
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


new on 2/2/20 1 a.m. – to view, clean cookies & history &/or refresh w/ control F5


 2020 olympics – eat, drink, sleep in fallout ...& have mutated kids 

fed/city of london whose brainwashing tactics teach nuclear is safe & clean ...are sociopaths


(above) Should Olympics be in Chernobyl Nuclear Wasteland, Hanford fallout, Santa Susanna Meltdown or Fukushima fallout?

Injustice At Sea: The Irradiated Sailors of the USS Reagan, (here)

by Linda Pentz Gunter — Linda's ongoing published articles, (here)

What Tokyo Olympic Athletes & Spectators Eating & Drinking Plutonium & Tritium can Expect to Happen to them in Toyko: Learn from our Sailors' Fate onboard U.S.S. Ronald Reagan intentionally stationed in Harm's Way in Fukushima fallout — who Been There Done That — (91 database entries, here)

Read the 91 database entries, then you gotta ask yourself, "Who Were The Nuclear Goons & Lackeys in the Pentagon that Ordered our Patriotic Navy Sailors serving on the USS Ronald Reagan nuclear aircraft carrier outfitted with state-of-the-art nuclear fallout detection instruments ...to be sacrificed so Congress and the war criminals in our presidential adminstrations could continue taking campaign donations & bribes from nuclear lobbyists & continue insider trading making a killing on military-industrial stocks & learn some limitations on waging their rapidly approaching mutually destructive nuclear- & biowar against Russia & China (& the U.S.), Mother Nature & Earth, herself."


Nuclear Power & the Mob –
Extortion & Social Capital in Japan 

J. Mark Ramseyer — Discussion Paper No. 817 — 03/2015
Harvard Law School — Cambridge, MA 02138

—(here & pdf, download, here)—

Abstract: Nuclear reactors entail massive non-transferrable site-specific investments. The resulting appropriable quasi-rents offer the mob the ideal target. In exchange for large fees, it can either promise to "protect" the utility (and silence the reactor's local opponents) or "extort" from it (and desist from inciting local opponents). Using municipality-level (1742 cities, towns, villages) and prefecture-level (47) Japanese panel data covering the years from 1980 to 2010, I find exactly this phenomenon: when a utility announces plans to build a reactor, the level of extortion climbs.

Reactors have broad-ranging effects on social capital as well. In general, the perceived health costs to nuclear power are highest for young families. As a result, if a utility announces plans for a new reactor, these families disappear. Yet these are the men and women who invest most heavily in the social capital that keeps communities intact. When they disappear, reliance on government subsidies increases, and divorce rates rise. Firms stay away, and unemployment climbs.

 ...much has been made of stray dogs killed in Sochi, Russia, but there was also a massacre in Tokyo on a much greater scale. During World War II, the Japanese government had mercilessly slaughtered dogs, cats and zoo animals in the name of food scarcity and disease prevention. Another sweep of strays was undertaken before the Tokyo Games, this time primarily for cosmetic reasons. In the 1940s the unfortunate creatures had been rounded up, stuffed in canvas bags and beaten to death with clubs. By 1964, however, a technologically more advanced method had been developed, using a contraption that suffocated animals with carbon dioxide. It resulted in the deaths of an estimated 200,000 cats and dogs in the year before the start of the Olympics.

 – Robert Whiting ...brilliant 5-part investigative journalism covering the 1964 Olympics in Japan —(here) & (here)

It took Japan over 30 years to pay back the money it borrowed from the World Bank to build roads for the 1964 Olympics  —(here)—

Fed Interest Rate Bankers Own & Direct Nuclear & Use(d) Nuclear to Kill or Give Cancer (including breast & prostate soft tissue cancers & immune deficiency diseases you got) to 1–to–4 Billion People & Perhaps 10-100 Billion Animals ...in only 70 years (here) 

...central & international bankers are deep state traitors & make unending war against us & the Kingdom ...arrest them & march them to the gallows!

"Kill A Banker, Win A Prize" —(here)—

12:55 AM Jun 22, 2016 -8822-  Associated Press: Toyko Electric Power Company (Tepco) President – we lied about Fukushima meltdowns – remains unprecedented nuclear disaster – bad as it gets – a cover up  (VIDEO)

The deep state nuclear mafia, also called the Federal Reserve/City of London owns the media as uses it for propaganda to increase private profits at the cost of public health.

04:29 PM Apr 21, 2011 -0362- Fairewinds: U.S. news outlets say there’s no threat to health from Fukushima – opposite of what all studies prove about radiation and cancer (VIDEO)

02:43 PM Mar 24, 2014 [facsimile: FEBRUARY 23, 2017] -8121- Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific for the rest of Time – nuclear industry covers it up because they know if truth comes out it will be the end of nuclear power (AUDIO)

Continued, here


 photo: Lorenzo Moscia/archivolatino/Redux

Truth: nationalizing TEPCO gets them off the hook & throws reparation & nuclear waste clean-up costs onto the taxpayer's back

The Yakuza & the Nuclear Mafia (here)

Claim: "Toyko Electric Power Company's (TEPCO) involvement with anti-social forces and their inability to filter them out of the work-place is a national security issue"  — Japanese Senator with the Liberal Democratic Party 

by Jake Adelstein

Hardcore propaganda: Yakuza help fight fallout.

Proof: No, they conscript the homeless, drunks, and the poor to do it.

2020 Olympics – Tokyo Prepares for Disaster (here)

Most of Japan's 54 nuclear reactors are on multiple earthquake faults ...in tsunami zones ...by active volcanoes ...and all the Olympic venues are covered with plutonium, practically forever ... it's so special a target for more  weather & earthquake, no-bomb-nuclear & financial warfare to increase national debt & yearly interest payments on the national debt to the Fed interest rate/G5 bankers ...with no regard for human, animal or environmental suffering & emotional loss

Most of Japan's 54 nuclear reactors are on multiple earthquake faults ...in tsunami zones ...by active volcanoes ...and all the Olympic venues are covered with plutonium, practically forever, recycling from the mountains to the cities to the mountains  from the Fukushima follies using GE Hitachi reactors with inherent design flaws and fake earthquake resistance ...what hath Hillary, Kissinger, Obama & Trump & the corrupt U.S. Congress, wrought? —while selling out the 99% and kneeling down, worshipping and kissing the ass of the Fed interest rate bankers deploying yet another genocidal deep state-owned anti-Kingdom operation financed & directed by the international interlocking board of the Fed/G5 (who also dictate their reactors must be built worldwide to qualify for foreign aid (that goes to their own Fed/G5 financed, owned & directed companies in their continuing inquisition to destroy life and the environment on Earth because of their lust for power, hatred of life and sociopathic and pathological pyramiding greed ... shove it). They live, and they do it to increase national debt & yearly interest payments on the national debt to the Fed interest rate/G5 bankers ...with no regard for human, animal or environmental suffering & emotional loss

Fed/G5 Nuclear Mafia Slaves / Dickless Yakuza Mafia / Victimized Homeless

All eyes are on Russian corruption, but new reports emerge about Japanese Olympic officials, Japan’s yakuza & the G5/global nuclear mafia

09:57 AM Jul 3, 2015 -8671- Japan: Gangsters round up homeless men to clean up Fukushima radiation; (includes historical use of women & minorities for most dangerous jobs)

07:03 AM Apr 25, 2014 -8196- Untold story of Fukushima is the radiation issue, Gov’t doesn’t want us talking about it; A lot going on that’s never reported by media - Afraid of being imprisoned under Japa's new secrecy law; All officials have to do is say the info is secret (AUDIO)

06:18 PM Mar 19, 2014 x-8107- Japan: 800 people disappear from Fukushima plant - killed or died at work? - Gov’t in business with Yakuza (AUDIO)

09:08 PM Jan 20, 2014 -6949- Nuclear workers stripped naked, soaked in sweat – gasped for air – living dead – my teeth start breaking off, bit by bit – I don’t have any upper teeth now – my hair fell out - people bleed from gums, ears, nose – get violently sick – suffer from diarrhea right after exposure – damage to testes and eyes common – chronic anemia, tumors of skin, thyroid, bone, larynx, pharynx and lung, low immunity, infection, aging, depression, anxiety, lethargy; and, in hands of Yakuza  (VIDEO)

08:37 PM Jan 19, 2014 -6942- 20-year-old documentary foreshadows Fukushima: Men picked up in slums of Tokyo to work at nuclear plants – Many become ill with radiation sickness – too frightened to speak out (VIDEO)

09:56 AM Jan 14, 2014 -6918- Sick Worker: TEPCO is God – we are slaves – Employees beaten, death threats for speaking out (VIDEO)

12:38 PM Jan 7, 2014 -6892- Secrecy agreement between Fukushima and IAEA revealed by Tokyo newspaper – IAEA hid health effects in Chernobyl – same thing could happen to Fukushima

09:41 AM Dec 31, 2013 x-6871- Forbes: Homeless people sold to companies and put to work on Fukushima radiation – Gov’t-funded shelter supplying gangsters with workers (VIDEOS)

09:23 PM Dec 29, 2013 x-6864- UN Official ‘Astounded’: Homeless taken to work in Fukushima, ready to die – Pastor: At end of month, they’re left with no pay – Police: They end up in debt to employers after food and housing fees deducted (VIDEO)

10:11 AM Dec 4, 2013 -6774- Protesting secrecy law is act of terrorism – Japan gov’t promotes idea you’re like a racist if avoiding Fukushima produce – Bloomberg: Process echoes George Orwell – Nuclear activists to be constantly spied on?

06:24 PM Nov 26, 2013 -6746- Japan’s secrecy law passes lower house – Prison for ‘inappropriate reporting’ – on path to fascist state –fear Fukushima cover-ups to worsen

05:42 PM Nov 21, 2013 x-6724- TV: Mentally disabled are working at Fukushima Daiichi, says journalist – many men forced to go to plant – homeless treated like ‘disposable people’ (VIDEO)

10:22 AM Nov 4, 2013 x-6645- Fukushima Workers: I wanted to escape from nuclear plant, but feared they might hurt me – At ‘parties’ we were forced to eat radioactive mushrooms and bee larvae gathered from inside evacuation zone – they called my mother to tell her I was in trouble (VIDEO)

08:28 AM Oct 31, 2013 -6625- Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal – ‘Landmines’ of extremely high radiation at many locations – Very worrying that I’m getting sick more now – Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs

-6625.1- also see: KPFA in Japan: 800 people disappear from Fukushima plant – maybe killed or died during work – Gov’t in business with Yakuza (AUDIO) Mar 19, 2014

-6625.2- also see: Fukushima worker gets sick, vomits – forced to remove protective face mask – tested with whole body counter – TEPCO says mask was tied too tightly Oct 29, 2011

-6625.3- also see: Former Tepco executives say company has always known they were working with yakuza Feb 21, 2012

-6625.4- also see: Bouts of nosebleeds, unusual fatigue after Fukushima plant visits - group of newspaper journalists confess to suffering similar symptoms – official unbearably sick since 3/11, many residents are too they just don’t say it openly – worker: This is like going to war May 5, 2014

-6625.5- also see: Japan Media: Things are going badly – Fukushima the same as war says military officer in charge of forces at plant - Concern workers on-site do not consent to join battle – Crime skyrocketing, people held hostage – ocean contamination – leaks out of control Sep 6, 2013

06:57 PM Oct 29, 2013 -6617- For first time, officials admit to ‘shortage of workers’ at Fukushima – TEPCO promises ‘additional efforts’ to get more – BBC reveals homeless people cleaning reactors and modern slavery in Japan nuclear industry …exactly 14 years ago

11:16 PM Oct 28, 2013 -6610- Nuclear Slaves at Fukushima: Workers have debts paid off, forced to stay as ‘indentured servants’ - Foreign workers may soon be needed at plant, official reveals

11:53 AM Jun 19, 2011 -781- TEPCO pays for blacklist of actors and musicians against nuclear industry

02:01 PM Feb 21, 2012 -2654- Former TEPCO executives say company always knew they were working with yakuza

03:25 PM Jan 3, 2012 -2167-  Japan official against nuclear power – shotgun blast to chest

12:02 PM Nov 8, 2011 -1735- Japan Times: People fed up with the shroud of secrecy in Fukushima – Starting to smuggle in journalists - Must rely on media for help

Also see:

 The 1964 Tokyo Olympics: A Turning Point for Japan

The Yakuza Olympics - The Daily Beast | 

Japan's Olympic Homeless Solution ...slave labor, murder

Prime Minister Abe’s government announces TEPCO (owners & operators of four nuclear reactors that blew up & melt down daily in fresh water acquifers feeding the Pacific daily since 3/11) as Main Sponsor for Tokyo Olympics —(here)—

Now you can participate, spectate, eat, drink, shower, sleep & make love in plutonium! ...& witness the destruction of our Olympic athletes at Olympic sites contaminated with fallout that blows down from the mountains then back up into the air, practically for Eternity – (watch for heart attacks now & leukemia, later)

Xinhua, Feb 25, 2015: TEPCO blasted for concealing latest radioactive leak for nearly a year — [Fishermen blamed TEPCO] for knowingly allowing radioactive substances… to flow freely into the sea since April last year… this year [Prime Minister] Abe’s government announced that TEPCO would be the Main Sponsor for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics… local, national and international fury once again rises at [TEPCO]… [It’s] the latest indication that the crisis at the plant is far from under control… Japan’s top government spokesperson reiterated the government’s long-standing mantra… “The situation is completely under control… Any negative impact of radioactive water on the environment is completely blocked.”

Negative Impact of 1964 Olympics Profound

by Robert Whiting, special to the Japan Times, Oct 24, 2014

It took Japan over 30 years to pay back the money it borrowed from World Bank to build roads for the 1964 Olympics  —(here)

Abstract: The 2020 Olympics are set for Tokyo, and if history is any indication, we are in for a repeat of the waste, destruction & human misery caused by the 1964 Games.

Although the Olympic construction effort did indeed add a needed veneer of modern glitz to the city central, it also left large swaths of the capital, as a recent Japan Times editorial put it, “awash in ugly buildings, bland public areas and with few cityscapes that any tourist or resident would care to look at.

If for the Japanese the 1964 Summer Olympics was a blaze of glory, it also cast some shadows. The transformation of Tokyo from a war-ravaged city into a major international capital, seemingly overnight, had a dark side that was rarely talked about. The games were in fact responsible for a great deal of environmental destruction and human misery in the capital and its environs, as I can attest to as one who was there.

Part one: Olympic construction transformed Tokyo (also, here)
Part two: Opening Ceremony ushered in new era for Japan (also, here)
Part three: Schollander, Hayes were spectacular at Tokyo Games (also, here)
Part four: ‘Witches of the Orient’ symbolized Japan’s fortitude  (also, here)
Part five: Negative impact of 1964 Olympics profound  (also, here)

The 1964 Tokyo Olympics had a profound impact on the capital city and the nation. In the final installment of a five-part series running this month, best-selling author Robert Whiting, who lived in Japan at the time, focuses on the environmental and human impact that resulted from hosting the event.

[excerpt] ...much has been made of stray dogs killed in Sochi, Russia, but there was also a massacre in Tokyo on a much greater scale. During World War II, the Japanese government mercilessly slaughtered dogs, cats and zoo animals in the name of food scarcity and disease prevention. Another sweep of strays was undertaken before the Tokyo Games, this time primarily for cosmetic reasons. In the 1940s the unfortunate creatures had been rounded up, stuffed in canvas bags and beaten to death with clubs. By 1964, however, a technologically more advanced method had been developed, using a contraption that suffocated animals with carbon dioxide. It resulted in the deaths of an estimated 200,000 cats and dogs in the year before the start of the Olympics.

 – Robert Whiting ...brilliant 5-part investigative journalism covering the 1964 Olympics in Japan —(here) & (here)


(Above: click pics for Fairewinds.org stories)

06:01 PM Oct 11, 2013 -6534- Olympic athletes & tourists warned they will be in danger from Tokyo radiation - Cesium at almost every venue tested

12:10 PM Aug 22, 2016 -8827- TV: Astronomical radiation in downtown Tokyo – directly outside gov’t building – ‘Horrific’ readings where kids play in Fukushima, ‘extreme’ levels where food grown for school lunches – nuclear expert shocked, upset by discovery, Gundersen found Tokyo remains contaminated – measured dust and found high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Current residents inhale it every day. (VIDEO-CCTV Channel 17 interview )  

03:08 PM Oct 8, 2013 -6514- Fukushima leaks are catastrophically large if gov’t admits help is needed - Tokyo Olympics may be impossible - So unprecedented there is no solution

04:22 AM Oct 8, 2013 -6511- Asahi: High radiation levels found at possible Olympic sites - Japan Professor: Radioactive materials have spread throughout greater Tokyo; Region remains in emergency situation?

03:01 PM Sep 14, 2013 -6369- Japan Olympics speech ‘backfires’ - credibility of prime minister message shaky; no contaminated water ‘control’

01:12 PM Sep 12, 2013 -6357- Talk of Olympics being taken away from Tokyo if problems at Fukushima worsen over next couple of years

01:46 PM Sep 10, 2013 -6340- AFP: Fears that Fukushima melted reactor cores have eaten through concrete of containment vessels - Tepco plan claims fuel to be removed at same time as 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

04:05 PM Sep 9, 2013 -6337- Reports: New site with high levels of radiation at Fukushima - urgent problem at plant says IAEA; experts to examine massive water build-up - found ‘immediately after’ Olympic speech claiming it’s under control - Can’t dump groundwater in sea?

05:46 PM Jan 11, 2013 -5124- Nuclear song to be performed during Super Bowl half-time show (AUDIO)

CCTV (CHANNEL 17 IN BURLINGTON, VERMONT), published Jun 20, 2016

- Margaret Harrington, host: I know you mentioned Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer at Fairewinds, and he said that he measured the radiation there, too. Could you talk about that a little bit?

- Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education founder and CEO: He’s working with some other scientists who are studying - both Japanese scientists, the samples that they took, and the U.S. scientists who are evaluating the samples - and they’re finding astronomical amounts of radiation, even in downtown Tokyo outside of METI’s door. METI is the regulatory agency over nuclear power… When he and others were downtown in Tokyo, they took samples right there in a garden right outside the door and on the front doormat, and these are really, really high samples. Frightening, because people walking in Tokyo will then be inhaling that dust. What was the film we saw from Japan that had the mothers who were in an area where kids play and run from middle school?

- Caroline Phillips, Fairewinds Energy Education: It’s a fantastic video… it’s a mothers organization, they live in the Fukushima Prefecture and they’re actually using Geiger counters that have been issued by the government. They’re walking along the river [in Fukushima City.]

- Maggie Gundersen: What’s so tragic about it - kids are running along dirt paths doing gym class and track and things like that and the mothers are right down in areas that are not posted and the kids can go after school and play, and people do nature hikes and stuff. And the radiation readings are horrific.

GENDAI BUSINESS ONLINE (ARTICLE IN JAPANESE), Jun 14, 2016: [J]ust before the 5th anniversary of the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi, a group of young girls in the city of Minami-Soma rode their bikes to school past a shocked and saddened pedestrian. That upset observer was Arnie Gundersen, nuclear reactor expert… What surprised me at this visit to Japan… is that the decontaminated area is contaminated again, Mr. Gundersen said while explaining why it was such as sad shock to witness the girls on their bicycles. This was not what I had expected. I had thought that we would not find such high doses of radiation in the decontaminated area. But, sadly, our results prove otherwise.… Gundersen collected samples of dust [though] the official data cannot be released before the publication of formal scientific papers, it is evident that high doses of radiation, usually found in nuclear waste, was detected from these samples. This means that highly radioactive dust is flying around the city. In other words, the decontaminated land is contaminated again. Little girls are affected by the radiation 20 times as much as adult men. The Japanese government’s standard of 20 mSv is based on exposure assessments for adult men. The girls on their bicycles are actually being affected by a radiation dose equivalent to as much as 400 mSv. Mr. Gundersen also pointed out that human lungs are heavily affected by internal exposures to radiation. At this visit, I wore a radiation proof mask that can filter out 99.98% of radiation for six hours. I sent my filter to the lab, and they found a high dose of Cesium. But, unfortunately, the Japanese government only cares about the number on a Geiger counter and does not consider the internal exposure. This has resulted in a hazardous downplay of this kind of data and human lungs are affected by the serious internal exposure.… [T]he radiation from the mountains are coming back to the city by way of wind and rain. Mr. Gundersen noted the extreme radioactive contamination of the mountains… vegetables grown in that area exceed the government’s standard by 1500 Bq. These vegetables were sold at the Michino Eki in Tochigi prefecture, and the bamboo shoot grown in this contaminated region was used for elementary school lunches in Utsunomiya. These school lunches contained more than twice as much radiation as the government’s standard… However, the government continues to push for the end of people’s relocation and force the return to re-contaminated areas… Mr. Gundersen also found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Needless to say, the current residents are inhaling it every day…


(above) 100 Fukushima Nuclear Headlines – Why Japan's 2020 Olympics can Wreck Nuclear Industry

Expert says 2020 Tokyo Olympics Unsafe

...Due to Fukushima | 60 Minutes

Do we really think it’s safe to hold the Olympics on Fukushima soil? What would common sense tell us? —(more, here & here)—

Nuclear maps of Japan in English for those going to 2020 Olympics to get cancer

Nuclear Fallout Map of Japan, English Edition – Go to 2020 Olympics & get Cancer & a Mutated Embryo for a deformed & retarded birth 

The English edition sells for 500 yen, excluding tax. For info, contact Everyone's Data Site at (minnanods@gmail.com)  —(story, here)—


CCTV (CHANNEL 17 IN BURLINGTON, VERMONT), published Jun 20, 2016 — also includes excerpts from GENDAI BUSINESS ONLINE (ARTICLE IN JAPANESE), Jun 14, 2016:

— (excerpt, below)

– Margaret Harrington, host: I know you mentioned Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer at Fairewinds, and he said that he measured the radiation there, too. Mr. Gundersen pointed out that human lungs are heavily affected by internal exposures to radiation.

Mr. Gundersen found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. The current residents are inhaling it every day.


[J]ust before the 5th anniversary of the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi, a group of young girls in the city of Minami-Soma rode their bikes to school past a shocked and saddened pedestrian. That upset observer was Arnie Gundersen, nuclear reactor expert… What surprised me at this visit to Japan… is that the decontaminated area is contaminated again, Mr. Gundersen said while explaining why it was such as sad shock to witness the girls on their bicycles. This was not what I had expected. I had thought that we would not find such high doses of radiation in the decontaminated area. But, sadly, our results prove otherwise.… Gundersen collected samples of dust [though] the official data cannot be released before the publication of formal scientific papers, it is evident that high doses of radiation, usually found in nuclear waste, was detected from these samples. This means that highly radioactive dust is flying around the city. In other words, the decontaminated land is contaminated again. Little girls are affected by the radiation 20 times as much as adult men. The Japanese government’s standard of 20 mSv is based on exposure assessments for adult men. The girls on their bicycles are actually being affected by a radiation dose equivalent to as much as 400 mSv. Mr. Gundersen also pointed out that human lungs are heavily affected by internal exposures to radiation. At this visit, I wore a radiation proof mask that can filter out 99.98% of radiation for six hours. I sent my filter to the lab, and they found a high dose of Cesium. But, unfortunately, the Japanese government only cares about the number on a Geiger counter and does not consider the internal exposure. This has resulted in a hazardous downplay of this kind of data and human lungs are affected by the serious internal exposure.… [T]he radiation from the mountains are coming back to the city by way of wind and rain.

Mr. Gundersen noted the extreme radioactive contamination of the mountains… vegetables grown in that area exceed the government’s standard by 1500 Bq. These vegetables were sold at the Michino Eki in Tochigi prefecture, and the bamboo shoot grown in this contaminated region was used for elementary school lunches in Utsunomiya. These school lunches contained more than twice as much radiation as the government’s standard… However, the government continues to push for the end of people’s relocation and force the return to re-contaminated areas…

Mr. Gundersen also found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Needless to say, the current residents are inhaling it every day…


(Maggie & Arnie Gundersen, at Fairewinds Energy Education,  www.Fairewinds.org)

(Excerpt from, The Pacific Ocean Is Dying And You Don't Even Know)

A walk in the park in the dark

We look at Japan’s public relations solution that radionuclides don’t hurt people who are happy and smile, just people with a gloomy disposition, and, at founding of ‘smile parks’ for children to play in, and at play areas, schools, whole villages and sidewalks in Tokyo chosen at random by fallout in Japan that in the U.S. would be radiation control zones. There’s a misanthropic fallout cover-up of Olympian and global proportions, culminating in the 2020 Olympics being held in Japan as part of the cover-up and its consequences, as Japanese suffer and wither like human guinea pigs. We ponder any advisory role of CIA in drafting Japan’s new laws defining as treason journalists ‘forcing opinions onto others’ that disagree with the State, and propaganda used in covering-up danger from the nuclear energy industry in Japan, the U.S., and around the world.

In the United States under the Obama Administration, radiation measurement instruments are removed by EPA in areas exceeding radiation safety levels because they are assumed to be faulty and never returned.[1]

Global nuclear industry says that plutonium and fallout is good for you and builds up your resistance to disease, that Fukushima radiation is less dangerous than radiation you get eating a banana or potato chips, or sleeping beside someone, or from a walk in the park on a sunny day.

We disagree with the central bankers who proffer the global nuclear industry, United Nations, United States, Japan, University of California. We side with nuclear whistleblowers: nuclear industry apologists make no distinction between exposure to natural radiation and ingesting manmade radionuclides …inhaling one atom of plutonium increases your chances of getting cancer.

The reactors that blew up at Fukushima had over 30 years of nuclear waste stored on top. The reactor cores that melted down aerosolized into the jet streams following nuclear explosions and otherwise dispersed as hot particles covering the entire northern hemisphere and as molten lava burned down into water aquifers polluting the Pacific Ocean daily the last ten years amounts to 600 tons of plutonium. The plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki had 16 pounds. I don't smile over it, not even make one joke and I'm a funny guy. Instead, I cry. My heart is broken. My cheeks and nose streak with tears. They get on my fingers and cover my keyboard. They are not hot tears. They make my face cold. Is that clean enough for you?

Smile that.

[1] See page 147-148 for EPA removing monitors

Japan's Olympic Homeless Solution ...is slave labor & murder

Prime Minister Abe’s government announces TEPCO (owners & operators of four nuclear reactors that blew up raining down from the sky practically, forever & melt down daily pracically,  forever in fresh water aquifers beneat the destroyed Fukushima nuclear reactors / waste storage site still feeding the Pacific Ocean daily since 3/11) ...as Main Sponsor for Tokyo Olympics  —(here)—

Now you can participate, spectate, eat, drink, shower, sleep & make love in plutonium! ...& witness the destruction of our Olympic athletes at Olympic sites contaminated with fallout that blows down from the mountains then back up into the air, practically for Eternity – (watch for heart attacks now & leukemia, later)

Xinhua, Feb 25, 2015: TEPCO blasted for concealing latest radioactive leak for nearly a year — [Fishermen blamed TEPCO] for knowingly allowing radioactive substances… to flow freely into the sea since April last year… this year [Prime Minister] Abe’s government announced that TEPCO would be the Main Sponsor for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics… local, national and international fury once again rises at [TEPCO]… [It’s] the latest indication that the crisis at the plant is far from under control… Japan’s top government spokesperson reiterated the government’s long-standing mantra… “The situation is completely under control… Any negative impact of radioactive water on the environment is completely blocked.”

06:01 PM Oct 11, 2013 -6534- Olympic athletes & tourists warned they will be in danger from Tokyo radiation - Cesium at almost every venue tested

12:10 PM Aug 22, 2016 -8827- TV: Astronomical radiation in downtown Tokyo – directly outside gov’t building – ‘Horrific’ readings where kids play in Fukushima, ‘extreme’ levels where food grown for school lunches – nuclear expert shocked, upset by discovery, Gundersen found Tokyo remains contaminated – measured dust and found high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Current residents inhale it every day. (VIDEO-CCTV Channel 17 interview )  

03:08 PM Oct 8, 2013 -6514- Fukushima leaks are catastrophically large if gov’t admits help is needed - Tokyo Olympics may be impossible - So unprecedented there is no solution

04:22 AM Oct 8, 2013 -6511- Asahi: High radiation levels found at possible Olympic sites - Japan Professor: Radioactive materials have spread throughout greater Tokyo; Region remains in emergency situation?

03:01 PM Sep 14, 2013 -6369- Japan Olympics speech ‘backfires’ - credibility of prime minister message shaky; no contaminated water ‘control’

01:12 PM Sep 12, 2013 -6357- Talk of Olympics being taken away from Tokyo if problems at Fukushima worsen over next couple of years

01:46 PM Sep 10, 2013 -6340- AFP: Fears that Fukushima melted reactor cores have eaten through concrete of containment vessels - Tepco plan claims fuel to be removed at same time as 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

04:05 PM Sep 9, 2013 -6337- Reports: New site with high levels of radiation at Fukushima - urgent problem at plant says IAEA; experts to examine massive water build-up - found ‘immediately after’ Olympic speech claiming it’s under control - Can’t dump groundwater in sea?

05:46 PM Jan 11, 2013 -5124- Nuclear song to be performed during Super Bowl half-time show (AUDIO)


CCTV (CHANNEL 17 IN BURLINGTON, VERMONT), published Jun 20, 2016

- Margaret Harrington, host: I know you mentioned Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer at Fairewinds, and he said that he measured the radiation there, too. Could you talk about that a little bit?

- Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education founder and CEO: He’s working with some other scientists who are studying - both Japanese scientists, the samples that they took, and the U.S. scientists who are evaluating the samples - and they’re finding astronomical amounts of radiation, even in downtown Tokyo outside of METI’s door. METI is the regulatory agency over nuclear power… When he and others were downtown in Tokyo, they took samples right there in a garden right outside the door and on the front doormat, and these are really, really high samples. Frightening, because people walking in Tokyo will then be inhaling that dust. What was the film we saw from Japan that had the mothers who were in an area where kids play and run from middle school?

- Caroline Phillips, Fairewinds Energy Education: It’s a fantastic video… it’s a mothers organization, they live in the Fukushima Prefecture and they’re actually using Geiger counters that have been issued by the government. They’re walking along the river [in Fukushima City.]

- Maggie Gundersen: What’s so tragic about it - kids are running along dirt paths doing gym class and track and things like that and the mothers are right down in areas that are not posted and the kids can go after school and play, and people do nature hikes and stuff. And the radiation readings are horrific.

Report: Olympic athletes and tourists warned they will be in danger from Tokyo’s elevated radiation levels — Cesium found at almost every venue tested
OCTOBER 11TH, 2013

Japan Professor: Fukushima leaks are “catastrophically large” if gov’t admits help is needed — Tokyo Olympics may be impossible — “So unprecedented that there is no solution”

Asahi: High radiation levels found at possible Olympic sites — Japan Professor: Radioactive materials have spread throughout greater Tokyo; Region remains in “emergency situation”?

AP: Japan’s Olympics speech ‘backfires’ — Headline: “Credibility of PM’s message to overseas is shaking… Contaminated water ‘control’ running astray”

Japan Times: Talk of Olympics being taken away from Tokyo if problems at Fukushima worsen over next couple of years

AFP: Fears that Fukushima melted reactor cores have “eaten through” concrete of containment vessels — Tepco plan claims fuel to be removed at same time as 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

Japan Nuclear Expert: I was “flabbergasted” by Olympic speech — Fukushima reactors are actually destroyed and constantly leaking in ocean — Contamination dumping into sea — PM: “It’s contained in 0.3 km² area of harbor”

Reports: New site with high levels of radiation at Fukushima — Urgent problem at plant says IAEA; Experts to examine massive water build-up — Found ‘immediately after’ Olympic speech claiming it’s under control — Can’t dump groundwater in sea?

Japan stuns World Cup champs Spain at Olympics — Among country’s greatest wins ever (VIDEO)
JULY 27TH, 2012

TV: Fukushima Radiation Alert — Concern ‘nuclear chain reaction’ could occur at plant — Reactors are still melting down and spewing radioactivity — Fuel has burned through containment — Expert: It’s unprecedented… could’ve been 12 Chernobyls (VIDEO)
APRIL 24TH, 2017

Expert: “Potential Global Catastrophe” from Fukushima Unit 2 highly radioactive fuel… Reactor could be destroyed, “making Tokyo area uninhabitable”… This is “most dreaded” scenario — Already “partially liquefying” below reactors

TV: “Astronomical amounts of radiation” found in downtown Tokyo… Directly outside gov’t building — ‘Horrific’ readings where kids playing in Fukushima, ‘extreme’ levels found where food is grown for elementary school lunches — Nuclear expert shocked, upset by discovery (VIDEO)
 AUGUST 22ND, 2016


Nuclear Expert: “I’ve learned there’s a huge spike in death rates in Fukushima for young children”… Officials are covering up data — Gov’t committing inhuman acts on their own people — Doctor’s who treat patients suffering from radiation illness are being put out of business (AUDIO)   APRIL 5TH, 2016

Former Official: Fukushima is “unstoppable”… Huge amounts of radiation are pouring out, “very serious” for Pacific Ocean — Journalists withholding shocking information — Plant Chief: “This is something that has never been experienced”… We must invent new science for unprecedented catastrophe (AUDIO)

Former Japan Official: “Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean… is seriously menacing US West Coast” — “Fukushima now undeniably a global security issue… can’t be brought under control by single state” — Experts: Wave of radiation will be 10 times more than entire world’s nuclear tests combined

Former Japan Ambassador: Uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions could be underway at Fukushima — “Troubling indications of recurring criticality” as Tellurium-132 detected over 100 miles from plant — ‘Recriticality’ discussed by Japan’s top nuclear official

Expert: Disease outbreak on US West Coast is largest ever seen in any population of animals — Tens of millions dead — Official: Gov’t needs to declare emergency before extinction occurs — Many scientists believed radiation from Fukushima to blame (VIDEO)
MARCH 14TH, 2015

‘Absolute Shock’: Nuclear waste on roof of Fukushima reactor flowing directly in ocean — Officials kept secret for past year & did nothing to stop it — Coming from highly radioactive debris on top of Unit 2; Gundersen: Reactor pressures got so high “it blew top off” — Amount of leakage ‘unknown’ — “Fallout far from over… International fury rising” (VIDEO)

TV: “It’s like a scene from a horror movie” along West Coast — “We’re seeing all sorts of mysterious goings-on” — “There is no food out there” — Scientists can’t figure out why there’s mass starvation of seabirds — “This is a really serious thing” — “A species die-off is always unsettling” (VIDEO)
JANUARY 20TH, 2015

Powerful quake rocks Japan, 6- out of 7 on intensity scale — Officials warn of strong aftershocks, around 50 so far — Helicopters find “more extensive damage than earlier thought” — Major roads collapsed, buildings flattened — Witnesses: “Strongest ever felt… Shaking was enormous” (VIDEOS)

Japan Times: “Irreparable damage” from Fukushima — Plant’s boss admits water problems “out of control” — Catastrophe “remains ongoing… shows no signs of resolution”
APRIL 20TH, 2014


Famous Actor: Fukushima is dumping nuclear fuel into Pacific — Plutonium “named after devil” — View of nuclear advocate “a little sociopathic” — Entire biosphere at risk from these poisons fatal to everything with replicating cells (VIDEOS)

NPR: West Coast sea stars melt into mush, “just vaporized… it’s the change of my lifetime” — “Ripping themselves apart… innards spilled out” — “Like the Matrix” — “That many species, that widespread… just scary” — “Makes me wonder, what’s next?” — ‘Possible’ Fukushima fallout is involved (VIDEO)
JANUARY 30TH, 2014

‘Game Changer’: Former Prime Ministers team up to win Tokyo election and end nuclear power — It’s endangering the existence of Japan… “Our nation’s survival is at stake” — “Could have biggest influence ever on national politics”
 JANUARY 14TH, 2014

AP: ‘Tritium rain’ to result from disposal of Fukushima contaminated water? Expert: You may be interested to know radioactive rainfall occurs around nuclear plants during normal operations (VIDEO)

Insiders: State secrets bill meant to suppress Fukushima news — Japan public stunned as citizens could face years in prison — Man’s mouth “stuffed with cloth” after voicing opposition — Toxic leaks into ocean seem unstoppable, gov’t must plug the information instead (PHOTO)

Pro-Nuclear Engineer: Potential for “a very, very serious accident” when unloading Fukushima Unit 4; “The thing that keeps me up late at night” — Expert: Concern over “positioning of fuel rods” in pool — Tepco: It’s not ‘particularly dangerous’

Fox News: Wave of ‘slightly’ radioactive water from Fukushima predicted to reach U.S. in 2014 — Cancer Expert: Current exposure guidelines are “far too high… a very low dose of radiation is dangerous” (VIDEO)

Japan Journalist: Melted nuclear fuel sank into the ground under Fukushima reactors — Irradiated groundwater is flowing into ocean through sea-bottom springs, it’s too late to do anything about this (PHOTO)
OCTOBER 22ND, 2013

NPR: Starfish epidemic “moving fast” — Turning into ‘goo’ in Washington, not just Canada — “Virus, bacteria or something else entirely”? “Will it spread to other sea life and other parts of West Coast?” (AUDIO)
OCTOBER 14TH, 2013

After recent ‘lies’, Japan PM admits help needed to contain Fukushima disaster — Senior official warns of ‘new problems’ to come at plant

Gundersen: Deformities, stillbirths not being reported after Fukushima — Officials withholding truth about health effects — Gov’t suppressing studies on deformed animals (AUDIO)  OCTOBER 3RD, 2013

Asahi: Fukushima officials declare “emergency” over 300 tons of radioactive water entering ocean everyday; Demands Gov’t retract 2011 claim that plant is under control — Tokyo Governor: It’s not under control as Prime Minister says

AFP: Tepco spells Japan Prime Minister’s name wrong during Fukushima visit and had him wear it — “We are very sorry” — “They can’t even check on something as trivial as this”

Japan Prime Minister reveals shocking lack of knowledge about his Fukushima claims: Asks plant’s chief, “Where is the 0.3 km² area?” — Had promised contamination “perfectly blocked” inside 0.3 km² area of port

Official: Prime Minister and government are lying about Fukushima — This is a big problem

Chairman of Tepco Panel: “Future surprises” are in store at Fukushima plant — Everyone should be prepared for that (VIDEO)

Report: Fukushima radioactive plume will continue to hit shores of U.S. and Canada for many decades — Impossible to remove molten cores for hundreds of years, if ever — Flow of contamination from plant will be virtually impossible to stop

Report: Senior official admits Fukushima plant “out of control” — Tepco then claims he “meant to say something different” (VIDEO)

o not tell patients their problems are related to Fukushima radiation — Of course they’re going to say nobody died… the data records are distorted — People of Japan are essentially a scientific experiment, but nobody’s reporting results (AUDIO)

Japan Nuclear Expert: “I’m totally fed up” — Fukushima fisherman: “Ra refugee (AUDIO
“Very clear and present danger”: New push to dump radioactive Fukushima water in Pacific — Or boil it in large kettle and release steam into atmosphere for many years — Or do both says UC Berkeley professor
AUGUST 30TH, 2013

Nuclear Consultant on CNN: “Nobody knows how far the molten fuel went through containment” at Fukushima — “Challenges of unprecedented complexity”
AUGUST 30TH, 2013

Professor: Fukushima disaster “beyond a cover-up” — Japan gov’t thinks they can get away with tricking masses about extent of problem — Officials and Tepco cannot be trusted, they are lying to the camera
AUGUST 30TH, 2013


Gundersen: Medical doctors ordered t
Media now exposing Fukushima cover-up: “So many terrible things are not being reported” — Official radiation figures cannot be trusted — Regulator suspects Tepco giving false data — Problems much worse than officials claim
AUGUST 22ND, 2013

KTXL Sacramento: “Now the threat of radioactive water rushing our way” from Japan — “Traces of radiation found in area fish” — No danger, says pro-nuclear expert (VIDEO)
AUGUST 8TH, 2013

Poster Inside Fukushima: “This is not the end — This is the beginning of a new nuclear age”
MARCH 10TH, 2013

CBS News: U.S. nuclear waste leak a “major emergency problem” — Most dangerous substances known to science — “A ticking time bomb” (VIDEO)

Floating pier comes ashore in Washington — If experts don’t get to it today, next chance is early January (VIDEO)

Japan Prince’s Son: No one died, no one got injured from Fukushima… No one — No one is worried about radiation

Asahi: Japanese not allowed to get on bus in Germany because “people from Tokyo are contaminated”
MAY 13TH, 2012

“Serious Implications”: Tokyo radiation an issue with IOC officials — Consultant said concerns were growing in Europe about possible contamination of Tokyo
MAY 12TH, 2012

Diplomat: Japan public “beginning to slow burn” and “becoming very indignant” — Gov’t “very fearful of opening any reactors” (VIDEO)
MAY 12TH, 2012

Japan Times article refers to possibility of fuel melting through containment vessels — Also known as ‘China Syndrome’ — Architect wants to build shrines over Fukushima units to “pacify a malevolent god”
MARCH 18TH, 2012

Gendai: Radioactivity detected in Tokyo park sample at Chernobyl evacuation level?

Paper: First Japan debris hits US, Canada — People warned about radiation — Recommended for Police to have Geiger counters — “Bodies will likely begin washing up in about a year”

AP: Radiation-contaminated groundwater feared moving toward 4th largest river in US — Over 200 miles inland — Posing danger to fish, people

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Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

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