
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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2 p.m. west coast 09-25-2024   portland homeboy strikes back — welcome

Michael the Archangel with a surfboard under his arm on the way to the beach dispatching the Adversary

Michael the Archangel surfboard under his arm on the way to the beach pauses to kill the Adversary

Little animals suffer too ...click pic


4.1 Weaponizing Climate Change

Ukraine as a U.S. puppet for weather-, earthquake- and biological warfare against the Soviet Union and Russia.


indigenous people understand our job is to protect & nurture mother earth

In other countries like Bolivia & India rivers can sue corporations that harm them


also: Rivers sue corps, (here)


In the Light of Reverence follows struggles of several Indian tribes trying to protect their spiritual sites. which exist as landmarks in our country's landscape. Filmmakers Christopher McLeod & Malinda Maynor discuss religious freedom & how it pertains to Native American spiritual practices under the law.


Indian spiritual practices denied

Sacred Land Film Project — Satish Kumar brings Hindu, Buddhist and Jain perspectives to the understanding of a sacred place.


Satish Kumar — a sacred place

Yellow Monster – The devastating effect of uranium mining on Navajo land.


Yellow Monster – Navajo uranium mining

 documentary that tells the story of a corrupt government, unconscionable greed and a policy of destruction aimed at the Aboriginal Homelands of Indigenous People from the 1940's until today. It is a documentary set against the Indigenous landscape of the Desert Southwest and focuses on lives being destroyed by the horror of uranium mining and effects of radiation...as a government's cruel secret is carried on the face of the wind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkFtCmG9pcQ 

Uranium mining windborne

Friday Sept 13, 2024 — Attention all whistleblowers! ...to defeat Kamala defeat Schumer & Podesta find audit like & share felony dirt on Kamala Schumer & Podesta with your online voice & your comments


Let it be

(above) click text box or scroll to bottom of page


The fix is in

Soros ballot harvesting: Soros Caught Boasting All Future Elections Are '100% Rigged'


Jun 11 2024 – Six thousand (6,000) Dominion voting machines skew votes

Widespread voter registration fraud paid for by UpChuck Schumer for $1,000,000


Receipts prove Schumer's DNC paid $1,000,000 ...FBI buries it

2020 Election fraud proven by police arrests


Receipts prove Schumer's DNC paid $1,000,000 ...FBI buries it

Can you realize: Even if you do not sell something of value, you will be taxed as if you did ...you will be taxed on money your never got ...that is Kamala's & Schumer's tax plan called 'Taxing Unrealized Capital Gains' ...you will be taxed on money you never had ...are you that stupid? ...Robin Hood is turning over in his grave ...that is taxation without representation & the American Revolution was fought precisely against that ... not some damn tea tax --- E m e r g e n c y B r o a d c a s t on 8/31/24 ---Kamala taxing unrealized capital gains will get rid of private property in America ...for anything you own of value, you will be taxed for the current selling price on your holding ...even if you bought it 5, 10, 20, 40 years ago and have not sold it, you will be taxed as if you did sell it ...starting with millionaires and billionires then trickling down to you if you do not pay the tax on your UNREALIZED capital gains (that means you haven't sold it) ...the State takes your property ...if you vote for Kamala or Schumer's DNC you will slit your own throat --- E m e r g e n c y B r o a d c a s t on 7/26/24--- Minimum of two (2) additional shooters maybe more: five (5) shots from 400', two (2) from 800', one (1) from 1,300' (scroll down 3-4 pictures for ballisic proof) --- Global EMP attack morning of 7/19/24 following the emotionally warm RNC gala last night after the botched City of London assassination attempt on Trump is a shot across the bow from City of London central banker warlords to the West to tow the line or suffer a major debilitating EMP attack destabilization & moreso to destroy the warm national vibe & replace it with fear --- Trump shot ! Trump & America were 1 inch from death; leadership of the Deep State Dept FBI & CIA want him dead the most and their boss City of London Central Bankers (Schroder Bank & Bechtel subsidiary ...not to mention JPMorganChase) want western Civilization dead cause like Mitch McConnell they're in bed with China === Jill Biden was speaking in the State & it appears her friend who was appointed by Dictator Biden who rules by executive order, may have moved Secret Service resources from Trump to Biden. Never-the-less, Trump's Secret Service detail has repeatedly asked for more officers but is routinely refused by the corrupt Biden White House monarchy --- Spain makes sex with animals legal --- France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,000 Fine”? --- EU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates --- Canada and Ireland make alternative news illegal --- Australia is the new WEF testing ground for Bird Flu (a staple in the West's biowar arsenal for 30 years & possible progenitor for Covid) & chickens are being slaughtered & eggs restricted as grocery shelves start to barren --- Latest estimates are 30 million illegals, mostly military age & trending is that the WEF & Bill Gates' United Nations W.H.O. will supply them uniforms & arms to enforce 'health-related' lock-downs --- My friends, we are in a fascist billionaire world coup takeover and our rights and freedoms are being eliminated by World Economic Forum, the mouthpiece for City of London central banker billionaires and independent players --- JPMorganChase Schroder Bechtel DuPont GM perennial plot to take over White House w/fascist coups in America enacted 1776, 1868, 1913, 1933, 9/11, Jan 6, CoVid, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & on --- E x t r a E x t r a ...FYI Ongoing: 1997 U.S. Secretary of Defense Wm. Cohen announces Ionospheric plasma heaters: Weather warfare technology Alphen wave radio transmissions cause earthquakes, erupt volcanos, burst ear drums & organs of sea mammals & make humans hostile or in fear, loving or brutal --- The current accelerated destablization of American was started when Schroder Bank had it's subsidiary, Bechtel, groom Ronald Reagan at Hoover Institute from 1950, thru his governorship of Californication, thru his presidency ... along with Nazi lover George Herbert Walker Bush, giving them their marching orders to defund mental hospitals and empty them onto the streets to start homelessless. Homelessness came to maturity here a couple decades ago; along with today's Soros catch-and-release District Attorneys and Soros defunding the police putsch ... and Bill Gates funding of United Nations factions such as World Health Organization which now has health sovereignty of the United States and dictates who is locked down, where and when and Bill will likely supply U.N. Peacekeep uniforms to military aged illegals to overnight become U.N. Peace Keepers for WHO ... and UN Agenda 21 which morphed having missed its target date and became Agenda 2030 to remove borders and mandate 15-minute cities restricting you to 15 minutes from your home as a global warming lockdown to save Eart ...and City of London central bankers who behind it all, introduced World Economic Forum to implement Tavistock's social engineering programs to create and deploy WWIII who plan to turn your kids into batteries ...think all this is crazy; it's actual policy of our Adversary embodied in City of London central banking. And to pop their balloon all you need is (to be continued ...###

Dead Presidents cut you in to cut central banks out

Off with their heads!


...JFK Jr. & you are here to nurture every baby in the world and on the way here thru their lives ...to stop war, monarchs, central bankers & billionaires 

Did JPMorganChase do it?  ...then Schroder had the winning field goal

For news analysis & keystone cop commentary, see 'News', (here https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/news.html)

International Chairman of Morgan Stanley taken out

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8x0RoH3hAY   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZCqhoWXBkc 

[4] Schroder v JPMorgan Chase v Rothschild — International bank chairman of Morgan Stanley, taken out of play

Did Morgan Stanley do it? ...(after all, they called the riots three (3) years prior to them happening) ...not to mention the plot

Bottom of the 4th quarter

Get rid of City of London bankers before they get rid of you
My hitch-hiking heart

Dead Presidents

Deep State are City of London central banekrs

bank loan interest is taxation without representation ... IRS taxes is taxation without representation of your needs — you do not need wars ...babies need nurturing, not bullets ... drop food not bombs

For news analysis & keystone cop commentary, see 'News', (here https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/news.html)

JFK Jr. spills the beans tells the truth about the West's 2014 Nazi-led successful coup to take Ukraine away from Russia & give it to 'the City' , IMF & NATO for neo-con forever New American Century war


portland homeboy op-ed

 001 Trump assassination attempt

I'll tell you the story in pictures, (here)

Build shooter was on allegedly solely owned by WEF member

...rumored two adjoining empty buildings used by shooter are owned by a WEF member tied to Klaus Schwab, (representing City of London central bankers & billionaires that mandate, plot & navigate war using their China / New World Order (C+NWO) gambit

Did IMF do it?

Did the IMF do it? ...How 'bout the City of London & their subsidiary the NY Federal Reserve stockholders, them? ...masters of genocide & falsehood intent on ruling the world ...hmmm

City of London



IMF World Bank United Nations

...IMF & World Bank are foreign controlled private corporations

IMF World Bank United Nations

City of London


((up) click pic: Excerpted from American's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus

Did Austin Private Wealth do it?

Follow the money, who benefits by an assassination of President Trump? 

Go figure: Murder Incorporated

INVESTMENT FIRMhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/explosive-revelation-investment-firm-that-allegedly-put-options/  —  INSIDER TERRORISTS MAKE MILLIIONS AS CRISES UNFOLDS    https://truthout.org/articles/911-terrorists-made-millions-on-the-stock-market/ 

 If Trump had been killed these companies would have made billions.

Did Warren Buffet do it?

For news analysis & keystone cop commentary, see 'News', (here https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/news.html)

Market crash coming

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NawH8u02zkE   Aug 31, 2024 11:52 pm West Coast

Did Schumer do it? ...disingenuous

Masters of War — (printed lyrics here)

I just want you to know I can see through your masks.

(not to mention your hair implants, scalp painted with sprayed on grey & pancake sprayed on face)

And Satan entered into Chuck who was called Schumer, being of the number of the twelve. And he went away, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might deliver him unto them. And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money. And he consented, and sought opportunity to deliver him unto them in the absence of the multitude.


The Adversary puts a mask on the assassin ...ask Judas & Schumer

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's most evil of them all: Chuck Schumer ...the man who isn't there ... 
famous in Hell for lying, projection of his sin onto the innocent costing their lives, his blasphemous & heretical talk to undo the Kingdom of God

Chuck & Satan

Masters of War

And Satan entered into Judas


The Adversary puts a mask on the assassin ...ask Judas & Schumer

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's most evil of them all: Chuck Schumer ...the man who isn't there ... 
famous in Hell for lying, projection of his sin onto the innocent costing their lives, his blasphemous & heretical talk to undo the Kingdom of God

...speaking of vomit a lurid sex novel starring Upchuck Erectionist Prefectionist Genocidal Murderer Schumer & smut novel writer Leticia James


...speaking of vomit a lurid sex novel starring Upchuck Erectionist Prefectionist Genocidal Murderer Schumer & smut novel writer Leticia James

Did Nancy's Nazis do it?

What does a cold-blooded murderer look like, Nancy? ...look in the mirror  -- You too, Chuck Schumer scum of the Earth


What does a cold-blooded murderer look like, Nancy? ...look in the mirror — You too, Chuck Schumer scum of the Earth ...look in your mirror & you cast no reflection, vampire majesty spiritual leper

Did Nancy's Nazis do it? ...or Hillary's? ...or Podesta's? ...or Schiff's? ...or Raskin's? ...or Schumer's DNC's? ...or City of London's?  Pelosi clan, know what a Nazi collaborator looks like? ...look in a mirror

can you pick out the real nazis from those who hire them?

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine & the resulting cries of “We are all Ukraine,” many have been eager to downplay the proliferation of neo-Nazis in Ukrainian paramilitary groups intelligence, police, the Ukrainian armed forces & even parts of the government. As Jimmy and Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss, reports of neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not at all exaggerated, and the Zelensky government is, in fact, largely beholden to these racist, xenophobic, anti-gay groups that brag of the “fun” they get from fighting and killing.

 "Killing is fun."

Soros: Jewish Nazi-informer – stages protests, regime change, finances chaos - crashes stock & gold mkts; sells long, buys short etc. ... Elon calls out Soros

Insider traders; Braindead? – Pelosi greets Zelensky: Nazi slogans – Slava Ukraini! – Glory to Ukraine – Svaboda Ukraine!  ... This is what a Nazi collaborator looks like.

chain of fools 

Click pic for video & again for sound oligarch-owned Ukraine24-TV ... like our media is oligarch-owned. ... EVERYTHING MR. EMORY HAS BEEN SAYING ABOUT THE UKRAINE WAR IS ENCAPSULATED IN THIS VIDEO FROM UKRAINE 24 Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC). Click Here to obtain Dave’s 40+ years’ work, complete through Late Fall of 2021 (through FTR #1215). Mr. Emory has launched a new Patreon site. Visit at: Patreon.com/DaveEmory


Click pic 4 vid again to hear 

Ukraine: Pelosi, 3rd in line to U.S. presidency –  Pelosi crime family walks in Obama/Biden crime family footprints in Ukraine.  ... This is what Nazi collaborators look like.

Strange Fruit = sung by Billie Holiday c1959


Strange Fruit –sung by Billie Holiday c. 1959

Did Soros do it?

Soros on out son Alex in

Soros & son & witch Pelosi

Schumer Podesta Soros Pelosi Clinton Bill Gates Schiff ...not too much good in or around them

Hillary & George Soros raped Haiti while Bill and President GW Bush ripped off at least one billion dollars donated to help Haiti ...at night Hillary likely skanked out

Diamond Rockefeller Soros

Did CIA do it? 

Did Klaus Schwab do it?

Did suppository head up his butt do it?

Did Bill Gates do it?

Did bean-brain-corpse-breath do it?

#%ckhead Klaus Schwab City of London mouthpiece & head of World Economic Form (WEF) in Davos Switzerland calls for world dictatorship run by City of London central banker warlords

Klaus Schwab on his City of London mission to destabilize Western civilization & install central banker dictators to run the world


Did Obama do it?

Did Obama do it? ...he murdered a lot of people with drone strikes who were politically opponent ...or Bill Gates (he's slaughtered tween girls in Africa so's been 86'ed with his polio vaccines not to mention Covid)

The garbage man behind the throne

Garbage man behind the throne ... who has more money? ...Bill Gates or Barack Obama) ...you'll be surprised

Did Lindsey Graham do it? ...(while busy sucking Nazi *ick) ...hang 'em high

Did Let's Go Brandon do it?

Instant UN peacekeeper army of millions of illegals military-aged men simply by providing them uniforms & guns

Biden sniff attack on robot decoy

Did Mossad do it with IMF? 

Did Heil Netanyahu pay Hamas to do it? ...as usual ...(what's that smell?)

Did Congress do it? ...not if you don't count knowingly

Demons, anyone? ...surfacing in the halls of Congress in District of Columbia shape-shifting into blood-thirsty Congresspersons with stock in war companies getting their blood-money

Demons, anyone? ...surfacing in the halls of Congress in District of Columbia shape-shifting into blood-thirsty Congresspersons & those in the Executive, Legislative & Judicial bodies with stock portfolios in war companies getting their blood-money destroying souls

Did Tulsi do it? 

Did Tulsi do it? ...even though we love her

Tulsi criticizes Kamala & gets put on terrorist watchlist



Did Schumer & his DNC do it? ...(armed bowling pins)

Secession & Civil War If Trump Wins Say Democrats

Dem lemmings with short-term memory loss of their 2016 & 2020 stupidity and likely 2024

Dem lemmings with short-term memory loss of their 2016 & 2020 stupidity and likely 2024 with evil surprises they have in store.

Did DEI do it?

Did the DEI Secret Service Girl rent-a-cop do it? ...probably can't even spell, do it

The famous Secret Service Girl


Did the DEI Secret Service rent-a-cop who left her post to breast-feed her baby, do it? ...did her suckling baby do it?

DEI Secret Service rent-a-cop abandons her post to protect Trump because she wants to breast-feed her baby? ...talk about making the U.S. the laughing stock of the world ...good job, Soros is probably laughing himself silly


Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends,  share this info & ask yourself if you now know who to blame.

Nuclear Weather Forecast thru-out the site: Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where nuclear waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!