Abstract: Two years after the United States helped disrupt a notorious nuclear smuggling ring, the Bush administration has hobbled a Swiss effort to prosecute three of the alleged leaders by failing to share critical information, an American nuclear expert and Swiss law enforcement officials said yesterday. Switzerland’s federal prosecutor made at least four separate appeals for U.S. help over the past year, asking for access to documents and other evidence linked to the nuclear black market run by the Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan.
800K Children in the U.S. Missing Each Year —(here)—
International tribunal exposes pedophilia problem
...Victims testify of child sex trafficking & Satanic ritual abuse
Over 800,000 children a year in the United States go missing, many of them being sexually trafficked through pedophilia networks where the children suffer unimaginable horrors such as Satanic ritual abuse.
This number is comprised of documented cases of children gone missing, and does not include children who are born and bred into pedophilia networks and have no birth certificates, or undocumented immigrant children who come across the borders.
Worldwide, the number is close to 8 million children missing and being sexually trafficked.
Such is the scope of the problem that was reported earlier this year (2018) in Westminster, London by The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), as the court convened over a 3-day period to launch their Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. —(all vids, here)—
David Seaman: Tribunal Censored by Corporate Mainstream Media
Public Largely Unaware of the Child Sex Trafficking Problem
Scotland Yard Police Detective Jon Wedger
Specializing in child abuse investigations
One of the most revealing and compelling testimonies given to the Commission was from former Scotland Yard Police detective Jon Wedger who specialized in child abuse investigations.
As a CID officer he discovered child sex trafficking networks reaching to highest levels of the police department, local government, and even the BBC, which led to an independent Police Complaints Commission delving into the depths of police involvement. Attempts to silence him failed, even after he was threatened by his superiors that he would lose his job, his children, and his home if he did not shut up.
When asked by Chief Counsel Robert David Steele why he hadn’t been killed, he replied: "Jesus loves me. Hopefully I’ve got a few more years. I’ve got a job to do. One of my saving graces, and it didn’t meant to happen…. I actually did an interview with the UK column with a man called Brian Garish and he said it was too hot to handle and put it out online, and I thought “Oh my God, what’s he done ...but, it actually saved me. So, the alternative media really did help me."
~8,500 Fed Interest Rate/City of London/G8/BIS central bankers control our world; Bernard was one ...until, they asked him to sacrifice a live baby
Amazing victim testimonie: Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard who suffered through horrible sexual abuse as a child & became an abuser in global banking
Bernard claims there are about 8,000 to 8,500 leaders in the banking industry that control most of the affairs of this world. He was on his way to becoming one of them, until they asked him to sacrifice a live baby. His testimony, like other survivor testimonies, will disturb you.
When I searched other information regarding Bernard, I found news reports stating he had been killed in Florida for exposing some of the inner workings of the secret society called the Illuminati. Yet, here he is in 2018 giving testimony at the Tribunal’s Judicial Commission, no doubt at great risk to his life in bringing this information to the public.
Jay Parker grew up in a multi-generational family involved in the Illuminati secret society, dating back to the 1700s
Child victim of Satanic ritual abuse; mother teaches him 12% of America is generational satanic ...We went to regular church, and then, of course, in the afternoon we went to Church of the Marquee of Hell
When my mother in 1963 told me that 12% of America is generational satanic, I really found it hard to believe. We went to regular church, and then, of course, in the afternoon we went to Church of the Marquee of Hell.
But, when you have a society where 800,000 children are disappearing a year, like here in America, and its not even in the media, its not discussed at all except among people who are researching the child trafficking and the horrific abuse that’s going on from these dark occult ...can I say that we are in an insane position here?
I mean, this is insanity. There are 18 million people dying of cancer, because the cure is banned by the corruption of the pharmaceutical companies controlling the governments. This is genocide, and yet we’re putting up with it.
David Seaman Investigative Journalist, on PizzaGate