
03:12 PM Oct 9, 2014 -8456- Japan Times: Monstrous super typhoon to hit Japan this weekend - CNN: This could be a hypothetical Category 6… Cloud field would cross entire U.S. … Among strongest we’ve ever seen - Astronaut on space station: I’ve never seen anything like it - NBC: Waves already up to 50 ft. (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
12:23 AM Oct 11, 2014 -8458- Typhoon caused significant increase in radioactive releases from Fukushima - Record levels of highly toxic nuclear material in ground outside reactor - Among most poisonous substances at plant
12:16 PM Oct 12, 2014 -8460- Japan Times: Records shattered at Fukushima - Radiation levels surge after typhoon - TEPCO doesn’t know why this is happening - Warning crisis could get worse as 180 km/hr storm heads to area
07:29 AM Oct 12, 2014 -8459- Typhoon winds up to 110 mph to hit Fukushima Daiichi, storm surge advisory issued - Nearly all Gov’t forecasts show eye passing right over plant - Expect radioactive material washing into Pacific Ocean (MAPS)
Weather warfare? ...by nwo-wef central bankers who want to re-capture cuba

(Note story, above)
07:13 PM Oct 14, 2014 -8462- Typhoon exited Japan over Fukushima - Half foot of rain recorded around nuclear plant - Fukushima Worker: There’s no choice but to pray more radioactive material does not spread into ocean… that’s the reality of the situation we are facing (PHOTOS)
01:00 AM Oct 15, 2014 -8463- Agency: Fukushima workers urgent to prevent groundwater from leaking into ocean - Levels of nuclear waste surge next to sea - Strontium-90 shatters previous record by over 5 Billion Bq/m3 - Now 25 million times EPA limit
06:22 PM Oct 15, 2014 -8464- PBS: Plague along West Coast has biologists fearing extinction of species - Experts: Take your kids to beach and see them before they’re gone; Worst outbreak ever known in the oceans; Catastrophic losses nearly everywhere we’ve been (VIDEO)
10:18 AM Oct 16, 2014 -8465- Record Radiation at Fukushima after Vongfong [typhoon]: First tests since Tuesdays typhoon show radioactive material continues rising near ocean - Officials: We can’t do anything more to stop this, depth and scope of contamination flowing out are unknown
09:52 AM Oct 17, 2014 -8466- Gov’t: US, Canada hit with high concentrations of Fukushima nuclear material; Tremendous. impact all over world, enormous public health consequences - West Coast plume was 5x level requiring NRC be notified - UC Berkeley Prof.: We did indeed see high… fairly… I mean… some… level of radiation (AUDIO)
04:02 PM Oct 17, 2014 -8467- Fukushima nuclear waste detected off U.S. West Coast, from California to Canada - There is definitely offshore Fukushima cesium now - Test results will not be revealed to public for several weeks (VIDEO)
05:15 PM Oct 19, 2014 -8468- Japan TV Anchor: I couldn’t tell the truth about Fukushima - Shocking revelations kept secret from public - Nuclear Scientist: I have not trusted the information from beginning… The worst scenario I predicted has happened (VIDEO)
09:16 PM Oct 20, 2014 -8469- Gov’t report reveals Fukushima radioactive release much larger than Chernobyl - Japan reactors could have emitted nearly four times as much cesium-137
02:26 PM Oct 21, 2014 -8470- Never heard of so much sickness & death in such a short period says Fukushima evacuee - Writes about strange diseases in young people, deadly tumors & hemorrhages, pets missing hair, child losing all their fingernails, polydactyl baby - Friends dying of cancer, one after another
09:57 AM Oct 22, 2014 -8471- TV: Unprecedented catastrophe underway at Fukushima… Radioactive material will keep coming across to North America for centuries - Gundersen: Melted nuclear fuel to bleed into ocean for decades, perhaps centuries… Entire Pacific is being contaminated (VIDEO)
03:00 PM Oct 23, 2014 -8472- Pacific: Dead for thousands of miles between U.S. & Japan - Like sailing in a dead sea… everything’s all gone - Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry - No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing (AUDIO)
03:08 PM Oct 24, 2014 -8473- Experts warn of volcano destroying Japan at any moment, causing nations extinction - Volcano near nuke plant is shaking, tremor 7 minutes long… Stay away - Increased eruption risk due to 3/11 quake
02:22 PM Oct 25, 2014 -8474- TV: Fukushima nuclear waste increasing off West Coast each year since 2012 - Fish tested fairly high for radiation - it’s around for next century, even if reactors stop gushing into ocean now - A danger to people living here?… Are officials purposefully holding back info? (VIDEO)
12:03 PM Oct 26, 2014 -8475- Radiation levels have surged at Fukushima plant - 100,000% of previous record - TV: Officials say they don’t know the cause… Typhoon may be to blame (VIDEO)

(Note story, above)
weather warfare? — were they aiming for the white house ...& missed? ...was it chinese lightning or russian or from india or britain or united states, city of london, shroder bank, bechtel, brown & root, imf, jpmorgan chase, bin laden associates?
3 Dead After Apparent Lightning Strike Injures 4 Near White House