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 Pacific Ocean Dying subj interpretive narrative 

Whale done in by Fukushima nuclear fallout & waste and/or sonar and/or ionospheric heaters used for weather warfare, most likely.

Source:  Voice of America overseas U.S. intelligence broadcasting service

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1st Responders: Exploding nuclear waste barrels plague Las Vegas

Help animals & Mother Nature survive vs Bill Gates, WEF, IMF & City of London's nuclear weather warfare

Nuclear Energy Is Not Safe & Clean

Excerpted from: The Pacific Ocean Is Dying  and You Don't Even Know



The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know

(Free subjective narrative sample) : Chapter 12. Mammals vs. Idiots  <> PDF (cell phone or computer)  <> MS Word w/search engine & pop-ups (computer)

Sea Turtle: Mans laughter? ...or manslaughter? Convict nuclear holocaust denial scientists, media, central bank financiers & Congress for manslaughter ...you've already turned the other cheek & as they kill the planet

Cows graze in pastures covered in fallout.

Since milk is radioactive, that means pastures, crops, farms, veggies, infant's teeth & you are, too ... radiation secrets of airborne, land borne & seaborne fallout on supermarket milk, meat, fish, grain, crops, orchards

Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database for Citizens

Use ms word search engine to mine 9,011 headlines linked to 9,011 summaries with 3-to-5 sources each together linked to 25,000-to-35,000 original documents to win arguments with parents & juries.

(results from three separate database word search results  — new — mysterious — diseases —)  1 2 3 4 5 6  a b c d e f 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a b c d e f g h i * **  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

May 3, 2014 8368.5 ‘Marine Mystery’ in California: Toxic outbreak threatens marine life - Birds fall from sky, sea lions convulse ... Worst ever ... Toxin hits record level, 1,000% above gov’t limit ... Heart lesions, severe shrinking in part of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO)

3:28 PM Apr 24, 2017 8869 Mass die-off ongoing along U.S. West Coast – TV: It’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this. Reports come in every day ... Experts: 'Unknown’ organisms eating away brains, hearts ... New infection never seen before (VIDEOS)

Horses eat fresh grass freshly covered with up to 100 different radionuclides & fallout hay.

Horses (mammals) play, have a sense of humor & feelings & hurt feelings like all mammals, (including people).

Heartbreaking illness mysteriously hits coastside California horses likely eating fallout-covered meadows, hay & water.

Skin sloughing: Coastal Northern California ranch horses; skin sheds, eyes swell shut, many painful lesions, liver damage, faint; airborne fallout? ...coastal Southern California race track horses suffer similar illnesses

as do hundreds of thousands of sea mammals & fish washed up on shores of West Coast. Millions of sea stars & tide pool life animals dissolve. Owls, eagles & pelicans fall from the sky. Insects disappear. Seaborne fallout

& waste dumped into the ocean washes up on shore, dries then becomes airborne. Airborne waste from nuclear reactors fills the sky, washes down in rain, snow & wind ...and for this, you have forfeit your soul.

Sea mammal skin sloughing.

Whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, walruses, salmon, tuna, sardines migrating in fallout ...& oceanic & shoreline sea life, tide pools & birds, owls, eagles all suffer with

immune deficiency diseases, lesions, tumors, seizures & excruciating pain (not just people) ...caused from nuclear fallout & waste. And for this, you are already dead.

Occupy Deutshebank Financial Warfare for Dummies

Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies

Self-preservation and Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (and website) to document that prior and ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste and fallout and prior atmospheric testing and waste and fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...and is a feminist issue because women and girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...and 41,000 men, women and children a day get fatal and non-fatal cancer from accumulated and new nuclear industry radioactive waste and fallout  ...and that central bankers own the major corporations (including nuclear industry) polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature and with Environmental Personhood corporations and the central bankers that direct them are liable.

Self-preservation and Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (and website) to document that prior and ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste and fallout and prior atmospheric testing and waste and fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...and is a feminist issue because women and girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...and 41,000 men, women and children a day get fatal and non-fatal cancer from accumulated and new nuclear industry radioactive waste and fallout  ...and that central bankers own the major corporations (including nuclear industry) polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature and with Environmental Personhood corporations and the central bankers that direct them are liable.


"Kill a Banker, Win a Prize"

Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies — c/o JPMorganChase, Schroder Bank, City of London  & Wall Street

Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know 

Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia and Divine Order


Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database: 8,012 links to 25,000-to-35,000 published documentation studies & news

Kill A Banker, WIN A Prize: Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies         Free bonus e-book       CAN YOU IMAGINE A SUPER BOWL WHERE TEAMS FIGHT TO THE DEATH? ...or, an arena where central banking teams fight to the death?  In the NFL, 32 teams battle it out to win division titles. Division winners fight to win conference championships. Conference winners battle in the Super Bowl. One team wins the Super Bowl.  In the 1% warlord globalist central bank dynasties, 104 teams battle to win division titles. Division winners fight conference championships. Conference winners battle in world wars. One team wins the war and the other 104 teams forfeit their wealth to them and 'ownership' of you.

[Editor's note: (below) The following passages from here to the end of the page are not from the  free e-books they are from from this website.]

4.29 Central Bankers Destroy Animals

Central Bankers Hurt Animals with weather war- & nuclear radiation

Central Bankers Snot You with Radiation

Nuclear fallout from reactors slowly, or quickly from bombs, catastrophes, accumulated fallout (takes 1,000's of years to fade), exists to make sure, animals don’t. They call endless accumulation, ‘background' radiation.

Central bankers had nuclear radiation invented, mass produced, to deploy, merchandize, traffick, pay for in blood ...(yours), war, destroy economies, paychecks, savings, lives ...gobble them up like a garbage disposal. Carelessly, human. Garbage.

They Mercilessly Hurt Animals ...Guess What?

The corporations central bankers own and direct mercilessly hurt animals into misery,  excruciation …you're a mammal, a human animal. Is it collateral damage, semantics or biology? 

Animals with mammary glands are called, ‘mammals’

Animals with mammary glands are called, ‘mammals’ …mammary glands are arranged in organs such as breasts in primates, udders in ruminants, and dugs of other animals. You’ve got mammary glands, you’re a mammal, a human animal …however, death doesn’t care about the details of a life, nor suffering.

What about Migrating Animal Immigrants?

Central bankers hurt, you ...earn interest on costs to end your pain, bank on your lesions, cancers, infections, tumors, diseases; torment you bear witness to is negotiable, like a seaborne animal swimming in the currents by floating plutonium and 1,000 other radionuclides, while migrating, here ...but, not by you. 

Hurt on the Installment Plan

We die at speed of light from high exposure to nuclear radiation; we die slow to prolonged exposure to low levels of radiation …again, death and suffering skip details. You shouldn’t. See the pictures ...if you cry., they get blurry. If they don’t, you’re already dead.

Planting consciousness seeds to awake your angelic purpose ...to protect & nurture mother earth

(don't try to understand ...look at the pictures on the right to give you a clue then look at the charts in this column then figure it out, yourself.)

to stop the dark harvest of species loss from military extreme climate change ... erase central bankers

animals being destroyed by central bankers with nuclear power & military climate change ...weapons only central bankers can own & command. (note: for picture & scientific & university credits go to endnote references in the back of each of the companion e-books, find your picture, click on the endnote reference number which takes you to one of the 9,011 headlines, click on the headline which takes you to a summary with 3-to-5 pieces of documentation, then click on the image or story for original credits from a total of 25,000-to-35,000 pieces of published documentation.)

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Nuclear is bad

Mammals of the land & sea: Seaborne, Sea Lions in the Kuroshio current from Japan to the U.S. West Coast swimming in the ocean current next to floating plutonium & several hundred to a thousand other radionuclides from the three Fukshima nuclear reactor meltdowns that started in 2011 and melted down as molten lava into the water aqufirs feeding the Pacific Ocean & continue today and perhaps, for Eternity ... their skin peels off, they get lesions, organ cancers, miscarriages, cancers of the eye & brain & breast & prostate ...like people do. And ...horses just inland from the Pacific where the entire West Coast had fallout readings in the United States in many cases as high as they were in Japan ... the thoroughbreds & race horses die suddenly, or guess what, their skin peels off, too & they get strange illnesses never seen before.
Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own


Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Russia, Kazakhstan, nuclear testground babies

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

 Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic microwave weather warfare

Nuclear radiation hurts & mutates children

Nuclear radiation mutates &/or kills animals
Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation gives  people & animals cancer, mutates &/or kills them

Nuclear industry radiation & fallout mutates &/or destroys animals, plants & all living things

Nuclear industry radiation hurts, mutates, sickens &/or gives cancer to animals, people & all living things

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear industry ionizing radiation & weather warfare electromagnetic microwave radiation destroys animals, people, plants and all living things

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they ownNuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Kazakhstan nuclear test ground mutant humans.

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Kazakhstan mutants 3:28 PM Apr 24, 2017 8869 Mass die-off ongoing along U.S. West Coast ... TV: It’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this. Reports coming in every day ... Experts: ‘Unknown’ organisms eating away brains, hearts  ... New infection never seen before (VIDEOS)

This is a promotional video for Nuclear Weather Forecast (www.nuclearweatherforecast.com)

Original whole U.S. House Banking Subcommittee document, (here)  — Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976. 

U.S. House of Representatives-substantiated primary charts: who owns the Fed, (pdf) (msword)

note: the links above take you to a PDF download of the original lengthy document: federal reserve directors: a study of corporate and banking influence

the charts below are summaries of five of the most powerful entities as summarized by Eutace Mullins, who wrote the secrets of the federal reserve, in the 1950s, and remains the only accurate and simple explanation of the greed and insanity of the central bankers who invented and own the Federal Reserve System, a privately-owned institution NOT a government entity ...and, whose founding directors established that each year those directors of the NY branch of the Fed get the interest on the u.s. national debt as a personal dividend on their exclusive ownership of Fed stock ...now-a-days approaching about a trillion dollars a year.

the more the biden administration 'borrows' from the Fed and increases the national debt, the more profit goes into the pockets of the persons and the institutions they own, as shown in the first chart, below


Start by eliminating these holdings & individuals & institutions & you will start to save the creatures in the ocean, on land, the forest, rivers, sky & humanity  — otherwise behind their masks of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, George Soros, JPMorganChase, Schroder Bank, Deutschebank, negativity and evil spirits will continue to inflict hardship until they have made most of the species, including humanity, Mother Nature ...& you ...extinct. 

Fed up with the Fed


Fed up with the Fed Fed up with the Fed
Fed up with the Fed Fed up with the Fed

All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

legal disclaimer: a comedy & satire site — All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.— for educational, historical & news purposes — attributions: for all individual ownership attribution see the individual original sources & attributions in the original 25,000-to-35,000 documents &/or evidence linked to by the 9,011 descriptive blurb news release links; and/or to other attributions given on the accompanying website ... in all cases refer to the documents linked to, by the 9,011 links for ownership attribution. Any revenue derived is to offset nine years of non-paid individual non-profit work around the clock 24/7/365 in researching, writing, compiling and bringing these e-books & website & documentation to your attention for altruistic educational, historical & news purposes as a public service.