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 Sydney Powell Fake Voting Machine: Patents 

2 a.m. west coast 08-16-2024   portland homeboy strikes back — welcome

There's credible evidence computerized algorithms have been used to flip votes for more than 20 years

Fake voting machine patents (1 of 4)

24 Years of Election Fraud ...they all know: Credible evidence computerized algorithms used to flip votes last 20 years 

There's credible evidence that computerized algorithms have been used to flip votes for more than 20 yearsComputerized algorithms flip votes last 20 years

Only takes 24 lines of code to flip an election. Only takes 24 lines of code to flip an election

Fake voting machines (2 of 4)

Fake voting machines (3 of 4)

Patents for fake-able voting macines

Patents for fake-able voting machines.

Patents for fake-able voting machines.

Patents for fake-able voting machines.

Fake voting machines patents (4 of 4)



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They all know how to do it (Sept 29, 2021)
The government “has an interest in” patents for the technology with the ability to real-time monitor an election … change votes … insert false voters … and predetermine the outcome of an election by applying a computer algorithm.

This is such a hard fight to get to the truth because the deception and manipulation has been happening a long time.  The corruption has grown exponentially among the entrenched elites, globalists, and communists here and abroad.  It crosses both political parties.

In our prior news blast, we included the video of sworn testimony of a man who  created an algorithm to secretly flip votes for a Republican in 2000 for a Florida election.

Jerry Nadler and Maxine Waters, among others, heard the testimony.

He submitted an affidavit to Congress in support of his testimony.  His dog was shot that very day. 

His testimony and warnings have been ignored.  They All Know.

This disgusting corruption crosses both political parties and involves key positions in the government itself, including, apparently, the Defense Department and the "Intelligence Community".

The truth is difficult to face, but we must do so now if we are going to save this Republic.  They’ve been doing much of this massive fraud in plain view, and they have been telling us what they were going to do at the same time.  The proof is in the patents.

At least as early as 2003, perhaps even before the 2000 election, the United States Department of Defense itself funded the patent process for what became in 2005 a:

“... method for dynamically auditing of electronic systems using an electronic registration and voting system.”

The “invention provides false voting data associated with false voters to the voting systems, recovers voting records associated with the false voting data.” (Emphasis added).[1]

[Editor's Note: Weaponizing Voting as a Military Weapon — enabling United States corporation to destroy the Republic of the united states of America]

Then in 2006, the U.S. Army funded a project for processing votes by “applying a plurality of vote scoring methods to produce a collective group decision that is resilient to errors.”

This is fancy language for an algorithm to alter or “rig” an election, to produce the predetermined outcome.  This is what the math shows happened in the 2020 Presidential election.

The method is protected by U.S. Patent No. 7,377, 431.[3]  The original assignee is the Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology. ­

[Editor's note: Board of Trustees | Stevens Institute of Technology — Thomas A. Corcoran is a Trustee and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology. Dr. Corcoran has been a senior advisor for, The Carlyle Group and is president of Corcoran Enterprises, LLC, a management consulting company. {Editor's Note: As you may or may not recall, George Herbert Walker Bush replaced Bin Laden's father on the board of Carlyle Group.}]

“Nothing in the system identifies” the “test” voter IDs.  “Records identifying these voters are kept manually outside the system in an election officials’ offices.”

This translates to they can be kept anywhere, and they can be inserted at will with no way to identify them in the system.

More details include a “central secure hosting environment accessible through a network, such as the internet, by a user such as an absentee voter, from any computing device anywhere in the world. . . .

The central hosting facility is also accessible by officials of a local election office via a computer, or computers, over the network.” (Emphasis added).

A user is not even required to use the same computer or be in the same place to register or to vote.  It was a one-stop shop.  It would provide “for the authentication of voters and local election office workers; the registration of voters; the creation of ballot definitions; voting and securing a ballot; and ballot tabulation.”  It would “decrypt ballots using the assigned security keys, tabulate the results, and prepare reports. . . “[2]

“Additional features and advantages of the invention . . . may be learned by practice of the invention.” (Emphasis added).

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