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Crystal Ball in Hearts

Eva Cassidy sings Autumn Leaves

Eva Cassidy sings, Autumn Leaves

AMA is a short film by Julie Gautier she dedicates to the women of the world.

AMA - a short film by Julie Gautier

Women & girls, empower yourself to turn off & defund reactors to prevent getting cancer

May 2015 Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women get more cancer than men from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emmissions.)

May 2015 - Mary Olson: Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women & girls get more cancer than men & boys from nuclear ionizing radiation fallout & waste (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emissions.) ...here


*american women: what have your city council or city & county supervisors done to protect you from nearby nuclear reactor fallout & waste?

nuclear industy is murdering you & you don't even know

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!


Now we've learned the Woolsey Fire, may have been sparked by a Pacific Gas & Electric transformer failure, and may have disturbed, burned, and distributed radioactive isotopes leftover from the Santa Susana meltdown and carried by billowing smoke and the rain and flooding that has followed. People from all over the U.S. and  California have written and called us asking Fairewinds Energy Education to help determine if Californians are at risk from migrating Santa Susana radioactivity from 97,000 acres destroyed by Woolsey Fire.  We're helping Californians find out.


06:33 PM Jan 2, 2015 -8531- VIDEO: Fukushima corium found in Pacific - flows into ocean after hydrogen dissolves nuclear fuel - we’ve actually seen plutonium floating on surface; we have no control over this accident - leaks everywhere.

03:51 PM Dec 31, 2014 -8530- Scientific Conference: Fukushima a global threat to human health - Radioactivity in food web off Pacific Northwest to significantly increase after one year - Salmon forecast to exceed Japan radiation limit - major concern for public health of coastal communities, (POSTER)

Feb. 3, 2014 -7050- Bloomberg News Fukushima-U.S. radiation runoff will merge on West Coast. Startling amounts are released into the environment by 435 nuclear power plants worldwide - Diablo Canyon discharged about 870 tons a day, according to PG&E - containing 3,670 curies of tritium, or 136 trillion becquerels, 3.5x the amount  the Fukushima facility released into the sea starting May 2011; discharging cesium-137 & strontium-90 ...at lower levels than Fukushima.

12:28 PM Jan 30, 2014 -7030- West Coast sea stars rip themself apart - innards spill out - melt into mush - vaporize. (VIDEO)

[]-7027- Berkeley, CA: passes Fukushima resolution (VIDEO)

[]-7026- also []-6784-  Fairfax, CA: passes Fukushima resolution

f03:35 PM Mar 15, 2014 -8095-  Fairbanks AK city council passes Fukushima monitoring resolution: west coast of N. America in danger - No safe level of radiation - grave risk - be vigilant 

08:31 AM Apr 25, 2012 -3162New Gundersen Interview (AUDIO) - Hundreds turn out to see presentation at city council meeting near San Onofre nuclear facility; mother speaks about brain cancers in neighborhood

04:44 PM Mar 12, 2012 []-2823- Spoke to doctor in Ukraine - epidemic of thyroid cancer there - even doctor (VIDEO)

01:36 PM Jul 16, 2012 []-3803- Geneticist Dr. Wertelecki: Birth defects & eating radioactive contamination. One mushroom eaten - as much radiation as hundreds of chest x-rays; This accumulation is most worrisome for pregnant women. Radiation is an agent that can not only cause birth defects, but alter the human genome with long-term effects on future generations, he stated. Ukraine shows elevated birth defects of brain & spinal cord. The public should not be treated as idiots and told only the ‘good half’ of the story.. People have the right to know, the need to believe those in charge.

12:00 AM Nov 1, 2011 []-1658- Portland-area topsoil & Fukushima fallout: 8,000 pCi/kg cesium. [8000 picocurie = 296 becquerel — (1 becquerel = 1 radioactive nucleus lightning/second).

06:34 AM Nov 16, 2011 -1802- Radiation precautions for areas near Seattle, Vancouver, Portland? Perhaps you need to wash your shoes… and other things (VIDEO) 

12:03 AM Jan 30, 2014 []-7028- Marin County, California : Officials near San Francisco to monitor Fukushima plume - will waves of cesium and strontium pollute coast? –Mendocino County requests Obama take action

Oct. 19, 2013 -7049- Dr. Don Moiser, Scripps Research Institute (Immunology), member, Del Mar, CA city council  (at 27:15 in): Tritium releases are episodic, they’ll release tritium one day/month & tell NRC, '...is tritium amount we released over the year' ...5 days of release ... divide that by 365 days; it doesn't seem much; if you’re by the facility the release day, it’s a lot. 

10:00 AM Feb 4, 2014 -7051- Report: Fukushima nuclear waste will merge with radiation from U.S. reactors, washing up on West Coast - startling amounts released from operating plants - Diablo Canyon officials admit to recently discharging more tritium than Fukushima (VIDEO)

11:54 PM Oct 6, 2014 -8453- Iran: Enormous orange flash seen around suspected nuclear site as explosion rocks one of world’s largest cities - U.S. Gov’t: We are monitoring the situation closely - Reports: Windows broken 9 miles away, all trees burned over large area - (suspected Mossad/CIA covert action / terrorism)  

The Atlantic, Oct 6, 2014: The timing and location… should raise more than a few questions… late last month, Israel accused Iran of conducting nuclear implosion tests at [Parchin]… Miraculously enough, on Monday, reports broke about an incident that took place at or near the Parchin site… It’s widely believed that the United States and Israel have engaged in a heavy regimen of sabotage against the suspected Iranian nuclear program including… computer viruses, the assassination of nuclear scientists, and a series of mysterious explosions… This development comes just hours before Iran and the [IAEA] were reportedly set to meet in Tehran… If the episode in Iran is some kind of sub-rosa attack, the timing couldn’t be better.

09:08 AM Jan 30, 2014 -7029- Ukraine: Brink of civil war - threats to blow up nuclear plants - facility on high alert after seizure of energy ministry (VIDEO) [Editor: also see, here.]

01:11 PM Dec 29, 2014 -8529- Emergency shutdown at Ukraine Zaporozhiya nuclear power facility, one of world’s largest nuke plants - Local Official: Radiation is 14x higher than acceptable norm in area; Warns of Chernobyl-type disaster - Gov’t: Levels are within acceptable limits, incident is under investigation - Second accident at plant this month - Ukraine faces a second Chernobyl due to Kyiv decision to use nuclear fuel supplied by Westinghouse – 10%-15% of Ukraine nuclear fuel; but fuel components damage the reactor

05:55 PM Apr 15, 2014 -8171- Former U.S. Official: War in Ukraine could cause disaster worse than Chernobyl and Fukushima - situation calls for far greater global concern - multiple scenarios result in meltdown - Foreign Minister: Threat to many nuclear facilities

12:12 PM Jan 3, 2015 -8532- TV: Documents reveal radiation spike at Ukraine Zaporozhiya nuclear power plant, world’s fifth largest nuclear facility - Reuters: Officials could not comment if documents are authentic; Report says radiation levels measured at 16 times Gov’t limit after leak (VIDEO)

08:19 PM Dec 8, 2011 -1947 - Gundersen: If in Oregon. Wash., Calif. you need to demand officials test how Fukushima fallout has affected rivers and fish ...not just saltwater fish  but also what’s rained out on the land and is now in the local rivers. Significant radiation hit west coast and settled in on Cascades (VIDEO) —  Impact of Fukushima Radiation on the Ocean, EcoReview, Community Television of Santa Cruz County, Dec. 7, 2011: at 53:35 in &  55:10 in: Significant radiation hits west coast; settled in Cascades mountain from Canada to Mt. Shasta, California, USA.

[edited to fit]  -3624.1 Hope Burwell endnote - 3624.2 Alex Higgens endnote - 7050- endnote Startling amts fallout released from reactors

Radiation hits Los Angeles streets

greatest human nuclear radiation exposure experiment taking place in ukraine, byelorussia & sailors on the uss president ronald reagan.

Toyko Electric Power Company (TEPCO)  reported what happens when it opens doors in Fukushima. estimated 1.6 billion becquerels of radioactive materials were released, compared with 500 million becquerels when double doors of reactor No. 1 building were opened for 1 day in May.

Hope Burwell wrote: on my first trip to chernobyl, ukraine ... in November 2000, I spent three days touring schools in Cherikov and the more contaminated areas of Mogilev district. Then, we traveled to children’s hospitals in Minsk. What I saw there still shows up in nightmares: children with eyes in the sides of their heads, and children with no eyes at all, children with fingers that look like toes and children whose genitals are so poorly formed one can’t determine their sex. Those nightmares are audible with infant wails like cries of wounded wild animals.

In her widely read essay, Burwell reported 23% of Belarus was contaminated with Chernobyl fallout, 32,592 square miles, more land than six eastern states, combined. The average level of contamination on polluted territories, 37 curies (Ci) per square kilometer, is notated: 37Ci/km2. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) set the 

safe-for-residency limit at a maximum level of 5Ci/km2. Eighty-eight percent of contaminated Belarus is 111x-to-370x more contaminated.

According to the 2000 report on Minsk’s United Nations Development Program (UNDP), life expectancy in Belarus in the 1960s was almost level with that in Western Europe. By 1999, 13 years after Chernobyl, it had fallen 12-14 years for men and 7-9 years for women. A baby boy born in rural Belarus today can expect to live 59 years.

But they may be very hard years. Nearly half of Belarus’s teenagers have serious health problems. Of those graduating from high school, 45-47% have physical disorders like gastrointestinal anomalies, weakened hearts, and cataracts; 40% of them have chronic blood disorders and malfunctioning thyroids. The number of handicapped adolescents has tripled in the last decade.

It's always been known ionizing radiation in higher doses than background levels, cause measurable increase in cancers & leukemia & cause genetic mutations that affect future generations. Whether it's said openly or not, this is what we face today in Japan, Hawaii, the United States, Canada & Europe, which all receive(d) much Fukushima radiation.

No one wants to imagine the future and what will happen even if the situation does not get worse. Radiation is pouring out of Fukushima and that radiation is hitting the streets of Los Angeles quite hard.  Apr 2012, environmental journalist & LA Weekly contributor Michael Collins, independent who has tested 1500 samples since the Fukushima earthquake of 2011, was shocked to find radiation levels in the falling rain over L.A. measured 5x above normal. A March 6th test of  ecorded radiation levels 668%

a HEPA filter recorded radiation levels 668% or 6.68 times the normal background radiation levels. This test took place 43 days after initial tests and shows a 130% increase since January 22nd 2012. California Highway Patrol considers anything over 3x background (300% of background radiation), a trigger level to a hazardous materials situation, said EnviroReporter.

Our last HEPA filter measurements Jan 22 produced astonishing results. Doing a spot test on the Honeywell barrel-style filter and a Kenmore Plasmawave, we found radiation ~351% of normal background. Machines ran 42 days.  Combined aggregate dust was hotter at 538% normal background radiation at Radiation Station Santa Monica.

Now 43 days later the dust was a lot hotter. A spot test was ~377% of the previous background. Then we vacuumed out the filters with a HEPA filter Eureka vacuum cleaner and tested the aggregate. The March 6 test of the combined dust came in at a sizzling 668% of background or 6.68 times normal. Since the last testing period, the radiation detected has risen another 130% indicating a continued upward trend.

That radiation is rising in Los Angeles as it is in many places in the northern hemisphere. For some reality checking, we have the New York Times saying that, the amount of radioactive materials released in the first days of the Fukushima nuclear disaster was almost 2.5x  the initial estimate by Japanese safety regulators, the operator of the crippled plant said in a report released on the 24th of May, 2012.

The greatest human experiment with radiation exposure is taking place in Ukraine and Byelorussia, where much of 50 million curies Soviet government says were released by the 1986 986 

by the 1986 Chernobyl accident ... is being felt. Chernobyl legacy could include hundreds of thousands of additional cancer deaths… Current estimates predict anything from 14,000 to 475,500 deaths worldwide from Chernobyl. (A curie measures the intensity of radiation and is equal to 37 billion disintegrations per second. As a reference point, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs released an estimated one million curies.)

If we translate what the New York Times is saying in terms of radiation released in the first 20 days, 900,000 terabecquerels translates into 27 million curies. It is over a year later and no one knows or is saying how much aggregate radiation has been released but we imagine it’s a staggering amount.

One curie is radiation equal to the disintegration of 37 billion atoms-37 billion becquerels/per second. It is a very large amount of radiation. We multiply these amounts (27 million curies times 37 billion radioactive atoms) and we are back to just a little more than our 900,000 terabecquerels  up to 999,000,000,000,000,000 becquerels, which translates to 999,000,000,000,000,000 nuclear particles decaying in the first 20 days of the Fukushima nuclear nightmare.

TEPCO has reported on what happens when it opens doors in Fukushima ... an estimated 1.6 billion becquerels of radioactive materials were released, compared with 500 million becquerels when double doors of reactor No. 1 building were opened one day in May.

So let’s go back to Belarus where the average level of contamination on the polluted territories was 37Ci/km2 and the maximum safe limit for residency is 5Ci/km2. We had 27 million curies released in the first 20 days and that would contaminate an area of approximately five

million square kilometers if distributed equally. Of course that never happens as we can see in the fallout patterns surrounding Chernobyl. It can be assumed that the worst of the radiation was released in the first month with the complete meltdown of multiple reactor cores and the destruction and probably vaporization of spent-fuel rods.

Radioactive News

Health authorities continue to insist there are no health risks involved, but Huffington Post tells us Bluefin tuna caught in California last August showed radiation levels 10x the norm, according to a paper from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Journal.

million square

Scientists believe radiation – in the form of isotopes caesium-137 & caesium-134 – came from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster that began March 2011. Additionally, radioactive debris is being found on West Coast shores as far as Washington State and is expected to continue to wash up the next three years. —Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P), Dir., International Medical Veritas Association; Doctor of Oriental & Pastoral Medicine

01:11 PM Dec 29, 2014 ??? 8529 Ukraine Zaporozhiya nuclear power plant: Emergency shutdown at one of world???s largest nuke plants - Local Official: Radiation is 14x higher than acceptable norm in area; Warns of Chernobyl-type disaster - Gov???t: Levels are within acceptable limits, incident is under investigation - Second accident at plant this month - Ukraine faces a second Chernobyl due to Kyiv decision to use nuclear fuel supplied by Westinghouse ??? 10%-15% of Ukraine nuclear fuel; but fuel components damage reactor

 8529 Ukraine Zaporozhiya nuclear power plant: Emergency shutdown at one of world’s largest nuke reactor site


Have a happy heart and avoid cesium to make sure!

*children under 5 years of age that live within 5 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer

nuclear industry is murdering you and you don't even know


Childhood Cancer Near German Nuclear Power Stations, (here) — Ian Fairlie PhD (2010) Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 28:1, 1-21, DOI: 10.1080/10590500903585366

Abstract — In 2008, the Kinderkrebs in der Umgebung von Kernkraftwerken (KiKK) study in Germany reported a 60% increase in solid cancers and a 120% increase in leukemias among children living within 5 km of all German nuclear power stations. The study has triggered debates as to the cause(s) of these increased cancers. This article reports on the findings of the KiKK study; discusses past and more recent epidemiological studies of leukemias near nuclear installations around the world, and outlines a possible biological mechanism to explain the increased cancers. This suggests that the observed high rates of infant leukemias may be a teratogenic effect from radionuclides incorporated by pregnant women living near nuclear reactors. Doses and risks from environmental emissions to embryos and fetuses may be larger than suspected. Hematopoietic tissues appear to be considerably more radiosensitive in embryos/fetuses than in newborn babies. Recommendations for advice to local residents and for further research are made.

Elevated Childhood Cancer Incidence Proximate to U.S. Nuclear Power Plants, (here) — Joseph J. Mangano, Janette Sherman, Carolyn Chang, Amie Dave, Elyssa Feinberg & Marina Frimer (2003) Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 58:2, 74-82, DOI: 10.3200/AEOH.58.2.74-82 

Abstract — Numerous reports document elevated cancer rates among children living near nuclear facilities in various nations. Little research has examined U.S. rates near the nation's 103 operating reactors. This study determined that cancer incidence for children < 10 yr of age who live within 30 mi (48 km) of each of 14 nuclear plants in the eastern United States (49 counties with a population > 16.8 million) exceeds the national average. The excess 12.4% risk suggests that 1 in 9 cancers among children who reside near nuclear reactors is linked to radioactive emissions. If cancer incidence in 5 western states is used as a baseline, the ratio is closer to 1 in 5. Incidence is particularly elevated for leukemia. Childhood cancer mortality exceeds the national average in 7 of the 14 study areas.

Childhood Leukemia and Cancers Near German Nuclear Reactors: Significance, Context, and Ramifications of Recent Studies, (here) — Rudi H. Nussbaum (2009)  International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 15:3, 318-323, DOI: 10.1179/oeh.2009.15.3.318

Abstract — A government-sponsored study of childhood cancer in the proximity of German nuclear power plants (German acronym KiKK) found that children < 5 years living < 5 km from plant exhaust stacks had twice the risk for contracting leukemia as those residing > 5 km. The researchers concluded that since "this result was not to be expected under current radiation-epidemiological knowledge" and confounders could not be identified, the observed association of leukemia incidence with residential proximity to nuclear plants "remains unexplained." This unjustified conclusion illustrates the dissonance between evidence and assumptions. There exist serious flaws and gaps in the knowledge on which accepted models for population exposure and radiation risk are based. Studies with results contradictory to those of KiKK lack statistical power to invalidate its findings. The KiKK study's ramifications add to the urgency for a public policy debate regarding the health impact of nuclear power generation.

Cancers among Residents Downwind of the Hanford, Washington, Plutonium Production Site, (here) — Charles M. Grossman, Rudi H. Nussbaum & Fred D. Nussbaum (2003) Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 58:5, 267-274, DOI: 10.3200/AEOH.58.5.267-274

Abstract — A community-based health survey for the time period between 1944 and 1995 was collected from 801 individuals who had lived downwind of the U.S. plutonium production facility located in Hanford, Washington. The results of the survey revealed high incidences of all cancers, including thyroid cancer. There were greater than expected numbers of central nervous system tumors and cancers that invaded the female reproductive system (e.g., cancers of the uterus, ovary, cervix, and breast). The authors argue that the greater-than-expected numbers found cannot be accounted for by selection bias alone. Comparisons of crude incidence rates, as well as of In occurrence ratios between pairs of cancer types among Downwinders and reasonably similar populations, suggested that the excess neoplasms may be associated with radioactive contamination of food, water, soil, and/or air. addition, a synergistic effect may exist with agricultural toxins. 

Hypothyroidism and Spontaneous Abortions among Hanford, WA,  Downwinders, (here) — Charles M. Grossman, William E. Morton & Rudi H. Nussbaum (1996) Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 51:3, 175-176, DOI: 10.1080/00039896.1996.9936012

Abstract — Spontaneous abortions occurred more than twice as frequently in hypothyroid women, compared with nonhypothyroid women. Both groups of women had lived in the same environment during the same period of time. The high incidence of hypothyroidism in a cohort of several hundred women who lived downwind of the Hanford, Washington, nuclear installation was likely associated with environmental contamination from deliberate releases of radioactive iodine.

Thyrotoxicosis among Hanford, WA, Downwinders: A Community-Based Health Survey, (here) — Charles M. Grossman, Rudi H. Nussbaum & Fred D. Nussbaum (2002) Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 57:1, 9-15, DOI: 10.1080/00039890209602911— Abstract — [edited to fit] The findings are consistent with those of other studies, as well as with the hypothesis of an association of thyrotoxicosis with exposures to radioiodine.

Hey good lookin' ... nuclear industry makes you older faster and you don't even know

[ukraine] chernobyl: consequences of the catastrophe for people and the environment — by alexey v. yablokov; edited by janet sherman

chapter 4.  *accelerated aging 

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!

[Excerpts] Accelerated aging is one of the well-known consequences of exposure to ionizing radiation. This phenomenon is apparent to a greater or lesser degree in all of the populations  contaminated by the Chernobyl radionuclides.

1-Children living in all the Belarussian territories heavily contaminated by Chernobyl fallout evidence characteristic constellation of senile illnesses (Nesterenko, 1996; and many others).

2-Children from the contaminated areas of Belarus have digestive tract epithelium characteristic of senile changes (Nesterenko, 1996; Bebeshko et al., 2006).

3-Of 69 children & teenagers hospitalized in Belarus from 1991 to 1996 diagnosed  with premature baldness (alopecia), 70%  came from the heavily contaminated territories (Morozevich et al., 1997).

4-Biological ages of inhabitants from  radioactive contaminated territories of  Ukraine

Ukraine exceed their calendar ages by 7 to 9 years (Mezhzherin, 1996). The same  phenomenon is observed in Russia (Malygin et al., 1998).

5-Men and women categorized as middle aged living in territories with Cs-137 contamination above 555 kBq/m2 died from   heart attacks 8 years younger than the average person in Belarus (Antypova and Babichevskaya, 2001).

6-Inhabitants of Ukrainian territories heavily contaminated with radiation developed abnormalities of accommodation and other senile eye changes  (Fedirko, 1999; Fedirko and Kadochnykova, 2007).

7-Early aging is a typical characteristic seen in liquidators [nuclear reactor waste clean-up crews], and many develop diseases 10 to 15 years earlier than the average population. The biological  ages of  liquidators calculated by characteristics of aging are 5 to 15 years older than their calendar ages (Gadasyna, 1994; Romanenko et al., 1995; Tron’ko et al., 1995; Ushakov  et al., 1997).

8-Chernobyl radiation induced premature aging of the eyes (Fedirko and Kadochnykova, 2007).

9-Presenile characteristics of liquidators [reactor clean-up crews] include (Antypova et al., 1997a,b; Zhavoronkova et al., 2003; Kholodova and  Zubovsky, 2002; Zubovsky and Malova, 2002;  Vartanyan et al., 2002; Krasylenko and Eler Ayad, 2002; Kirke, 2002;  Stepanenko, 2003; Kharchenko et al., 1998, 2004; Druzhynyna, 2004; Fedirko et al., 2004; Oradovskaya et al., 2006):

•-Multiple illnesses characteristic of senility in individuals at early ages (10.6 diseases  diagnosed in one liquidator is 2.4 times higher that the age norm).

•-Degenerate and dystrophic changes in various organs and tissues (e.g., osteoporosis, chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, fatty liver, and renal dystrophy).

•-Accelerated aging of blood vessels, including those in the brain, leading to 

senile encephalopathy in those 40 years of age, and generalized arteriosclerosis.

•-Ocular changes, including early senile cataracts and premature presbyopia.

•-Decline in higher mental function characteristic of senility.

•-Development of Type II diabetes in liquidators younger than 30 years of age.

•-Loss of stability in the antioxidant system.

•-Retina vessel arteriosclerosis.

•-Hearing and vestibular disorders at younger ages.

10-Evidence of accelerated biological time in liquidators is the shortened rhythm of intracircadian arterial pressure (Talalaeva,  2002).

11-Findings indicating accelerated aging in practically all liquidators are changes 

in blood vessel walls leading to development of atherosclerosis. Changes are also found in epithelial tissue, including that of the intestines (Tlepshukov et al., 1998).

12-An accelerated rate of aging, measured in 5-year intervals, marked by biological and cardiopulmonary changes (and  for 11 years by physiological changes) was found in 81% of men and 77% of women liquidators (306 surveyed). Liquidators younger than 45 years of age  were more vulnerable. The biological age of liquidators who worked at the Chernobyl catastrophe site in the first 4 months  after the meltdown exceeds the biological age of those who labored there subsequently (Polyukhov et al., 2000).

13-It is proposed that the accelerated occurrence of age-related changes in organs of liquidators [Ukrainian Chernobyl nuclear reactor clean up crews] is a radiation-induced progeroid  syndrome (Polyukhov et al., 2000; Bebeshko et al., 2006).


Have a happy heart and avoid cesium to make sure!

Earnest Sternglass

Effects of low level radiation on pregnancy: Children twice as likely to get cancer before age 7

Earnest Sternglass

Effects of low level radiation on pregnancy: Children twice as likely to get cancer before age 7


insert Some people or cats like each other, wouldn't you say?

Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass

Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass: Nuclear Contamination & Cancer, pt 1

Dr. Ernest Sternglass

Sternglass: Pregnant, Kids, Nuclear Radiation & Cancer, pt 3

Dr. Ernest Sternglass

Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass: Health Effects of Nuclear Radiation

For more Scientific & Medical Documentation (here)

Published Scientific & Medical Evidentiary Reading & Exhibits

For more Scientific & Medical Documentation (here)

Published scientific studies on nuclear reactor radiation fallout: pre-natal, newborn & infant life 

For more Scientific & Medical Documentation (here)

natal, fetal, infant, early immune deficiency, early childhood cancer & mortality

Sherman,, Janet ( breast cancer) -

Sternglass, Mangano, Sherman - (see reading room; also, Journals, and Radiation and Public Health).  Below: Articles, Scientific Papers, Books, Letters, and Selected Testimony Relating to the Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Ernest J. Sternglass, Ph. D.

Infant Death & Childhood Cancer Reductions after Nuclear Plant Closings in the United States , E.J. Sternglass,  J.M. Gould, J.J. Mangano, W. McDonnell, J. D. Sherman and J. Brown , Archives of Environmental Health, 57, 23 - 31, 2002.  <> 

Strontium-90 Baby Teeth Study & Childhood Cancer , Sternglass, Gould, Mangano, McDonnell, Sherman & Brown, European Journal of Oncology, Vol. 5, Suppl. 2, 119-125, 2000. <> 

Strontium-90 in Newborn & Childhood Disease , Sternglass, Mangano, Gould, Sherman, Brown, McDonnell, Archives of Environmental Health, 55, 240-244, 2000. <>   

Strontium-90 in Baby Teeth as a Factor in Early Childhood Cancer , Sternglass, Gould, Sherman, Brown, Mangano & McDonnell, International Journal of Health Services, 30, 515-539, 2000. <>   

U.S.A. Newborn Deterioration in the Nuclear Age , 1945-1996, Sternglass, Gould, Mangano. International Congress on Effects of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation, Muenster, Germany, Mar 18-21, 1998. <> 

Health Effects of Low Dose Exposure to Fission Products from Chernobyl & the Fermi Nuclear Reactor in the Population of Detroit Metropolitan Area, Sternglass, Gould & Mangano. Proceedings of International Congress on Effects of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation, Muenster, Germany, March 18-21, 1998. <>

  Interview with Dr. Sternglass concerning Cassini ~  "Sternglass went on to discuss how NASA estimates danger from radiation: They make risk estimates at 10,000 to 50,000 mrad, instead of at 5 mrad.' At those high doses, the effect flattens out - that's why they choose to try to extrapolate from that level of radiation poisoning, rather than look at the actual effects low-level radiation poisoning has been shown to have!

Post-Chernobyl Thyroid Disease in the United States of America, Sternglass, Gould & Mangano. Presented to International Medical Commission Conference: Chernobyl:Environmental Health and Human Rights Implications, Vienna, April 12-15, 1996. <> 

The Enemy Within: The High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors; Breast Cancer, AIDS, Low Birthweight & other Immune Deficiency Effects , Sternglass, Gould, Mangano & McDonnell, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, NY 10011, 1996. <> 

Breast Cancer: Evidence for a Relation to Fission Products in the Diet,  Sterngalss & Gould, International Journal of Health Services 25, 481-488, 1995. <> 

Nuclear Fallout, Low Birth Weight, and Immune Deficiency , Sternglass & Gould, International Conference on Children and Radiation, Trondheim, Norway June 1993, published in International Journal of Health Services 24, 311-335, 1994 <> 

Breast Cancer: Evidence for a Relation to Fission Products in the Diet , with Jay M. Gould, International Journal of Health Services, 23, 783-804, 1993. <> 

Radioactive Releases into the Environment & their Relation to Breast Cancer , Subcommittee on Human Resources & Intergovernmental Relations of the Committee on Government Operations, U. S. House of Representatives, October 30, 1993. <> 

Low Birth Weight: Evidence for an Association with Fission Products in the Diet , with Jay M. Gould and William L. McDonnell, Presented at the International meeting on Children and Radiation, Trondheim, Norway, June 1993. <>  Interview with Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass: The interview discusses events since 1981 in the history of nuclear technology Keywords: nuclear industry's true health costs are fastidiously suppressedRead the interview. <> 

Initial Evidence for Health Effects from Chernobyl in the United States, with J. M. Gould, First Global Radiation Victims Conference," September 26, 1987. <> 

Birth Weight and Infant Mortality Changes in Massachusetts, Following Releases from Pilgrim Nuclear Plant , Report for the Township of Plymouth, Massachusetts, June 10, 1986. <> 

Die Kinder Des Atomaren Fallouts , Sterngalss & Bell, Psychologie. <> 

The Implications of Chernobyl for Human Health International Journal of Biosocial Research, 8, 7-36, 1986. <> 

Radiation Exposure of Bone Marrow Cells to Strontium-90 during E arly Development as a Possible Co-Factor in the Etiology of AIDS, Sternglass & Scheer, Annual Meeting - American Association for Advancement of Science, Phil.a, PA, May 29, 1986. <> 

Fallout & SAT Scores: Evidence for Cognitive Damage During Early Infancy, Sternglass & Bell, Phi Delta Kappan 64, 541-545, 1983. <> 

Secret Fallout: Low-Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island  McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, N.Y., 1981. <> 

Shut-Down: Nuclear Power on Trial; Radiation is Causing Cancer and Birth Defects , with John W. Gofman, The Book Publishing Company, Summertown, Tennessee 38483, 1979. <> 

Petition for Emergency and Remedial Action to suspend licenses for the nuclear industry , testimony in preliminary evidentiary hearing in Nashville, TN, Federal District Court on a filed by Jeannine Honicker, October 2, 1978. <> 

Infant Mortality Changes Following the Three Mile Island Accident,  Fifth World Congress of Engineers & Architects, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Dec 1979. <> 

Cancer Mortality Changes Around Nuclear Facilities in Connecticut , in Radiation Standards and Human Health, pp. 174-212, Proceedings of a Congressional Seminar Feb. 10, 1978, Environmental Policy Institute, Washington D.C., 20003, 1978. <> 

Radioaktive 'Niedrig' Strahlung: Strahlenschaden bei Kindern und Ungeborenen,   Sternglass, foreword by Klaus Bajter & discussion by Klaus Batjer & Per Carbonell. Oberbaum Verlag, Berlin 21, Germany, 1977. <> 

Nuclear Fission: The Biological Peril , letter to New York Times explaining the effects of very low annual doses from reactor releases and fallout, May 23, 1974. <> 

Epidemiological Studies of Fallout & Patterns of Cancer Mortality , Proceedings - 12th Annual Hanford Biology Symposium, May 10-12, 1972, Edited - Sanders, Bush, Ballou & Mahlum, pp.254-277, U.S. AEC, Info Services (CONF-720505) 1973. <> 

Radioactive Waste Discharges from the Shippingport Nuclear Power Station and Changes in Cancer Mortality , May 8, 1973 report submitted to Governor Milton Shapp's Hearing Board at the Aliquippa Hearings <>

Possible Health Effects of Shippingport Nuclear Plant , July 31, 1973 <> 

Significance of Radiation Monitoring Results for the Shippingport Nuclear Reactor, January 21, 1973 Report submitted to Governor Milton Shapp's Hearing Board at the Aliquippa Hearings on Possible Health Effects of the Shippingport Nuclear Plant, July 31, 1973. <> 

Infant Mortality Changes Near the Peach Bottom Nuclear Power Station in York County, Pennsylvania, Dept. of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Feb 7, 1971. <>   

Infant Mortality Changes Near a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant , Testimony: Illinois Pollution Control Board, Nov 30, 1970. <> 

Infant Mortality & Nuclear Power Generation , Hearings of Penn. Senate Select Committee on Reactor Siting, Oct 21, 1970. 

Infant Mortality & Nuclear Testing - Reply, Quarterly Bulletin of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine 4: 115-119, Sept 1970. <> 

Effect of Low Level Radioisotope Contamination on Infant Mortality , Symposium - Environmental Pollution from Nuclear Reactors, Mid-West Chapters,American Association of Physicists in Medicine & Health Physics Society, Waukegan, IL, May 16-17, 1970. <> 

Nuclear Air Pollution, Infant Mortality & Lung Disease , Mid-West Clinical Conf., Chicago Medical Society, Mar 4, 1970. <>

The Death of all Children ,  Esquire, pp.1a-1d, September 1969. <> 

Has Nuclear Testing Caused Infant Deaths? New Scientist, 43:178-181, 1969. <> 

Infant Mortality: The Nuclear Culprit ,  Medical Tribune, July 21, 1969. <> 

Can the Infants Survive? Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 43: 178-181, Jul 1969. <>   

Infant Mortality & Nuclear Tests,  Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 25:26-28, 1969. <> 

Evidence for Low-Level Radiation Effects on the Human Embryo & Fetus, in Radiation Biology of the Fetal & Juvenile Mammal , Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hanford Biology Symposium, May 5-8, 1969, pp. 681-692, AEC Symposium Vol. 16, Ed. by Sikov & Mahlum, Division of Technical Information U.S.AEC, 1969 (CONF-690501). <> 

Infant & Fetal Mortality Increases in the U.S.  ...Evidence for a Correlation with Nuclear Weapons Tests , meeting of  Pittsburgh Chapter of Federation of Atomic Scientists, Oct 1968. 

Leukemia: Evidence for Induction of the Diseases in Childhood by Fallout Radiation at Low Dose-Rates , 13th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Denver, Colorado, June 1968. <> 

Nuclear Fallout & Childhood Leukemia , testimony presented at hearings of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Special Subcommittee on Radiation, U.S. Congress, August 1963, U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Wash., DC. <> 

Cancer: Relation of Prenatal Radiation to Development of the Disease in Childhood ,  Science 140:1102-1104, June 1963.

For more Scientific & Medical Documentation (here)

Epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell (PhD, biometrics) explains the effects of the weaponized  DU on the people of Iraq and the planet. In subsequent parts of this series, Dr. Bertell offers readily-accessible ways to detox some heavy metals and poisons from the body - (part of a 2007 Snowshoe Films series, with Sister Bertell, a member of the Gray Nuns of the Sacred Heart).

Rosalie Bertell: Weaponized DU affects on Iraqi & friendly fire. Depleted uranium affects cells, 2 micron particle breaks into 2,000 nanoparticles alpha emitters.

Paul Fusco's Chernobyl Legacy ...Chernobyl? It was an awakening that was overwhelming; it did so much damage to so many different people, in so many different ways. My first reaction was that I was looking at a different race of people.

Chernobyl, Ukraine — So much damage to so many different people, in so many different ways.

From 1949 to 1989, the USSR secretly conducted over 456 nuclear tests in Kazakhstan, exposing hundreds of thousands of people to dangerous levels of radiation.

Kazakhstan, U.S.S.R. — From 1949-to-1989, USSR  had 456 nuclear tests in Kazakhstan, exposing hundreds of thousands of unknowing people to serious affects.

Misha, Chernobyl, Ukraine ... Misha, a victim of Chernobyl was either in mother's womb, or an egg her mother carried not yet fertilized by a sperm, or fertilized by a sperm ...sperms are also mutated by nuclear radioactive waste & fallout

Chernobyl, Ukraine — Misha, a victim of Chernobyl ... fallout was either in mother's womb, or an egg her mother carried, or in her father's sperm.

Women & girls get more cancer than men & boys, from nuclear ionizing radiation

Gender and Radiation Impact Project — documentation

Disproportionate affects to women & girls ...& the need to define a Reference Girl

May 2015 Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women get more cancer than men from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emmissions.)

May 2015 - Mary Olson: Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women & girls get more cancer than men & boys, from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emissions.)


December 2014, Gender & Radiation Impact Project at The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons, Mary Olson spoke on the medical impact of using nuclear weapons, including disproportionate harm to women & children particularly girls. 


Apr 6, 2021 Mary Olson: Reference Girl Basics — Gender and Radiation Impact Project shares slides on adverse health affects of ionizing radiation, emphasizing disproportionate affects to women & girls — & the need to define a Reference Girl as nuclear industry affects on girls are underestimatd & overlooked & affects on the female reproductive process.


u.s. national academy of science beir vii phase 2 




A collection of voices from press conferences, radio shows &interviews after the accident at Three Mile Island Unit 2 nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, March 28, 1979. This was one of the most serious accidents occurring in a U.S. operating commercial nuclear power plant.

Middletown, Pennsylvania, (by Harrisburg), Three Mile Island (TMI) — People died; dogs, cats went blind.

The Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS or Semipalatinsk-21) was the primary testing venue for the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons. It is located on the steppe in northeast Kazakhstan (then the Kazakh SSR), south of the valley of the Irtysh River. The scientific buildings for the test site were located around 150 km west of the town of Semipalatinsk (later renamed Semey), near the border of East Kazakhstan Province and Pavlodar Province with most of the nuclear tests taking place at various sites further to the west and south, some as far as into Karagandy Province. The Soviet Union conducted 456 nuclear tests at Semipalatinsk from 1949 until 1989 with little regard for their effect on the local people or environment. The full impact of radiation exposure was hidden for many years by Soviet authorities and has only come to light since the test site closed in 1991. The zone has been proposed for UNESCO World Heritage Site …[Editor’s note: Too big to be cleaned-up, that’s a hell of a heritage.]

Kazakhstan, USSR – Semipalatinsk Test Site 21: USSR nuclear weapons; NE Kazakhstan (Kazakh SSR), steppe south of Irtysh River valley.

(start at 2:54 to skip the music intro) Loren Moret — Fukushima mutated children.

Peace & occupy activists are heartfelt people not defined by sexual identification, unlike Biden's Administration that forces sex identity & gender choice on kids & runs America by drugged S&M bedroom antics  ...& are all nuclear apologists & deny nuclear industry does everything you see in this video & 41,000 people every day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry ... not counting mammals & all life forms down to viruses & bacteria mutating to form new & mysterious diseases never seen before. Nuclear is not safe and clean & by it's manmade & womanmade & LGBTQ+made nature & indisposable lethal waste costs trillions of dollars to unsafely store & unsafely maintain …promoted by apologists, idiots, fools & genocidal murderers intent on destroying mammals (including people), Gaia & Divine Order.

City of London nuclear central bankers mutate you & need trial by fire & water; sink? ..innocent; burn? ...guilty.

Nuclear Power Is Not Safe & Clean

Causal proximate genetic mutation from ionizing radiation can occur immediately when dna is sliced or burnt, such as from legal daily airborne & waterborne releases of tritium & other radionuclides vented or poured from nuclear reactors into water or air or falling on or watering crops & gardens or blowing down the streets of manhattan ...or from catastrophic nuclear meltdowns such as fukushima vomiting radionuclides airborne & seaborne. however, many cancers & many immunity deficiency diseases appear 20 years or more after fallout exposure. Low level exposures add up over time to create many of the same diseases as high level exposure, such as cancers of the eye, brain, heart, breast, prostrate, lung, stomach, skin & other body organs & leukemia & a host of immune deficiency diseases. In utero affects of ionizing radiation exposure either if the dna of either parent, in the sperm of the father or egg of the mother, or in the fetus .

(correction): In the chart in the red sentences just below, tritium ..."when coming into contact with the skin is immediately absorbed thru the skin into the body, since the radioactive hydrogen in tritium immediately converts H2O (water) to radioactive (water) 3H2O and human mammals are from 65%-to-75% water.

Tritiated water is a radioactive form of water in which the usual protium atoms are replaced with tritium. In its pure form it may be called tritium oxide (TOT ... T 2O –or– 3H 2O) that is, super-heavy water. Pure T2O is corrosive due to self- radiolysis. Diluted, tritiated water is mainly H2O + HTO = (3HOH) –or– (3H2O).


.Every nuclear reactor legally discharges tritium every day, plus leakage (here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,)


central bank gain-of-function biowar & nuclear radiation / weather war ups cancer rates for females


Central Bank Gain-of-Function BioWar & Nuclear Radiation / Weather War Ups Cancer Rates for Females of all species, including humans 

There are concerning affects of gain-of-function biological- and nuclear weather warfare on mammals (including people) other animals, plants, the environment and increased cancer rates in females of the species ...as well as males.

Gain-of-function biological- and nuclear weather war waged against us by central bankers at City of London (Britain's Wall Street)

Nuclear industry destroys life in the Pacific Ocean, in the relationship between the international interlocking directorate of central bankers, how they own 20% of every Fortune 500 company, including the military-industrial establishment …and increase their profits by gain-of-function biowar and nuclear radiation weather war. 

Science now documents every single reactor gives off enough fallout to increase soft tissue cancers including breast- and prostate cancers and to in effect operate as a nuclear bomb in slow motion ...the low levels of radiation fallout and waste at each reactor site broadcasts airborne- and discharges waterborne fallout and waste over a period of years that can be equally or even more dangerous than a nuclear bomb detonation in terms of creating mammal (including human) fatal- and non-fatal cancer rates and many immune deficiency diseases.

Equity in Waste

Central banks use gain-of-function biological warfare and nuclear weather war to waste the Earth, waste women, men, children and waste you and your life.

The central bankers that control our economies and militarys create tactical eXtreme climate change to achieve their goals to depopulate humanity 95% leaving a servant class  300-to-500 million global human population to serve the 1% of the 1% billionaires and central banker money-issuing class.

Depopulation is advocated by Kissinger, Hillary, Obama, Biden, Trump, Congress, Opera and the legion establishment of billionaires & oligarchs that 'own' and trade you ...in.

The 1% can afford stem-cell replacement therapies ...the 99% can't afford stem-cell replacement when we age, to stay young ...but the 1% can.

They use space age weapons of science, technology and artifical intelligence to destroy personal and national sovereignty and price, buy, sell and control Nature, Gaia, the environment and us. Who are we? We are you.

Small nuclear reactor fallout doses (c/o central bankers, IMF) affect women more than men, over time add up to affects of nuclear war fallout

The radiation that is spread around every day by nuclear reacters, added to all the nuclear fallout and waste the last 70 years ...destroys your immune response system and gives you immune deficiency diseases leading to pain, anguish, cancers, tumors, leukemia and death.

Central bankers and the IMF and their ongoing (and historical) use gain-of-function biological war, weather war, nuclear war, reactors, waste, racism, genocide, nazis and the ultra-right to increase national debt …because central bankers (for example, the owners of the New York Federal Reserve District) get the annual interest on the national debt as a personal dividend on their exclusive and private ownership of New York Federal Reserve System stock (basically all the interest on the entire national debt, every year).

Nuclear Weather War Bankers, Women & Cancer

The central banker warlord and billionaire combine increases cancer rates in women. Their tactic of weather warfare destroys nature, destroys animals (including people) and disquises their strategy of financial warfare.

Central banker dynasties have been destroying people and the Earth, animals and the environment in a series of wars, fake civil wars (Soros and CIA style), fake democracies, bananna republic (colonial) style to steal financial riches for many generations ...and perhaps millenia.

Central bankers make billions of dollars by robbing the people and banks and Mother Nature in countries they conquer and colonialize and ship wealth and natural resources away, robbing gold, silver, cooper, jewels ...making slaves of indigenous people and their children  ...from Time immemorial.

To protect you, ocean life and life on land, nurture Earth: protect sovereignty in individuals, nations, cultures and animals ... stand against bank globalization to privatize Earth’s natural resources to prevent human community and to prevent access to Mother Nature through global pay-to-play of most wealthy. Ego and greed  of central bankers needs war for total control and profit by murder and theft; to merchandise Nature, Creation, you, and your children; to criminalize your life in their war on loveand get rid of you through depopulation.

They aim to privatize and put pricetags on all of Earth’s natural resources, including food, water, oxygen, sunshine, rain, (precious) metals, agriculture, supply chains and your health without any human opposition using artificially intelligent social engineering to dispense with love and replace it with robotics and aggression.


New World Order globalists, Central bankers now fight a war against us called, the Great Reset ...deciding the easiest way to get rid of human opposition, is to get rid of humans ...to reduce human population on Earth from 7.9 billion (summer 2022) to 300 million to 400 people by 2030-to-2050. That's all the slaves they need to ensure the 1% can continue to live in luxury, forever with slaves doing the dirty work.

For humanity to survive, we must eliminate central bankers, oligarchs and billionaires before they elimate us ...then we can live in peace.

The Great Reset is World War III, IV and V. Globalists have the pedal to the metal and we're left in the rear view mirror. We can change that: capital punishment for capitalists ...let them eat bugs.


family had 5 pets die within hours, all found with 'milky white' eyes 

—noise that sounds like rain when it's not raining —metallic taste in mouth


Nuclear Weather War Destroys Quality of Life

Dogs & Cats

Family had 5 pets die within hours, all found with ‘milky white’ eyes

Before we delve into this article, we need to briefly review as follows: nuclear radiation is caused by central bankers who use billions of dollars of your wages to build nuclear reactor facilities, that are nuclear bombs going off in slow motion.

You pay for their projects, then you pay utiities on top of it, plus they print $100,000 bills for two cents and charge you $99,998.98 which you dumbly pay ...which is how they create personal and national debt to enslave you. Among other successful and failed coups d'etat, they bribed Congress in 1913 and took over the pubically owned central bank in America, and made it privately owned, and defined yearly interest on the national debt each year, as their personal stock dividend (personal profit) ...crunch the numbers and you'll see what 'taxation without representation' meant when our founding fathers threw out these same banking families in the financial revolution of 1776.

Prolonged exposure to low levels of fallout such as come out every moment from every nuclear reactor site over time can create the same cancers that exposure to very high levels of nuclear radiation such as from a nuclear bomb explosion, can create relatively quickly.

Central bankers (Adversary) created nuclear power as weapons of war and coersion.

Reactors were designed to make material for nuclear bombs. The process gives off so much heat and so much water is needed to prevent nuclear explosions in that process, that all of our water becomes contaminated with nuclear radiation ... and so much steam is created like in a giant teapot, the steam is used to turn an electrical turbine that generates electicity. 

Nuclear energy does not create electricity. You have been punked and lied to so now you repeat the lies for self-gratification cause you want to be a know-it-all and command the respect of others. 

Central intelligence works to achieve the goals of the central bankers; this is true in America, Europe, Asia, Africa to the extent that wars and genocide as simply everyday tactics for central bankers to run up national debts, because central bankers get the interest on the national debts as dividends into their own pockets.

Because humans are easily mislead to do what they believe, they will murder one another to inflate their egos if the central bank and central intelligence operatives tell them what to believe in: like war, greed, slavery.

At the moment, the most popular and successful ways for central bankers to make money are different tactical usesconventional war, nuclear war, change-of-function biological war,  weather war (eXtreme climate change forcing unnatural storms, space weather war), financial war, economic war, chemical war, covert war, regime change wars, starvation, disease and homelessness). You must have noticed all of these things going on around you, unless you are totally brain-dead.

Central bankers and central intelligence have evidence mounting up against them that together, they sabotaged nuclear reactors around the world, or downright attacked them ... to achieve their overall aim of depopulation, defunding the police, instilling martial law and dicatorship. 

There are weather war stations nearby the meltdown sites at Fukushima and Chernobyl. These weather warfare sites can create earthquakes and set off volcanos simply by tuning in the radio frequencies like you select radio stations.  As I recall, 24 megahertz sets off earthquakes and 17 megahertz sets off volcanic eruptions ... I have the numbers wrong ... but the experts, inventors, national defense directors and presidents in other articles, have the info right.

02:30 PM Aug 15, 2013 6189  Fairewinds on Troubling Events During Nuclear Disaster: Noise that sounds like rain when it’s not raining - Family had 5 pets die within hours, all found with ‘milky white’ eyes — Woman engulfed in wave of heat, later told kidney ‘died’, (AUDIO).

6189.1  6189.2 Testimonies of people living near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant at the time of the accident in 1979 - Mechanic who lived about four miles from the nuclear accident: My eyes were red and burning. I felt like I was looking through water. On Friday, we decided to evacuate. While packing our truck, a township police officer in a closed car shouted over his loudspeaker system, ‘Bill, don’t breathe this air. Get inside.’ … When we returned home, we went in the garage first and found our male German Shepherd had died. His eyes were milky white. We had provided about 100 pounds of food and 50 gallons of water. However, he had only drunk water before he died. We had five cats that lived in a box on the back porch. All but one was dead. All the cats had milky white eyes. The one living cat had one eye that was milky white. Skin grew over this eye during the following weeks. This cat lived about six months after the accident. She had kittens prior to her death. The kittens were born dead and hairless.

Kids & Pets, strange tumors, passing away

12:43 PM Oct 28, 2014 8478  Doctors threatened linking illnesses to Fukushima — Strange tumors, kids dying, pets dying – Much higher incidences of health problems reported - experts: 1,000,000 cancers - many other ailments possible (VIDEO)

Spike in dogs biting humans in Fukushima

01:19 PM Oct 1, 2013 6472 WSJ: Huge spike in dogs biting humans in Fukushima town; attacked without aggression, 70% to upper body — Study: May be associated with nuclear disaster — Gundersen: Research on animal defects hidden (VIDEO)

6472.1 WSJ, Sep 30, 2013: Japanese study finds dog bites 30x higher small city in following 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, as in previous year. 70% of bites were to upper body. 

6472.2 Increased incidence of dog-bite injuries after Fukushima nuclear failure, Oct 2013: Fukushima nuclear accident associated with increased incidence of dog bites? - prolonged evacuation from radiation contamination prolonged increased incidence after disaster? — potential hazard — mandatory aspect of disaster preparedness including nuclear accidents.

6472.4  Animals went mad - attacked humans after exposure to high radiation levels, says Chernobyl scientist — Dogs, foxes, wolves, hogs (VID)

Animals Defects

6472.3 Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen, Oct. 1, 2013 (At 5:15 in): The problem right now is that Japanese researchers are afraid to tell the truth. We’ve got researchers talking about defects in animals and not allowed to publish data.

Arnie Gundersen, Chief engineer, Fairewinds Associates: It’s important people realize people were injured after Three Mile Island. People did die after Three Mile Island. When you go up on the Nuclear Regulatory site, they’ll say that there were no serious injuries after the Three Mile Island accident, but eye-witness accounts that we’re about to read into the record are proof there were real symptoms. I’m doing this for two reasons. One is to get out the historical record on Three Mile Island; but secondly is to let our friends know in Japan that the experiences they’re feeling are real. These feelings are not in your head that your government would like you to believe. These are very real symptoms from high exposures to radiation which you received after the accident. Reports from Three Mile Island and Chernobyl talk about the disappearance of birds and the disappearance of bees, the metallic taste, noise that sounds like rain when it’s not raining. All of those experiences are not in your head, people of Japan. They are in fact, real. We’d like on the Fairewinds site to collect anecdotal evidence from people in the Fukushima Daiichi prefecture and throughout Japan who have experienced these types of problems and who are being ignored by authorities.

 Women & Pregnancies vs Nuclear Industry Fallout & Waste Radiation 

In just 75 years, nuclear industry radiation has contaminated & harmed every living thing on Earth

01:47 PM Apr 5, 2011  -0223- Enraged nuclear expert: I’m personally furious at the government for this misleading information that downplays ingesting milk with iodine-131 – No mother should ever have to wonder if the milk she feeds her child might be harmful

02:12 AM Apr 3, 2011  -0204- Nuclear industry propaganda that low-level radiation [is safe] is absolute rubbish says physician who taught at Harvard Med School – It’s all about internal emitters (VIDEO) – It’s imperative that people understand that internal emitters cause cancer

08:36 PM Apr 4, 2011  -0216- U.S. Department of Energy: No level of radiation is without health risks – Nobody is talking about the fact that there is no safe dose of radiation.

No safe levels of radiation – standard based on ‘cost-benefit’, not safety

09:57 AM Jun 2, 2011  -0642- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says no such thing as safe levels of radiation – standard based on ‘cost-benefit’, not safety – Study from National Academy of Science says one out of five workers will get from cancer and suffer if exposed to IAEA-deemed allowable radiation level.

-8821.1- Fairewinds Comments on the EPA’s [lethal] Proposed Changes to the Protective Action Guidelines  (here)

British shops to sell radioactive baby food & produce from Fukushima under EU plan.

(above) British shops to sell radioactive baby food & other produce from Fukushima under EU plan. (Also see, Secrets of Supermarket Meat & Fish, here)

Nov 27, 2019 – BRITISH shops will sell radioactive food grown near the Fukushima nuclear disaster site from next month under controversial EU plans. By Emily Ferguson — Brussels has forged a trade deal with Japan that removes controls over radioactivity levels on foods produced on the island following the 2011 nuclear disaster, The Telegraph reports. As a result, Britain will soon be selling goods from the disaster-hit area including baby food, breakfast cereals, fish crustaceans, meat and green tea. Current plans do not allow for the contaminated products to be labelled, meaning consumers will not be aware the food contains traces of radioactive substances. In recent years scientists have found faint traces of the radioactive isotopes Caesium 137 and 134 in food grown near Fukushima.But experts have deemed the food perfectly safe, with radiation levels being stringently monitored by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. Tory candidate Neil Parish, who chaired the environment, food and rural affairs committee from July 2017 to November 2019, said the UK needed to review the policy after Brexit.

02:04 AM Oct 30, 2013 -6619- Intensive contamination areas by downtown Tokyo, officials – health help for kids and pregnant women needed (MAP)

04:42 PM Oct 30, 2013 -6622- Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima – Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated (VIDEO)

05:52 PM Aug 9, 2012 -3981- Pregnant women used for decontamination activity after Fukushima disaster – Report (VIDEO)

03:56 PM Jul 2, 2012 -3700- Fukushima Woman: Many are aborting babies - really happening - I know many women who were visibly pregnant then suddenly weren’t (VIDEO)

11:52 PM Nov 12, 2014 -8494- Japanese doctors threatened for revealing data on how bad Fukushima-related illnesses really are – Gundersen: We had pregnant sisters in Tokyo deliver two dead babies & one with deformities, that’s alive; Gov’t won’t disclose miscarriages or stillbirths around Fukushima (AUDIO)

07:18 PM Jun 11, 2011 -708- Fukushima health study: 100 mSv/yr okay for pregnant moms – Effects of radiation do not come to happy people – they come to people that are weak-spirited – Soviets required mandatory evacuation at Chernobyl at 5 millisieverts.

12:44 PM Mar 4, 2014 -8061- Fukushima: Genetic defects and radiation-induced illness; baby of Navy sailor born with multiple genetic mutations, mother pregnant aboard USS Reagan for Japan rescue mission (VIDEO)

09:26 AM Oct 11, 2013 -6532- Doctors warn about radioactive substances from Fukushima coming to West Coast in 2014 – Consider keeping kids away from beach, perhaps pregnant women as well (VIDEO)

06:36 AM Apr 11, 2011 -0277- plus -0277a- Health risk from Fukushima fallout – U.S. west coast: 8-10 times more contamination – don’t drink rainwater; vulnerable groups – children and pregnant or breastfeeding women – avoid vegetables w/large leaves, fresh milk & creamy cheese

01:36 PM Jul 16, 2012 -3803- Birth defects and eating radioactive contamination - One mushroom eaten in affected areas may deliver as much radiation as hundreds of chest x-rays –  Ukraine show elevated birth defects of the brain & spinal cord – One mushroom eaten in affected areas may deliver as much radiation as hundreds of chest x-rays – This accumulation is most worrisome for pregnant women. Radiation is an agent that can not only cause birth defects, but alter the human genome with long-term effects on future generations, he stated – Ukraine shows elevated birth defects of the brain and spinal cord.

04:58 PM Apr 9, 2011 -0269- Official in BC, Canada connects with pregnant moms and those with newborns seeing radiation levels in rain rise steeply – community health at stake – no-drink order after radiation increase

09:10 AM Apr 12, 2013 -5738- U.S. Experiments: Hundreds of pregnant women fed nuclear material - infants & children fed radioactive lemonade

05:13 PM Mar 28, 2013 -5675- Three Mile Island meltdown 34 years ago today – America’s forgotten nuclear terror – Pregnant women, small children told to leave area (VIDEO & AUDIO)

-8821.1-  Fairewinds Comments on the EPA’s Proposed Changes to the Protective Action Guidelines – Excerpt: T he EPA is suddenly recommending a huge increase to “allowable” public exposure levels from radiation releases caused by a mishap or disaster at an atomic reactor, waste storage site &/or fuel production site.  This means  EPA is arbitrarily choosing to increase human exposure levels to atomic radiation releases ...without conducting an adequate scientific review ...without quantifying significant health consequences to people.

Fairewinds Energy Education’s scientific review finds no evidence or science to allow this health compromising transfer of risk to everyone living in the United States. [This] will compromise public health & safety ...& benefit atomic corporations by allowing significant reductions in each corporation’s mandated cleanup of radiation catastrophes. 

EPA proposes levels of 500 millirem/yr are acceptable in radioactively contaminated water for public consumption ...& an increase to 100 millirem per year of exposure levels to pregnant women and young children. These levels far exceed EPA’s acceptable risk range for cancer-causing radiation exposure. 

02:07 AM Nov 5, 2014 - 8488- West Coast – Baby whales dying since 2011– none survive –mothers pregnant for weeks, then abort; starving – skeletons with skin (VIDEO)

12:41 PM Dec 10, 2014 -8522- Experts: 100% death rate for baby killer whales along West Coast – Alarm bells ring as no newborns have survived in past 3 years – This is absolutely the worst thing possible, pregnant orca dies with decomposing stillborn full-term fetus inside – we’re going to lose them… they’ll be extinct for sure (VIDEO)

"Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, about two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin …Now, when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible …Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a certain half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race is going to wreck itself;  it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it. I do not believe nuclear power is worth it" —Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, American naval officer and engineer – the 'father' of America's nuclear Navy. [On the hazards of nuclear power. Testimony to Congress (28 January 1982); published in Economics of Defense Policy: Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, 97th Cong., 2nd sess., Pt. 1 (1982) 

Are You a Woman Living Within 25 Miles of a Reactor? 

Women & pregnant women, babies-to-be, infants & girls within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away

“A 2012 study of all nuclear plants in France found elevated levels of child leukemia in the vicinity of the plants. A 2008 study in Germany came to a similar conclusion regarding child leukemia and Germany’s nuclear generating facilities. A study in, Archives of Environmental Health, in 2003 found cancer rates in children were 12.4 percent higher (than nationwide occurrences) in 49 counties surrounding 14 nuclear plants in the eastern United States.” - Excerpted from, Washington Spectator, (project of Public Concern Foundation), Watching the Nuclear Watchdog, February 1, 2015, by Janet Sherman.

Editor's note: Following numbered items (-0000-) excerpted from our free book: Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean. It has 9,000 numbered newswire summaries, linked to 1-to-5 pieces of original documentation supporting each headline, overall 25,000 linked pieces of documentation. PDF cell phone version or MS Word (with find/search box.)

June 2011: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today admitted there is no such thing as ‘safe’ levels of radiation - allowable radiation standard based on ‘benefit’, not safety. Not just cancer: How low doses of radiation can cause heart disease and stroke.

-3163- Slower you spread radiation dose, more effectively it produces cancer & inherited defects - 04/25/12

-3162- Mother speaks about brain cancers around San Onofre nuclear plant - 04/25/12

Normal nuclear reactors spew fallout every day same as nuclear bombs

Sustained low levels of everyday nuclear emission-fallout add up in you – can be more harmful than a nuclear bomb

Every day, low yield nuclear reactor fallout from cancer-causing releases from 'normal' reactors, mishaps, facility-obsolescence leaks, nuclear dump leakage and mishaps, uranium mining, tailing operations, shipping nuclear materials and waste by plane, ship, train, truck and container mishaps …produces the same fallout that detonating a nuclear bomb produces – and is considered by the nuclear industry as 'business-as-usual'. The (pink pregnant woman) chart link tells how normal reactors contaminate our food, water, earth, sky ...and you. <>

09:10 AM Apr 12, 2013 | 80 -5738- U.S. Experiments: Hundreds of pregnant women fed nuclear material - infants & children fed radioactive lemonade, here

Women especially pregnant women within 20-25 miles, girls, infants and unborn get more cancer than men, boys or those farther away: documentation, here —>  cell phone   pdf - or -  MS Word with 'find/search'

Finland's nuclear authority may act to halt construction   of the country's new EPR reactor over safety fears -  a French study has found a doubling of the incidence of leukemia in children under 5 living near nuclear power plants.  — (here) & (add' l info here)—

"While nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration. and, limiting [the counting of] genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth." – Sister Rosalie Bertell , PhD, GNSH, Pres., International Institute of Concern for Public Health; Editor, International Perspectives in Public Health

Female mammals (including human) living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than male mammals (including human)

Do You Live Within 25 Miles of a Reactor? 

...Click the button below, follow the link, enter your zip code, and pray


Women, pregnant women, girls & infants living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men & boys, or those living farther away. This alone is enough to shut down every nuclear reactor and shut down the Fed for doing it to us.

World Nuclear Association Reports Millions of People Live Within 10 miles (16 km) of an Operating Reactor

The U.S. has 100 commercial power plants, Canada has 19 power stations ...millions of people live within 10 miles (16 km) of an operating reactor

World Nuclear Association reports as of March 2013, 435 commercial nuclear power reactors in 31 countries with 480 more under construction or planned. The U.S. has 100 commercial power plants, and Canada has 19 power stations meaning millions of people live within 10 miles (16 km) of an operating reactor. WNA reports there are 240 research reactors (54 in the U.S.) mainly on university campuses, (such as Reed College, in Woodstock, Portland OR ... where the nuclear rods were leaking for quite a while before being eventually reported or replaced). There are also nuclear dumps, nuclear transportation corridors, nuclear aircraft carriers and submarines, accidents, catastrophes and breakdowns from deferred maintenance and nuclear reactor negligence. The overall death toll from nuclear industry, for all associated activites, is two billion otherwise unaccounted-for deaths. Real, accurate and up-to-date exposure rates in U.S. cities by reactors and fallout, here. 

Women especially pregnant women within 20-25 miles, girls, infants and unborn get more cancer than men, boys or those farther away: documentation, here –> cell phone   pdf - or - MS W ordw/pop-ups & 'find/search'  —

Nightmare: Chernobyl Survivors whose mothers were exposed to fallout resulted in unhealthy pregnancies and children: (l) tormented mentally ill child; (m) Toddler with internal organs located externally; (r) Child with no lymph glands cannot fight off disease. High-yield nuclear fallout destroys ova, sperm, embryo and fetus but so do low-yield emissions from everyday normal reactors that fall on your food, on pastures, on farmland, in your water add up to create genetic mutations or extinctive damage to your health like immune deficiency response, leading to hundreds of diseases culminating in a variety of organ cancers.

(click pic)

(above) When Chernobyl blew up, it was primarily women & pregnant women in the next country over, Belarus, their ovum & embryos were bathed in high yield nuclear reactor fallout ...but, women do not know that everyday business-as-usual low level fallout from 'normal' nuclear reactors adds up to create similar damage to soft & rapidly growing living tissue genes & chromosomes that becomes your baby.

 To Read News Articles About Women Today Being Destroyed By Nuclear Industry, —Click Here—

Feature Story

Suffering Caused Women by  Nuclear Industry Fallout  & Waste that Destroys your Health & Mutates & Destroys your Pregnancies

 Women suffer miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, deformed, handicapped & retarded kids, immune deficiencies, breast-, uterine- & thyroid cancers – here's the evidence & authority you need to win-over a friend or jury

Nuclear Industry cancer jumps from 1 million to 2 billion; include animals & double or triple that. Cancer rates edge from 1-in-2, to 1-in-1. Will you fight for justice? Deaths from high yield atmospheric testing when low yield is included jump from 1 million to 60 million deaths & 100 million cancers. When all nuclear industry deaths, fatal & non-fatal cancers are included, jump is to 1.2-to-2.4 billion victims. If you include animals, the toll doubles or triples. Since fallout radiation is accumulative in the body, and women carry all their eggs from birth, the chances of ingested everyday fallout harming your unborn child increase as your injestion of each radionuclude atom, increases. 


True number of nuclear industry victims

by Sister Rosalie Bertell

Statistics are people with tears wiped away 

Epidemiologist counts 1.2 billion fatal & non-fatal nuclear cancer victims: real victims of nuclear industry go untold as a Chernobyl count and as a world count —that's 41,000 fatal & non-fatal cancers due to nuclear, every day

Despite the authorities attempt at concealment, we can still begin to enumerate the real victims of the nuclear age –  Although the calculations and statistics which I have brought to bear below do not include all of the human suffering that has been caused by the nuclear age, a closer look will show that the methodology is adequate for a first estimate of major damage. The magnitude of the harm already caused is startling, and even more so when we realise many types of damage have been omitted from this first estimate. In my estimate, cancer, whether fatal or non-fatal (excluding non-fatal skin cancer), genetic damage and serious congenital malformations and diseases ... will be included in the figures. Other damage is acknowledged but not estimated. Ultimately, whether or not one cares about the damage caused by radiation exposure is ultimately a human, not a scientific question.

"Whether or not one cares about damage caused by radiation exposure ...is ultimately a human, not a scientific question," Rosalie Bertell said. 

An unwanted attack on someone's person or reproductive capacity is a violation of human rights — Damage is damage, and causing an unwanted attack on someone's person or reproductive capacity is a violation of human rights. Such damage can be rated for importance, but it should not be arbitrarily ignored. "Statistics are the people with the tears wiped away," stated one of the Rongelap people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, who 'hosted' the United States Bikini nuclear testing in the 1950s.

Hard-hearted mindset that laid down the degree of suffering & ill-health as the 'acceptable' price to pay for the world 'benefitting' from nuclear technology

Story of many tears —  This is the story of many tears, and of a hard-hearted mindset that laid down the degree of suffering and ill-health that would be the 'acceptable' price to pay for the world 'benefitting' from nuclear technology.

Risk estimates used in this analysis —  In order to estimate the real victims of the nuclear industry [as oppossed to those figures enumerated by the ICRP, IAEA and other nuclear apologists], I will take the customary risk estimates, indicate their probable range of error, and then extend the definition to cover related events not recognized as 'detriments' by the nuclear regulators. For example, while the nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration. And, limiting genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth.

Nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration. And, limiting genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth

Estimating fatal & non-fatal cancer risks —  In 1991, ICRP concluded the projected lifetime risk of fatal cancer for members of the population exposed to Sievert whole-body radiation at a low dose rate, was between seven and 11 excess fatal cancers ...and, seven to eight excess fatalities for those in the nuclear industry aged 25 to 64 years. We extend these estimates to non-fatal cancers by estimating the total number of cancers which were used by the ICRP in order to obtain the number of fatalities. We, therefore, estimate 16 fatal and non-fatal cancers if we exclude non-fatal skin cancers, or 36 if we count them. If the estimate of fatal cancers was off by a factor of two then we can double all those numbers. The estimate I use for cancer is 16 per 100 Person Sieverts ...but, the reader can adjust this estimate to suit other inclusions, exclusions or uncertainties.

A dose of 150 mSv to human male testes causes temporary sterility, a single dose of 3.5 Sv causes permanent sterility

Estimating damage to an embryo or fetus —  According to the BEIR Committee [Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation] 1990 report, a dose of 150 mSv to human male testes will cause temporary sterility, and a single dose of 3.5 Sv will cause permanent sterility. According to the ICRP in 1991, just 5 mSv to the testes will cause damage to offspring – yet this dose was permitted yearly to members of the public, and ten times more to nuclear workers, in all countries prior to 1990. It continues today to be permitted yearly for nuclear workers in most countries.

650 mSv is considered to be the threshold for temporary sterility in women – since radionuclides can be retained in bone or fatty tissues, they are able to cross the placenta barrier and disrupt the developing embryo or fetus – radionuclides in the mother's body are transferred in her breast milk

Women carry with them all of the ova from birth which they will ever have —  Women carry with them all of the ova from birth which they will ever have. The threshold for permanent female sterilization decreases with age, but in general about 650 mSv is considered to be the threshold for temporary sterility in women. After the Bravo event -- the detonation of a hydrogen bomb at the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific in March 1954 -- the women of Rongelap Atoll experienced about five years of sterility. As they regained their fertility, they experienced faulty pregnancies, miscarrigies, stillbirths and damage to their offspring.  Since some radionuclides can be retained in bone or fatty tissues, they are able to cross the placenta barrier and disrupt the developing embryo or fetus. Radionuclides in the mother's body can also be transferred in her breast milk. The official nuclear industry definition of 'detriment' includes only serious genetic disease. Teratogenic diseases (those not passed on to offspring) are not judged by the nuclear industy to be serious, and, therefore, not counted as a 'detriment'.

Women regained their fertility but experienced faulty pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth & offspring

Recently, the 1990 BEIR committee made one small concession in recognizing mental retardation — in children exposed to radiation during the fifth to 15th weeks of their mother's pregnancy —  Radiation kills brain cells, causing both an underdeveloped brain (microcephaly) and mental retardation. For the individual child, BEIR estimates that a dose in utero of 100 to 500 mSv can cause a range of problems from poor school performance to severe mental retardation .

A dose in utero of 100 to 500 mSv can cause problems from poor school performance to severe mental retardation


www mediastorm com /channel/archive/chernobyl-legacy

Genetic damage —  The U.N. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation [UNSCEAR] and BEIR both agree that a population of one million live births exposed to 100 Person Sieverts will result in one to three genetic damage effects to offspring,  and so to the human gene pool. The doubling dose for genetic effects [the dose that will cause twice as many genetic effects] is more contentious, with some geneticists claiming that it is 2.5 Sv, and others claiming much greater sensitivity with a 0.12 Sv doubling dose. If the latter is true, then the increase in genetic effects will be 8.3 per cent for every 10mSv and therefore 83 such effects per million live births when the total averaged dose is 100 Person Sieverts rather than the 4 such effects in the first instance.  On the conservative side, we have taken 10 genetic effects to be the number for exposed offspring.


This & photo (above) by Paul Fusco from his book of photojournalism, Chernobyl Legacy ...see www mediastorm com /channel/archive/chernobyl-legacy

Misha, a victim of Chernobyl, No. 1 Orphanage in Minsk. (photo: Eugene Kolzov) 

Estimate of 'Teratogenic Effects' — Damage to an embryo from ionizing radiation when in the womb is not considered to be genetic. Such irradiation can lead to 30 different congenital anomolies, including permanent damage to the brain, mental deficiency, skull deformities, cleft palate, spina bifida, club-feet, genital deformities, growth retardation and childhood cancer. A total of all those effects, including mortality, amount to 46, of which 25 are live born. When we summarise those risk estimates, we get 16 cancers, 10 genetic effects and 25 congenital effects for one million exposed to 100 Person Sieverts.

Damage to an embryo from ionizing radiation when in the womb is not considered to be genetic. Such irradiation can lead to some 30 different congenital anomolies; including: permanent brain damage, mental deficiency, skull deformity, cleft palate, spina bifida, club-feet, genital deformity, growth retardation & childhood cancer

The task now is to apply those numbers for the global population from industrial nuclear activities, including weapons testing in the fifties, sixties and early seventies and electricity production from nuclear power over the past half century. When we do this we find that weapons testing has lead to nearly 376 million cancers, 235 million genetic effects and 587 million teratogenic effects to give a total of approximately 1,200 million. Meanwhile, electricity production from nuclear plants between 1943 and 2000 may have lead to another million victims, of which as many one-fifth will have been premature cancer deaths.

Although not officially accounted for, about 500 million fetuses would have also been lost as stillbirths during that period from radiation exposure while in the womb

"Another century of nuclear power, and this carnage would continue with more than 10 million victims a year. An industry which has the potential to kill, injure and maim that number of innocent people – and all in the name of 'benefitting' society – is surely, wholly unacceptable." 

– Sister Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GNSH, is President of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, and Editor in Chief of International Perspectives in Public Health (IICPH).

"In order to estimate the real victims of the nuclear industry (as oppossed to those figures enumerated by the ICRP, IAEA and other nuclear apologists), I will take the customary risk estimates, indicate their probable range of error, and then extend the definition to cover related events not recognized as 'detriments' by nuclear regulators.

"While nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration.

"And, limiting genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth."

– Sister Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GNSH, is President of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, and Editor in Chief of International Perspectives in Public Health (IICPH)

(Editor's note – Following is Rosalie's figures on nuclear lethal & non-lethal cancer causes:)

 Rosalie's Figures on Nuclear Lethal & Non-lethal Cancer Causes

(Exciting conclusion of Sister Rosalie's story, with letter of explanation, (follows below) – including the truth and true figures of Chernobyl casualties ...thousands of times higher than numbers falsified by nuclear industry regulatory apologists.)

Sister Rosalie Bertell

Following article from The Ecologist, Nov 1999, pp. 408-411

Victims Of The Nuclear Age

by Dr. Rosalie Bertell

Abstract: A minimum of 1,200 million people have been killed, maimed or diseased by nuclear power since it's inception. The industry's figures massively underestimate the real cost of nuclear power with restrictive rules, in an attempt to hide its victims from the world. Here, the author calculates the real number of victims of the nuclear age. Additionally, Rosalie cites figures on the true amount of deaths and casualties from Chernobyl ...thousands of times higher than nuclear industry regulatory apologists claim.

Firemen Deployed as Bio-Robots to Clean up Chernobyl

On the tenth anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, I was standing at a public meeting in Kiev, Ukraine, listening to the story of one of the firemen employed to clean up the site after the explosion. These workers took huge doses of radiation during this task, and their story is a terrifying one.

Human Bio-robots

About 600,000 men were conscripted as Chernobyl `liquidators' [also called bio-robots']: farmers, factory workers, miners, and soldiers -- as well as professionals like the firemen -- from all across Russia. Some of these men lifted pieces of radioactive metal with their bare hands. They had to fight more than 300 fires created by the chunks of burning material spewed off by the inferno. They buried trucks, fire engines, cars and all sorts of personal belongings. They felled a forest and completely buried it, removed topsoil, bulldozed houses and filled all available clay-lined trenches with radioactive debris. The minimum conscription time was 180 days, but many stayed for a year. Some were threatened with severe punishment to their families if they failed to stay and do their duty. These `liquidators' are now discarded and forgotten, many vainly trying to establish that the ill health most have suffered ever since 1986 is a result of their massive exposure to radiation.

'Living dead'

At the Centre for Radiation Research outside Kiev, there is an organization of former liquidators. This group reports that by 1995, 13,000 of their members had died ... almost 20 percent of which deaths were suicides. About 70,000 members were estimated to be permanently disabled. But the members of this organization are the lucky ones. Because many former liquidators are now scattered throughout Russia, they neither have the benefit of the organization's special hospital, nor of membership of a survivor organization. They are known as the `living dead.'

The fireman whose story I was listening to seemed to be an exception to this grim litany of illness and death. He was telling the meeting how pleased and excited he was that, for the first time in ten years, his blood test findings were in the normal range. I was standing next to a delegate from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – the organisation charged with promoting the use of atomic energy.

On hearing the fireman's story, he leaned over to me and said: "You see! We said these were only transient disorders."

A rough translation might read: Chernobyl? What's the problem? 

NRC, ICRP & IAEA Continue Ignoring the Victims of Nuclear Industry

The IAEA man's attitude was perfectly in keeping with that of his organization which, along with the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP) exists in practice largely to play down the effects of radiation on human health, and to shield the nuclear industry from compensation claims from the public. The IAEA was set up in the late 1950s by he UN, to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and to promote the peaceful use of atomic energy – ironically, two contradictory objectives.

1928 International Committee on X-Ray and Radium Protection

The ICRP evolved from the 1928 International Committee on X-Ray and Radium Protection, and was set up in the fifties to explore the health effects of radiation and [theoretically] to protect the public from it. In fact, both organizations have come to serve the industry rather than the public.

The Chernobyl case is a classic example of the IAEA's inadequacy and questionable science. Despite massive evidence to the contrary, not least from the many thousands of victims themselves, the IAEA insists that only 32 people have so far died as a result of Chernobyl – those who died in the radiation ward of Hospital six in Moscow.

All other deaths related to the disaster and its aftermath are ignored; (and, there have been many more than 10,000 in Ukraine, alone ...according to the Minister of Health there). Belarus had the highest fallout, and yet there is an international blackout among the IAEA and the rest of the 'radiation protection community' on the suffering of its people.

The essential problem is that both the IAEA and the ICRP are dealing not with science but with politics and administration; not with public health but with maintaining an increasingly dubious industry. It is their interests, and those of the nuclear industry, to play down the health effects of radiation. 

Restrictive Definitions

The main way in which the "radiation protection industry" has succeeded in hugely underrating the ill-health caused by nuclear power is by insisting on a group of extremely restrictive definitions as to what qualifies as a radiation-caused illness statistic.

For example, under IAEA's criteria: 

> If a radiation-caused cancer is not fatal, it is not counted in IAEA figures. 

> If a cancer is initiated by another carcinogen, but accelerated or promoted by exposure to radiation, it is not counted. 

> If an auto-immune disease or any non-cancer is caused by radiation, it is not counted. 

> Radiation-damaged embryos or foetuses which result in miscarriage or stillbirth do not count.

> A congenitally blind, deaf or malformed child whose illnesses are are radiation-related are not included in the figures because this is not genetic damage, but rather is teratogenic, and will not be passed on later to the child's offspring. 

> Causing the genetic predisposition to breast cancer or heart disease does not count since it is not a 'serious genetic disease' (in the Mendelian sense). 

> Even if radiation causes a fatal cancer or serious genetic disease in a live born infant, it is discounted if the estimated radiation dose is below 100 mSv [mSv= millisievert, a measurement of radiation exposure. One hundred millsievert is the equivalent in radiation of about 100 X-Rays]. 

> Even if radiation causes a lung cancer, it does not count if the person smokes ...in fact whenever there is a possibility of another cause, radiation cannot be blamed. 

> If all else fails, it is possible to claim that radiation below some designated dose does not cause cancer, and then average over the whole body the radiation dose which has actually been received by one part of the body or even organ, as for instance when radio-iodine concentrates in the thyroid. This arbitrary dilution of the dose will ensure that the 100 mSv cut-off point is nowhere near reached.

It is a technique used to dismiss the sickness of Gulf War veterans who inhaled small particles of ceramic uranium which stayed in their lungs for more than two years, and in their bodies for more than eight years, irradiating and damaging cells in a particular part of the body.  [continued, here]


from Rosalie Bertell to Zac Goldsmith, editor, The Ecologist
03/11/99 2:58 PM re :  November Issue

Dear Zac,

Congratulations on a generally excellent issue! I have always felt that newspaper articles are too fleeting, and books are too ponderous to reach the public on this important issue; however, you have found a very good imtermediate carrier for the information. Please keep me informed of reactions (which may get nasty).

I was concerned about my article, and perhaps there were some attempts to reach me for comments when I was overseas (13 Oct to 2 Nov). It was too bad that important references were omitted, as was the fact that I used only UNSCEAR data on population doses of radiation due to weapons or civilian nuclear enterprises. The text does not mention the source of the population dose estimates, which are fundamental to the credibility. I can also be faulted for the comment (added by someone) that 100 mSv is the equivalent in radiation to about 100 medical Xrays. Nuclear doses are always whole body doses, while medical Xray delivers a partial body dose to the target organ (teeth, chest, kidney, etc.). Speaking about "100 medical Xrays" is pretty vague and useless.

I tried to present the results in table form so that you could aggregate them as you needed, but I cannot match the numbers used in the article with my original estimates. The editor exaggerated somewhat the weapon testing contribution and very much slighted the nuclear power contribution. Both calculations were made using the same methodology and both used the official UNSCEAR data.

However, the text says: "we find that weapon testing has led to ....... approximately 1,200 million. Meanwhile, electricity production from nuclear plants between 1943 and 2000 may have led to another million victims ....."My estimates are:

Nuclear weapon testing:  1,138 million
Nuclear weapon production:  3.2 million
  (84% local or regional)

Nuclear power production:  21 million
  (76% local or regional)

Medical production and use:  4 million 
Accidents:  Military,  16 million
Civilian,  15 million 
Total Military:  1,156 million
Total civilian electricity related:  36 million
Total medical:  4 million
1,200 million

Of these amounts, about 31.4% are radiation induced cancers; 19.6% are genetic effects and 49% are teratogenetic effects in live born offspring. I used official risk factors except for not introducing the dose rate effect which the nuclear people do to reduce the number of cancers. My own research would say that the cancer estimates should be doubled, not divided by two. In the paper I maintained a neutral position be not doing either.

Best wishes, 

Rosalie Bertell

about:  Sister Rosalie Bertell

Women & girls, empower yourself to turn off reactors to prevent getting cancer

...Because women & girls living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys, or those living further ...says science in france, germany, britain & u.s. 

...science proves newborn, babies, toddlers & kids absorb normal reactor fallout in their teeth & bones & organs, faster  

...and girls get more cancer than boys ...females have 50% more high-risk tissue than males

05:56 PM Nov 15, 2013 -6697- Gundersen: Health effects from Fukushima hidden – Japan not publishing data on stillbirths, spontaneous abortions, cancers, and more since 3/11 – Indicates they’re afraid to release it (VIDEO)

10:28 AM Mar 11, 2015 -8585- TV: Officials lying, kids getting cancer after Fukushima – Report: 1,200+ deaths from illness caused by prolonged exposure – Mom: I’m really worried – children not the same – sick – nosebleeds, rashes – white blood cells decreased – Radiation by school 100 times normal (VIDEO)

02:19 PM Nov 12, 2013 -6681- Fukushima Crisis Comes to U.S. – Professor: New version of original atomic plague spreads; truth incomprehensible – easier to pretend it doesn’t exist

06:41 PM Jan 19, 2012 -2317- 20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima, not 14,000? – looks at age groups, cities  (VIDEO) 

09:33 AM Jun 19, 2011 -0779- Seattle: Northwest sees 35% infant mortality spike post-Fukushima 

08:51 AM Jun 5, 2011 -0662- Average person in Seattle breathed in 10 hot radioactive particles a day in April

04:59 PM Jun 15, 2011 -0742- Spike in U.S. infant mortality 4 mths after Chernobyl – current infant deaths result of Fukushima fallout? (VIDEO)

10:40 AM Mar 16, 2015 -8590- 10,000 baby sea lions dead on one California island (VIDEOS )

07:32 PM Mar 14, 2015 -8589- Report: Over 30 million permanently affected by Fukushima radiation; Number of people exposed triples Chernobyl – Japan Professor: 14,000 sq. kilometers heavily contaminated; Millions including kids and infants are exposed every day after being abandoned by Gov’t, it is very bizarre (AUDIO)

12:41 PM Aug 14, 2013 -6178- Corrosion weakening Fukushima Unit No. 4 – Concern quake to ‘topple’ bulging structure – Holds 14,000 Hiroshima bombs worth of cesium-137

04:07 PM Aug 13, 2013 -6177-   North St. Louis County, Missouri – Bridgeton fire at West Lake nuclear landfill – CBS: Dire Warning from Fire Commander – Landfill fire near nuclear waste could threaten entire St. Louis region with radioactive smoke – Potential for tragedy

10:00 AM Feb 4, 2014  -7051-  Report: Fukushima nuclear waste will merge with radiation from U.S. reactors when washing up on West Coast – startling amounts released from operating plants – Diablo Canyon officials admit to recently discharging more tritium than Fukushima (VIDEO)

Feb. 3, 2014  -7050-   Bloomberg News: Fukushima & U.S. radiation runoff will merge on West Coast – The runoff from the Japanese plant will mingle with radiation released by other atomic stations such as Diablo Canyon in California. Under normal operations, Diablo Canyon discharges more radiation into the sea, albeit of a less dangerous isotope, than the Fukushima station – startling amounts are released into the environment by the 435 nuclear power plants worldwide – Diablo Canyon plant in San Luis Obispo discharged 323 million liters of water into the Pacific in 2012, or about 870 tons a day, according to data from its operator, PG&E – that water contained 3,670 curies of tritium, or 136 trillion becquerels, according to the company, almost three-and-a-half times the amount released from the Fukushima plant into the ocean in the period starting May 2011. The plant also discharged cesium-137 and strontium-90 though at lower levels than Fukushima.

-7049-  also see  Dr. Donald Moiser, professor at The Scripps Research Institute (Department of Immunology) and member of Del Mar city council in California, Oct. 19, 2013 (at 27:15 in): The problem with the data is tritium releases are episodic, so they’ll have a release of tritium one day a month when they report that to the NRC they’ll say this is the amount of tritium we released over the year. You have 5 days of release but you divide that by 365 days it doesn’t look like so much tritium, but if you’re sitting right next to the plant on the day of release, it’s quite a bit. There’s some data from Europe that says the spikes are dangerous. There’s no data in the U.S. to interpret.

05:02 AM Feb 4, 2014 -7048-  Scientists find nuclear waste off San Diego coast - worried about finding pools of cesium (VIDEO)

01:00 AM Feb 4, 2014 -7047-  Legendary Musician: Am I upset about Fukushima poisoning the Pacific Ocean? Yeah - Am I upset about TEPCO & Japans Gov’t lying through their teeth? Yeah

Mammals: extra fingers, toes, arms, legs, heads, missing eyeballs & mouths, legs grown together

08:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806- Human babies -

Fukushima: extra arms & legs1 (polymelia), extra fingers (polydactyl);

Washington State (Hanford): no brains, protruding spines2;

Chernobyl: brains outside head; many arms & legs, misshapen bodies; cyclops with no face, mouth or limbs; also see3;

Missouri: cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors4, 5

Fallujah, Iraq: deformed, no heads, two heads, cyclops, scales, missing limbs6;

Kazakhstan – 29 fetuses found at uranium site;

India – born with partially formed skulls, blood disorders, missing eyes or toes, fused fingers and brittle limbs – children with mutations – deformed heads, lopsided bodies, ‘toad skin’, eyelids turned inside out; school built using radioactive waste part of community outreach project7, 8  (VIDEO);

Utah – (historical) piles of dead lambs  –  2 heads, no legs  –  no eyes or mouths – legs grown together 

Lambs, farm animals, cats, dogs

-8806.1- also -8719-  (historical) Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths – legs grown together; cats & dogs: St. George, Utah & Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford, WA  (VIDEOS)

Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima – abortion avoids ‘inconvenient’ babies – High number of stillbirths

-8806.2- also -8806-  Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima – I feel officials know the cause is radiation – many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies – High number of stillbirths – Many people report cancer, far from Fukushima (VIDEO)

-8806.3- also -8423-  Rapid rise in babies with w/no brains and protruding spines by Hanford- actual number higher than officials report (VIDEO); also see babies w/extra fingers born in Japan; also see: Chernobyl Legacy by Paul Fusco

-8806.4- also -8228-  Radiation effects on fetuses: Nuclear radiation deforms genes-[xv] - twins attached by organs growing outside body, 1-eyed cyclops, babies with giant heads - respond to people (GRAPHIC PHOTOS & VIDEO)

-8806.5- also -0000-  Kazakhstan: Jars of stillborn, aborted and abandoned babies. body parts at nuclear waste site

-8806.6- also -0000-  10:04 AM Mar 23, 2016   Cemetery of dead babies missing brains next to U.S. nuclear site - Funeral Director: Almost all infants we have died the same way… that’s pretty much all I see on death certificates - Few miles from most contaminated place in hemisphere - One of largest documented anencephaly clusters in U.S. history (VIDEO)

Children with mutations on every street - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, toad skin, eyelids inside out

-8806.7-  also -8750-    Children with mutations on almost every street - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, toad skin, eyelids turned inside out - school built using radioactive waste part of community outreach project (VIDEO)

05:06 pm Jan 7, 2014 -8805-  Dead, conjoined baby gray whales found on West Coast of N. America - 2 heads - 2 tails, joined in middle (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

{Excerpted from, Radiation Hitting the Streets of L.A., at -3624.1- & -3624.2-  Hope Burwell wrote, On my first trip to Chernobyl in November 2000, I spent three days touring schools in Cherikov and the even more contaminated areas of the Mogilev district. Then we traveled to children’s hospitals in Minsk. What I saw there still shows up in nightmares: children with eyes in the sides of their heads, and children with no eyes at all, children with fingers that look like toes and children whose genitals are so poorly formed one can’t determine their sex. Those nightmares are audible with infant wails like the cries of wounded wild animals.

North St. Louis County, Missouri; Bridgeton fire at West Lake nuclear landfill

1:19 PM Oct 28, 2015 -8734- Child cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors

Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, Sep 17, 2015 (at 27:00 in): …reports that the Attorney General did with independent scientists: what we have under the ground could end up as Chernobyl. … 40,000 tons of uranium have been spread all over the place … the most potent uranium in the world. We’re looking at the cancer clusters … the number of children who have double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors. This is not consistent with a normal community, whatsoever.


The Poisoned Children of Coldwater Creek (here)

excerpt: Wright says there are a stunning number of reports of infertility, in addition to the birth-defect cases. There have been three separate cases of conjoined twins (a statistical anomaly). There were three babies born with only one ear, another without either eyeball.

 How India’s Nuclear Industry Created A River Of Death (here)

Excerpts from report on Huffington Post, Dec 14, 2015

India River Of Death

Researchers found that the Subarnarekha river and areas around Jadugoda, India, were poisoned from the emissions of a nearby secret nuclear factory … The Center for Public Integrity has reviewed hundreds of pages of personal testimony and clinical reports in the case that present a disturbing scenario. Doctors and health workers, as well as international radiation experts, say that nuclear chiefs have repeatedly suppressed or rebuffed their warnings. The case files include epidemiological and medical surveys warning of a high incidence of infertility, birth defects and congenital illnesses.

[Dipak Ghosh, a respected Indian physicist and dean of the Faculty of Science at Jadavpur University, with his] team collected samples from the river and from adjacent wells, seven years ago, he was alarmed by the results… It was potentially catastrophic, Ghosh said in a recent interview. Millions of people along the waterway were potentially exposed. Many said their children were born with partially formed skulls, blood disorders, missing eyes or toes, fused fingers or brittle limbs.

Analyzing a representative sample of people between 4 and 60 years old living within a mile and a half of the third tailing dam, the researchers hired by [Uranium Corporation of India Limited] concluded that the residents were affected by radiation. Symptoms included swollen joints, spleens and livers, and coughing up blood. The UCIL report also described osteoporosis, defective limbs, and habitual abortion, as well as many complaints of missed menstrual cycle and a cluster of cancer cases.

[A]n American diplomat [warned that] lax safety measures  are exposing local tribal communities to radiation contamination. In a confidential cable to Washington, Henry V. Jardine, a career Foreign Service officer and former Army captain, expressed blunt dismay. In a new cable on June 6, 2008, Jardine told Washington another epidemiological study had concluded indigenous groups … living close to the mines reportedly suffer high-rates of cancer, physical deformities, blindness, brain damage and other ailments. UCIL refuses to acknowledge these issues, he noted. Jardine wrapped up: Post contacts, citing independent research, say that it is difficult to point out any reason other than radiation.

Surendra Gadekar, a nuclear physicist, began taking soil, water and air samples… Their study was published in 2004… It found radiation levels inside the villages around the tailing ponds were almost 60 times the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission safe level.… [They] also documented the existence in neighboring populations of children with malformed torsos and deformed heads and the wrong number of fingers, as well as a cluster of cases where infants’ bodies grew at different rates, giving them a lopsided gait. Some had hyperkeratosis, a condition known as, ‘toad skin’.

In late 2000, [Hiroaki Koide, a nuclear engineer who teaches at the Research Reactor Institute at Kyoto University] took soil and water samples. These figures were exceptionally worrying, Koide said. No one should have been living anywhere near. ‘Koide confirmed that uranium rock and finely ground mine tailings had been used as ballast for road leveling and house building and to construct a local school and clinic. [A] senior UCIL official… confirmed these construction projects using irradiated materials had gone ahead as part of a community outreach project.

Toronto Star, Sep 15, 2014: India’s nuclear nightmare: The village of birth defects… Neither Alowati nor Duniya can walk, nor can they hold anything; their limbs dangle lifelessly… Their knees and elbows are rubbed raw from crawling… They need help to bathe and use the toilet. Children with birth deformities like Alowati and Duniya live on almost every street in Jadugora… When people began to notice that young women were having miscarriages, witches and spirits were blamed… But people had lesions, children were born with deformities, hair loss was common. Cows couldn’t give birth, hens laid fewer eggs, fish had skin diseases… [L]ocal media reports… included shocking pictures of children who were sick or deformed… A 2007 report by the Indian Doctors for Peace and Development, a non-profit, found a far greater incidence of congenital deformity, sterility and cancer… Mohammad is 13 but looks 7. Like Alowati and Duniya, he drags himself forward with his elbows… A few huts away [a child's] eyelids are turned inside out… Watch video from AOL here


Deformed children in Fallujah from depleted uranium bombardment: Young women in Fallujah in Iraq are terrified of having children because of the increasing number of babies born grotesquely deformed, with no heads, two heads, a single eye in their foreheads, scaly bodies or missing limbs. In addition, young children in Fallujah are now experiencing hideous cancers and leukemia. These deformities are now well documented, for example in television documentaries on SKY UK on September 1, 2009, and on SKY UK June 2008.

Our direct contact with doctors in Fallujah report that: in September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 new born babies, 24% of whom were dead within the first seven days, a staggering 75% of the dead babies were classified as deformed. This can be compared with data from the month of August in 2002 where there were 530 new born babies of whom six were dead within the first seven days and only one birth defect was reported. A significant number of babies that do survive begin to develop severe disabilities at a later stage. One grave digger of a single cemetery is burying four to five babies a day, most of which he says are deformed.


When a parent whose baby was born with polydactyly contacted Fukushima Medical University for an operation for their child, they were told that they were busy operating on babies with the same condition and had a hundred on their waiting list. Then told to wait one or two years for the operation because bones in the fingers and hands need to be well developed.

How F..ked Are Nukes? — VICE, by Thomas Morton, May 4, 2014  How F..ked Are Nukes? ...way worse than Hollywood has the special effects to depict. A lot of mainstream accounts  soft-pedal the body horror that acute radiation poisoning causes  eyewitness testimony from Robert Jay Lifton’s Hiroshima classic Death in Life: at a glance you couldn’t tell whether you were looking at them from in front or in back  very young girls, not only with their clothes torn off but with their skin peeled off as well. VICE on HBO covers the second major population intentionally exposed to atomic radiation ...the Kazakhs living around the Semipalatinsk Testing Polygon, where the Soviet Union tested 456 nuclear bombs.

Women & girls & living within 25 miles of a reactor get more cancer than men or boys, or those living farther away. Your fetus is 1000 times more sensitive to ionizing radiation in food than an adult. Normal nuclear reactors hurt the health of your pregnancies every single day, like a nuclear bomb in slow motion. High-yield nuclear fallout destroys ova, sperm, embryo and fetus but so do low-yield emissions from everyday, normal reactor operations ... that fall on your food, on pastures, on farmland, in your water add up to create genetic mutations or extinctive damage to your health like immune deficiency response, leading to hundreds of diseases culminating in a variety of organ cancers. (See tritium expose or Entergy does Manhattan.)

(above: click on pic for story)



Nuclear Energy is Not Safe and Clean — Stop Nuclear Reactors before They Stop You

Women & Girls Living within 25 Miles of a Nuclear Reactor get More Cancer than Men or Boys

...or those living farther away

—(feature story, here) & (add'l documentation: pdf, here | ms word w/pop-ups/search engine, here) & (immune deficiency & add'l diseases from living by reactors, here)  (nuclear waste & fallout secrets of supermarket food, here)—

Gundersen: Terrifying cancer data for Fukushima — “Statistics are astounding, especially for young girls” — “Growing concern around cancer risk” —(here)—

For every year a young girl is the in the radiation zone 1 in 100 girls is going to get cancer due to their exposure from Fukushima. As each year passes it compounds, so if a young girl is there for 10 years, 10 out of 100 will get cancer. 

The statistics are terrifying and the Japanese government has allowed families with young children to return to Fukushima prefecture. [Editor's note: First, saying their government benefits will be cut off if they don't go back; and, second, removing their government benefits after they did move back.]

—(For Complete Public, MD & Scientific Documentation, click here)—

HARD SCIENCE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION    Women & pregnant women, babies-to-be, infants & girls within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away  —(here)—

Changes in the Cardiovascular System of Children Living in Territories Contaminated with Radionuclides  —(here)—

Elevated Childhood Cancer Incidence Proximate to U.S. Nuclear Power Plants —(here)—

Abstract: ...1 in 9 cancers among children who reside near nuclear reactors is linked to radioactive emissions . If cancer incidence in 5 western states is used as a baseline, the ratio is closer to 1 in 5. Incidence is particularly elevated for leukemia. Childhood cancer mortality exceeds the national average in 7 of the 14 study areas.  —(more, here)—

Children w/11 Becquerels Cesium have Heart Problems  —(here)— 

Irreversible heart damage for children with 50 Bq/kg of Cs-137 

Summary & small print: Note: this site is documented with 9,000 newswire headlines each summarizing five published pieces of documentation linked to 30,000 published newspaper & magazine articles & TV news ...including scientific studies, book, white papers & youtubes ...which are available in our free reference e-book, right here; also, highlighted documentation is included in our MD, nuclear scientist & epidemiologist section, right here. For takeaways, see —(here)—

(above) Polymelia: A child in India born with extra arms and legs (later surgically removed). We don't know the reason for the genetic mutation, and this picture is shown here as an illustration of polymelia.

TV: Babies born(e) w/extra arms & legs after Fukushima melts

“I feel officials know the cause is radiation” – Nurse: Many getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies – “High number of stillbirths” – Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima (VIDEO) here

BY ENENEWS, APR 18, 2016 – LaborNet TV (subtitles by Emiko Suehiro), Feb 24, 2016 (emphasis added)

–Satomi Horikiri, Host (8:30 in): Have you heard of any health hazards in Fukushima?
–Hisae Unuma, evacuee Futabamachi: I know many saying they have cancers, even in Saitama Prefecture…
–Setsuko Kida, evacuee from Tomiokamachi: My daughter [got] pregnant in the fall of 2013, but she was diagnosed with tethered miscarriage… the womb grew… but her unborn baby didn’t grow at all. She… got a second opinion from another clinic in Mito, only to get the same result. When the Mito doctor asked her why she came for the second opinion, she told she couldn’t trust the doctor in Fukushima… Many with a birth defect were born after Hiroshima/Nagasaki A-bomb, but the number dropped in one or two years.

I only knew the reason in 2013; many women had to have an abortion, so that inconvenient babies wouldn’t be born… One month later, I was happy to know my daughter got pregnant. But in only 3 months my daughter told me the bad news and my mind got flooded with that story of Hiroshima/Nagasaki. That’s where I started to doubt. Although I asked the doctor to wait and see since my daughter could give birth if she tried, but the doctor said that the unborn child inside her was not alive anymore… So she had the abortion. My daughter called and told her friend about her abortion… She was told that out of 4 in her friends group, 3, including herself, had abortion during early pregnancy. The only one who could give birth was told by her doctor that she was unable to give birth because of the baby’s weak heart sound. So my daughter began to doubt her doctor, thinking her unborn baby could have made it. I became doubtful as well. A nurse I knew told me that many get abortions in Fukushima. My daughter and friends are just a few of those.

Host: That is a painful story.
–Kida: A year later I got to hear first hand cases of babies with a structural birth defect or polymelia ["Birth defect… in which the affected individual has more than the usual number of limbs" -Source] twice as many. I feel our gov’t or the medical university knows the cause is the radiation… My daughter remembers the words by her doctor… “We’ll send this cell to Fukushima Medical”… Why do they have to send a cell of aborted fetus? Is that what they had been doing? For what?

Host: So many doubtful things going on…
Kida (23:15 in): I just shared the story about my daughter’s abortion and high number of stillbirths. Whenever I deliver such a message I’m told to shut up. People say it’s a delicate issue, bad influence on Fukushima reconstruction or no data to back up. But more than 10 girls had similar experience as my daughter’s. Actually one woman was recommended to get an abortion at 6 months pregnancy last summer, and her unborn baby lacking one arm, one leg, with only 3 fingers on its foot… The nuclear reactors exploded, melted through… contaminated water keeps flowing into the Pacific Ocean. That’s the reason they asked not to restart nuclear plants. But isn’t the real reason the health hazard caused by radiation coming out? Health hazards are actually caused, and we have to send out such messages. But if we denied health problems… that would be the same as what Tepco or the gov’t is doing.

Chernobyl Message

(click above pic for Paul Fusco films)

(above) Picture shows children that were conceived in areas affected by the Chernobyl meltdown that was contained. Fukushima is considered perhaps hundreds or thousands of times worse for several reasons: (1) 30-to-40 years of 5-15 thousand used nuclear fuel rods were stored on the roofs of the reactors that blew up in cooling ponds, and not only was plutonium and 1,000 other radionucles vaporized and blown into particles and scattered over the mountains and forests and Toyko and 2020 Olympic sites that can never be cleaned because the wind constantly blows radionuclides down from the mountains and forests ...but they were also blown into tiny hot particles into the upper atmosphere and circulate around the Earth, practically forever ... until rain brings the particles down on us, our gardens and farms, and vegetables and farm animals' feed, practically forever. (continued below)

Bottled Kazakhistani Mutants Caused by Manmade Ionizing Radiation ...aborted (or brought to term & delivered?) in a nuclear testing zone in Kazakhistan ??? embryo genetic mutations On sale, now! Hurry in and get yours why they last ...or, just have one of your own. Just ask the Fed, they make them for you. Fed up with the Fed? (...unless Russia did it.) Wrong again, the Fed World Order gave the Russians the technology. (Go to youtube & search Antony Sutton., then watch the videos about Ruskombank.) Don't forget to do your homework or this could be you.

(above) Genetic mutant child conceived in nuclear test ground in former Soviet Union, in room where more kids are bottled.

(above) Genetic mutant child conceived in Fukushima after initial reactor explosions and meltdowns, March 2011.

(2) The meltdown in Japan has never been contained and is impossible to contain ...in fact, there are three ongoing Fukushima meltdowns since March 2011; after the three molten lava nuclear cores melted through the containment vessel deep into the Earth into the water aquifers below, those water aquifers fed and continue to feed plutonium and 1,000 other radionuclides directly into the Pacific Ocean in the same migratory currents oceanic mammals including whales, dolphins, sea turtles, sea lions, seals and fish including tuna, salmon, herring migrate in, as well as eliminating tide pool life in Vancouver British Columbia and down the west coast, and killing millions and billions and perhaps even trillions of other sea life like crabs, lobsters, clams, oysters, sea weed, plankton (producing 80% of the world's oxygen and eliminating the oceanic food chains. 

You're not in Kansas, anymore

Death on the Installment Plan

Buy one, get one free

Kazue Yamagi says her 21-year-old daughter doesn't want to undergo a thyroid exam. "Ever since she left Fukushima, she has avoided watching the news on TV. She doesn't want to get married and says there is no future for victims of radioactivity," Yamagi told DW. (here)

Deaths of Despair in U.S. (et tu? ...Japan)

Buy 150,000, get 150,000 free ... hurry! ...while despair lasts

Economic stagnation due to neoliberal policies causes 150,000 deaths of despair in U.S. –Noam Chomsky. Increase in deaths, what they call “deaths of despair”: suicide, opioid overdoses, and so on. The reason, generally assumed, is economic stagnation since Reagan [Reagan & Bush Administration]. Wealth has become extremely highly concentrated. Right now, according to the latest figures, 0.1 percent of the population holds 20 percent of the country’s wealth; the top 1 percent holds roughly 40 percent. Half the population has negative net worth, meaning debts outweigh assets. Naturally, this leads to anger, resentment, desperation. Similar things are happening in Europe under the austerity programs.  (here)

Your enemies destroy your life force 

(add'l documentation: pdf, here | ms word w/search engine, here) & (add'l diseases living by reactors, here) 

Secrets of supermarket meat & fish (here)  & milk  (here) & (here) & farms & home gardens  (here)

Those with pregnancies living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor: your chances of having malformed sperm, ovum, fetus & child are higher, thanks to nuclear industry owned, promoted & financed by Fed interest rate central bankers.
(Below) Health affects of what nuclear fallout & nuclear waste does to ovum, sperm, or an embryo of a mammal (including humans) — or a child in your womb during pregnancy.  

Nightmare: Chernobyl Survivors whose mothers were exposed to fallout resulted in unhealthy pregnancies and children: (l) tormented mentally ill child; (m) Toddler with internal organs located externally; (r) Child with no lymph glands cannot fight off disease. High-yield nuclear fallout destroys ova, sperm, embryo and fetus but so do low-yield emissions from everyday normal reactors that fall on your food, on pastures, on farmland, in your water add up to create genetic mutations or extinctive damage to your health like immune deficiency response, leading to hundreds of diseases culminating in a variety of organ cancers.

(above) Picture shows children that were conceived in areas affected by the Chernobyl meltdown that was contained. Fukushima is considered perhaps hundreds or thousands of times worse for several reasons: (1) 30-to-40 years of 5-15 thousand used nuclear fuel rods were stored on the roofs of the reactors that blew up in cooling ponds, and not only was plutonium and 1,000 other radionucles vaporized and blown into particles and scattered over the mountains and forests and Toyko and 2020 Olympic sites that can never be cleaned because the wind constantly blows radionuclides down from the mountains and forests ...but they were also blown into tiny hot particles into the upper atmosphere and circulate around the Earth, practically forever ... until rain brings the particles down on us, our gardens and farms, and vegetables and farm animals' feed, practically forever. 

A dose in utero of 100-to-500 msv can hurt your embryo

Nuclear puts your pregnancy at risk ...especially if you live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor 

Science proves that women, girls, infants, young children ...& ovum, embryos, fetus & children in the womb are at greatest risk living within 25 miles of a normally operating nuclear reactor ... or fallout emergency ... for a variety of illnesses, including:

Birth defects

Immune deficiency diseases 

Lung, bone, brain, breast & soft tissue cancers

100 other diseases leading to:

—Poor grades

—Cognitive impairment

—Mental retardation 

—Heart disease


—Cancer  &  (28% rise in west coast thyroid cancer since Fukushima) 

—Leukemia (pdf, here) & (ms word w/pop-ups & search engine, here)

— Add'l info —(pdf, here) & (ms word, here)

...by simply living within 25 miles of a normally operating nuclear reactor routinely discharging airborne & waterborne nuclear fallout & waste in day-to-day operations ...than men, boys, or those living farther away.

    • Journal: 70,000 reports of suspected health damage every year among German nuclear workers exposed to less than 20 millisv

      As few as 10 millisieverts in children — may increase cancer risk

      ...Epidemiological studies, backed by animal experiments, have established beyond doubt that exposure to radiation levels above 100 millisieverts increases the risk of cancer in a predictable, dose-dependent way.

      But, the risk to health at lower exposure levels is harder to pin down. In Germany, for example, the dose limit for occupational exposure is 20 millisieverts per year.

      But even when this limit is respected, there are more than 70,000 reports of suspected health damage among exposed workers each year, more than double the number in 1960.

      Some epidemiological studies suggest that low doses of radiation — as few as 10 millisieverts in children — may increase cancer risk in susceptible individuals, and may be associated with other conditions, such as heart disease and stroke.  —(Chernobyl heart, here)—

Finland's nuclear authority may act to halt construction of the country's new EPR reactor over safety fears

A French study has found a doubling of the incidence of leukemia in children under 5 living near nuclear power plants.

BTW, those white clouds with tritium coming out of the reactor stacks are radioactive radionuclides that will give you immune deficiency diseases leading to cancer & leukemia.

Women & girls living within 25 miles of a normally operating nuclear reactor get more cancer then men or boys, or those living farther away, according to the latest scientific studies & epidemiology. This applies to all female mammals (including people, dogs, cats, squirrels, rabbits, deer, cows, horses, sheep ...and so on.

The nuclear industry has been aware of this since the middle of the last century ...they simply don't care if you get cancer, because if you do, they say you are statistically insignificant. Read my lips. For that, the owners of nuclear industry, that is the financiers to whom the industry is mortgaged &/or pledged as collateral, should be marched to the gallows.

Elevated childhood cancer incidence proximate to u.s. nuclear power factories

(In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury ...(two types of causation in law: cause-in-fact & proximate cause) –Wikipedia

by Joseph J. Mangano, Janette Sherman, Carolyn Chang, Amie Dave, Elyssa Feinberg & Marina Frimer

Abstract — Numerous reports document elevated cancer rates among children living near nuclear facilities in various nations. Little research has examined U.S. rates near the nation's 103 operating reactors. This study determined cancer incidence for children < 10 yr of age who live within 30 mi (48 km) of each of 14 nuclear plants in the eastern United States (49 counties with a population > 16.8 million) exceeds the national average. The excess 12.4% risk suggests that 1 in 9 cancers among children who reside near nuclear reactors is linked to radioactive emissions. If cancer incidence in 5 western states is used as a baseline, the ratio is closer to 1 in 5. Incidence is particularly elevated for leukemia. Childhood cancer mortality exceeds the national average in 7 of the 14 study areas, (more, here).

nuclear reactors are your enemy

Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, about two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin …Now, when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible …Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a certain half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race is going to wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it. I do not believe nuclear power is worth it.

A dmiral Hyman G. Rickover, American naval officer and engineer – the 'father' of America's nuclear Navy.  [On the hazards of nuclear power. Testimony to Congress (28 January 1982); Economics of Defense Policy: Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, 97th Cong., 2nd sess., Pt. 1 (1982) 

 TV: Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after fukushima (here)

While the pacific ocean is dying ...you can have fun dying at tokyo 2020 Olympics! * ...because olympic sites are covered in plutonium, tritium & hundreds of other fun radionuclides (nuclear fallout) practically, forever to f**k you up!

...if you go, just don't eat, drink, touch anything, make love or breathe cause you can permanently mutate female reproductive cells ...ovum, your eggs which divide to form your embryos, fetus, then you give birth to stillborn &/or mutated children – order now! ...get yours today! ...you can be an authority!

...if you're a guy you can mutate your sperm - buy now & win big! ...what are you waiting for?!

*Olympic sites to remain contaminated for hundreds of thousands of years — What Tokyo Olympic athletes & spectators eating & drinking plutonium & tritium can learn from the sailors on the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, who already been there done that.

8:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806a- Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima - I feel officials know the cause is radiation - many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies - High number of stillbirths - Many people report cancer, far from Fukushima (VIDEO)

“I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “high number of stillbirths” — People report cancers far away from Fukushima (video) —(here)— & Earth Network News —(here)—

So, we are not safe

(more, here)

...your pregnancies are totally at risk

"While nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration. And, limiting [the counting of] genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth." – Sister Rosalie Bertell , PhD, GNSH, Pres., International Institute of Concern for Public Health; Editor, International Perspectives in Public Health (Rosalie Bertell, here)

(This applies to all female mammals (including people, dogs, cats, squirrels, whales, dolphins, seals, walrus, manatees, rabbits, deer, cows, horses, sheep ...and so on.) 

We are not safe ...our pregnancies are at risk, too! (more, here)

10:27 AM Oct 22, 2011 -1586- German Study: Children living by nuclear plants - double leukemia rates, high incidence of solid cancers - Reactors cannot prevent radiation escape (VIDEO)

08:44 AM Jan 12, 2012 -2242- Child leukemia doubles near French nuclear plant s

01:48 PM Jan 30, 2012 -2420- 2 3% higher incidence of childhood leukemia within 16 km of nuclear facilities  —  Epidemiologic studies of spatial variation in cancer incidence or mortality have been conducted to investigate unplanned releases& routine operation effects.   cont, here

04:07 PM Oct 8, 2015 -8723- Fukushima: Child cancers up 5,000% - prepare for onset of leukemia, other diseases (VIDEO)

(also, see 'Kids', here)

Got milk? pdf  ms word  

Nuclear industry poisons pastures & milk

Mammals (including people) no longer produce safe milk in mammary glands for their young or people to buy in the store  ...& the 'powers-that-be' don't care about the little people (the deplorable, useless breeders referred to by Hillary Clinton as taught by Henry Kissinger with his human de-population machinations approved by Nixon and implemented by Ford). The next time you hear the nuclear apologists tell you that nuclear is safe and clean, tell them to put it where the sun doesn't shine.


Yes ... nuclear fallout is in your breast milk, too

(above) Got Milk? Fukushima uranium, plutonium, strontium in U.S. air samples, Fukushima Iodine 131, Cesium 134 & 137, Uranium 234 appears and re-appears in store-bought and/or raw milk and water from Spokane & Seattle, WA; S.F. Bay Area, CA & So. CA; Phoenix, AZ; Montpelier, VT; Hilo, HA. Radioactive cesium in spinach, arugula & kale in S.F. Bay Area. In citrus grove fruit in Florida. (Note, one can expect up to 100 different long-lived and short-lived radionuclides traveling with those listed above; normally those listed above are the only ones tested-for.

Well, if it's in mammal's milk because it's in the pastures, and in the vegetables because it's in the air and in the soil, and killing the food chains in the Pacific Ocean, doesn't that mean it's in the whole food chain? Hey, wait a minute, the stuff circles the globe eternally every couple days and gets washed down in the rain, forever. Huh? That's why my dog and cat have cancer??? And, me too? ...because of 'them'? Breast cancer, ovarian-, prostate-, brain-, eye-, skin-, and organ cancer is what 'they' do to us.  We're dead in the water. Time for payback!


Oct 7, 2015 | West Coast spike in animal deformities soon after Fukushima — Hundreds of baby cows – distorted legs, other malformations — Expert: “There’s more out there”… Problem more widespread than reported, here

07:08 PM Jun 24, 2014 -8297- Washington State: Birth defect deaths hit record levels during 2011 - spiked 60% statewide - return to normal in 2012 - document lists Fukushima release along west coast of U.S. possible factor in birth defect cluster

Sep 22, 2015 | PHOTOS: Mutations found in sea life along US West Coast — Deformed spines, brains, hearts, eyes reported by officials — Malformations: extra brain lobes, hunchbacks, parts of face missing, unusual limbs , here

Aug 24, 2015 | “Horrific environmental mystery”: 1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast — Unusual Mortality Event — Scientists alarmed, ‘no idea’ what’s happening  (VIDEOS), here

 Jan 30, 2014 | NPR: West Coast sea stars melt into mush, “just vaporized…  — “Ripping themselves apart… innards spilled out” — “Like the Matrix” — “That many species, that widespread… just scary” — “Makes me wonder, what’s next?” — ‘Possible’ Fukushima fallout is involved (VIDEO), here

Sep 30, 2015 | Interviews near U.S. nuclear sites: “Piles of dead lambs, with 2 heads, or no legs” — “Born without eyes or mouths… legs grotesquely grown together, others had no legs” — “Farmers couldn’t understand why animals were dying; all dogs and cats too” (VIDEOS), here

No, We are Not Safe ...at all - our pregnancies are totally at risk

Nuclear industry kids in Fukushima  Bottled Kazakhistani Mutants Caused by Manmade Ionizing Radiation ...aborted (or brought to term & delivered?) in a nuclear testing zone in Kazakhistan ??? embryo genetic mutations On sale, now! Hurry in and get yours why they last ...or, just have one of your own. Just ask the Fed, they make them for you. Fed up with the Fed? (...unless Russia did it.) Wrong again, the Fed World Order gave the Russians the technology. (Go to youtube & search Antony Sutton., then watch the videos about Ruskombank.) Don't forget to do your homework or this could be you.

(l) Fukushima fallout creates mutated children; (r) Affected pregnancies of women living by nuclear test area in Russia

Kids of Chernobyl suffer a variety of malformations

—(scientists: complete study in pdf format, download pdf now)—

Problem is, Accumulated Low Level Exposure to Normal Everyday Nuclear Reactor Routine Releases Can Produce the Same Affects as Catastrophic Nuclear Events, —(here)—

—(See kids, here ...scroll thru)—

(above) An example of a child born with extra limbs; in this case, the cause of the genetic mutation is not known ...to us.

 TV: Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima   —(here)—

While the Pacific Ocean is Dying ...You Can Have Fun Dying at Tokyo 2020 Olympics! * ...because Olympic sites are covered in plutonium, tritium & hundreds of other fun radionuclides (nuclear fallout) practically, forever to f**k you up!

...just don't eat, drink, touch anything, make love or breathe cause you can permanently mutate female reproductive cells ...ovum, your eggs which divide to form your embryos, fetus, then you give birth to stillborn &/or mutated children – order now! ...get yours today! ...you can be an authority!

...if you're a guy you can mutate your sperm - buy now & win big! ...what are you waiting for?!

*Olympic sites to remain contaminated for hundreds of thousands of years – What Tokyo Olympic athletes & spectators eating & drinking Plutonium & Tritium can learn from the sailors on the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, who already been there done that

“I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — People report cancers far away from Fukushima (video)  —(here)— & Earth Network News —(here)—

errata: Attn 99% ...Wonder why you're broke & can't pay your bills? Based on 2016 IMF Report the fossil fuel industry [owned by the Fed interest rate bankers] extracted $700B (billion) in annual tax payer subsidies. The  deep state nuclear mafia  paid $117 million in campaign contributions & they have 720 lobbyists in Washington, D.C. —(here)—


Expert says 2020 Tokyo Olympics Unsafe

...Due to Fukushima | 60 Minutes 

—(video, here)—

June 2011: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today admits there is no such thing as ‘safe’ levels of radiation - allowable radiation standard based on ‘cost benefit’, not safety. Not just cancer: How low doses of radiation can cause heart disease and stroke.

-3163- Slower you spread radiation dose, more effectively it produces cancer & inherited defects - 04/25/12

-3162- Mother speaks about brain cancers around San Onofre nuclear plant - 04/25/12

Normal nuclear reactors spew fallout same as nuclear bombs every day 

Sustained low levels of everyday reactor emission radionuclide ionizing radiation fallout add up inside you – can be more harmful than a nuclear bomb

Women& girls & living within 25 miles of a reactor get more cancer than men or boys, or those living farther away. Your fetus is 1000 times more sensitive to ionizing radiation in food than an adult. Normal nuclear reactors hurt the health of your pregnancies every single day, like a nuclear bomb in slow motion. High-yield nuclear fallout destroys ova, sperm, embryo and fetus but so do low-yield emissions from everyday, normal reactor operations ... that fall on your food, on pastures, on farmland, in your water add up to create genetic mutations or extinctive damage to your health like immune deficiency response, leading to hundreds of diseases culminating in a variety of organ cancers. (See tritium expose or Entergy does Manhattan.)

UNSCEAR, IAEA, ICRP, BEIR are Your Enemies

These sell-outs pretend they are not killing us with their lies

They ignore the damage from nuclear to the human fetus.
They ignore the damage to our DNA and cells from internal emitters (ingested radionuclides).
They ignore genomic instability (damage to our DNA and genes from nuclear).
They ignore latency (retained radionuclide emitters we have ingested and that remain in our environment).
They ignore every nuclear radiation-induced cancer except thyroid cancer.

No, We are Not Safe ...at all - our pregnancies are totally at risk

Nuclear industry kids in Fukushima  Bottled Kazakhistani Mutants Caused by Manmade Ionizing Radiation ...aborted (or brought to term & delivered?) in a nuclear testing zone in Kazakhistan ??? embryo genetic mutations On sale, now! Hurry in and get yours why they last ...or, just have one of your own. Just ask the Fed, they make them for you. Fed up with the Fed? (...unless Russia did it.) Wrong again, the Fed World Order gave the Russians the technology. (Go to youtube & search Antony Sutton., then watch the videos about Ruskombank.) Don't forget to do your homework or this could be you.

(l) Fukushima fallout creates mutated children; (r) Affected pregnancies of women living by nuclear test area in Russia

Kids of Chernobyl suffer a variety of malformations

—(scientists: complete study in pdf format, download pdf now)—

Problem is, Accumulated Low Level Exposure to Normal Everyday Nuclear Reactor Routine Releases Can Produce the Same Affects as Catastrophic Nuclear Events, —(here)—

—(See kids, here ...scroll thru)—

(above) An example of a child born with extra limbs; in this case, the cause of the genetic mutation is not known ...to us.

 TV: Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima   —(here)—

While the Pacific Ocean is Dying ...You Can Have Fun Dying at Tokyo 2020 Olympics! * ...because Olympic sites are covered in plutonium, tritium & hundreds of other fun radionuclides (nuclear fallout) practically, forever to f**k you up!

...just don't eat, drink, touch anything, make love or breathe cause you can permanently mutate female reproductive cells ...ovum, your eggs which divide to form your embryos, fetus, then you give birth to stillborn &/or mutated children – order now! ...get yours today! ...you can be an authority!

...if you're a guy you can mutate your sperm - buy now & win big! ...what are you waiting for?!

*Olympic sites to remain contaminated for hundreds of thousands of years – What Tokyo Olympic athletes & spectators eating & drinking Plutonium & Tritium can learn from the sailors on the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, who already been there done that

“I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — People report cancers far away from Fukushima (video)  —(here)— & Earth Network News —(here)—

errata: Attn 99% ...Wonder why you're broke & can't pay your bills? Based on 2016 IMF Report the fossil fuel industry [owned by the Fed interest rate bankers] extracted $700B (billion) in annual tax payer subsidies. The  deep state nuclear mafia  paid $117 million in campaign contributions & they have 720 lobbyists in Washington, D.C. —(here)—


Expert says 2020 Tokyo Olympics Unsafe

...Due to Fukushima | 60 Minutes 

—(video, here)—

June 2011: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today admits there is no such thing as ‘safe’ levels of radiation - allowable radiation standard based on ‘cost benefit’, not safety. Not just cancer: How low doses of radiation can cause heart disease and stroke.

-3163- Slower you spread radiation dose, more effectively it produces cancer & inherited defects - 04/25/12

-3162- Mother speaks about brain cancers around San Onofre nuclear plant - 04/25/12

Normal nuclear reactors spew fallout same as nuclear bombs every day 

Sustained low levels of everyday reactor emission radionuclide ionizing radiation fallout add up inside you – can be more harmful than a nuclear bomb

Women& girls & living within 25 miles of a reactor get more cancer than men or boys, or those living farther away. Your fetus is 1000 times more sensitive to ionizing radiation in food than an adult. Normal nuclear reactors hurt the health of your pregnancies every single day, like a nuclear bomb in slow motion. High-yield nuclear fallout destroys ova, sperm, embryo and fetus but so do low-yield emissions from everyday, normal reactor operations ... that fall on your food, on pastures, on farmland, in your water add up to create genetic mutations or extinctive damage to your health like immune deficiency response, leading to hundreds of diseases culminating in a variety of organ cancers. (See tritium expose or Entergy does Manhattan.)

UNSCEAR, IAEA, ICRP, BEIR are Your Enemies

These sell-outs pretend they are not killing us with their lies

They ignore the damage from nuclear to the human fetus.
They ignore the damage to our DNA and cells from internal emitters (ingested radionuclides).
They ignore genomic instability (damage to our DNA and genes from nuclear).
They ignore latency (retained radionuclide emitters we have ingested and that remain in our environment).
They ignore every nuclear radiation-induced cancer except thyroid cancer.

DO NOT Forgive them, for they know not EXACTLY what they do 

Federal Reserve directors whose corporations and military tactics kill your family should be marched to the gallows.

Healthy pregnancies are destroyed by normally operating nuclear reactors. The steam from the stacks is radioactive steam, filled with tritium and other radionuclides. Here we see the results of pregnant women from nuclear test fallout in Kazakhstan. They may not have even been pregnant at the time, because their ova were internally dosed as well as any fetus, or perhaps the sperm of the men was contaminated with nuclear fallout radionuclides.

Evidentiary Reading & Exhibits | Nuclear Industry is a Crime Against the Unborn of All Mammals (including people)

TV: Surge in babies being born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima — “I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many are getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima  (Story, here)—

LaborNet TV (subtitles by Emiko Suehiro), Feb 24, 2016

–Setsuko Kida, evacuee from Tomiokamachi: My daughter [got] pregnant in the fall of 2013, but she was diagnosed with tethered miscarriage… the womb grew… but her unborn baby didn’t grow at all. ... ... ... 

A year later I got to hear first hand cases of babies with a structural birth defect or polymelia ["Birth defect… in which the affected individual has more than the usual number of limbs"], twice as many  ...more than 10 girls had similar experience as my daughter’s.

Actually one woman was recommended to get an abortion at 6 months pregnancy last summer, and her unborn baby lacking one arm, one leg, with only three fingers ...on its foot. (Continued, here)

June 2011: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today admits there is no such thing as ‘safe’ levels of radiation - allowable radiation standard based on ‘cost benefit’, not safety. Not just cancer: How low doses of radiation can cause heart disease and stroke.

-3163- Slower you spread radiation dose, more effectively it produces cancer & inherited defects - 04/25/12

-3162- Mother speaks about brain cancers around San Onofre nuclear plant - 04/25/12

Normal nuclear reactors spew fallout same as nuclear bombs every day 

Sustained low levels of everyday reactor emission radionuclide ionizing radiation fallout add up inside you – can be more harmful than a nuclear bomb

Nuclear industry is a crime against the unborn of all living things that reproduce themselves after their own kinds ...in the sea & on the land

Look What Nuclear Industry Does to our Eyes & Bodies

This child's eyes were formed under the eye sockets! Look What Nuclear Industry Does to our Eyes& Bodies: Nuclear industry slowly murders us with everyday low level reactor emissions that add up and can be more deadly than high-level catastrophic disasters as seen in these pictures of child victims of Chernobyl.

Nuclear Industry Mutates our Eyes & Destroys our Hearts & Organs —(Story, here)—

...ask parents of these kids what to do with pro-nukers

A Maternal Culture of Harmony is the Remedy for the Paternal Culture of Power

~ Mitsuhei Murata, Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland 


Suffering caused women by the nuclear industry is awful.

Feature Story

Suffering Caused Women Now by Nuclear Industry ...(Owned & directed by Fed Interest Rate Bankers (also known as, the military industrial complex)

 Women suffer miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, deformed, handicapped & retarded kids, immune deficiencies, breast-, uterine- & thyroid cancers from 'normal' nuclear reactor emissions into air & water – here's the evidence & authority you need to win-over a friend or jury —(here)—

Healthy pregnancies are destroyed by normally operating nuclear reactors. The steam from the stacks is radioactive steam, filled with tritium and other radionuclides. Here we see the results of pregnant women from nuclear test fallout in Kazakhstan. They may not have even been pregnant at the time, because their ova were internally dosed as well as any fetus, or perhaps the sperm of the men was contaminated with nuclear fallout radionuclides.

Evidentiary Reading & Exhibits | Nuclear Industry is a Crime Against the Unborn of All Mammals (including people)

TV: Surge in babies being born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima — “I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many are getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima  (Story, here)—

LaborNet TV (subtitles by Emiko Suehiro), Feb 24, 2016

–Setsuko Kida, evacuee from Tomiokamachi: My daughter [got] pregnant in the fall of 2013, but she was diagnosed with tethered miscarriage… the womb grew… but her unborn baby didn’t grow at all. ... ... ... 

A year later I got to hear first hand cases of babies with a structural birth defect or polymelia ["Birth defect… in which the affected individual has more than the usual number of limbs"], twice as many  ...more than 10 girls had similar experience as my daughter’s.

Actually one woman was recommended to get an abortion at 6 months pregnancy last summer, and her unborn baby lacking one arm, one leg, with only three fingers ...on its foot. (Continued, here)

Enemies: Vogtle Nuclear Reactor Complex Expansion is More Carcinogenic to Female Mammals (including women), Pregnant Mammals & Girls than to Adult Male Mammals (including men) & Boys

...because of daily discharges of Tritium & other radionuclides that cause cancer, leukemia & a hundred other low immunity response-caused diseases

How Close Are You To Tritium & Cancer & Leukemia & Miscarriage?

 Your family &/or workplace is now an endangered species


To avoid cancer from the reactors, read the e-books, (here)

Note: research reactors including those at colleges & universites are not shown

How Fukushima Nuclear Fallout Contaminated Canadians, Sea Food & British Columbia (Section on Tritium, included in  above vid)

Fairewinds excellent presentation: Tritium Expose,  —(here)—

also see States:  also see Teachers:

Beyond Nuclear: on Tritium

  1. Nuclear power & children —(here)—
  2. Tritium: a universal health threat from every nuclear reactor —(here)—
  3. Routine releases: Tritium & noble gases —(here)—
  4. Risks to women & children from nuclear reactors —(here)—
  5. Palm card —(here)—
  6. Fact sheets —(here)—

Last sickening nuclear power plant under construction in U.S. —(here)— 

Debunking Nuclear Industry False Promises, Propaganda, Misinformation & Disinformation Designed to Kill You —(cowards,  liars, murderers & apologists, here)—

Evidence for Low-Level Radiation Effects on the Human Embryo & Fetus, in Radiation Biology of the Fetal & Juvenile Mammal

Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hanford Biology Symposium

May 5-8, 1969, pp. 681-692, AEC Symposium Vol. 16, Ed. by Sikov & Mahlum, Division of Technical Information U.S.AEC, 1969 (CONF-690501)

here - coming soon!  

(also see: No, We Are Not Safe, —(here)—

Chernobyl: the consequences of the catastrophe
(click pic for Radionuclides mutate viruses & bacterial to form new & mysterious diseases)

Shut Down the Reed College Nuclear Research Reactor 

(They don't even have a science department ...& it's a deadly toy)

Nuclear fallout doesn't go away ...it adds up from every test, accident, depleted uranium used in war & nuclear reactor fallout released from every reactor, every day in normal operations ...such as Tritium ...like from Reed College in Woodstock Portlandia (even without its historically leaking fuel rods poisoning the students & local community & bars with immune deficiency diseases, heart diseases, cancer & birth defects ...ask them for a copy of the Reed College campus & community nuclear emergency evacuation plan required by law & by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.)

Secret Fallout

Low-Level Radiation From Hiroshima to three Mile Island

Ernest J. Sternglass

Nuclear Fallout, Low Birthweight & Immune Deficiency

Jay M. Gould, Ernest J. Sternglass


Tritium Toxicity - Effects of Prenatal Irradiation

Arland L. Carsten, Medical Dept., Brookhaven National Laboratory

Abstract: Use of nuclear reactors for power generation introduces tritium into the environment. 


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Alledgedly Favors Corporate Profits Over Human, Animal & Environmental Safety

Davis-Bessie in Ohio

Joseph R. Demare, Ohio Green Party

Abstract: Davis-Bessie Nuclear Facility is an example that although the central purpose of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is "to protect health and safety and minimize danger to life and property", it allegedly and repeatedly puts corporate profits over human safety.

cell phone pdf     Davis-Bessie closing

Contribution of Maternal Radionuclides Burdens to Prenatal Radiation Doses

Fetal & Placental Information

M.R. Sikov, T.E. Hui, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory / Battelle Memorial Institute
Abstract: International concern about the irradiation of embryos and fetuses has led to ongoing efforts to develop recommendations and draft regulations to limit the exposure of the embryo/fetus to radioactive materials ...a convenient approach is to use measured or extrapolated ratios of concentrations (doses) in the embryo/fetus to those in the pregnant animal or woman.

An 86-year-old nun

An 86-year-old nun who with two friends broke into a high security nuclear facility cut through three fences to picnic for a couple hours as a protest. At her sentencing to jail the judge said to her, “You can’t break into a nuclear facility just because you think you’re going to save the world.” [1]

Occupy Wall Street

-1629- Occupy Wall Street began over nuclear power & bankers (VIDEOS) Film ‘Early Warnings’ details sit-in on Wall Street on 50th Anniversary of 1929 Stock Market Crash. Protestors were demanding an end to financial support for the nuclear industry and part of larger occupations at Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Plan to “Occupy Wall Street”, protest financial system put into action over 40 years ago, seen in this clip ‘1979 Wall St. Occupation’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODCvbn_hUDI

01:19 AM Oct 28, 2011 | 102 -1709- Occupy Movement in Japan - Women camp in front of Tokyo gov’t building to end nuclear energy industry

11:28 PM Nov 4, 2011 -3904- Reuters: Tokyo anti-nuclear-power protest breaks through barriers and spills onto streets as tens of thousands gather - police forced to deploy armored buses to buttress Parliament’s gates (VIDEOS)

12:36 PM Jul 29, 2012 -3905- NHK: 200,000 in anti-nuclear-power rally gather in Tokyo say organizers (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

02:30 PM Jul 29, 2012 | 26

 “Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, about two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin …

“Now when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible …

“Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a certain half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race is going to wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it.

“I do not believe nuclear power is worth it ...”

-- Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, American naval officer and engineer, a driving force behind the development of naval nuclear weapons.[2]

The nuclear energy industry runs on blood, denial and fake news: it’s costing us, Paradise.


07:24 AM May 22, 2017 -8880- Emergency at U.S. Nuclear Site: Unusually high radiation levels reported - Worker: Everybody’s freaked, shocked, surprised - Governor: Alarming incident - TV: Major event (VIDEOS)


6:56 AM May 18, 2017  -8879- ALERT: Officials warn: more collapses - High spikes in radiation levels recorded - Plutonium could go airborne - Major concern over radioactive releases - Gov’t delays revealing data to public (VIDEOS)


6:36 PM May 9, 2017 -8878- Emergency at U.S. nuclear site after collapse - TV: Fears of radioactive contamination - Expert: Could lead to considerable radiological release - Multiple states activate Emergency Operations Center - (VIDEOS)


-8806.6- 10:04 AM Mar 23, 2016 Cemetery of dead babies missing brains next to U.S. nuclear site - Funeral Director: Almost all infants we have died the same way… that’s pretty much all I see on death certificates - Few miles from most contaminated place in hemisphere - One of largest documented anencephaly clusters in U.S. (VIDEO)

Hanford: Babies born, no brain

12:58 AM Apr 24, 2014 -8191- New data shows spike in babies born missing parts of brain around leaking U.S. nuclear site - we’re concerned it remains high, we hoped it would go away - NBC: Locals say Hanford to blame - CDC Expert: Cases not focused near Hanford (VIDEO)

06:41 PM Jan 19, 2012 -2317- 20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima, not 14,000? … looks at age groups, cities- VIDEO

06:44 PM Dec 24, 2013 -6846- U.S. was hit by Fukushima cloud that dispersed little over Pacific - Gundersen: Authorities knew about hot particles and didn’t warn public; could have worn air masks, instead it’s stuck in their lungs; helicopters did secret survey along coast (PHOTO & AUDIO)

Kids dying right and left

[1] 07:16 AM Apr 21, 2014 -8184- Fukushima radiation killing children - heart problems, leukemia, thyroid- terrible things are going on - authorities hiding truth from world - we need to admit many people are dying, but not allowed to (VIDEO) There are some terrible things going on in Fukushima. The biggest problem is that there is no one to help us. I talked to local authorities in different places in Fukushima, but no one would listen to me. They believe what government says - radiation is there – it’s killing children … dying of heart conditions, asthma, leukemia, thyroid complications. Lots of kids are extremely exhausted after school, others are simply unable to attend PE classes. But the authorities are still hiding the truth from us, and I don’t know why. Don’t they have children of their own? It hurts so much to know they can’t protect our children.

09:50 PM Apr 5, 2016 -8799- Nuclear Expert: I’ve learned there’s a huge spike in death rates in Fukushima for young children… Officials covering up data - Gov’t committing inhuman acts on their own people - Doctors who treat patients suffering from radiation illness are being put out of business (AUDIO)

03:31 AM Apr 23, 2014 -8190- When I was mayor, I knew many people who died from heart attacks - many people in Fukushima died suddenly, even young people- TEPCO employees dying, no one talks- (VIDEO)

04:47 PM Apr 21, 2014 -8187- Former Mayor in Fukushima: Officials lied to everyone and hid the truth - it’s a violation of human rights to expose people to radiation like this, it’s terrible - Evacuees are forced to return, I’m ashamed for my country (VIDEO)

11:07 AM Jan 16, 2014 -6928- Former Prime Minister of Japan: We’ve been lied to, nuclear experts lying to us… They’ve been telling a pack of lies - Governor: TEPCO needs to reveal who gave orders to lie about Fukushima meltdowns (VIDEO)

08:45 PM Nov 20, 2014  -8504- Twice as much Fukushima radiation near California coast than originally reported; Highest levels found anywhere in Eastern Pacific - Scientist: Very little we can do… it’s unprecedented… God forbid anything else happens - Gundersen: Multiple plumes now along west coast… Will be coming for century or more (AUDIO)

12:45 PM Nov 16, 2014 -8498- U.S. Nuclear Professor: Fukushima a really major event here, Washington had radioactive aerosols 100,000 times normal; Far more bigger accident than we’re hearing - Model shows West Coast completely blacked out due to particles covering area - Gundersen: Lung cancers to start increasing in Pacific Northwest (AUDIO)

03:31 PM Jan 17, 2014 -6934- Many young people in Fukushima in high school die suddenly - Officials ignore all problems - Former Mayor: People always told any disease they have not from radiation (VIDEO)

12:53 PM Oct 2, 2013 -6475- NY Times: Human crisis unfolding in Fukushima - Many now realizing we’re being lied to, they can’t fix things - Lies… They can’t handle it… Many here have given up (VIDEO)

We know our patients have radiation illness, but forced to keep it secret

11:29 AM Oct 1, 2013 -6471- Thousands in Japan reported to be suffering massive and recurring nosebleeds in recent days - Gundersen: Japan doctors tell us, We know our patients have radiation illness but forced to keep it secret-(VIDEO)

03:43 AM Oct 1, 2013 -6468- 70% of children tested in Kanto (a region includes Tokyo) have radioactive cesium in urine


Slow motion nuclear war

07:33 PM Sep 30, 2013 -6467- Kaku: Gov’t will have to send military to Fukushima plant - Japan Professors: It’s a slow-motion nuclear war; militaries only ones able to cope with disaster (AUDIO)

08:14 AM Apr 18, 2016  -8806- Human babies - Fukushima: extra arms & legs (polymelia), extra fingers (polydactyl); Washington State (Hanford): no brains, protruding spines; Chernobyl: brains outside head; many arms & legs, misshapen bodies; cyclops with no face, mouth or limbs; also see; Missouri: cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors; Fallujah, Iraq: deformed, no heads, two heads, cyclops, scales, missing limbs;-[1] Kazakhstan - 29 fetuses found at uranium site; India - born with partially formed skulls, blood disorders, missing eyes or toes, fused fingers and brittle limbs - children with mutations, - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, ‘toad skin’, eyelids turned inside out; school built using radioactive waste part of community outreach project (VIDEO); Utah - (historical) piles of dead lambs - 2 heads, no legs - no eyes or mouths - legs grown together

-8806.2- Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima - I feel officials know the cause is radiation - many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies - High number of stillbirths - Many people report cancer, far from Fukushima (VIDEO)

-8806.3- babies born w/no brain, and protruding spines by Hanford-also see babies w/extra fingers born in Japan; Chernobyl Legacy by Paul Fusco

-8806.4- Radiation effects on fetuses: Nuclear radiation deforms genes - twins attached by organs growing outside body, 1-eyed cyclops, babies with giant heads - respond to people (GRAPHIC PHOTOS & VIDEO)

-8806.5- Kazakhstan: Jars of stillborn, aborted and abandoned babies. body parts at nuclear waste site- www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/29-fetuses-found-at-uranium-site/451706.html 


-8806.7- Children with mutations on almost every street - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, toad skin, eyelids turned inside out - school built using radioactive waste part of community outreach project (VIDEO)

-8805- Dead, conjoined baby gray whales found on West Coast of N. America - 2 heads - 2 tails, joined in middle (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

12:38 PM May 5, 2016  -8812- 60,000,000 killed by nuclear fallout - 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases - doesn’t include millions more dead babies and fetuses - war crime far greater than any in recorded human history (VIDEO)

10:38 AM Dec 27, 2013 -6853- Fukushima nuclear disaster victims to include up to 600,000 deaths, 100,000 still-births, 100,000 children with genetic deformations

More dead babies in Japan

09:59 AM Aug 28, 2015 -8703- Radiation Expert: Horrific health toll from Fukushima - Impossible not to be moved by scale of deaths and suffering - Thousands to die of cancer just tip of the iceberg - Number of dead babies significantly increased in many areas of Japan - Government actions unconscionable (AUDIO)

11:44 AM May 16, 2016 -8816- Largest amount of Fukushima radiation fell on U.S. West Coast & Pacific - no complaints from U.S. - more radiation on way - need to know impact of contamination on us

You are not the only one to think the same things happen to animals[3]

Deformed children, animals in Fallujah from depleted uranium bombardment

Young women in Fallujah in Iraq are terrified of having children because of the increasing number of babies born grotesquely deformed, with no heads, two heads, a single eye in their foreheads, scaly bodies or missing limbs.

Young children in Fallujah are now experiencing hideous cancers and leukemia. These deformities are well documented, for example in television documentaries on SKY UK on September 1, 2009, and on SKY UK June 2008.

Our direct contact with doctors in Fallujah report: in September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 new born babies, 24% of whom were dead within the first seven days, 75% of the dead babies were classified as deformed.

This can be compared with data from the month of August in 2002 where there were 530 newborn babies, of whom six were dead within the first seven days and only one birth defect was reported. A significant number of babies that do survive develop severe disabilities at a later stage.

One grave digger of a single cemetery is burying four to five babies a day, most of which he says, are deformed.

And, not to mention the massive suffering of mammals (including human), animals, plants, flowers, insects, and other life forms. The book will show you the problem … awareness is the first step towards saving the animals. We all better hustle to save the animals, because, we’re animals, too.

[Editor’s aside: Nuclear power fake news a feminist issue?]

08:57 AM Jan 14, 2012 -2264- [Propaganda] Women can’t control themselves - Leads to stress, teeth & hair loss

09:39 PM Jan 7, 2012 -2207- Radiation causes hair loss, bleeding, nausea, body can’t repair

10:50 AM Mar 24, 2013 -5642- Females age 18 and over wanted for work at destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant - A job even women can do… it will last a very long time

10:04 AM Dec 30, 2011 -2135- Fukushima mother weeps to reporter: I wish my daughters were never born - I apologize to them for giving birth

09:49 AM Jan 16, 2012 -2277- Mom escapes radiation by moving into radioactive apartment: I have no words - I just feel so awful for my kids - I’ve failed as a parent

11:43 AM Mar 22, 2014 -8115—8428.3 Terrifying cancer data for Fukushima - Statistics astounding especially for young girls - Growing concern around cancer risk (VIDEO)

07:23 AM Aug 24, 2012 -4099- Teacher: I’m lying to students - Fukushima City should be evacuated

05:54 PM Jan 11, 2012 -2237- Interview: Fukushima woman losing hair, nails, teeth (PHOTO, VIDEO)

04:18 PM Sep 27, 2013 -6454- Fukushima Mother Pleas to U.N.: Children and adults suffer tremendously - sharp increase in bloody urine, bone pain - many have similar symptoms with unknown causes

12:37 PM Jun 27, 2013 -5993- U.N. downplays health effects of Fukushima - People experienced acute radiation illness - bleeding noses, hair loss, nausea, diarrhea

09:10 AM Apr 12, 2013 -5738- U.S. Experiments: Hundreds of pregnant women fed nuclear material - infants & children radioactive lemonade

11:28 PM Nov 4, 2011  -1709- Occupy Movement in Japan - Women camp in front of Tokyo gov’t building to end nuclear energy industry

Excerpts: Yasumi Iwakami interviews Shinzo Kimura -- radiation specialist, Dokkyo University; researcher, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Ministry of Health and Labor).

[Excerpts] Translated by EX-SKF:

Iwakami: What is Ms. Numauchi suffering from … radiation, stress, or something else?

Kimura: Most likely, autoimmune disease from stress.

Teeth fall out, nails peel off, hair falls off, must be an inflammatory reaction due to an autoimmune disease.

Red spots on skin is from autoimmune disease.

We don’t know how stress affects health. You, Mr. Iwakami, and I are resistant to high stress. We cannot tell, being stress-resistant. I hear rabbits die of loneliness when abandoned by owners. The same can happen to humans, can’t it?

Stress plays a big role. Women are more sensitive to stress. For good or bad, they are more sensitive. It’s a female characteristic because of sensitivity, they cannot control themselves. Considering that, it is appropriate to identify stress as the cause of her problems.

EX-SKF Analysis: Kimura is a hero to Japanese wanting to know how bad nuclear accident contamination is, when featured in the NHK documentary series, ‘Mapping radiation’.

What he said to Yasumi Iwakami of Ms. Numauchi’s condition, and how he said it, make me cautious … he may not be all that.

He insists they are symptoms of autoimmune disease from stress from the nuclear power plant accident, and she’s more sensitive to stress because she is a woman. But, he says there is no known mechanism how stress causes an autoimmune disease, or any disease.

Ms. Numauchi has a deep, low voice, and jovial and cheerful demeanor.

Looking and listening to her, the last thing you think is she is a stressed-out, super-sensitive woman. She looks like the man of the house.

Instead of insisting she suffers from stress-induced autoimmune disease, Mr. Kimura should have done what he became famous for: take samples of soil and vegetation in and by her house, measure the radiation, and check her with special equipment featured in the NHK documentary …that measure internal radiation easily.

But, he didn’t. And, Iwakami didn’t ask him to do so.

Ms. Numauchi is not saying her problems are from radiation exposure. She wants to know why they’ve been happening to her, her friend, and her husband. With a nationally known radiation specialist and a popular independent journalist telling her it’s just stress because she is a woman, she must be disappointed.

I guess her husband, who suffers numb feet and severe fatigue, must also be suffering from feminine stress.

Interview with Fukushima woman losing hair,

nails, teeth

5:54 PM Jan 11, 2012 -2237- Interview with Fukushima woman losing hair, nails, teeth (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Minamisoma blogger on Ustream, Fukushima Diary, Jan. 10, 2012:

Translated Transcript Excerpts

Iwakami Yasumi: Symptoms?

Numauchi Emiko:


From June to August, had diarrhea like water

Fingers (except for the thumb and pointing finger) got numb
More and more areas started feeling numb
It hurt too
arms and neck didn’t have numb
one month and half have passed since the beginning, numb feeling disappeared

From 8/18, my jaw started having terrible pain
In October, felt like something was stuck between the teeth, and 3 teeth fell out

After all, 4 teeth fell out
had remaining teeth pulled off too because they hurt too much
lost 8 teeth in total
More Symptoms

My hands got bladder [?] on 10/20 (not itchy or painful, grew every 10 minutes, yellow water is inside) my legs got bladder too

Next symptom was fatigue
Couldn’t move for 3 days
11/9, extreme fatigue - Couldn’t even open my eyes
Felt too tired to sit on chair
Met old friend (42) She and her husband both were suffering from fatigue
High Fever and Blood Pressure

10/26, got fever - Average temperature was about 35? but it went up to 37?
Blood pressure increased too (140,93)
Hair Loss

Start losing hair from November - Niece told me I was balding.
Kept losing hair in December too
Had my hair cut to be 3cm but still kept losing
Met old friend (42) - She had hair until October but had to wear a wig in December
Nails Lost

Nails dropped off, too

Husband had nosebleed
He has hardly had nosebleed
Full transcript here For more information visit: iwj.co.jp

08:51 AM Dec 8, 2012 -4929- Fukushima door-to-door survey reveals clusters of residents with nose bleeds, diarrhea - bizarre rashes, fevers

01:03 PM Jan 11, 2012 -2235- Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary laughs when told about children’s radiation concerns (VIDEO)

03:26 AM Aug 6, 2012 -3950- Radioactive cesium reported in Kellogg’s cereal from Japan - Almost 20 becquerels per kilogram (PHOTO) Cs-134 @ 8.95 Becquerels/kilogram (Bq/kg) Cs-137 @ 10.76 Bq/kg Total Cesium @ 19.71 Bq/kg

01:17 PM Nov 3, 2014 -8485- Food products heavily contaminated by Fukushima found in U.S.; Over 30,000 pCi/kg of cesium, also had Cobalt-60 and Antimony-124 - FDA: We found no Fukushima contamination in U.S. food supply during routine monitoring

07:04 AM Jan 13, 2012 -2250- Bed, Bath & Beyond pulls radioactive tissue boxes from stores - Cobalt-60 detected

02:38 PM Jan 13, 2012 -2258- If there are radioactive tissue boxes at Bed, Bath & Beyond what else is taking place? - Cobalt-60 item available for purchase online (VIDEO)

[1] 09:37 AM Feb 19, 2014 | 227  -8010- Judge sentences 84-year-old anti-nuclear nun to 35 months - sneaks into Tennessee Y-12 National Security Complex storing uranium for nuclear bombs. Nun testifies, I can’t believe they shut down the whole place … cut through a chain-link fence surrounding complex then three more fences to breach most tightly secured uranium processing and storage facility in U.S. May 16, three Christian pacifists-Gregory Boertje-Obed, a sixty-year-old housepainter; Michael Walli, a Vietnam veteran in early sixties; and Sister Megan Rice, eighty-five-year-old nun of Society of the Holy Child Jesus - unexpectedly released from federal prison.


[2] [On the hazards of nuclear power. Testimony to Congress (28 January 1982); published in Economics of Defense Policy: Hearing before Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, 97th Cong., 2nd sess., Pt. 1 (1982)
[3] http://www.thewe.cc/weplanet/news/depleted_uranium_iraq_afghanistan_balkans.html 

Join Us On a Roller Coaster Ride to Save the Life Force

Women are now an endangered species

Your Life Force is suffering as never before ...can you feel it? Are you tired, grouchy, get sick easy? When radiation mutates DNA, it doesn't care if it is plant, animal or human DNA. It destroys your Life Force and the Divine Order of every living creature or plant (designed) to faithfully reproduce itself after its own kind. Radiation creates immune deficiency- and several hundred other diseases along the way to giving you non-terminal or terminal cancer and destroying you. You, your children, pets, gardens and children-to-be, need to be safe and sound. You can stay in denial and ignorance and cause millions of others and billions of animals and life forms to suffer and live with your guilt and cowardice, or simply sell out like all pro-nukers do. Or, you can realize your estrogenic Angelic calling and Divine nature and respect Life and protect Life. This website and the free companion e-book set was assembled with the most current scientific authority and immediacy for you to fulfill your Angelic calling of nurturing Mother Earth and yourself, as a seed to plant within to help you become self-realized, and fulfilled as a Divine and Eternal sovereign spiritual entity fostering love wielding the unwaivering and bloody sword of justice, serving your Creator and the Kindom of God because spiritual Eternity is not a place we are going to after we 'die', where the anti-Kindom does not exist, we live in Spiritual Eternity, now ... in Eternal life or Eternal death ... your choice. Your Time is up.

Activists United for Mother Earth to have Environmental Personhood to let Her sue Corporations that Hurt Her

Redwood Trees

-----------        HEALTH CARE FOR OUR PLANET       ---------- 

 —  Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean    — 

Nichols on Nuclear

 Next time you hear nuclear apologists say nuclear is safe & clean, just say, "put it where the sun doesn't shine"