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11 a.m. 02-24-2024  1.28 my books & e-books


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1.28 My Books & E-Books

Click my book pics for content & how to order. Several are in inexpensive e-book editions as well as print. These books I've written & published. Except for the covers, they are in black & white. Old Rails' Tales was reviewed by the New York Times as one of the best books of the year. (I was the founding editor for the poetry anthology project, New American Underground Poetry: the babarians of san francisco – poets from hell.)

1985 - out of print; the first book including hundreds of the pioneers of AI

Click my book pics for content & how to order. Several are in inexpensive e-book editions as well as print. These books I've written & published. Except for the covers, they are in black & white. Old Rails' Tales was reviewed by the New York Times as one of the best books of the year. (I was the founding editor for the poetry anthology project, New American Underground Poetry: the babarians of san francisco – poets from hell.)

Occupy Deutshebank Financial Warfare for Dummies

Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies

Self-preservation and Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (and website) to document that prior and ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste and fallout and prior atmospheric testing and waste and fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...and is a feminist issue because women and girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...and 41,000 men, women and children a day get fatal and non-fatal cancer from accumulated and new nuclear industry radioactive waste and fallout  ...and that central bankers own the major corporations (including nuclear industry) polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature and with Environmental Personhood corporations and the central bankers that direct them are liable.

Self-preservation and Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (and website) to document that prior and ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste and fallout and prior atmospheric testing and waste and fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...and is a feminist issue because women and girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...and 41,000 men, women and children a day get fatal and non-fatal cancer from accumulated and new nuclear industry radioactive waste and fallout  ...and that central bankers own the major corporations (including nuclear industry) polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature and with Environmental Personhood corporations and the central bankers that direct them are liable.


"Kill a Banker, Win a Prize"

Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies — c/o JPMorganChase, Schroder Bank, City of London  & Wall Street

Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know 

Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia and Divine Order


Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database: 9,012 links to 25,000-to-35,000 published documentation studies & news

My Books — (Note, the following books are in b&w ...except for the covers, as shown)



1985 - out of print; the first book including hundreds of the pioneers of AI

My E-books (to-date)
Self-preservation & Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (& website) to document that prior & ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste & fallout …& prior atmospheric testing & waste & fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...& is a feminist issue because women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...& 41,000 men, women & children a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from accumulated & new nuclear industry radioactive waste & fallout  ...& that central bankers own the major corporations (including nuclear industry) polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature & with Environmental Personhood corporations & the central bankers that direct them are liable. Self-preservation & Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (& website) to document that prior & ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste & fallout …& prior atmospheric testing & waste & fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...& is a feminist issue because women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...& 41,000 men, women & children a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from accumulated & new nuclear industry radioactive waste & fallout  ...& that central bankers own the major corporations (including nuclear industry) polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature & with Environmental Personhood corporations & the central bankers that direct them are liable.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia & Divine Order 

The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know

(Free narrative sample): Chapter 12. Mammals vs. Idiots  <> PDF (cell phone or computer)  <> MS Word w/search engine & pop-ups (computer)


Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean

Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database for Citizens

Use ms word search engine to sort database by state, country, city, reactor, dump, waste, illness, fallout, radionuclide, animal, name, date, company for documentation to win arguments at home or in court.

Occupy Deutshebank Financial Warfare for Dummies

Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies


CAN YOU IMAGINE A SUPER BOWL WHERE TEAMS FIGHT TO THE DEATH? ...or, an arena where central banking teams fight to the death? 

In the NFL, 32 teams battle it out to win division titles. Division winners fight to win conference championships. Conference winners battle in the Super Bowl. One team wins the Super Bowl. 

In the 1% of the 1% warlord globalist central banks, 104 teams battle to win division titles. Division winners fight in conference championships. Conference winners battle in world wars. One team wins the war and the other 104 teams forfeit their wealth to the winning team.

New American Underground Poetry, Vol. 1: The Babarians of San Francisco - Poets from Hell New American Underground Poetry, Vol. 1: The Babarians of San Francisco - Poets from Hell New American Underground Poetry, Vol. 1: The Babarians of San Francisco - Poets from Hell New American Underground Poetry, Vol. 1: The Babarians of San Francisco - Poets from Hell


New American Underground Poetry, Vol. 1: The Babarians of San Francisco - Poets from Hell

New American Underground Poetry, Vol. 1: The Babarians of San Francisco - Poets from Hell

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About the Book

(Spring 2010) This historical novel finds President Reagan at odds with his daughter, Vice President, White House Staff and Cabinet as Ronnie and Nancy try to do the best acting of their lives to leave the White House, alive. (unabridged edition)

Our most loved and hated President after Kennedy and before Obama, Ronnie struggles to defeat the ‘Evil Empire’ and not lose his mind to Alzheimer’s dementia.

Can he still trust Bill Casey and George Bush, George Shultz, Selwa Roosevelt and Mike Deaver? Can Ronnie find out who's pulling his strings?

A fervent anti-Communist and Nazi hater praised by his wife Nancy and ultra-conservatives, groomed by Bechtel Corporation since 1950 and sold StarWars by Dick Cheney and Paul Nitze during the most scandal-ridden presidency in American history, daughter Patti, college students and flower children despised Reagan for supporting the Vietnam War and Contra death squads and felt the Reagan-Bush Administration was run by Nazis.

As it turns out, it was.

This historical novel documents the foreign policy, national security and monetary policies of the Reagan-Bush Administration were run by Nazis thru the life of character Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s chief of Foreign Armies East intelligence, whom Dulles hired to run and train CIA as Freikorps Nazi deathsquad torturers, terrorists and assassins who then trained the Contras ...that Gehlen was later handled by Bill Casey (Ronnie's campaign manager) then George Bush (Ronnie's vice president) to fight, exaggerate and invent the Cold War in order to capture the Russian Baku oil fields.

Based on autobiographies of the Reagan family, Cabinet, and White House Staff, the 650-page book includes a 250-page epilog of documentation and a 50-pg researchers' index, footnotes, and an extensive appendix including charts from: Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency & Housing, House of

of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2d session, Aug. 1976 -- Federal Reserve Directors, a Study of Corporate & Banking Influence.

The charts trace from 1913 to present the family dynasties of the private owners and interlocking directorate of the Federal Reserve Bank and other G-8 central banks (the World Order and New World Order) whom Bill Casey, George Shultz, the Bushes, bin Ladens, Thyssens, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Browns, Harrimans and Reinhard Gehlen worked for and against whose family ancestors the American Revolution was fought and whose family decendents today continue to dominate the financial, political, economic, and bailout and foreclosure landscape with financial terrorism.

Additionally, the historical novel follows the family dynasties of the private owners of the interlocking directorate of the Fed/G8 including Bank of England and Bundesbank and other central banks involved in the American Revolution of 1776, the American Civil War, the depressions in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the founding of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank in 1913, WWI, the financing of the Bolshevik party from New York and thru Ruskombank which supplied U.S. technology and weapons and military vehicles to communist Russia who supplied them to the Viet Cong to kill Americans.

Appendices also document the previously hypothesized money-issuing class that prints and owns our money that rules the upper class, middle class, working class, and unemployed classes.

The appendix also includes documentation of the Clinton-era involvement with HUD corruption when Bill was Governor and Hillary was a HUD attorney. HUD sold billions of dollars of foreclosed properties in East L.A. at ten cents on the dollar to the Fed-founded Dillion-Read bank.

Ronnie was advised about the marriage of the oil and illegal drug industries, and the case by the European Union and Central and South American countries against Reynolds Tobacco for laundering heroin and cocaine profits with Camel Cigarettes.

About the Book

(Spring 2010) This historical novel finds President Reagan and First Lady Nancy trying to do the best acting of their lives to leave the White House, alive. (abridged edition)

Our most loved and hated President after Kennedy and before Obama, Ronnie struggles to defeat the ‘Evil Empire’ and not lose his mind to Alzheimer’s dementia.

Can he still trust Bill Casey and George Bush, George Shultz, Selwa Roosevelt and Mike Deaver? Can Ronnie find out who's pulling his strings?

A fervent anti-Communist and Nazi hater praised by his wife Nancy and ultra-conservatives, groomed by Bechtel Corporation since 1950 and sold StarWars by Dick Cheney and Paul Nitze during the most scandal-ridden presidency in American history, daughter Patti, college students and flower children despised Reagan for supporting the Vietnam War and Contra death squads and felt the Reagan-Bush Administration was run by Nazis.

As it turns out, it was.

This historical novel documents the foreign policy, national security and monetary policies of the Reagan-Bush Administration were run by Nazis thru the life of character Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s chief of Foreign Armies East intelligence, whom Dulles hired to run and train CIA as Freikorps Nazi deathsquad torturers, terrorists and assassins who then trained the Contras ...that Gehlen was later handled by Bill Casey (Ronnie's campaign manager)

then George Bush (Ronnie's vice president and former DCIA) to fight, exaggerate and invent the Cold War in order to capture the Russian Baku oil fields.

And, the unabridged edition goes on to document thar the City of London/Fed/CIA/Bank of England/MI-6/7 financed (and implied ongoing financing) of the Moslem Brotherhood (also known as Al Queda, Muhajadin, Hezbollah, Hamas and Arab Nazis) at the bequest of the private owners (the interlocking directorate) of the Fed/G8. The unabridged edition goes on to document how the Fed today, through the companies they direct and/or directed, such as Enron and all the major banks and oil companies, Halliburton, Bechtel, Brown & Root, Blackwater, continue to hire narcoterrorists to protect Fed & G8 directed oil pipelines and heroin and weapons trafficking markets. (Note, much of all the documentation mentioned above, is in the unabridged edition.)

Based on autobiographies of the Reagan family, Cabinet, and White House Staff, the book includes charts from: Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency & Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2d session, Aug. 1976 -- Federal Reserve Directors, a Study of Corporate & Banking Influence. This series of charts documents the private owners of the Fed and the companies they direct, and the study in the unabridged edition has the conclusion of the House of Representatives, which states: "In summary, the Federal Reserve directors are apparently representatives of a small elite group that dominates much of the economic life of this nation."


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Worldwide with a focus on you & locations of every nuclear reactor & dump since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer 

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center has not been funded at this time. If-&-when it is, enrollment membership information for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

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