk radioactive as reported in about 12 states in the continental U.S. and Hawaii. Now, the horses' skin is falling off, coastside California, their bodies are covered in painful lesions, with eyes swollen shut, liver damage and fainting.
12:29 AM Aug 15, 2014 8368 TV: Devastating illness hits California horses — “Nobody will even tell us what it is” — Skin falling off, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting. Kendall Melline, owner of sick horses: “It’s devastating ... my national champion — her entire body, her entire first layer of skin is going to fall off.” — She’s not seen any improvement ... and is very concerned.
Daily Press , Aug 5, 2014: MYSTERY ILLNESS — Alyssa Langel's three-year-old horse … has large patches of skin exposed. [Owners] remain unsure what caused many horses to manifest swollen eyes and lips, as well as blisters … They heard of a similar outbreak affecting other horse communities in California.
CBS, Aug 6, 2014 (Anonymous tip): There’s a mystery about what’s making dozens of horses sick here in Southern California. Watch it here
Melline: “Her eyes are swollen almost completely shut … I’ve heard about 70 other horses have come down with something like this.”
Stephanie Dorn, owner of sick horses: “I don’t know what this even is … She has mouth sores all over… her lips are just swollen humongous … I’ve never seen anything like this… Nobody will even tell us what it is … it’s heartbreaking.”
Chuck Burt, feed store owner: “Speaking with professionals, veterinarians and toxicologists up in UC Davis, it is a mystery” … “It’s the first time I’ve seen it. It’s the first time a lot of people have seen it.”
Deborah Jasper, owner of sick horses: Four of her horses showed burns … one [has] high levels of protein in the liver, which may lead to organ damage … “This has been a nightmare.”
The Horse, Aug 7, 2014: The horses can also experience liver damage…
Press Enterprise, Aug 12, 2014: [Brian Cockerton’s] two horses had… rashes and burn lesions … lesions spread over most of the horses’ bodies [and they’re] in pain . “It’s horrible… dozens of cases [are] affecting horses in a widespread area of Southern California in at least the past 2 1/2 weeks…. There may well be many more unreported cases, [an official] added… hair and skin – later began falling off in big patches [and one] fainted twice while being washed… A farrier told Cockerton he hasn’t seen anything like it in 40 years of shoeing horses.
CBS, Aug 6, 2014: UC Davis tested the hay and it came back clean. They say it’s possible this was just an anomaly. >> Watch it here
Press Enterprise , Aug 12, 2014: Toxicologists have not definitively identified [anything in the horses’ food, said state official Dr. Kent Fowler], describing it as a “very odd occurrence.”
ABC News, Aug 4, 2014: Mystery at the Racetrack; 10 Horses Dead this Season — A growing mystery at … Del Mar in Southern California … ‘Chattering Gambler’ died of an apparent heart attack, the 10th to die since the racing season opened 3 weeks ago; 3 from natural causes… “When you have 10 horses dying, and can’t pinpoint one thing or another, it’s a mystery . ”… >> Watch here
Nuclear fallout, catastrophes & waste: Cesium & heart attacks in mammals (such as horses, people, whales, seals, sea lions, cows, dogs, cats etc,) here
Cows & Birds, Dogs & Cats
warlord federal reserve directors (financing & directing nuclear i ndustry & war) should eat plutonium & fallout like they make whales, dolphins, cows, horses, cats, dogs & all ocean & land animals & people, do

Secrets of Supermarket Milk, Meat & Fish Fallout Contamination
Yes ...if nuclear fallout is in mammal's milk's in your breast milk & supermarket food, too ... ... ... if cow milk is contaminated, pastures & hay are contaminated, crops, farm animals, home gardens, pets, cars, trucks, buses, air, water
Got Milk? (cell phone pdf file without search engine & pop-ups | MS Word file with search engine & pop-ups) Fukushima uranium, plutonium, strontium in U.S. air samples, Fukushima Iodine 131, Cesium 134 & 137, Uranium 234 appears and re-appears in store-bought and/or raw milk and water from Spokane & Seattle, WA; S.F. Bay Area, CA & So. CA; Phoenix, AZ; Montpelier, VT; Hilo, HA. Radioactive cesium in spinach, arugula & kale in S.F. Bay Area. In citrus grove fruit in Florida. (Note, one can expect up to 100 different long-lived and short-lived radionuclides traveling with those listed above; normally those listed above are the only ones tested-for.
Editor's note: Well, if it's in mammal's milk because it's in the pastures, and in the vegetables because it's in the air and in the soil and water, and is killing the food chains in the Pacific Ocean, doesn't that mean it's in the whole food chain? Hey, wait a minute, the stuff circles the globe eternally every couple days and gets washed down in the rain, forever. Huh? That's why dogs and cats get leukemia? And, people too? ...because of 'them'? Breast cancer, ovarian-, prostate-, brain-, eye-, skin-, and organ cancer is what 'they' do to us. We're dead. Time to get even? ...before we go.
10:35 PM Oct 6, 2015 -8722- West Coast: Several hundred cows born with distorted legs after Fukushima – malformations — Expert: “There’s more out there”… more widespread than reported
10:04 AM Sep 21, 2012 -4321- Kidneys accumulate most radioactive cesium by far - highest levels of any tissue in cows
07:08 PM Jun 24, 2014 -8297- Washington State: Birth defect deaths hit record levels during 2011 - spiked 60% statewide - return to normal in 2012 - document lists Fukushima release along west coast of U.S. possible factor in birth defect cluster
08:00 PM Sep 30, 2015 8719 Utah, St. George and Washington State, Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford; other U.S. nuclear sites - (archived historical info:) Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths - legs grown together; farmers do not understand why all animals are dying - and dogs & cats. (VIDEOS)
Fukushima's doggy radiation victims
Hair around the dog's neck came off and its skin turned black
When Minako Fujiwara tells the story of her dog that died last June [in Fukushima], she still gets sad: "Hair around the dog's neck came off and its skin turned black," the 56-year-old told DW. Similar symptoms were also detected in animals in Chernobyl following the nuclear catastrophe there in 1986. Fujiwara's family had to leave the dog behind when they were ordered to leave the town of Namie, located nine kilometres (5.6 miles) north of the [ongoing] meltdowns of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Beagle dogs were given single exposures to Pu239O2 aerosols. Deposition of 0.9–0.1 µc/g of lung caused death in 31 dogs in 55–412 days after exposure, here. (click pic)
Findings in Dogs Suggest Similar Dose-related Biological Effects in Humans
Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the biological effects of inhaled 238PuO2 over the life spans of 144 beagle dogs. The dogs inhaled one of two sizes of monodisperse aerosols of 238PuO2 to achieve graded levels of initial lung burden (ILB). The aerosols also contained 169Yb to provide a gamma-ray-emitting label for the 238Pu inhaled by each dog. Excreta were collected periodically over each dog's life span to estimate plutonium excretion; at death, the tissues were analyzed radiochemically for plutonium activity. The tissue content and the amount of plutonium excreted were used to estimate the ILB. These data for each dog were used in a dosimetry model to estimate tissue doses. The lung, skeleton and liver received the highest alpha-particle doses, ranging from 0.16-68 Gy for the lung, 0.08-8.7 Gy for the skeleton and 0.18-19 for the liver. At death all dogs were necropsied, and all organs and lesions were sampled and examined by histopathology. Findings of non-neoplastic changes included neutropenia and lymphopenia that developed in a dose-related fashion soon after inhalation exposure. These effects persisted for up to 5 years in some animals, but no other health effects could be related to the blood changes observed. Radiation pneumonitis was observed among the dogs with the highest ILBs. Deaths from radiation pneumonitis occurred from 1.5 to 5.4 years after exposure. Tumors of the lung, skeleton and liver occurred beginning at about 3 years after exposure. Bone tumors found in 93 dogs were the most common cause of death. Lung tumors found in 46 dogs were the second most common cause of death. Liver tumors, which were found in 20 dogs but were the cause of death in only two dogs, occurred later than the tumors in bone and lung. Tumors in these three organs often occurred in the same animal and were competing causes of death. These findings in dogs suggest that similar dose-related biological effects could be expected in humans accidentally exposed to 238PuO2. (article source, here)
Cats, dogs, people — nosebleeds after 3/11
03:27 PM Jun 18, 2014 8290 Fukushima: People, cats, dogs get nose bleeds after 3/11; volunteers die
Nuclear energy is a crime against sea stars, (starfish)
Hundreds of millions of sea stars estimated dead
Sep 15, 2015 TV: Massacre along West Coast continues — Alarming, bleak situation as disease re-emerges — Hundreds of millions of sea stars estimated dead — Changes in cellular matrix observed, “a lot of interesting genes being found” — Other sea life disappearing as tidepool communities ‘shift’ (VIDEO)
West Coast sea stars rip themselves apart ...innards spill out ...melt into mush
12:28 PM Jan 30, 2014 7030 West Coast sea stars rip themselves apart ...innards spill out ...melt into mush ...vaporize (VIDEO)
Baby Elephant seals & sea lions die of leukemia-linked disorder
03:53 PM Aug 26, 2015 8702 California Coast: Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder ... 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center (CHART)
Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans
8702.1 also see: Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine (Springer), Jun 29, 2013: Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans, accounting for one in five mortalities from radio-carcinogenesis. Risk of leukemia varies with age, younger persons more prone to radio-carcinogenesis - Leukemia appears as early as 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period of 5 to 10 years.
California sea lions dying, organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of pus inside bodies
8702.2- -8408- California sea lions dying from organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of pus inside bodies (PHOTO)
Whales, dolphins wash up, baby dolphin crying
08:34 PM Aug 3, 2015 8690 San Francisco: Whale deaths baffle scientists – Dolphins wash up dead ... heartbreaking to hear dying baby call out (VIDEO)
Millions of fish dead in Pacific Northwest ...Salmon covered in fungus & red lesions ...big, gaping sores
05:43 PM Aug 1, 2015 8689 USA Today: Millions of fish dead in Pacific Northwest – Salmon covered in fungus, red lesions all over, big gaping sores – extinction concerns (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
Mutations spines, brains, hearts, eyes ... malformations in brain lobes, hunchbacks, face, limbs
05:28 PM Sep 22, 2015 8715 Mutations in sea life on U.S. West Coast - deformed spines, brains, hearts, eyes ... malformations: extra brain lobes, hunchbacks, parts of face missing, unusual limbs (PHOTOS)
Dead dolphin spike in Louisiana, Mississippi – mostly babies – censored
12:39 PM Mar 29, 2013 5681 Dead dolphin spike in Louisiana, Mississippi ... We have been advised not to discuss findings ... mostly babies washing up (VIDEO)
Manatees die in droves on Florida coasts – deaths of pelicans, turtles, dolphins
10:56 AM Mar 29, 2013 5680 Manatees die in droves on Florida coasts ... deaths of pelicans, turtles, dolphins increase ... Scientists ... the beginning of a devastating ecosystem collapse
Mass die-off on California beaches ...seabirds, sea lions, dolphins
11:44 AM May 31, 2017 8883 Alarming mass die-off on California beaches ... Extremely high number of sick and dead animals ... Seabirds, sea lions, dolphins affected - Experts: Never seen this many sick birds ... How many have to die before somebody cares? (VIDEOS)
Nuclear energy is a crime against seals & walrus & all sea mammals (& land, too)
Skin Sloughing
Seal, walrus skin sloughing, diseases; why?
Tumors, lesions, missing body parts — suggests genetic DNA mutations from internal nuclear radiation fallout uptake by oceanic food chain & external skin contact with floating radionuclides
01:26 PM May 6, 2015 8627 U.S. university testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation ... bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions ... Some are missing testicles, eyeballs ... Skin disintegrates, peels off, turns yellow ... Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (Photos)

Seals (mammal) & walruses (mammal) suffer

Nuclear energy is a crime against sea mammals
Sea Mammals: Whales & Dolphins, Seal Lions, Walrus, Seals, Manatee & more; Fish & other Sea Life
Federal Reserve Directors (Financing & Directing Nuclear Industry) Should Eat Plutonium & Fallout Like They Make Us & Whales, Dolphins, Sea Lions, Seals & other Sea Mammals, Do

Source: Voice of America news
Whales know something is wrong – not going to just wait & die
"Animals, like whales for instance, I think they would be able to tell that something is wrong. They’re very, very intelligent animals. They’re not going to just wait until they start to die off. I think they’re likely going to voluntarily get out of the area." – Jeff Feldner, Oregon Sea Grant Extension (NOAA), fisheries specialist (more, here)
Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore
09:08 AM Nov 25, 2013 6739 also 8056 NY Times: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded – Biologist: It’s a very strange year – Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast? (VIDEO)
Terrified starving animals flee nuclear waste
6739.1 excerpt from above story: New York Times, November 24, 2013 (here): It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them ... in the waters of Monterey Bay. Then the sea lions came, by the thousands ... the pelicans ... bottlenose dolphins in groups of 100 or more have been spotted ... it was the whales that astounded even longtime residents ... more than 200 humpbacks ... and, on a recent weekend, a pod of 19 rowdy orcas – the water in every direction roiled with mammals ... For almost three months, Monterey and nearby coastal areas have played host to a mammoth convocation of sea life that scientists here say is unprecedented in their memories ... never that anyone remembers have there been this many or have they stayed so long ... Last month, anchovies crowded into Santa Cruz harbor
01:57 AM Aug 7, 2015 8692 U.S. Gov’t: We don’t know what’s going on in Pacific ... Many ill baby seals abandoned; Dozens of walruses found dead; dying whales, birds, fish (AUDIO)
Sea floor covered with dead fish
11:59 PM Jun 2, 2015 8647 TV: Scientists warn of mass die-off along California coast – Official: Seafloor littered with dead fish, wash up as far as I could see – Toxin has spread all up and down West Coast (VIDEO)
Sea creatures acting strangely
06:36 PM Nov 27, 2013 6751 CBC News: Something very odd is happening in Pacific; Sea creatures acting strangely, species turning up where rarely seen – Related to Fukushima crisis? – L.A. Lifeguard: Used to be 2 shark sightings a year, now it’s 2 a day (VIDEOS)
Whales ask for help – one even placed head on boat
11:14 PM Nov 30, 2013 6761 Whale Expert near Vancouver: In 30 years I’ve never ever seen this kind of behavior, they must sense this is a safe place to be – Captain: I’ve never seen anything like it in 50 years on Pacific – one even placed its head on the boat (VIDEO)
Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds – stranded, violent seizures, wash up dead
09:43 PM Aug 30, 2014 8398 Surge in marine mammal strandings on U.S. West Coast – biggest fear is if this is everywhere along coast – whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds washing up in large numbers – thousands likely dead - violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO)
Wesstern U.S. mammal, bird, reptile die-off
10:35 AM Nov 23, 2013 6733 Die-offs of mammals, birds, reptiles in Western U.S. - So many diseases afflicting such a wide variety of animals - Names out of sci-fi thriller: hemorrhagic disease, sylvatic plague (VIDEO)
Source: Voice of America — Overseas PsyOp
Extinction-level event ...some radionuclide hot spots in pacific ocean will continue killing for hundreds to thousands of years
06:45 PM Sep 2, 2015 8705 West Coast: Whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks (PHOTOS. (VIDEO - whale final gasps on beach)

VOA transcript, Sep 1, 2015 (emphasis added): Sharp Rise in Whale Deaths Being Investigated - Since May, 30 dead whales have washed ashore on the Gulf of Alaska. (Deborah Fauquier, NOAA): ‘And the average for the whole year generally is 8, so it’s definitely significantly elevated and for us that was a reason for concern.’ The Extreme Mortality Event, as scientists call it, triggered an investigation.
Huffington Post, Sep 1, 2015: Radiation in the Ocean - The West Coast of the United States seems under siege by negative environmental news … and numerous accounts of unusual coastal events: algae blooms, whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks, and more … One argument has been the effect of radiation leaking from the [Fukushima] nuclear power plant reactors … and has been thereafter distributed by ocean currents; indeed there is evidence of a plume of increased concentration of Cesium-134, and other radioactive elements that have been observed at unprecedented levels, spreading out some 5,000 miles into the Pacific … In April of this year, there were headlines declaring that Fukushima radiation has reached the North American Shore and concerns were raised, spread through the Internet and press, that this was surely the cause of these otherwise inexplicable anomalous natural events. There is no Federal agency that funds monitoring of radiation in coastal water … So, yes, and no. No definitive conclusion, no clear argument that radiation is the cause of those coastal events which distress us so.
A Plus, Aug 27, 2015: The Story Behind This Picture Is So Mysterious, Scientists Are Scratching Their Heads; What is going on here?!… the number has skyrocketed. Thirty whales spanning at least four species have been found… NOAA Fisheries scientists and partners are very concerned about the large number of whales stranding in the western Gulf of Alaska in recent months, Dr. Teri Rowles of the NOAA said… these enormous, gorgeous animals are dying in such high numbers.
VOA, Sep 1, 2015: While President Barack Obama is in Alaska, he might have this question: Why have 30 dead whales washed ashore… [NOAA's] Fauquier said the extreme mortality event was complicated… Fauquier noted that in the ocean, toxins move up the food chain. Some of the whales actually filter the phytoplankton and the zooplankton… they get the toxins through that method…. as you go higher up the food web, more toxin gets concentrated.… NOAA hopes to explain why the whales died and why they perished in such great numbers.
Cordova Times, Aug 28, 2015: Whales..Thirty dead whales ….And no one knows why… when thirty of them die in four months, three times the usual rate, something is not right…. between 700 deaths over the years, scientists have managed to perform two full necropsies. For this particular event, they’ve done one limited necropsy… While they keep an eye on algae, they have been testing all possibilities. Possibilities like fallout from Fukushima, and while they did radiation testing as part of the limited autopsy, it came back with background levels that would occur normally in Alaska, said Julie Speegle, speaking on behalf of NOAA.
Newsweek, Aug 27, 2015: Over the last few months, dead whales have been appearing regularly on beaches along the Northern California coast. In the same period, 30 whale carcasses have washed up along the coast of Alaska, puzzling scientists.
Washington Post, Aug 30, 2015: Concerns mount as whales are found dead in Gulf of Alaska - Researchers are scrambling to determine what’s behind the death of 30 whales… Other dead whales have been reported off the coast of British Columbia…. starvation or disease could be behind the deaths… The more likely culprit is unusual water conditions.
No mention of radionuclides or ongoing Fukushima meltdowns 3/11 or now ...NPR joins pro-nuclear, pro-death, pro-ignorance collective
NPR, Sep 1, 2015: Researchers say record low oxygen levels in Hood Canal are causing marine life to die off. Marine life is struggling to survive … We have been seeing lots and lots of dead fish on beaches, said Seth Book, with the Skokomish Tribe’s Department of Natural Resources … This is really the worst year in terms of the oxygen, said Jan Newton, an oceanography professor at the University of Washington …
Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds wash up
Aug 30, 2014 TV: “Surge in marine mammal strandings” on U.S. West Coast — Scientists: “This is very weird”; “My biggest fear is if this… is everywhere” along coast — Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds recently washing up in large numbers — Many thousands likely dead — Violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO)
Mammals & seabirds starving, may suffer for yrs
Jan 05, 2014 L.A. Times: Alarming West Coast sardine crash likely radiating through ecosystem ... Experts warn marine mammals and seabirds are starving, may suffer for years to come ... Boats return without a single fish ... Monterey Bay: Hard to resist idea that humpback whales are trying to tell us something
100's of Millions of sea animals have died recently along West Coast
Apr 22, 2015 Professors : 100's of Millions of sea animals have died recently along West Coast — Worst mortality event ever known — “Wiped out at least 20 different species” — Marine life also disappearing from Fukushima coast (VIDEO)
Unusual rise: dolphin, sea lion & seabird deaths
Jun 22, 2015 TV: Emergency survey underway along West Coast, marine life being affected “in ways never seen before” — CBS: “Unusual increase in dolphin, sea lion, and seabird deaths” — Thought to be largest toxic bloom “anywhere, ever” — Worry that impacts on fish to last several years (VIDEO)
Hundreds of whales in bay
Nov 30, 2013 CBS News: 100s of whales in bay on California coast; never been like this, can’t even believe it ... Experts: We just aren’t sure what’s going on; “Unheard of, it’s unbelievable, nobody’s seen this” (VIDEO)
Swim For Your Life to Escape Plutonium?
Nov 25, 2013 NY Times: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded ... Biologist: “It’s a very strange year … The $64,000 question is why?” ... Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast? (VIDEO)
1,500% normal death rate in whales West Coast
07:06 AM May 26 2017 07:52 AM Aug 24, 2015 8701.A Horrific mystery … 1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast ... Gov’t declares unprecedented Unusual Mortality Event ... Expert: It’s all going to cascade up to us ... other die-offs reported (VIDEOS)
Apr 22, 2015 Professors: 100's of Millions of sea animals have died recently along West Coast — Worst mortality event ever known — “Wiped out at least 20 different species” — Marine life also disappearing from Fukushima coast (VIDEO)
Two hundred melon-headed whales beach ...134 dead West Africa & 26 Pilot Whales stranding in Georgia
Nuclear energy is a crime against butterflys & metamorphosis — genetic mutations bode ill for people

(u) The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly – Scientific Reports Volume 2; 2012; (l) Right hindwing was much smaller than the left hindwing of the same individual [Fukushima City; ~60 km from Fukushima Daiichi] (c) Wings were folded [Takahagi, Ibaraki Prefecture; ~80 km from Fukushima Daiichi] (r) Wings were rumpled [Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture; ~40 km from Fukushima Daiichi]

Little Animals Suffer, too
Butterflies born in nuclear contaminated Fukushima meadows &/or fed from them in labs. (above up) Representative morphological abnormalities. From left to right, dented eyes (Shiroishi), deformed left eye (Iwaki), deformed right palpus (Takahagi), and deformed wing shape (Fukushima); (down) (l-r) Normal; Right hindwing much smaller than left hindwing – Fukushima City, 60 km from Fukushima Daiichi; (m) Wings folded – Takahagi, Ibaraki Prefecture, 80 km from Fukushima Daiichi; (r) Wings rumpled – Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, 40 km from Fukushima Daiichi; (r) add'l example.

(ul, ll) 03:46 PM Aug 13, 2012 4009 Mutated Butterflies: Study is overwhelming in its implications for humans ... Japan Researcher: Insects were believed to be very resistant to radiation ... Irregularly developed eyes, malformed antennae, much smaller wings (PHOTO)
(ur, lr) 06:29 PM Sep 23, 2014 8433 Japan nuclear waste poisons wildlife ... 99% offspring eating low-level contamination food dies ... severe & rare deformities from small rad doses (PHOTOS)
(detail-up) 03:46 PM Aug 13, 2012 4009 Mutated Butterflies: Study is overwhelming in its implications for humans ... Japan Researcher: Insects were believed to be very resistant to radiation ... Irregularly developed eyes, malformed antennae, much smaller wings (PHOTO)
Study: 99% of offspring die – eat ‘low-level’ contaminated food 
(detail-up) 06:29 PM Sep 23, 2014 8433 Japan nuclear waste poisons wildlife ... 99% offspring eating low-level contamination food dies ... severe & rare deformities from small rad doses (PHOTOS)

(u) Little animals suffer, too ...tumors in the thorax of butterflies. Taira et al. 2014 examined response of the Pale Grass Blue Butterfly; they found: size reduction, slowed growth, high mortality and morphological abnormality: (l) Tumors in the thorax of the Pale Grass Blue Butterfly; (r) Normal morphology. Common to all the published studies – the hypothesis chronic (low-dose) exposure to ionizing radiation results in genetic damage and increased mutation rates; Hayashi et al. 2014 documented effects of radiation on rice – After three days, a number of effects were observed; Taira et al. 2014 examined response of the pale grass blue butterfly. They found size reduction, slowed growth, high mortality and morphological abnormality. A review of genetic and ecological studies for a range of other species revealed significant consequences of radiation. Population census of birds, butterflies, and cicadas at Fukushima showed major declines – attributable to radiation exposure.
(u) Aug 14, 2014 8367 Scientists: Fukushima radiation is causing “serious biological effects” — Disaster’s widespread impact now being revealed — “Major irreversible shifts” in ecosystems discussed — “High rates of abnormality and mortality”… severe damage to humans next? (PHOTOS)

(u) Scroll down for detail.
10:53 AM Aug 12, 2012 3998 Japan Times: Study finds ‘abnormalities’ in 52% of second generation offspring from butterflies collected May 2011 - unusually small wings, premature death
11:37 PM Oct 11, 2015 8724 Fukushima: Dead zone ... no butterflies, no birds ... “Why does it matter to the United States? The reason is, it’s coming, it is coming!”... fewer species (VIDEO)

08:36 PM May 29, 2014 8258 Japan Scientist Dr. Otaki: We gave butterflies food from Fukushima ... then, they died; deformities get worse with each generation ... TV: Truly horrifying ... doesn’t look like a butterfly anymore (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
(Vice on HBO, Season 2 Episode 10, May 24, 2014 (at 5:30 in)
Dr. Joji Otaki, lead researcher, University of Ryukyus: We collected houseplant leaves from Fukushima, and those leaves are given to [butterfly] larvae collected from Okinawa… Those larvae aresupposed to be healthy. But they ate contaminated food from Fukushima. Then we see what happens. Ghandi (Vice): What happened? Otaki: They died. Ghandi: Dr. Otaki’s experiments have shown the truly horrifying effects contaminated food can have on living organisms. Otaki: You can see wrinkled wings. Ghandi: It doesn’t really even look like a butterfly anymore. Otaki: We found that mortality rate and abnormality rate of the 2nd generation is much higher — even worse in the 3rd generation.
Ghandi: The evidence contaminated food has increasingly worse effects over the course of generations is especially scary since one of Fukushima’s primary industries is agriculture.
Kazuya Tarukawa, (farmer in Sukagawa 50 miles from Fukushima Daiichi): We had been growing produce that measured 3,000 [Bq/kg] without even knowing it. Selling such produce to the markets made me feel severely guilty. Ghandi: His father was consumed with guilt. Tarukawa: He hung himself from the tree.
03:04 PM Jul 16, 2013 6038 Radioactive contamination from Fukushima disaster reasonable explanation for butterfly deaths and abnormalities
Nuclear Industry Propaganda Damage Control: 05:27 AM Oct 13, 2012 4508 Nuclear industry publishes coffee table book featuring images of butterflies at nuke plants (PHOTO)
01:42 PM Sep 21, 2012 4324 Deformed butterflies after Fukushima ... Wings folded, rumpled, different sizes (PHOTOS)
05:33 PM Aug 22, 2012 4089 Scientists fear increased genetic defects in humans from Fukushima disaster after results of butterfly study
01:41 PM Aug 15, 2012 4027 Plutonium releases from Fukushima plant highlighted in final sentence of butterfly mutation study
05:52 PM Aug 14, 2012 4020 Comparison images show severe mutation of Japan butterfly’s stump-like wings (PHOTO) — Reporter: “Scary,” humans could be affected by mutation, too.
02:59 AM Aug 14, 2012 4013 Australian: Devastating physical & genetic affects of Japan nuclear disaster ...mutant butterflies caught outside Fukushima evacuation zone
01:48 AM Aug 16, 2012 4032 Entomologist: Malformations in 10% of cotton worms from Fukushima town
12:44 PM Jul 16, 2013 6037 MSN publishes report on ‘freaky’ fruits and vegetables said to be from areas around Fukushima nuclear plant
May 28, 2013 Seaweed causes shut-down of multiple nuclear reactors
Dead sea lions, everywhere
Mar 30, 2013 CBS Los Angeles: “Dead sea lions everywhere” ... Rescuer: I’ve never seen anything like this … we never would have imagined the numbers ... Expert: No oceanographic explanation for what we’re seeing (VIDEO)
Fukushima meltdowns horror - Whales, seals, birds all emaciated, starving worldwide
Dana: Fukushima meltdowns horror — Whales, seals, birds all emaciated, starving worldwide. Another shock as 10 Sperm Whales beached in Indonesia is now normal as whales now dying from starvation is considered normal due to Fukushima nuclear meltdowns.
Over and over we see whales birds sea lions etc etc that are so called beaching themselves are in fact staving emaciated and unable to find food all die and wash up on beaches.
And all the whales this time would've died without intervention. Four out of 10 sperm whales that were beached at Ujong Kareung Beach in Aceh Besar regency in Aceh died in the early morning on Tuesday.
Four of 10 beached whales in Aceh, Jakarta, die
Scientists shocked” as fisheries collapse along West Coast — “Worst we’ve seen… ...starving” ...death
Fukushima plume model shows 1 Million Bq/m2 over West Coast after reactor explosions
Rain with 20,000,000 particles of radioactive iodine-131 per liter fell on U.S. in post-Fukushima peak
Official Report: West Coast hit with 220,000,000 atoms per liter of Iodine-129 in rain after Fukushima
Alaska urged to prepare for North Korean nuclear attack as residents told to stockpile Prussian Blue anti-radiation pills or buy stocks short term for them, folks the cowards are using North Korea fear to sell fake radiation treatments called Prussian Blue is demented at best criminal for sure.
Radioactive Cloud Over Europe, With Russia as Fake Chief Suspect Instead of Fukushima the headline should say.
Jump in dolphin, sea lion & seabird deaths
Apr 22, 2015 Professors: 100's of Millions of sea animals have died recently along West Coast — Worst mortality event ever known — “Wiped out at least 20 different species” — Marine life also disappearing from Fukushima coast (VIDEO)
Big increase in dolphin, sea lion, seabird deaths
Jun 22, 2015 TV: Emergency survey underway along West Coast, marine life being affected “in ways never seen before” — CBS: “Unusual increase in dolphin, sea lion, and seabird deaths” — Thought to be largest toxic bloom “anywhere, ever” — Worry that impacts on fish to last several years (VIDEO)
Hundreds of whales in bay
Nov 30, 2013 CBS News: 100s of whales in bay on California coast; never been like this, can’t even believe it ... Experts: We just aren’t sure what’s going on; “Unheard of, it’s unbelievable, nobody’s seen this” (VIDEO)
Swim For Their Life to Escape Plutonium?
Nov 25, 2013 NY Times: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded ... Biologist: “It’s a very strange year … The $64,000 question is why?” ... Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast (VIDEO)