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Hillary Caught Poisoning U.S. Food Supply

Hillary as Secretary of State following orders from former Secretary of State Kissinger, not to allow Japan to be nuclear-free by 2030, because it would displease the Obama Administration

Story fact-checked successfully by National Enquirer –> Here: Cell phone—pdf | Computer—msword w/find-search

Nuclear Controversies, by Wladimir Tchertkoff, 51min, 2004

My friends, you have been lied to about the hazards of radiation your entire life (at least since the 1940s). An ongoing information war rages, and I do have some hope for progress. While the media repeats obvious lies about the death toll in Chernobyl ("43" absurd in the extreme) most regular people just don't believe what they're hearing from the pro-nuclear pundits.

This Swiss investigation of the Chernobyl cover-up is must-see viewing for anyone who would ever consider typing a thought about radioactivity. I have transcribed some of the highlights, including admissions by the head of the World Health Organization, front and center...

"Because the IAEA reports directly to the Security Council of the UN, and we all specialized agencies report to the Economic and Development Council. The organization which reports to the Security Council--not hierarchically, we are all equal--but for atomic affairs, military use and civil use, peaceful or civil use they have the authority. They command."
-Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima, former head of UN World Health Organization

The IAEA has the job of promoting atomic energy worldwide. They are not a trustworthy source for information about health effects of radioactivity. The system has been designed such that the organization which promotes atomic power has supremacy over the health monitoring organizations, and the WHO can simply be blocked from investigating, as happened here:

"In 1995 the Director General of WHO, Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima, tried to inform on Chernobyl by organizing in Geneva an international conference with 700 experts and physicians. This tentative was blocked. The International Agency for Atomic Energy blocked the proceedings which were never published. The truth on the consequences of Chernobyl would have been a disaster for the promotion of the atomic industry." (Nuclear Controversies)

In my recent article, The UN Would Never Lie to George Monbiot, I explored this IAEA role in more depth. A 2006 IAEA "study" on the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl meltdown claimed it had a "consensus" of "100 leading scientists." How does this measure up to the "700 experts and physicians" that the IAEA had a hand in silencing a decade before?

The "consensus" myth is a Big Lie. Those that repeat the IAEA's arguments without investigating this matter fully are either incompetent (which is the generous assessment) or downright evil. Children are sick and dying because of the failure of governments to acknowledge that radioactivity -- even in very small doses -- destroys life, creates deformities in the body, causes cancers and myriad other conditions. Children across the region are suffering horribly. Up to one million have died as a result of Chernobyl, as of 2006 (Yablokov et. al.).

If you're not going to watch NUCLEAR CONTROVERSIES right now, then here are the highlights. Use them well.

"The representative for the International Agency for Atomic Energy (A. Gonzales) maintains that the Chernobyl catastrophe caused 31 deaths of a few hundred highly irradiated individuals and 2,000 thyroid cancers in children. This UN agency recognizes only validated data, validated by the laboratories of Los Alamos and the French Atomic Energy Commissariat, CEA, two atomic bomb makers."

"Nesterenko is the only scientist who systematically measured the internal artificial radioactivity (of children in the contaminated zone). His measures show that contamination is 8 times higher than that published by the Minister of Health, who tried to stop him."

"According to Professor Bandazhevsky over 50 bequerels per kilo body weight lead to irreversible lesions in vital organs."

"On June the 18th Yuri Bandazhevski, author of more than 400 scientific publications and 8 monographs, owner of 7 patents, member of 5 academies, recipient of 5 international awards was condemned by the military court of the Supreme Court of Belarus to 8 years in a work camp for alleged corruption. One year of inquiry could produce no proof against him."

"Today out of 100 children in Belarus, ony 20 can be declared to be healthy. Before the Chernobyl catastrophe the number was 80 out of 100. The IAEA, the UNSCEAR and the World Health Organization, who do not study the effects of the internal contamination by incorporated radionuclides, have no explanation for the increased incidence of somatic pathologies in those children."

Fukushima Meltdowns: More Infant Death —(here)—

Dead baby & miscarriage increase from Fuku fallout in Japan, Seattle, Vancouver

August 28th, 2015 – 9:59 am ET

Dr. Korblein, Feb 2014: After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011, infant mortality rates in the most radioactively-contaminated Prefectures around Fukushima increased. The increase is statistically significant. Dec 2011, nine months after the accident, a 10% drop in live births occurred. First evaluations of the monthly data for infant mortality rates in Japan after Fukushima showed significant peaks in May and Dec, 2011. An analysis of live births in Fukushima Prefecture showed a 15% decrease in Dec 2011.

The official policy is that small amounts of radiation are harmless: scientifically speaking, this is untenable… the Japanese Government is attempting to increase the public limit for radiation in Japan from 1 mSv to 20 mSv per year. This is unscientific and unconscionable.  —(cont, here)—

Fukushima Meltdowns: More Infant Mutations

Baby mutations increase – extra fingers, toes, arms & legs from Fuku fallout in Japan ...butterflies mutate, birds fall from sky

Butterflies of Fukushima augur poorly for 2020 Japan Olympic athletes, coaches & spectators ...since Olympic sites are contaminated & re-contaminated by plutonium blowing down from the mountains & forests, practically, for Eternity

Scientists fear human genetic defects from Fukushima fallout after butterfly study. The Life Force is being sacrificed on altars of idolatry, greed, murder & war central banksters worship 

The Pacific Ocean is Dying – and You Don't Even Know

The Pacific Ocean is Dying – and You Don't Even Know

PDF, click here: 

Table of Contents (for our free e-book)

To get our three free e-books, click here


Table of Contents for The Pacific Ocean is Dying - and you don't even know

Table of Contents (cont)

The Pacific Ocean is Dying – and You Don't Even Know

Table of Contents

(cell phone: pdf, here) & (computer: ms word w/search engine & pop-ups)

1. Hard Truth (pdf | word)

2. Facts of Life & Death (pdf | word)

3. Grown-ups suck (pdf | word)

4. Death on the installment plan for girls (pdf | word)

5. Extreme nuclear danger (pdf | word)

6. Cost to living things (pdf | word)

7. Russians are at it, again (pdf | word)

8. Sea lion species extinction? (pdf | word)

9. Cry, baby (pdf | word)

10. Internet comments (pdf | word)

11. Life Force under attack. Feel it? (pdf | word)

12. Mammals versus idiots (pdf | word)

13. Attention animal lovers (pdf | word)

14. Children suffer from nuclear power (pdf | word)

15. Tritium (pdf | word)

16. Trump reactor presence of mind? (pdf | word)

17. Welcome to my world (pdf | word)

18. Monju (Godzilla) (pdf | word)

19. Is Trump reactor-friendly, or not? (pdf | word)

20. Newswire: Diary of a murder (pdf | word)

21. Hillary poisoning U.S. food supply (pdf | word)

22. Hillary does Japan (pdf | word)

23. Edo does himself – at war with the earth and sky and water (pdf | word)

24. Smokescreen (pdf | word)

25. Nuclear power is not safe and clean (pdf | word)

26. Nuclear industry captures NRC (pdf | word)

27. Fukushima does Portland, OR (pdf | word)

28. Hot spots (hot particles) (pdf | word)

29. Atmospheric testing death toll jumps 1-to-60 million (pdf | word) (also, see cancers: 1.2 billion)

30. Seattle and Portland to avoid lung- & thyroid cancer for 60 cents (pdf | word)

31. More hot spots (pdf | word)

32.  Sleepless in Seattle? (pdf | word)

33. Diary of a hot spot (pdf | word)

34. Troubling trend (pdf | word)

35. Low doses of internal emitters (pdf | word)

36. Instruments don’t eat (pdf | word)

37. Deflections of Gaia (pdf | word)

38. Got milk? (pdf | word)

39. Animal lovers (pdf | word)

40. Stillborn (pdf | word)

41. Portland (pdf | word)

42. Seattle (pdf | word)

43. Reactor No. 4 (pdf | word)

44. U.S.S. Reagan: We are not alone (pdf | word)

45. Endnotes (pdf | word)

12:24 PM Feb 26, 2014 -8037- Expert: Gov’t officials very possibly know Fukushima is a worldwide disaster and just not revealing it - columnist: They can’t neglect the truth because they fear a panic outbreak - I’m panicking because there isn’t a panic (AUDIO)

09:50 AM Feb 26, 2014 -8036- Snowden docs reveal Gov’t agents manipulate, control online discourse with deception: reputation-destruction - spreading lies on internet - false flag operations & emails to people’s families, friends (GRAPHICS)

6:25 PM Feb 24, 2014 -8036.1- Glenn Greenwald ET: How overt agents infiltrate the internet to manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations - from the Snowden archive

-8036.2- also -0917-  Leaked emails show British gov't worked with nuke companies on PR campaign to downplay Fukushima -- degree of collusion truly shocking

-8036.3- also -0935- British gov't deeply involved in blatant conspiracy designed to manipulate the truth -- Very effective attempt to 'calm' reporting of true story of Fukushima Jul 1, 2011

-8036.4- also -2911- Asia Times Reporter: Everybody is involved… It sounds, looks, and quacks like a major cover-up over ‘deleted’ radiation emails (VIDEO) March 23, 2012

-8036.6- also -2209- Asahi columnist forced to resign over ‘Radiation is Coming to Tokyo’ March 19 cover story - Headline was in fact correct January 8, 2012

-8036.7- also -1964-  Congressman releases blockbuster report detailing NRC conspiracy in wake of Fukushima December 10, 2011

-8036.8- also -1622- Tokai Mayor: We don’t trust the gov’t nuclear policies (VIDEO) Oct 27, 2011

- 8036.9- also -0293- Top Hawaii health official calls out Forbes’ journalist for reporting Hilo milk exceeds EPA radiation level… then admits he is technically correct April 12, 2011

12:55 AM Feb 26, 2014 -8035- Hawaii: Fish caught off coast of America and near Hawaii have high level of cesium

11:12 PM Feb 26, 2014 -8038- U.S. Gov’t very concerned about Fukushima radiation hitting West Coast affecting Americans - public told everything fine (VIDEO)

01:18 AM Jun 02, 2016 -8819- Fukushima – problem greater than thought – 600 tons of fuel melted, can’t find it – uncontrollable fission continues under site (VIDEO)

08:22 AM May 24, 2016 -8818- Fukushima radiation may eat holes in people’s brains; military hides radiation levels; officials hide consequences of crisis; worry over number of cancers; public suffers radioactive-related diseases (VIDEO)

10:28 AM Mar 11, 2015 -8585- TV: Officials lying, kids getting cancer after Fukushima - Report: 1,200+ deaths from illness caused by prolonged exposure - Mom: I’m really worried – children not the same – sick – nosebleeds, rashes – white blood cells decreased - Radiation by school 100 times normal (VIDEO)

09:56 AM Feb 04, 2015 -8557- Cancer epidemic in Fukushima up 6,000% says head of cancer research center – everything swept under rug – family members brainwashed

Fukushima resident Chieko Shiina, supporter of the Fukushima Collaborative Clinic (translated by Carole Hisasue), Jan 24, 2015 (emphasis added):

  • At 8:00 — Already, 85 children have had surgeries for thyroid cancer, there are 112-113 children who are suspected of having cancer. When children get cancers it progresses very quickly. The former person in charge of health, Yamashita Shunichi, said it would be only a 1 in a million chance of children getting any kind of cancer because of radiation. But he was lying. Right now, it’s like 1 in 3,000 — it’s an epidemic… The head of the National Cancer Research Center estimated right now in Fukushima the rate of cancer has gone up 61 times. And yet the gov’t and also the hospitals related to the gov’t are saying this is not because of radiation… How long does the gov’t think that we’ll be silent about this? In light of this epidemic, my anger will never die down. And then to think about the parents of the small children – how worried they must be.
  • At 12:00 — It’s not only children. There are many things happening to adults as well. Increased rates of thyroid cancer, heart attacks, leukemia, cataracts – many, many health problems, where they are wondering… there’s something definitely wrong.
  • At 16:00 — I can’t forgive the gov’t, they’re murderers. This is definitely a holocaust.
  • At 20:00 — Media won’t report on it. Everything’s just being swept under the rug.
  • At 26:00 — A TV program called ‘Hodo Station’… they went to Fukushima City to interview people and they also came to my clinic… The director that made this program also made a follow up show and contacted one of the interviewees telling her, ‘We’ll be airing it soon.’ But before it was aired, it was taken off the program. This director died. This director apparently told one of the interviewees, ‘If you do hear that I died, please believe that it was not a suicide, no matter what you might hear.’ There is no truth in the media in Japan today. There are all sorts of these mysterious events happening that are still unexplained and uninvestigated.
  • At 43:00 — Even today the gov’t is insisting the rise in pediatric thyroid cancer rates are not due to the accident…Why are they being so insistent? It’s because the moment they admit the reality of what’s going on, then they obviously can’t restart any of the nuclear plants and must change their entire nuclear policy.
  • Carole Hisasue, translator (at 1:15:00): It’s disappeared from the media, it’s disappeared from people’s consciousness. There’s this big culture of denial going on outside of Fukushima. They want to pretend like it never happened. I can’t talk to my own family about radiation contamination… They don’t want to hear it. They go, ‘You don’t understand because you don’t have to live here, we have to live here.’… It’s like ‘see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’… just trying to ignore it and pretend life is the way it was before 3/11. It’s frightening, it’s very very frightening… [My sister-in-law] is completely brainwashed by the gov’t who says, ‘Oh no, it’s fine, fine, fine’… she believes it, even though her son suffers from a lot of nosebleeds – and I think that’s a serious problem. If I mention it to her, or even to my own mother, they get very offended. They go, ‘Oh no, no. He’s always been like that. It’s nothing to do with radiation.’ Talk about denial, it just hurts my heart. (Watch video of the event here)
  1. Terrifying cancer data for Fukushima — “Statistics are astounding especially for young girls” — “Growing concern around cancer risk” (VIDEO) March 22, 2014
  2. Tokyo Press Conference: Gov’t is committing crimes against humanity; Fukushima children living in war zone and can’t leave — Childhood cancer developing much faster than Chernobyl; Rate now 14 times higher — Parent: “I’m revealing the reality of what’s going on… it’s only way to get rid of the criminals” (VIDEO) August 19, 2014
  3. Japan Lawmaker: “Children coming down with many health problems… this is reality” — CNN: “Many parents of Fukushima blame nuclear accident” for higher cancer rate (VIDEOS) November 9, 2013
  4. “Truly Frightening”: Doctors being threatened for linking illnesses to Fukushima — Strange tumors, kids dying, pets dying — Much higher incidences of whole range of health problems reported — Experts: 1,000,000 cancers, plus many other ailments possible (AUDIO & VIDEO) October 28, 2014
  5. ABC Radio: “Cancer cases in Fukushima emerging faster than expected” — Japan Surgeon: I’m very angry, it’s very strange officials won’t release basic data (AUDIO) November 4, 2013

11:02 AM May 19, 2016 -8817- Billions of pieces of Fukushima nuclear fuel everywhere – where there’s cesium, there’s plutonium – Atom bomb: one (1) pound of uranium; Fukushima: hundreds of tons – great quantities of plutonium found (VIDEO)

11:44 AM May 16, 2016 -8816- Largest amount of Fukushima radiation fell on U.S. West Coast & Pacific – no complaints from U.S. – more radiation on way – need to know impact of contamination

Fairewinds Japan Speaking Tour Series No. 3, Feb 24, 2016:

- Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education Podcast host: One of the things that you’ve talked about and [environmental scientist Marco Kaltofen, PhD, PE] have talked about is internal radiation exposures and hot particles. What’s the difference between a bomb exploding and a nuclear plant exploding, in terms of the hot particles?

-Arnie Gundersen, Fairewind Chief Engineer and former nuclear engineer: Most of the bomb exposure was from a direct flash that was over in seconds. There wasn’t a significant amount of contamination on the ground because the bomb went off 1,000 feet in the air. So there was not a lot of radiation residual left on the ground for hot particles to get into people’s lungs.

That’s not what we’re seeing at Fukushima Daiichi. Everything I’m finding here is millions and billions of very, very small particles that are spread pretty much everywhere. We’ll know a little bit more about that in the future.

There’s no comparison between a bomb and what happened at Fukushima. A bomb obliterated maybe a pound of uranium and it was a thousand feet in the air, so most of it went up almost immediately; whereas each of the nuclear reactors at Fukushima had 100 tons of uranium in them, so that the quantity of radiation that’s spread out throughout the countryside is orders of magnitude higher at Fukushima, than it was at Nagasaki.

-Fairewinds Japan Speaking Tour Series No. 2, Feb 17, 2016:

Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer and former nuclear engineer (at 2:30 in): We found a parking lot at a supermarket [in Fukushima] that had a large radioactive source right in the middle ...that people were walking over and driving over. It was loaded with black radioactive dust just wherever you go – it’s everywhere …

-AG: One of the samples that one of my fellow scientists collected showed significant amounts of plutonium. It was in a square meter …he was getting 19 disintegration per second [becquerels] of plutonium. That stuff is going to be around for a quarter million years …

-Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education Podcast founder: That plutonium was part of the core that came out then in the explosion, correct?

-AG: Yeah, the only source it could ever have come from is inside that nuclear reactor.

-MG: And the plutonium is being redeposited at locations that were unanticipated?

-AG: Yeah, it’s everywhere. It is everywhere ...we’re very careful, we’re wearing gloves all the time, respirators all the time.

-AG: Wherever the ground is exposed, there is a high level of radiation in the mountains around here; it’s all going to run right off and into the Pacific Ocean.

-MG: You talked about the plutonium - where was that found?

-AG: The plutonium was found in a farmer’s field about 10 miles from the power plant; it was found because that’s where they looked. If it’s sitting out in that farmer’s field, it’s everywhere. Wherever there’s radiation - cesium - there’s going to be plutonium, and that’s truly frightening… It’s pretty clear that significant amounts of plutonium are scattered throughout the hillsides… plutonium has got a 25,000 year half-life, so it’s a quarter of a million years before it’s gone.

Discovery, Dec 27, 2015: Although only limited areas of Fukushima are allowing residents to come back, that doesn’t mean these areas are safe. You can still find dangerous radioactive elements such as cesium, strontium, and plutonium in abundant quantities here.

07:47 AM Jun 08, 2016 -8820- Spike in number of U.S. sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure – 400 veterans suffer serious illness – Former Japan Prime Minister breaks down crying, This can’t be ignored any longer – the number of sick people is increasing; their symptoms are worsening (VIDEOS)

08:15 AM Nov 10, 2017 -9003-  Former U.S. Senator: All these Navy sailors have died after Fukushima radiation exposure – TV program reveals many are now dead – Veterans break down in tears… suffering cancers, paralysis, amputations, bleeding from anus, severe pain (VIDEO)

06:14 AM Nov 14, 2017 -9006- Fukushima Cover-Up: “Keep cancers a secret” say doctors - “We’re getting leukemia and cataracts and we die suddenly” - “Students having sudden heart attacks” — Officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death

07:23 AM Feb 07, 2018 -9011- Report: Massive radiation leak at Japan Fukushima facility - Extremely high levels being detected outside reactor - Officials can’t explain why - Expert warns of global threat: “…disaster of unseen proportions” (VIDEO)

07:18 AM Dec 20, 2017 -9010- Top official reveals UFOs exist, “often reported” over nuclear power plants… “…never seen anything like it” - Military: “Ominous correlation” between sightings and atomic sites - TV: “Mystery intruders over nuke facilities” (VIDEOS)

09:00 AM Nov 27, 2017 -9009- AP: “Japan poised to flood Pacific with 1 million tons of nuclear water contaminated by Fukushima” - Newsweek: “Experts want Japan to push a Million tons of radioactive water into ocean” - Release could kill fishing industry (VIDEO)

10:33 AM Nov 09, 2017 -9002- “Scientists shocked” as fisheries collapse along West Coast - “It’s the worst we’ve seen… they’re starving” - Death rates skyrocket, no babies born - Fish stocks at all-time record lows

11:19 AM Jan 07, 2016  -8758-  Sickened animals “unlike anything doctors have ever seen” on West Coast – “They’re eating themselves from the inside” – Cancers… liver, pancreas, intestines shut down… infested with parasites and immune to antibiotics – Unprecedented catastrophe to cause loss of 200,000 sea lions (VIDEO) Also, - 8852-

01:10 PM Apr 11, 2016  -8802-  Fukushima: People’s feet turn black for years because radiation is so high – Every time I turn around I see someone who has radiation damage - hair falling out, coughing up blood, bodies covered with boils… Officials keep doctors from telling truth – public brainwashed (VIDEO) [OLYMPIC SPORTS FANS: Think twice – it's what you can happen to you at the 2020 Olympics] Also,  -8752-  -8827- -8823-


10:16 PM Nov 9, 2016 -8829- URGENT: Emergency at Fukushima after major M7.4 quake – Workers evacuated as tsunami hits nuke plants – Public told, Please Flee Immediately – Cooling systems at reactor FAILED – Fears nuclear waste may leak — Prime Minister: We must grasp extent of damage – Officials warn of more powerful quakes (VIDEOS)

12:10 PM Aug 22, 2016 Japan Olympic Game sites permanently contaminated with plutonium -8827- TV: Astronomical radiation in downtown Tokyo – directly outside gov’t building – ‘Horrific’ readings where kids play in Fukushima, ‘extreme’ levels where food grown for school lunches – nuclear expert shocked, upset by discovery – Gundersen found Tokyo remains contaminated – measured dust and found high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Current residents inhale it every day (VIDEO-CCTV Channel 17 interview )

CCTV (CHANNEL 17 IN BURLINGTON, VERMONT), published Jun 20, 2016

- Margaret Harrington, host: I know you mentioned Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer at Fairewinds, and he said that he measured the radiation there, too. Could you talk about that a little bit?

- Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education founder and CEO: He’s working with some other scientists who are studying - both Japanese scientists, the samples that they took, and the U.S. scientists who are evaluating the samples - and they’re finding astronomical amounts of radiation, even in downtown Tokyo outside of METI’s door. METI is the regulatory agency over nuclear power… When he and others were downtown in Tokyo, they took samples right there in a garden right outside the door and on the front doormat, and these are really, really high samples. Frightening, because people walking in Tokyo will then be inhaling that dust. What was the film we saw from Japan that had the mothers who were in an area where kids play and run from middle school?

- Caroline Phillips, Fairewinds Energy Education: It’s a fantastic video… it’s a mothers organization, they live in the Fukushima Prefecture and they’re actually using Geiger counters that have been issued by the government. They’re walking along the river [in Fukushima City.]

- Maggie Gundersen: What’s so tragic about it - kids are running along dirt paths doing gym class and track and things like that and the mothers are right down in areas that are not posted and the kids can go after school and play, and people do nature hikes and stuff. And the radiation readings are horrific.

GENDAI BUSINESS ONLINE (ARTICLE IN JAPANESE), Jun 14, 2016: [J]ust before the 5th anniversary of the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi, a group of young girls in the city of Minami-Soma rode their bikes to school past a shocked and saddened pedestrian. That upset observer was Arnie Gundersen, nuclear reactor expert… What surprised me at this visit to Japan… is that the decontaminated area is contaminated again, Mr. Gundersen said while explaining why it was such as sad shock to witness the girls on their bicycles. This was not what I had expected. I had thought that we would not find such high doses of radiation in the decontaminated area. But, sadly, our results prove otherwise.… Gundersen collected samples of dust [though] the official data cannot be released before the publication of formal scientific papers, it is evident that high doses of radiation, usually found in nuclear waste, was detected from these samples. This means that highly radioactive dust is flying around the city. In other words, the decontaminated land is contaminated again. Little girls are affected by the radiation 20 times as much as adult men. The Japanese government’s standard of 20 mSv is based on exposure assessments for adult men. The girls on their bicycles are actually being affected by a radiation dose equivalent to as much as 400 mSv. Mr. Gundersen also pointed out that human lungs are heavily affected by internal exposures to radiation. At this visit, I wore a radiation proof mask that can filter out 99.98% of radiation for six hours. I sent my filter to the lab, and they found a high dose of Cesium. But, unfortunately, the Japanese government only cares about the number on a Geiger counter and does not consider the internal exposure. This has resulted in a hazardous downplay of this kind of data and human lungs are affected by the serious internal exposure.… [T]he radiation from the mountains are coming back to the city by way of wind and rain. Mr. Gundersen noted the extreme radioactive contamination of the mountains… vegetables grown in that area exceed the government’s standard by 1500 Bq. These vegetables were sold at the Michino Eki in Tochigi prefecture, and the bamboo shoot grown in this contaminated region was used for elementary school lunches in Utsunomiya. These school lunches contained more than twice as much radiation as the government’s standard… However, the government continues to push for the end of people’s relocation and force the return to re-contaminated areas… Mr. Gundersen also found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Needless to say, the current residents are inhaling it every day…


12:46 PM Jun 28, 2016 | 82

-8823- Highly radioactive ‘glass’ rained on Tokyo - Fukushima nuclear fuel with 500 Trillion Bq/kg found - Significant consequences for human health - Scientists: This changes understanding of disaster… Extreme importance… Our ideas of health implications should change… Do not discuss on social media -[i]
[i] Public Release from Goldschmidt Conference, Jun 26, 2016 - Discovery (Seeker)=http://www.seeker.com/fukushima-nuke-disaster-spewed-tiny-glass-particles-on-tokyo-1886927420.html; Jun 27, 2016 - ANI, - http://www.dnaindia.com/scitech/report-research-indicates-fukushima-radioactive-fallout-may-be-worse-than-expected-2228707 Jun 28, 2016 - Inverse, = https://www.inverse.com/article/17503-radioactive-glassy-soot-fell-over-tokyo-after-the-fukushima-meltdown Jun 26, 2016 - Scientists from Fukushima Univ., Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Stanford Univ., etc, June 2016 - Dr Satoshi Utsunomiya, Kyushu Univ. - Prof. Bernd Grambow, Director of SUBATECH laboratory, France

10:47 AM Dec 22, 2015 -8751-  Russia, Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant: Radiation levels spike after emergency shutdown; traffic jams as people evacuate, rush to get iodine (PHOTOS)

07:45 PM Dec 03, 2015 -8742-   Record levels of Fukushima radiation detected off West Coast — Massive plume stretches for more than 1,000 miles — Reuters: Contamination is spreading off U.S. shores — Radioactive cesium reaches 11 Bq/m3 at multiple locations (MAP)

07:05 AM Dec 02, 2015 -8741- Former Japan Official: “Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean… is seriously menacing U.S. West Coast” — “Fukushima now undeniably a global security issue… can’t be brought under control by single state” — Experts: Wave of radiation will be 10 times more than entire world’s nuclear tests combined

02:03 AM Nov 24, 2015 -8746- West Coast: Alarming signs of oceanic distress - stranded seal pups 2,000% of normal levels - starving bags of skin and bone (VIDEO)

04:55 AM Nov 20, 2015 -8744a- Giant whales pile up dead, test for Fukushima radiation (PHOTOS)

06:38 PM Nov 18, 2015 -8743- Pacific Northwest:  Salmon population crash  (VIDEOS)

07:12 AM Nov 16, 2015 -8742- Official Report: Fukushima radiatio n levels in U.S. – elevated measurements from 2011 nuclear disaster – Florida experiencing Cesium-137 deposition; Fukushima fallout in citrus fruit

11:59 AM Nov 12, 2015 -8741- West Coast: Unprecedented, largest animal on Earth found dead, had been very sick, emaciated - food supply killed; many sea creatures affected; whales tracked for past two years not doing well (VIDEO)

07:17 AM Nov 11, 2015 -8740- British Columbia: Man arrested over Fukushima-related youtube videos; charged with criminal harassment of university scientists  (VIDEO) Also, see: Dana & Activists actions (protests)

insert 86 yr old nun arrested for protesting nuclear, here

08:08 PM Nov 4, 2015 -8738a- Millions of salmon disappear off West Coast in 2 days

07:32 PM Nov 3, 2015 -8737- West Coast die-offs – fish, whales, squid, more species (VIDEO)

02:35 AM Nov 2, 2015 -8736- Seaborne West Coast: Fukushima nuclear waste off shoreline of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska – Highest radiation off San Francisco (MAP-[i])

-8736.1- also see: Fukushima nuclear waste detected along Southern California coast - Highest levels seen anywhere in North America since testing program began - 8.4 Bq/m3 of radioactive cesium measured near beach between Los Angeles and San Diego (VIDEO & MAP) Aug, 2015

-8736.2- also see: Scientists detect Fukushima radiation on North American shores - Coastal communities ‘concerned’ - Over 7 Bq/m3 of cesium from dock in Pacific Northwest - Professor: It indicates arrival of other radioactive substances - Represents potential radiological health risk (VIDEO) Apr, 2015

-8736.3- also see: 'Unprecedented’: China bans all imports of shellfish from U.S. West Coast - Official: They’ve never done anything like that that I’ve ever seen - Includes Washington, Oregon, Alaska and N. California - Gov’t says it will continue indefinitely (AUDIO) Dec 13, 2013

-8736.4- also see: TV: Billions of mysterious creatures dead along West Coast - Literally covering all of Oregon coast - Washington up from California to Oregon to Washington to Vancouver B.C. to Alaska - Expert: Death totals are staggering, it’s got to be billions (VIDEO) May 3, 2015

-8736.5- also see: Spike in airborne radiation levels for West Coast? Abnormal readings on 8 of 18 EPA monitors for California, Oregon, Washington - Devices now undergoing quality review Mar 22, 2011

11:19 PM Oct 28, 2015 -8734- CBS: Fi re erupts at another U.S. nuclear site near major city — Witness: Flames within feet of radioactive waste — TV: “You can see the smoke for miles… A big-time scare” — EPA emergency response specialists deployed  (PHOTO & VIDEOS)

  • Child cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors – North St. Louis County, Missouri – Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, Sep 17, 2015 (at 27:00 in): There are references that are in the reports that the Attorney General did with independent scientists where they say that what we have under the ground could end up as Chernobyl. What I am concerned about are the 40,000 tons of uranium that have been spread all over the place… We’re talking about the most potent uranium in the world – We’re looking at the cancer clusters – We’re looking at the number of children who have double sets of teeth, children who have missing eyeballs, the number of children who have brain tumors. This is not consistent with a normal community whatsoever. 
  • The Poisoned Children of Coldwater Creek: excerpt: Wright says there are a stunning number of reports of infertility, in addition to the birth-defect cases. There have been three separate cases of conjoined twins (a statistical anomaly if ever there was one). There were three babies born with only one ear, another without either eyebal l.
  • Also, see: It all started with the famous Manhattan project, as St. Louis Mallinckrodt Chemical Works secretly signed to enrich uranium for the world's first controlled nuclear chain reaction in 1942. For the next 15 years, the company would continue its uranium refining activities at its downtown site in Missouri, and when it ran out of room to store its tons and tons of hazardous waste (known in its day as poisons), it was sent off to a couple of sites near the airport ...and the poisoning of Coldwater Creek & neighboring properties began.  —(scroll down to, St. Louis Mallinckrodt Chemical Works when you arrive, here)—

-8734.1- also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Fire erupts by nuclear waste landfill near city (PHOTO-[i] & VIDEOS)

-8734.2- also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Fire rages towards 48,000 tons of Belgium Congo uranium 235, 238, most potent in the world

-8734.3- also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal - we’re looking at the cancer clusters in North County, number of children with double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors - this is not consistent with a normal community, at all - VIDEO -at 27:00 in

-8734.4- also see: Breaking It Down: Renewed Concerns Over Radiation from Dump Fire approaching Nuclear Dump  (video-at 27:00 in) 

-8734.5- also see: St. Louis, Missouri - Bridgeton & West Lake landfills: underground fire at Bridgeton Landfill moves toward radioactive waste in the adjacent West Lake Landfill

10:40 PM Oct 25, 2015 - 8732-  Nevada, Beatty and Las Vegas: Exploding drums of buried waste skyrocket up over site perimeter; crater reported; radiation spike in Vegas follows (VIDEO)

Nuclear fallout from exploding dump outside Las Vegas may be causing stillbirths, miscarriages, birth defects & lowered I.Q. in newborns

02:12 PM Oct 23, 2015 -8731- Nevada, Beatty and Las Vegas: Explosions at radioactive facility near Beatty and Las Vegas create massive plumes and fires - sends unknown amount of radionuclide waste airborne – nearby town not told or evacuated (VIDEO: buried waste barrels rocket up from underground as they explode)


Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends & share this info. 

Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

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