
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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 Pelosi Coprolite 

We do not think Dick Cheney was a war profiteer that with Israel and Germany did WTC/911 for as a red flag excuse to destroy Iraq so Bechtel and Haliburton could rebuild it just that Liz Cheney is a chip off the old block and she's not a war profiteer, either ...do you?

We do not think Nancy Pelosi or Dick Cheney was a war profiteer whom with Israel and Germany did WTC/911 as a red flag excuse to destroy Iraq so Bechtel and Haliburton could rebuild it ...just that Liz Cheney is a chip off the old block and she's not a war profiteer, either.

These two people are the scum of the Earth for murdering Ukrainians and Russians  Nothing like war to make a war profiteer getting insider trading tips to fall in love with another cess pool. Your heart calls them murderers in love.

Feeding time at the zoo

(l) Upchuck Schumer the brains behind the bullshit famous for his "Jan 6 erectionists" ...he called them; for running the Democratic National Committee, & having the committee pay $2-million-dollars for a coordinated ballot stuffing operation in 20 states.

Soros, Soros, & witch Pelosi

Pelosi = Soros + (Bechtel = Schroder) x Schumer = JPMorgan Chase = a globalist war profiteer love fest (wait! ...where's Hillary, Kissinger & the NWO?! ...oh, right behind you and in front of you and on your right & left.)

central bankers make animals suffer lying nuclear energy is safe & clean 

Fukushima meltdowns in aquifers for centuries & millenia now poison Pacific Ocean & kill sea's animals, forever; Japan gov't keeps dumping nuclear waste in sea, burns it to jet streams, like U.S. & Russia, do

Manatee:[]-8121- Caldicott: Fukushima to pour radioactive water into Pacific for rest of Time – deep state nuclear industry covers it up – if truth comes out it will end nuclear power.

Mans laughter? ...or manslaughter? []-4581- Gov’t official, scientists convicted of manslaughter – gave public incomplete, imprecise, contradictory info on quake danger

Sea Turtle: Mans laughter? ...or manslaughter? Convict nuclear holocaust denial scientists, media, central bank financiers & Congress for manslaughter ...you've already turned the other cheek & as they kill the planet

Eating just one billionaire would do more to prevent climate change than going vegan or never drviing a car for the rest of your life

Pelosi Coprolite: What a piece of work is (wo)man

To get Rid of Nuclear Radiation Cancer — Get Rid of Central Bankers, Billionaires, & Oligarchs ...before their Governments Get Rid of You

“What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension, how like a god! The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals. And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?”  —William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 1599. 

[Editor's note: You can skip reading this stuff, and scroll down to the videos ...that convery the same themes.] What is a central banker worth, when you add up their wars, nuclear bomb fallout, nuclear reactor radiation, the cancers they've caused to men, women, girls and boys ..and their war on animals in the sea and on land, and their war against the trees and sky and earth and water? ...not much. Should they be exterminated by Martians? ...definately not ...we can't wait that long. Maybe the Russians or Chinese or Germans or Americans should simply try them, find them guilty, sentence them to death then throw them into a tree chipper. They've given us quite a ride; we should reciprocate. On a more serious note, in these three columns we're just going to outline what you will find in the handul of very short youtube's, below.

Central Bankers Make Animals Suffer, Lying Nuclear Energy is Safe & Clean ...Really? ...It Destroys All Living Things

Epidemiology: Fatal Fukushima fallout in U.S. — (1) Kills 20,000 folks; (2) 12 States report milk unsafe to drink; (3) Infant mortality rate up 30% – WA & BC (2011).  Radiation sickness hits west coast California horses? — fallout on pastures, cow's milk radioactive, farmlands, orchards, crops covered with fallout. Horses: Faint; painful lesions; skin falls off, eyes swell shut, liver damage, Fukushima airborne radiation? Sea mammals' skin peels, Seaborne Fukushima radiation dries on beachs – blows inland.Fukushima butterflies mutate – suggests humans too & do. Fukushima babies born or aborted with extra arms, legs & gross birth defects; censored by globalists. Satish Kumar — Hindu, Buddhist & Jain perspectives of a sacred place. 

Indigenous People Understand our Job is to Protect Mother Earth by Erasing Nuclear Industry

Let rivers & forests sue corporations that harm them with nuclear fallout and waste and other pollution — Nature has awon several lawsuits. 

The lawsuits were won in India and Central- & South America against corporations that pollute and abuse the Earth — why not here? — learn about Earth Envinronmental Personhood, (here). Indian tribes spiritual sites & spiritual practices are denied by the ineqitable U.S. government. Yellow Monster – The devastating effect of nuclear bomb - and reactor-required uranium mining on Navajo land. Desert Southwest lives destroyed by horrors of uranium mining & windborne radiation. 

Folks of All Ages Now Suddenly Drop Dead: No idea why ...but, "We Know it's Not from the Jab or Nuclear Fallout"

SADS — Sudden Adult Death Syndrome — Excess deaths, the data. Mainstream: People of all ages suddenly drop dead on sidewalks, in elevators, at grocery stores. In restaurants. "No idea what's causing it ...but we know is it's not from the jab." And, 1,000 athletes & sports-related incidences from March 2021 — 16 June 2022. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech tells parents 3 things about vaxxing their kids.

Can You Tell Real Ukrainian Nazis from U.S. Nazi Collaborator Politicians Copying Them?

Jimmy Dore show scores with documentation you should witness what this Ukraining nazi bragging,; "Killing is fun. The west hires us cause no one else will do it." Soros: Jewish Nazi-informer – stages protests, regime change, finances chaos - alternately crashes stock & gold mkts; sells long, buys short etc. U.S. Congress insider traders; Braindead? – Pelosi greets Zelensky: Nazi slogans – Slava Ukraini! – Glory to Ukraine – Svaboda Ukraine! ...chain of fools. Oligarch-owned Ukraine24-TV commentator ... (like our media is oligarch-owned), demands every Ukrainian kill at least one Russian, including children ...otherwise the kids will grow up and want revenge. Ukraine: Pelosi, 3rd in line to U.S. presidency – Pelosi crime family walks in Obama/Biden crime family footprints in Ukraine, perfectly like a Clinton. 

Central Banker Financial Warlords Relieve Themselves of Responsibility in the Congressional Toilet of U.S. Politicians

Here we look at the final words of George Orwell, "If you want to see the future, image a boot coming down on someone's face. Don't let it happen." Opps, I guess were missed that train. 

Next, we see the only video in the world that gracefully features what the Biden crime family has done and today does, in Ukraine.

Bidens have been positioning nazis to destroy Russia. And, at home. blacking out all news about Obama/Biden training and funding the Ukrainian nazis to carry out the 2014 Maiden coup carried out by U.S. paid nazis to take over Ukraine, who (after immediate recognition by Obama/Biden as the legitimate government), then went ahead for 8 years genociding 14,000 Russians in the Dombass until Russian, who defeated the nazis in WWII, intervened again in 2021.

Females Who Live Within 25 Miles of a Nuclear Reactor Get More Cancer than Males ...or Those Living Further Away

Pregnancy: In 70 years, nuclear energy has contaminated & harmed every living thing on Earth – miscarriages – birth defects – cancer. Women & girls get more cancer than men & boys from nuclear radiation — May 2015 - Mary Olson: Side Session - Gender & Nuclear Weapons at UN: More harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from nuclear radiation. Gender & Radiation Impact Project at The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons ... more harm to women & children, moreso girls. Girls — more cancer than boys from acute exposure to nuclear radiation. Among children between birth and age five with acute exposure, cancer incidence for females is 2x males. Lower level exposures add up to higher.  Three women for every two men ...cancer fatalities among adults exposed to ionizing radiation as adults. [Webmaster's note: Remember, repeated exposure to lower levels over time add up to higher levels.] Rosalie Bertell: Depleted uranium in the human body; and, Women are now an endangered species.

Women Suffer & Die from Nuclear Reactor Radiation Fallout- & Weather Warfare Denial

Depleted uranium, weather wars, HAARP and chemtrails.

White Central Bank Money Changers Seed Racism, Inequity & Excruciation

Arab women want sovereignty: natural rights for exclusive control of one's body & life. Self-preservation & Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. Voice of America U.S. Gov't overseas intelligence service. Proving you are right, saving your family & others is the other half. the battle. Empower youself: Help animals & Mother Nature survive vs Bill Gates, WEF, IMF and City of London Central Bankers. More females get cancer from nuclear industry than males.


~ NEWSFLASH: Scientist Rosalie Bertell uses nuclear industry statistics to prove 41,000 people every day get fatal or non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry (1.2 billion since 1940) ~ NEWSFLASH: Nuclear now a feminist issue - Women & girls that live within 20 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys! ...or those living farther away ~ Kids living within 5 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than kids living 10 miles away ~ Girls get more cancer from nuclear industry than boys - women get more cancer from nuclear industry then men ~ NEWSFLASH: Death toll from Fukushima fallout in U.S. exceeds 20,000 people ~ Child mortality rates in Seattle & Vancouver B.C. increase after Fukushima fallout ~ Child mortality rates increase after Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima ~ NEWSFLASH: Cancer will increase for Portland OR, Vancouver WA and Vancouver BC from people breathing Fukushima fallout hot particles ... could've been prevented by wearing a mask and taking an iodine pill but local, state, national & globalist gov't in denial declare nuclear is safe and clean ~ Fukushima meltdowns continue into the Pacfic Ocean since 3/11 (not 9/11) -- will continue perhaps, forever & is responsible for destroying life in the Pacific Ocean (NOT global warming ... the increased ocean temperatures were/are from plutonium & other radionuclides in the ocean currents alongside migrating whales, dolphins, tuna, salmon, herring & other species; the other main killer of oceanic life is gov't (military) & oil compnay use of sonar but moreso electromagnetic warfare imaging signals bounced into and off the ocean & ionospheric heater imaging & ELF waves (ultra low frequencies that can be heard around the world &/or used for mood control by creating warlike irritability or passivity or targeted to set off volcanos & earthquakes as well as traditional weather warfare of uncontrolable fires, heat waves, droughts, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, hail, tidal waves, floods & so on, as you will learne from this homepage & this website.

Cows Got milk? About a dozen States report that milk is too full of Fukushima fallout to be safe to drink & exceeds EPA danger limits — Federal Reserve directors (financing & directing nuclear industry) should eat plutonium & fallout like they make whales, dolphins, all ocean & land animals (including people), do.

Epidemiology: Fatal Fukushima fallout in U.S. — (1) Kills 20,000 folks; (2) 12 States report milk unsafe to drink; (3) Infant mortality rate up 30% – WA & BC (2011)

Horses, radiation sickness? - illness hits California horses - Fed Directors financing, owning & directing nuclear industry should eat plutonium & fallout like they make us & our animals, do; gee, if the pastures got covered with fallout & made the cows' milk radioactive, do you think the hay got covered with Fukushima radionuclides, too? ...ask your banker.

Radiation sickness hits west coast California horses? — fallout on pastures, cow's milk radioactive, farmlands, orchards, crops covered with fallout.

Horses' skin's falling off, bodies covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage & fainting ...Fuku airborne radiation? Sea mammals' skin, too ...seaborne Fukushima radiation sickness?

Horses: Faint; painful lesions; skin falls off, eyes swell shut, liver damage, Fuku airborne radiation? Sea mammals' skin peels, Seaborne Fuku rads dry on beachs – blow inland

Butterflies - small animals suffer from nuclear radioactive waste, too; butterflies, lady bugs, bees, beetles, ants ...all insects are killed immediate in the areas most contaminated with airborne nuclear radioactive  waste & fallout.

Fukushima butterflies mutate – suggests humans too & do. Fukushima babies born or aborted with extra arms & legs & gross birth defects; censored by globalists

(click pic for video)

Gennadiy Druzenko, Ukrainian military medical service; "gave orders to castrate wounded" Russians, "they are cockroaches."

indigenous people understand our job is to protect & nurture mother earth

indigenous people understand our job is to protect & nurture mother earth

In other countries like Bolivia & India rivers can sue corporations that harm them

Let rivers & forests sue corporations that harm them, (here).

In the Light of Reverence follows struggles of several Indian tribes trying to protect their spiritual sites. which exist as landmarks in our country's landscape. Filmmakers Christopher McLeod & Malinda Maynor discuss religious freedom & how it pertains to Native American spiritual practices under the law.

Indian tribes spiritual sites & spiritual practices denied.

Sacred Land Film Project — Satish Kumar brings Hindu, Buddhist and Jain perspectives to the understanding of a sacred place.

Satish Kumar — Hindu, Buddhist & Jain perspectives of a sacred place. 

Yellow Monster – The devastating effect of uranium mining on Navajo land.

Yellow Monster – The devastating effect of uranium mining on Navajo land.

 documentary that tells the story of a corrupt government, unconscionable greed and a policy of destruction aimed at the Aboriginal Homelands of Indigenous People from the 1940's until today. It is a documentary set against the Indigenous landscape of the Desert Southwest and focuses on lives being destroyed by the horror of uranium mining and effects of radiation...as a government's cruel secret is carried on the face of the wind.

Desert Southwest lives destroyed by horrors of uranium mining & windborne radiation.   

Folks of all ages now drop dead: no idea why ...but we know it's not the jab

folks of all ages now drop dead: no idea why ...but we know it's not the jab


SADS — Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Excess deaths, the data.

Excess deaths, the data


"Mainstream: No idea what's causing it ...but we know is it's not from the jab."


1,000 Athletes & Sports-related incidences March 2021 - 16 June 2022 @ 5 secs

Inventor of

Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech tells parents 3 things about vaxxing their kids

can you pick out the real nazis from those who hire them?

can you pick out the real nazis from those who hire them?

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine & the resulting cries of “We are all Ukraine,” many have been eager to downplay the proliferation of neo-Nazis in Ukrainian paramilitary groups intelligence, police, the Ukrainian armed forces & even parts of the government. As Jimmy and Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss, reports of neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not at all exaggerated, and the Zelensky government is, in fact, largely beholden to these racist, xenophobic, anti-gay groups that brag of the “fun” they get from fighting and killing.

Jimmy Dore show scores with documentation you should witness; "Killing is fun. The west hires us cause no one else will do it."

Elon calls out Soros

Soros: Jewish Nazi-informer – stages protests, regime change, finances chaos - crashes stock & gold mkts; sells long, buys short etc.

This is what a Nazi collaborator looks like.

Insider traders; Braindead? – Pelosi greets Zelensky: Nazi slogans – Slava Ukraini! – Glory to Ukraine – Svaboda Ukraine! chain of fools 

EVERYTHING MR. EMORY HAS BEEN SAYING ABOUT THE UKRAINE WAR IS ENCAPSULATED IN THIS VIDEO FROM UKRAINE 24 Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC). Click Here to obtain Dave’s 40+ years’ work, complete through Late Fall of 2021 (through FTR #1215). Mr. Emory has launched a new Patreon site. Visit at: Patreon.com/DaveEmory

(above) Click pic for video & again for sound oligarch-owned Ukraine24-TV ... like our media is oligarch-owned.

This is what Nazi collaborators look like.

Ukraine: Pelosi, 3rd in line to U.S. presidency –  Pelosi crime family walks in Obama/Biden crime family footprints in Ukraine. 

central banker warlords relieve themselves in the toilet of u.s. politicians

Orwell: If you want to imagine the future, imagine a boot coming down on a human face ...don't let it happen.

The full extent of Joe Biden's corruption.

Lithuania: President Ingrida Simonyte said a tiny proportion of Russian goods were affected by EU sanctions,

(click pic for video)

(click pic for covert action story; cartoon source: global times)

females who live within 25 miles of a reactor get more cancer from fallout


Pregnancy: In 70 years, nuclear has contaminated & harmed every living thing on Earth – miscarriages – defects – cancer

May 2015 Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women get more cancer than men from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emmissions.)

Women & girls get more cancer than men & boys from nuclear radiation — May 2015 - Mary Olson: Side Session - Gender & Nuclear Weapons at UN: More harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from nuclear radiation.


December 2014, Mary Olson: Gender & Radiation Impact Project at The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons ...  Mary Olson: more harm to women & children, moreso girls.

Among children between birth and age five with acute exposure, cancer incidence for females is twice as many female as males. Remember, repeated exposure to lower levels over time add up to higher levels.

Girls — more cancer than boys from acute exposure to nuclear radiation. Among children between birth and age five with acute exposure, cancer incidence for females is 2x males. Lower level exposures add up to higher. 

Three women for every two men ...cancer fatalities among adults exposed to ionizing radiation as adults. Remember, repeated exposure to lower levels over time add up to higher levels.

Three women for every two men ...cancer fatalities among adults exposed to ionizing radiation as adults. [Webmaster's note: Remember, repeated exposure to lower levels over time add up to higher levels.]

Arnie Gundersen, American hero protects victims of nuclear industry around the world.

Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds.org 


Bertell: Depleted uranium in the human body

A bee circles a clover

A bee circles a clover


Women are now an endangered species

women suffer & die from nuclear reactor fallout- & weather warfare denial


Depleted uranium in the human body


Weather Wars, HAARP and Chemtrails – 1/4


Weather Wars, HAARP and Chemtrails – 2/4


Weather Wars, HAARP and Chemtrails - 3/4


Weather Wars, HAARP and Chemtrails - 4/4

white-ish central bank money changers seed racism, inequity & excruciation

Arab women struggle to establish their sovereignty & own their own bodies

Arab women want sovereignty: natural rights for exclusive control of one's body & life

Self-preservation & Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle


Source:  Voice of America U.S. Gov't overseas intelligence service

Proving you are right, saving your family & others is half the battle

add add

1st Responders: Nuclear waste barrels, Beatty NV explode to plague Las Vegas

Walk away  & don't look back –or– stop nuclear lies

Empower youself: Help animals & Mother Nature survive vs WEF & IMF, (here)

edu.s. national academy of science beir vii phase 2 

earthlings — get rid of central bankers, billionaires, oligarchs & before their governments get rid of you

Russia — U.S.A. — Bikini Islands

Kazakhstan nuclear test grounds 

08:06 PM May 12, 2014 []-8228 - []-8806.4-Radiation effects on fetuses: Nuclear radiation deforms genes — twins attached by organs growing outside body, 1-eyed cyclops, babies with giant heads — respond to people (GRAPHIC PHOTOS - & VIDEO)

07:49 PM Apr 26, 2012 []-3177- []-8288.1- First reaction: I was looking at a different race of people — Brain outside of skull, kidneys outside of torso — Some doctors feel strongly there will be no more Belarus people in future  (VIDEO)

[]-8806.5- Kazakhstan: Jars of stillborn, aborted & abandoned babies & amputated body parts at nuclear waste site

[i] VICE, by Thomas Morton, May 4, 2014: How F..ked Are Nukes?  ... ... ... way worse than Hollywood has the special effects to depict. VICE on HBO covers the second major population intentionally exposed to atomic radiation — Kazakhs living around the Semipalatinsk Testing Polygon, where the Soviet Union tested 456 nuclear bombs.

U.S.A. nuclear test grounds — tbd

Bikini Islands nuclear test grounds — tbd


Fukushima meltdowns

02:32 AM Mar 13, 2013 []-8228.2- []-5554- Japan Professor: Fukushima cesium-137 airborne release: 400-500 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Fukushima cesium-137 seaborne release: Another 400-500 Hiroshima nuclear bombs — already flowed into Pacific Ocean (VIDEO)

8:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 []-8806a- Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima - I feel officials know the cause is radiation - many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies - High number of stillbirths - Many people report cancer, far from Fukushima (VIDEO)


Parent (baby born with polydactyly) contacted Fukushima Medical University for an operation for their child, was told doctors were busy operating on babies with the same condition and had a hundred on their waiting list. Told to wait 1-to-2 years for operation cause bones in fingers and hands need to be well developed.)

VICE on HBO Mainstream accounts  soft-pedal horror acute radiation poisoning causes —  eyewitness testimony from Robert Jay Lifton’s Hiroshima classic, Death in Life  —at a glance you couldn’t tell if you were looking at them from in front or in back — young girls, not only with clothes torn off but with their skin peeled off .

Utah — India — Iraq

Utah downwind from test grounds

[]-8806.1- []-8719- (historical) Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths - legs grown together; cats & dogs: St. George, Utah & Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford, WA - (VIDEOS)


[]-8806.7- 8750-  Children with mutations on almost every street - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, toad skin, eyelids turned inside out - school built using radioactive waste - community outreach project (VIDEO)

Fallujah, Iraq 

Fallujah, Iraq: deformed, no heads, two heads, cyclops, scales, missing limbs —  Deformed children in Fallujah from U.S. depleted uranium bombardment: Young women in Fallujah in Iraq are terrified of having children because of the increasing number of babies born grotesquely deformed, with no heads, two heads, a single eye in their foreheads, scaly bodies or missing limbs. In addition, young children in Fallujah are now experiencing hideous cancers and leukemia. These deformities are now well documented, for example in television documentaries on SKY UK on September 1, 2009, and on SKY UK June 2008. — (continued column to right)

Hanford, WA — Fallujah, Iraq

Hanford nuclear waste dump

[]-8806.3-  []-8423- babies born w/no brain, and protruding spines by Hanford —  Rapid rise in babies with missing brains and protruding spines - actual number higher than officials report (VIDEO)

10:04 AM Mar 23, 2016 []-8806.6- Cemetery of dead babies missing brains next to U.S. nuclear site - Funeral Director: Almost all infants we have died the same way … that’s pretty much all I see on death certificates - Few miles from most contaminated place in hemisphere - One of largest documented anencephaly clusters in U.S. history (VIDEO)

Fallujah, Iraq (cont from column to left)

Fallujah, Iraq:  Our direct contact with doctors in Fallujah report that: in September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 new born babies, 24% of whom were dead within the first seven days, a staggering 75% of the dead babies were classified as deformed. This can be compared with data from the month of August in 2002 where there were 530 new born babies of whom six were dead within the first seven days and only one birth defect was reported. A significant number of babies that do survive begin to develop severe disabilities at a later stage. One grave digger of a single cemetery says he is burying four to five babies a day, most are deformed.


Missouri nuclear waste dump

-8734- Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, Sep 17, 2015 (at 27:00 in): … There are references that are in the reports the Attorney General did with independent scientists: what we have under the ground could end up as Chernobyl. … 40,000 tons of uranium have been spread all over the place … the most potent uranium in the world. We’re looking at the cancer clusters … the number of children who have double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors. This is not consistent with a normal community, whatsoever.


excerpt: Wright says there are a stunning number of reports of infertility, in addition to birth-defect cases. There have been — three cases of conjoined twins (a statistical anomaly) — three babies born with only one ear — another without either eyeball.

Fallujah, Iraq (cont from story to left)

A British scientist & team revealed levels of radiation illnesses in Fallujah, Iraq from U.S. [depleted uranium] munitions were comparable to, or higher, than those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after atom bombs detonated there in 1945. —(story)— 

10:18 AM Apr 9, 2011 []-0266- Montpelier Vermont: Cesium-137 levels in milk at 66% of maximum contaminant level allowed by EPA - Cesium-137 first time was after Japan nuclear disaster began

09:49 AM Apr 9, 2011 []-0265- Phoenix Arizona milk sample exceeds EPA’s maximum contaminant level for radioactive iodine-131

09:25 AM Apr 10, 2011 []-0272- Little Rock, Arkansas: Milk 300% over EPA max level for radioactive iodine-131 — 06:35 PM Mar 30, 2011 []-0176- Spokane, WA: Japan radiation in milk

07:41 AM Apr 11, 2011 []-0278- Hawaii: Cesium and iodine both at least 600% above EPA’s maximum contaminant level in milk.

06:36 AM Apr 11, 2011 []-0277- []-0277a- West Coast :  kids, pregnant & breast-feeding women – don’t drink rain water; avoid vegetables with large leaves, fresh milk & creamy cheese

12:05 AM Mar 26, 2012 []-2922- Fairewinds: Organic farm in Portland stops producing food after Fukushima radiation tests  (VIDEO)

1:36 PM Jul 16, 2012 []-3803- Geneticist:  One mushroom eaten - same radiation as hundreds of chest x-rays. 

09:11 PM Apr 13, 2011 []-0302- San Francisco Bay Area UC Berkeley test: First time radioactive cesium found in spinach, arugala, kale

12:00 AM Nov 1, 2011 []-1658- Portland-area topsoil — Fukushima fallout: 8,000 pCi/kg cesium. [8000 picocurie = 296 becquerel — (1 becquerel = 1 radioactive nucleus lightning/second).

06:34 AM Nov 16, for areas near2011 []-1802- Radiation precautions Seattle, Vancouver, Portland – Perhaps you need to wash your shoes …and other things (VIDEO)